Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 11: Monday Highlights

As the double eviction approaches, the Big Brother 20 houseguests, Level 6 and JC in particular, are growing more paranoid and nervous about the inevitable: turning on each other. According to make of the day’s conversations, it’s starting to look like it’ll be Angela and Kaycee vs. JC and Brett with Tyler right in the middle of both.

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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Monday, September 10, 2018:

    9:45 AM BBT – HGs are starting to get up for the day.

    10:45 AM BBT – Tyler and Angela chatting. She had a dream that JC called them out for their showmance. Tyler jokes it might not have been a dream.

    10:57 AM BBT – Veto ceremony has begun.

    11:46 AM BBT – Veto ceremony is over. Kaycee did not use the Veto.

    12:00 PM BBT – Tyler talks with Sam and tells her not to worry. He promises her his vote and she’ll be okay.

    1:00 PM BBT – HGs are lounging around the backyard and pool relaxing.

    1:45 PM BBT – HGs talking about getting tattoos. Tyler joking that he got one on his behind. Maybe not a joke.

    2:27 PM BBT – Tyler and Brett discuss their chances at pulling off safety and getting to F4 together. They’re planning for one of them to win Veto and control the eviction with the sole vote.

    2:30 PM BBT _ Brett and Tyler discuss whether or not Kaitlyn wanted to complete that simple puzzle and return to the game. Brett doesn’t think Kaitlyn wanted to succeed but Tyler thinks she did. Brett says she obviously quit in the middle of it.

    2:35 PM BBT – Kaycee mentions to Tyler how Brett is annoying her.

    5:25 PM BBT – Tyler and Kaycee discuss going over the days and events to be ready for that comp. Tyler says he hasn’t been studying with Brett anymore. They go over how Angela and Brett are probably hoping they (Tyler and Kaycee) will take one of them to the end.

    5:30 PM BBT – Kaycee tells Tyler that she’s happy she found someone to trust in the game.

    7:00 PM BBT – Brett jokes around with Haleigh that she looks good enough for him to try and pick her up at a bar.

    7:25 PM BBT – Kaycee mentions to Brett that JC seems to be obsessed with him. Brett thinks JC is upset with him for not sharing a bed recently.

    8:28 PM BBT – Tyler says Haleigh has to go. Kaycee says she will go and it’ll be 4-0.

    8:30 PM BBT – Tyler and Kaycee talking about how they picked off the other side of the house one by one once jury started.

    8:31 PM BBT – Brett and JC discuss what Sam would do if she won HOH. Brett says he’s not totally sure but thinks she’d target Angela.

    8:32 PM BBT – Kaycee tells Tyler she can’t wait to tell JC about Level 6. Tyler says JC is going to be so mad, especially at him since he’s lied to him so much.

    8:35 PM BBT – Brett tells JC that he thought he (Brett) was going to be the replacement nominee today. Brett says that would have been a good move on Kaycee’s part.

    8:37 PM BBT – Tyler tells Angela and Kaycee that he thinks JC is going to try to pull something on them. Angela says she feels like he’s already plotting. Tyler says JC is probably trying to make Brett his new Faysal.

    8:38 PM BBT – JC tells Brett that Angela is the one they have to be most worried about winning HOH Thursday night if it’s a double eviction.

    8:45 PM BBT – JC is still panicking over Angela winning the double eviction HOH. He says they won’t have any time to campaign or make moves. Brett says they just have to make sure she doesn’t win.

    9:53 PM BBT – Kaycee and Tyler are talking about JC. She asks if JC has tried to make a final two with him. Tyler says he acts like he owes him that when he tells Tyler all the things he has done for Tyler in the game. Kaycee says she thinks JC underestimates Tyler. He agrees and says it makes him mad. Tyler tells Kaycee that JC says stuff about her and Angela and it makes him mad.

    9:55 PM BBT – Tyler reveals to Kaycee that JC has said he’d put up Angela and Sam if he wins but had previously wanted to put up Kaycee and Angela together. Kaycee says she’s not worried about JC because he and Sam are next to go after Haleigh and it’ll be the final four she wants.

    10:50 PM BBT – Haleigh admits to Brett she knows she’s probably going to be the one evicted as she mentions no one has told her she’s the pawn and she doesn’t see the chance at getting three votes.

    11:20 PM BBT – Tyler teases Angela about his supposed tattoo, whether it’s real and what it says.

    12:15 AM BBT – HGs are starting to go to bed.

    1:20 AM BBT – Brett and Tyler are up and in the backyard. Haleigh discusses the obvious Tyler and Angela situation. She warns Brett that Tyler, Kaycee, and Angela is a powerful threesome.

    1:30 AM BBT – Haleigh says she’s playing dumb to Angela about her with Tyler but she sees what’s going on.

    1:45 AM BBT – Haleigh thinks she could be Kaycee’s person so she’s going to try and get close with her.

    1:50 AM BBT – Haleigh blames Swaggy for drawing the lines too soon and messing up their game.

    1:55 AM BBT – Haleigh wonders if maybe Sam really is the target and she’ll be fine.

    2:10 AM BBT – Haleigh says she’d vote for Tyler over Kaycee but Kaycee over Angela in a F2 situation.

    2:15 AM BBT – Haleigh advises Brett to try and work with Tyler if she (H) is the one to go because Tyler told her he was low in that group.

    2:45 AM BBT – Brett tells Haleigh that he’s still upset that he didn’t get a power app.

    2:50 AM BBT – JC comes by and tells Brett and Haleigh that he’s going to bed then jokes they can keep doing their showmance thing.

    3:30 AM BBT – Brett and Haleigh are still hanging out on the couches in the backyard. Everyone else is asleep.

Another quiet day as the target is set on Haleigh who still thinks she has a chance. She doesn’t. Couple more quiet days then Thursday should pick back up again thanks to the Double Eviction that HGs anticipate given the lack of one so far this season. Good times ahead.

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