Adam Poch’s Big Brother 20 Player Rankings – Finale Week

Adam Poch on Big Brother

What a long strange trip its been! Big Brother 20 is everything we love about Big Brother and so much more. We had blindsides, we had showmances, we had manipulation, we had comp beasts, we had a girl that made flowers out of dryer lint. We had it all – and after 99 days, we come to the final night.

By now you know its Tyler vs Kaycee in the final HoH – and 99.99% chance it will be Tyler vs. Kaycee for the win. I personally think Kaycee has it locked up, but the last 2 years, I was convinced if Paul was in the final 2 seats – he was going to win, so go to Vegas and put it all on Tyler!

For my season finale rankings, I am going to do something a little different. Instead of ranking the players, I am going to rank myself based on my preseason predictions. You can read the whole rankings per player here – – I will just give highlights (or lowlights). Let’s see if I get Bacon or Tofu for each. We will go in the order of evictions:

Steve Arienta – 2 strips of Tofu. I was mostly right about him not being able to blend in & being annoying with his stories while people pretending to think he’s funny – but I also predicted he’d be the first juror. He never really stood a chance with this crew. Isolating himself with Scottie the first week – and never really fighting for votes vs a robot.

Swaggy C – 3 strips of Tofu. I was high on Chris preseason – and swore I would not refer to him as Swaggy – but here I am drinking the juice. I correctly predicted he’d be good at comps – but sadly him winning the first 2 gave his over-inflated ego a much bigger boost! That was his downfall – and what I considered a lock for Final 6 – ended up going home week 2. He did give us some great shock-a-face week 1. Similar to Eric (aka Cappy) from S6 – avenging his eviction was all his allies wanted to do. Unlike Cappy, Swaggy’s alliance were some of the worst players in BB history!

Winston Hines (and by association Brett) – 2 strips of Bacon – I knew these 2 would bro up instantly. It was pretty obvious – but they were thick as thieves from the jump. I also predicted one of them could be evicted early because they were too obnoxious. In my own head though – I mixed them up. I was convinced Brett was going to be the early boot for being a complete douche-bag. He was a funny douche-bag – while it was Winston that came off too cool for everyone else and that made him the easy boot by his own alliance. I was almost correct that one of them was going to make Final 4 – and if Brett did not open his mouth about going against Tyler’s girls – he would have. They may not be in the same vein of The Hitmen, The Renegades, or Chilltown – but they will be remembered as The Bros for seasons to come.

Kaitlyn Herman – 2 strips of Tofu – for the first few minutes of BB20 – I was so glad I was Team Kaitlyn preseason. I really wanted her to do well, and I thought for sure she’d be a good manipulator. Unfortunately – she became all boy crazy – and her power to get people to do what she wanted flew away like Grandpa Lou over the CBS lot. She was one of the best / unique characters we had on the season – and she made waves inside & outside the house. I predicted she’d make it to mid jury, the producers predicted she’d be able to put together a six-piece puzzle. We were both wrong!

Rachel Swindler – 4 strips of Tofu – I had a lot of right in my preseason prediction – she was hated by most, she was evicted pre-jury – and… that was about it. I thought she would be in a showmance, that never happened, I thought she’d win some comps, never happened, and I thought she would be a target all game and possibly end up the winner… never happened!! She did leave a mark on this season however – her “eviction stomp” out the door was almost as good as Cody walking across the coffee table last year.

Bayleigh Dayton – 4 strips of Bacon – when I said her mouth would get her in trouble, I never predicted she would tell her enemy, the person she nominated, that she had a secret power. When I said her I expect major fireworks from her, I never predicted she’d yell so loud and violently that she would end up literally spitting blood! I did predict she would be on the wrong side of the votes early and giving an eviction interview earlier than most. She could have been a much better player had she just kept her mouth shut. But she will walk out of the house and give us another shock face when Swaggy gets down on his knee to propose. (Spoiler?)

Rockstar – 5 strips of Bacon – I nailed this one… nailed it! This is what I said – I would love to party with Angie – but not sure if she has the skillset to win the game. She will get carried along the game and be the classic “not gonna waste an HoH on her” until they have to. Jury guarantee, but I think her greatest asset will be her accidental comedy on the CBS show.

Faysal Shafaat – 1 strip of Bacon – I correctly predicted he’d have a girl in his bed, and he was part of not one but of the craziest love triangles in BB history. He was in the middle of the Tyler / Kaitlyn / Fessy one, as well as the Haleigh, Fessy, Kaitlyn one. I also thought he’d possibly throw his game away for a girl, which he did. He was a warrior early by winning a couple of Vetos, but also absolutely destroyed the Slip n Slide HoH competition. I thought he’d be final 6 – but he fell short of that – and his aforementioned HoH was probably the worst of the season!

