‘Big Brother 20’ Popularity Poll – Week 11

Big Brother 20 cast poolside

Big Brother 20 has moved into its final month but continued to deliver great drama and fun HGs who pulling through for Team Feeds. It’s making for interesting shifts in popularity and we want your votes to see where it’s going next. It’s time for our latest installment of the BBN Popularity Poll so be sure to support your favs every day all week!

I’ll continue to post a new poll every week and then the following week we’ll compare the results to the week before to see who may be winning over new fans or losing the support of their old ones for the BB20 season. You can check out the results from last week’s poll down below at the bottom.

Who is your favorite Big Brother Houseguest this week? You can use whatever justification you want so there’s no wrong answer. Cast your vote in our poll below and check back later to see how they all stack up against each other. If you don’t see the poll, try this link to refresh.

Results from last week kept Tyler solidly on top of the rankings with just over half the total votes and leaving second place so far behind at 13% that I can’t imagine Tyler won’t win AFP. Now that Grodner has confirmed even the F2 are eligible for AFP I would be shocked if he didn’t take the bonus prize money there.

Right behind Tyler we’ve got Haleigh who is making her first appearance in the second spot just before her exit here this week on the way to Jury. She displaces Brett who had enjoyed a short but solid run in second place himself. He’s followed by Kaycee who climbed nicely in recent weeks as viewers may be waking up to her game as she continues to win Veto and play a big part in giving L6 control and influence over the final decisions.

Angela continues to hover in the middle of the pack while Sam drops again and again but stays ahead of the recently departed Scottie and the lowest active HG, JC.

For the evicted HGs we finally saw Steve jump back out of last place and RS return to where she started in last place. All those bottom spots are separated by just a few votes so it’s very close between Steve, Kaitlyn, and RS.

See the full results from this entire season of our weekly popularity polls:

Popularity Poll in Week 10 of Big Brother 20



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