Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother

We’re back with our Big Brother 20 spoilers for the PoV from the Live Feeds and here are the latest results. The Veto competition is over and now we’re ready to see who could end up as this week’s final nominees for the first eviction of the season.

It was a long comp with Feeds down for nearly three and a half hours, but it seemed like it might run longer. Earlier the HGs drew numbers which is often used for individual rounds, but luckily for us it wasn’t that long of a comp and now our wait is over with the results in hand.

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results:

  • Faysal won the Power of Veto!

As we’re hearing it, Houseguests had to taste items and get shocked. I have no idea. Sam is frustrated because it seems like maybe she was close to winning, but, spoilers, remember that she’s safe with her Power App win this week. Sam is the top target for the majority of votes, but someone is going to need a new plan.

Faysal celebrated his PoV win with Kaitlyn in the Storage room before telling JC that he doesn’t plan to use the Veto. They want to keep the noms as they are and that’s up to Faysal this week.

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