Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 9: Friday Night Highlights

It’s a week too late, but Haleigh and Faysal have finally realized they made a bad move last week in the Big Brother house.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, August 24, 2018:

    6:01 PM BBT – Feeds return. Nominations are over. Faysal and Haleigh are on the Block.

    6:03 PM BBT – Angela tells Tyler she was very nervous about doing that. He says it was a great speech. Tyler doesn’t think Faysal was expecting that to happen.

    6:10 PM BBT – Faysal says to Haleigh that he didn’t see this coming, but she says she did. She hopes one of them can get off the Block. Haleigh is sure she is the target. (Faysal is the target.)

    6:20 PM BBT – Kaycee, Angela, and Tyler discuss how Haleigh is a big fan of the show but doesn’t know how to play and doesn’t know how to not be obviously fake. They all noticed how she was following Angela around all day. Tyler wonders if he should play dumb to Faysal and Haleigh.

    6:22 PM BBT – HOH crew plans that if Faysal saves himself then Sam is the renom and Haleigh still goes.

    6:30 PM BBT – JC calms Faysal and says he doesn’t think Faysal is the target. Faysal disagrees and says he’s the much bigger threat so he’ll go.

    6:40 PM BBT – Haleigh is sure she’s the real target and assures Faysal he is only on the Block because she’s his #1. She also thinks JC knew but Faysal says JC told him he thought it’d be Haleigh and Sam.

    6:42 PM BBT – Faysal realizes that one of them is going either way. Haleigh agrees.

    6:45 PM BBT – Haleigh points out they used Faysal’s HOH to get out someone against them and now are getting out another of their targets this week too. Faysal isn’t worried about losing the game, he just doesn’t want them to be separated.

    6:47 PM BBT – Faysal is sure he’s the target over Haleigh, but she strongly disagrees.

    6:52 PM BBT – Haleigh predicts they’ll both go in a row then the trio of Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee will pick off Sam, JC, and Brett.

    6:55 PM BBT – JC tries to make Haleigh feel better and says there is still the Veto so they could both stay.

    7:02 PM BBT – Kaycee wonders if Faysal would save Haleigh if he wins Veto. JC thinks he might.

    7:35 PM BBT – Haleigh continues to push on Faysal that she’s the target, not him. Faysal hopes they can swing Brett to their side then if one of them is down they can get Brett and JC to vote along with them and save the other.

    7:37 PM BBT – Faysal admits they’ve played poorly. He points out RS went out under Haleigh’s HOH and he got out Scottie. Faysal says they should have kept Scottie.

    7:43 PM BBT – Faysal said he is going to look like such an idiot because of the deal they made with Tyler and Angela.

    8:15 PM BBT – JC told Level 6 that Faysal will pick him to play in the veto and Haleigh said she would probably pick Brett.

    8:24 PM BBT – Haleigh says she thinks she’s the worst player in Big Brother history. She said people will probably boo her. She said she should never have come out as the Hacker and then her HOH week would have gone differently. She said she would have put up Sam and Brett.

    8:25 PM BBT – Faysal tells Haleigh that if they get evicted at least they get to be bitter jurors. Haleigh said she’s really bitter. They agree they’d vote Kaycee to win over anyone.

    8:35 PM BBT – Faysal says he thought he was genius to put Scottie up but now he looks like an idiot. Haleigh says if Scottie wins the Battle Back, Faysal will have him (if Haleigh gets evicted). Faysal asks if he’d really have Scottie.

    8:38 PM BBT – Faysal says Tyler is untouchable and is in a really good spot. Faysal and Haleigh wonder if Tyler and Angela like each other.

    8:42 PM BBT – Haleigh says she thinks Angela wanted to honor their deal but maybe Faysal pushed too hard today and changed her mind.

    8:46 PM BBT – Faysal jokingly talks to the camera going over how every time they were in power, an ally went home. He even says when he won HOH he sent home their last alliance member. Haleigh says they need to find another game to play because they suck at this one.

    9:40 PM BBT – Faysal and Haleigh agree that Angela can’t win. They believe the best she could do is to get second because she’s not trying to repair things with anyone.

    9:55 PM BBT – JC working again on Brett for him to get closer to Angela. Brett suspects Angela is closer with Kaycee and Tyler. JC says Brett can pull her over to make sure they have her vote. JC encourages Brett that Angela has a small crush on him so he needs to put that to use.

    10:00 PM BBT – Brett tells JC he’s worried about his chances once it’s down to just the five of them (after Haleigh, Faysal, and Sam are gone).

    10:35 PM BBT – Faysal boasts to JC that no one would beat him in the Veto comp. JC reminds Faysal that RS beat him and he only got fourth place in OTEV.

    10:50 PM BBT – Tyler and JC discuss if Angela and Kaycee have a F2. They both suspect they might. JC wants to make sure he won’t be the renom if Faysal comes down. Tyler is sure he won’t. JC suggests he could control Faysal and keep him for them if he stays.

    11:15 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Faysal it’s mostly her fault for digging the hole they’re in now, but he’s the one that kicked them into it. Faysal says he only cares about her in this game. Haleigh reminds him he needs to care more about winning and less about her.

    11:35 PM BBT – Brett laughs about Kaitlyn telling him how metaphysical practitioners were going to hate him for his speech joke.

    11:55 PM BBT – Brett, Angela, and Kaycee talk about what they could do after the season. They want to travel and do something different.

    12:00 AM BBT – Kaycee is feeling confident that Faysal will be going this week. They start talking about the next evictions. Brett reminds them to not get ahead of themselves on this.

    12:15 AM BBT – L6 chatting in HOH room. Brett tells them about his job back home as a cybersecurity engineer.

    12:45 AM BBT – Tyler admits to the group that he was on TKO before this season.

    1:15 AM BBT – Tyler tells Sam there was a possibility that she was going up on the Block today but he wouldn’t let that happen. He explains that Faysal and Haleigh tried to get her on the Block this week. Tyler tells her the plan is to win the Veto and keep noms the same.

    2:30 AM BBT – HGs are in bed.

Faysal and Haleigh are in a tough spot and it looks pretty solid that one of them will be voted out next but with this Battle Back on Thursday whoever goes could be coming right back in for practically a reset week of Big Brother 20.

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