Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 4: Monday Daytime Highlights

Kaitlyn cries on BB20

It’s been another insane day in the Big Brother 20 house as Faysal had to make a choice between using the veto on Kaitlyn and Haleigh, and he made the choice that resulted in the photo above. So read on for all of the fallout following the decision, including Sam’s choice for the replacement nominee, who also found herself in tears.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, July 23, 2018:

    9:30 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.

    10:10 AM BBT – Sam tells Bayleigh she’s feeling anxious and wants to get this meeting over.

    11:00 AM BBT – HGs continue to lounge in bed.

    11:30 AM BBT – Feeds cut for the meeting.

    12:41 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Kaitlyn is in tears with Faysal in the Lounge. Sam is explaining her Bonus Life.

    12:45 PM BBT – Sam explains her Bonus Life to Angie so she knows what could happen on Thursday.

    12:50 PM BBT – Sam is crying in the kitchen that she tried to do the right thing and doesn’t want anyone to leave. She says she almost used it on Winston.

    1:10 PM BBT – Kaitlyn, Bayleigh, and Angie are trying to figure out how Sam’s power will work this week.

    1:18 PM BBT – Haleigh leaps on to Faysal while they’re alone in the storage room.

    1:30 PM BBT – Faysal asks Kaitlyn if she understands what he did even a little bit. She says yes. He tells her he still loves her and that she’s still his best friend. She tells him he doesn’t and not to lie to her. She tells him he knows well and good that she doesn’t have the votes to stay because of what she did to Swaggy. She tells him she doesn’t even know if she has his vote over Swaggy. She tells him that he must have known she would be going home if he didn’t save her.

    1:33 PM BBT – Kaitlyn asks Faysal if he’s voting to keep her and he says yes and asks why wouldn’t he. She says she now feels like she’s not worthy of being saved.

    1:40 PM BBT – Faysal says he doesn’t have a final 2 with anyone and Kaitlyn said she was under the impression that they had a final 2. She asks if he has a final 2 with Haleigh. He says he doesn’t have one with anyone.

    1:50 PM BBT – Sam is upset again over making people upset and said that she only wanted to make people comfortable and happy. She points out that she basically had to nominate four people this week (she tried to name JC as the replacement nominee before Rockstar but he apparently convinced her not to).

    1:56 PM BBT – Rockstar goes outside to talk to Sam. She asks Sam why she was the next best choice to go up. Sam says because she’s the biggest target and if they vote her out next week, she’s out forever. Rockstar says they’re going to be friends outside of the house. Sam tells her not to hate her and Rockstar says she won’t her. Sam says she thought for sure he was going to use the veto on Kaitlyn.

    1:59 PM BBT – Rockstar tells Sam about the five-person alliance that Kaitlyn blew up when she targeted Swaggy without telling them.

    2:03 PM BBT – Sam said when she looked at JC to name his as the replacement nominee, she broke down and couldn’t do it. Rockstar asked ok, but why her? Sam again says because this week’s eviction might not be final. Sam also says she thought maybe Rockstar might have a power to save herself.

    2:07 PM BBT – Rockstar says that she thinks that Tyler and Brett have been working together and that Tyler has been getting in Kaitlyn’s ear.

    2:14 PM BBT – Rachel thinks there will be a battle back with all the players who were evicted. Bayleigh said either America votes for it or there will be a battle back.

    2:17 PM BBT – Rachel thinks that if Rockstar gets evicted, she won’t win a battle back. Kaycee, Rachel and Bayleigh wonder which of the two they should vote out.

    2:19 PM BBT – Bayleigh tells Kaycee and Rachel she doesn’t care which one they vote for but let her know so she can vote with them. They agree that if Kaitlyn stays, she’ll be a target for the whole house.

    2:28 PM BBT – Kaitlyn is claiming she threw the veto so Faysal could win it so he could save herself and himself this week.

    2:39 PM BBT – JC and Faysal have a talk after the veto was used. JC tells him that he (JC) was three seconds away from going on the block and that would have been Faysal’s fault. He says he’s not going to talk game with him anymore because he feels like he betrayed him.

    2:48 PM BBT – Faysal tells JC that he will ever go against him in this game and that he is happy to go against Kaitlyn this week.

    2:52 PM BBT – Angela tells Kaitlyn she’s voting to keep her and she thinks she’ll make it through this eviction.

    3:00 PM BBT – Faysal and JC still talking about voting Kaitlyn out this week. JC wants to convince Tyler also, but Faysal warns him against talking to Tyler about that too early.

So right now it’s looking a little like Kaitlyn might be the one getting the “chance” to come back into the game this week. But this has season has had one crazy eviction after another, so who knows what will happen. Be sure to stick here for all the latest details, though. It’s going to be a good week for sure.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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