‘Big Brother 20’ Results: Did Kaitlyn Win The Bonus Life Challenge?

Kaitlyn faces Bonus Life challenge

Bonus Life mania hit the Big Brother 20 house tonight after the Houseguests revealed their decision and voted Kaitlyn out the door, but that wasn’t the end of her story just yet. Or was it?

Thanks to Sam’s unused BB Power App this week’s evictee had a “chance” to get back in the game after she was evicted. That meant after Julie Chen revealed the vote Kaitlyn, who lost out on a 9-1 vote, was sent to Old Paris upstairs where she’d face a preschool level puzzle, a figure of herself, consisting of what looked to be less than ten pieces. Her challenge was to take it apart and then put it back together. Seriously.

Julie announced Kaitlyn would have 150 seconds to complete the challenge and the clock went hot. Kaitlyn raced through the disassembly and tossed the pieces through a small slot to the other side, “inside the house.” Now the real challenge was on: putting it back together.

Kaitlyn struggled with the pedestal stand for the puzzle so she dropped it to the ground, very Survivor-ish, and then finished it there. That wasn’t good enough. Kaitlyn had to redo the puzzle vertically and then hit the buzzer. She was nearly there… and then she wasn’t. Time ran out and the puzzle pieces collapsed. Kaitlyn failed.

Gallery: Bonus Life Challenge

At that point, Julie Chen told Kaitlyn she had a walk of shame ahead as she had to head back out of the room, walk past the HGs who just ended her game, and march out the front door. Ouch. Few hugs and then out the door for her eviction interview with Julie where she felt more shame for discovering that neither Tyler nor Faysal had voted to keep her. That solo vote was JC. Ouch again.

What do you think of these results? Are you happy to see Kaitlyn back or were you hoping she’d be evicted and never get a shot at returning to the game?



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