Scottie Salton – 2 strips of Bacon – he was not afraid to make the big move when he was HoH by not getting bullied and sticking true to his intention by nominating The Bros. But he also made a bad move by voting out Swaggy while wearing his shirt. That move did blow up in his face and he was an early juror, then won his way back in, only to go right back to the jury house. That vote is what set him up as the easy patsy whenever there was a hinky vote – and he got blamed for way more than he did. But you never fall for another man’s girl in the BB house… AND TELL HIM ABOUT IT!!!!

Haleigh Broucher – 1 strip of Bacon – despite correctly predicting she would end up in a showmance, I was pretty sure she would not last long. But she was an overplayer, and just like the rest of her alliance, made a horrible move (wasting her Hacker power) and ended up with a world of “what if’s” running through her head. What if she never came clean about the hacker win, what if she fought harder to get Fessy to not put up Scottie, what if she won a Veto any of the 3 weeks she was on the block, what if she did not have an HoH that sent her ally home?

Sam Bledsoe – 5 strips of Bacon – just like Rockstar – my preseason predictions were 100% spot on. Not an overplayer – heck, she was barely even a player. The shoulder to cry on – how many people did she comfort all season??? An emotional player who did what the house wanted (and by the house, I mean Tyler) and ended up mid juror. It’s been said all over the place all season – we have NEVER seen a player like Sam before. Her hot/cold switch would flip when you least expected it. Her face when she came back into the house after the Hide & Seek Veto was one of my favorite moments of the whole season.

Angela Rummans – 2 strips of Tofu – while I was right about her making it to F6 – I was completely wrong how she’d do it. I thought she’d form an all-girls alliance, instead, she was pulled into the power alliance, and never really called the shots – but she would take all the shots and had so much blood on her hands (about as much as Bayleigh had in her mouth). Her late-blooming showmance with Tyler was not one of the more memorable ones in BB history. Tangela is no Brenchal, or Jeff/Jordan, or Jody, or even a McCranda. Will they be able to take it next level outside the house? Perhaps, but… if Tyler wins, and Angela stays with him, she will have some questioning if she’s doing it for the money.

for the Final 3 – I will put them in the order I think they will finish:

JC Mounduix – 2 strips of Tofu – I nailed it when I said JC would be annoying to everyone out here – I was just wrong thinking he would be out here annoying us. Behind the pervy, foul-mouthed, evil persona – there was actually a pretty decent game player. He was a great manipulator of Fessy – giving Fes & his side of the house bad info that left them stunned every Thursday – and they never really caught on, until it was too late. However – his great idea to turn the house on Angela & Kaycee happened when it was too late and he did not have the numbers. That did get Brett out the house before him – and he threw a wrench in L6/5/4/3/2 plans to make it to the Final 3 together by winning the random F4 HoH.

Tyler Crispen – 4 strips of Bacon – It turned out he did not pick up steam as the season went on – he started the game on hyperdrive – and kept the pedal to the metal all season. I thought he’d be in the F4 – and he now stands a good chance to win it all. He may have made a couple bad moves or had some horrible jury management – but you cannot say this kid did not play his heart out all season long. Unfortunately, his heart may be what costs him the game.

Kaycee Clark – 3 strips of Tofu – this girl is poised to win the game, and I had her as a pre-jury flop who could possibly win A veto… no one saw her winning 5 of 6 vetoes in a row, The question is – did she do enough to win. Her social game was on point, and despite the one minor flare-up with Rockstar – she never really lost her cool. I do not think anyone would be mad if she wins (well, except the die-hard Tyler fans) – but if she does, it will be more about a vote AGAINST Tyler than a vote FOR Kaycee. This is the new generation of Big Brother – where people are voting more personal and Kaycee knows this – which is why she always stayed tight with people before not using her Vetoes on them, and then voting them out.

There ya have it boys & girls – the last Bacon/Tofu Rankings for BB20. I want to thank everyone reading this right now if it was your first season reading, welcome aboard. For those of you old timers – THANK YOU for your support all these years. Also have to give a shoutout to Chris D – aka @PupRiku on Twitter for keeping the weekly stats chart. And most of all – thank you Matt at Big Brother Network, giving a home to my column for the last 4 seasons. You do all of us such a great service all season – helping us fill in the blanks if we missed anything, or reminding us of some of the great moments each & every week of the season. (My contract is up – so you think I am doing enough ass kissing to be asked back for #BB21???)

My final question of the week – who are you rooting for to win BB20 & who do you hope is America’s Favorite Player?

From outside the Big Brother House, I’m Adam Poch. See you in June 2019!

Follow Adam Poch on Twitter: & you can listen to him weekly on the Big Brothers Podcast – follow them at @BigBrothersPod

Also – if you are in the NYC area – join Adam at the Bacon & Beer Classic at USTA Tennis Center on September 29th. Visit for more info – and use the code BACONMINISTER to save 15% off any ticket.



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