Big Brother 20 Eviction Prediction: Who Is Going Home Week 4?

I’m going to be honest, I don’t think I know who is getting evicted from the Big Brother 20 house tonight. For a week that could end null and void, this has been one of the most back-and-forth votes I can remember.

So is it going to be Kaitlyn or Rockstar who will walk out the door and get the chance to re-enter the game? It looks like it will be Kaitlyn (maybe), but things could change again as they have all week.

When Sam named Rockstar as the replacement nominee, her intentions were for Kaitlyn to go. So that’s what she wants, even though she acts like it doesn’t matter. One thing Sam has made clear, though, is that she doesn’t want to break the tie. And if there is a tie, she’s said she’ll put two colored dots in a cup and draw one out to decide. But she also told Tyler she’d make the dots the same color so that she can be sure Kaitlyn is the one to go.

So that’s what Sam wants. Tyler, however, wants the opposite, of course. The Level 6 people have agreed with Tyler most of the week, but on Wednesday afternoon, Angela decided to wake up  and start playing the game and decided that Kaitlyn needs to go. She and Kaycee then convinced Brett and eventually Rachel and Tyler. And then they went to Bayleigh. So it was looking like the vote would be 10-0 to evict Kaitlyn.

But there was still a lot of time left in the day and they aren’t allowed outside, so people had plenty of time to think and change their minds again. First to go back yet again was Brett, because Tyler was in his ear. And then they both convinced Kaycee to flip back which lead to Rachel saying whatever, she’ll do what they tell her to do but she’s not talking about it anymore.

After Tyler leaves, Brett and Kaycee decide that if they keep Kaitlyn this week they could lose Bayliegh, Sam and JC and then they’ll be outnumbered. They decide that they have to keep Rockstar. Brett says they know what they need to do but they keep trying to convince themselves otherwise. Kaycee says yes, they’re overthinking it.

Thought the night Wednesday, everyone seems to solidify that Kaitlyn will be evicted. Cut to Thursday morning and Rachel tells Tyler that it’s a done deal and Kaitlyn is going. A little later Rachel also tells Rockstar that she is good and that she trusts her. Rockstar thanks her.

Of course there’s still a lot of time left in the day, but right now it seems like Kaitlyn will be walking out the door.

Definitely voting to evict Kaitlyn: JC, Haleigh, Faysal, Scottie.

Probably voting to evict Kaitlyn: Bayleigh, Brett, Angela, Kaycee and Tyler.

There’s a possibility Tyler still votes to keep Kaitlyn because he knows she might walk back in the door. But 9-1 will still be a pretty shocking vote to her.

Who do you think will actually be evicted tonight?



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