‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Week 9 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nomination spoilers are in for this week of Big Brother 20 as L6 towers over Hive with their numbers advantage and look to control another week this season.

Faysal and Haleigh made a decent push today to keep Haleigh from going up as a pawn against Sam but that wasn’t the real plan. It never was. Just imagine the reactions we’ll see on Sunday’s episode.

Big Brother 20 Week 9 Nominations:

  • Angela nominated: Faysal & Haleigh

Now that we’ve got the last of The Hive together on the Block which means one of them will in all likelihood head out to the Jury Battle Back on Thursday. Angela had considered just putting Haleigh up but then knew Faysal could save her and both survive the week.

Imagine that coupled with another Hive member coming back thanks to the Battle Back. They’d go from potentially 1 Hive left to 3 of them! Not going to happen anymore, but someone will be coming back anyway. This should be interesting.

The Veto comp is coming up on Saturday and just imagine if Faysal wins. Would he save himself or Haleigh? Fingers crossed for maximum Feeds drama!

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