Big Brother 20 Double Eviction Scenarios: Who Will Be Evicted?

It’s Big Brother 20 Double Eviction Week and with only six houseguests left at the time, there’s only so many ways it can go. So let’s take a look and the most-likely scenarios.

First of all, we have to know who is getting evicted first, Haleigh or Sam. Let’s be real, it’s Haleigh. There’s no way she, or even JC, can flip that vote this week. So that leaves the final 6: Tyler, Kaycee, Sam, Brett, Angela and JC. And since Kaycee, can’t win HOH, we have five different possibilities. I’ll break down each.

Angela Wins HOH

Nominations: They will 100 percent be Sam and JC.

Veto: If either nominee wins, Brett will be the replacement. If anyone else wins, it’s doubtful they’ll use it.

The Vote: If the final nominees are Sam and JC, I think JC goes. Sam has annoyed everyone, but Kaycee and Angela will push for Tyler to clip the troublemaker. If it’s Brett and either other nominee, Brett stays.

Tyler Wins HOH

Nominations: They will probably be Sam and JC. It will be hard for Tyler to make this call as he has final 2 deals with everyone but Angela.

Veto: If either nominee wins, Brett will be the replacement. If anyone else wins, it’s doubtful they’ll use it.

The Vote: If the final nominees are Sam and JC, I think JC goes. Sam scenario as Angela’s HOH.

Sam Wins HOH

Nominations: I’d first say she’ll nominate Angela and someone. But if Tyler gets to her, it might be Brett and JC. Sam is a tough one. I don’t know if we can really call this one.

Veto: Who knows.

The Vote: I think Tyler won’t go in any Sam HOH scenario. Or Kaycee. But everyone else is at risk. I think Angela is at the most risk here.


Nominations: Angela and Sam (though he’ll be tempted to do Angela and Kaycee)

Veto: Depending on his initial noms, Kaycee or Sam would be the replacement.

The Vote: Angela or Kaycee vs Sam, Sam would go. Angela vs. Kaycee, Angela would go. That’s why I think he’ll go for Angela and Kaycee together. If Brett is somehow the replacement nominee.

Brett Wins HOH

Nominations: Angela and Kaycee (unless he chickens out and then we get the Angela/Tyler HOH scenario)

Veto: Sam would be the replacement

The Vote: Angela v Kaycee, Angela goes. If Sam is the replacement, she goes. And again, if Brett chickens out, we get the sceernario where JC could be evicted.

OK, this got a little confusing and could obviously go several different ways, but those are the most-likely scenarios. It seems the two houseguests most at risk of leaving in the second eviction of the night are Angela and JC. Sam is the third most-likely to go, making Tyler and Kaycee are most likely to survive. Again, this isn’t science or anything, so anything can obviously happen, but I think we have a few good looks at how it could play out.

How do you think the Big Brother 20 double eviction will end up this week?



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