Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 12: Monday Highlights

Sam Bledsoe on Big Brother 20

It seems Sam has accepted her fate and is ready to leave the Big Brother 20 house, and now that Level 6 has JC to send out next, Tyler and Kaycee started having the Final 2 talk and what to do about Angela. Read on for all those details.

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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, September 17, 2018:

    9:45 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.

    10:20 AM BBT – HGs are up and wandering around slowly starting their day, wondering when the Veto meeting will arrive.

    10:35 AM BBT – Loops are running while we wait for Veto meeting results.

    11:16 AM BBT – Feeds are back. HGs are calm. They’re discussing the speeches. Veto was not used.

    11:27 AM BBT – HGs excitedly discussing that they’re down to single digit days left in the season. One last weekend, comments JC.

    12:43 PM BBT – Sam tells Tyler she wants to leave on a positive note if this is her time to go. Sam says she won’t beg since she has nothing else to offer.

    12:46 PM BBT – Tyler promises to talk more with Sam along the way as the vote gets closer. She says there’s nothing bad she can say about JC. Sam is disappointed that she didn’t perform better or do more for herself in the game. She doesn’t think she had a chance against such athletic players.

    12:50 PM BBT – HGs called to the HOH room for lockdown. Reason unknown.

    2:20 PM BBT – Feeds are back. HGs hanging out in the kitchen while Sam is alone in the bathroom.

    3:00 PM BBT – JC reports back from DR that the lockdown was for maintenance.

    4:20 PM BBT – Kaycee and JC have put together a song to perform for Tyler, about Tyler.

    5:20 PM BBT – Tyler and JC discuss being bored but getting to have music while on lockdown and how that was the highlight of their day.

    5:35 PM BBT – JC and Tyler wonder if Haleigh and Faysal were in a showmance. Neither thinks that happened.

    5:37 PM BBT – Kaycee questions Angela on if they’ll get an early eviction. They discuss not having anything to do. Angela worries there could be a Reset button.

    5:40 PM BBT – Angela and Kaycee are excited to be just a few comps away from holding F3 together.

    7:00 PM BBT – Sam camtalks that she’s ready to go.

    8:44 PM BBT – Tyler and Kaycee discussing Angela and the Final 2. Kaycee says she thinks Angela feels comfortable they will both take her to the end. Tyler says he thinks she just doesn’t want to think about it until someone wins final HOH. Tyler says that if JC wins the next HOH he would want Angela out.

    8:47 PM BBT – Kaycee says she can’t wait to talk to Derrick and Cody since they’re playing the exact same game they did.

    9:25 PM BBT – JC asking Kaycee about the vote and beyond. She tells him he has her vote. He says that’s good but there’s more to look at beyond this week. He says if he wins HOH Kaycee is safe. JC tells Kaycee to just be smart. She says she’s already been running every scenario through her mind.

    9:32 PM BBT – JC tells Kaycee that he has no allegiances in the house and wants her to be smart with her moves moving forward.

    10:30 PM BBT – Kaycee and JC discuss wondering what the Jury House looks like but not wanting to go there.

    11:10 PM BBT – Sam is back to her staircase perch.

    11:20 PM BBT – Tyler and Angela are back to their cuddling position.

    12:00 AM BBT – JC and Kaycee are playing a word game trying to guess what s-word he’s thinking.

    12:25 AM BBT – Kaycee and JC have moved their word game to the bedroom.

    1:10 AM BBT – Lights out for the night.

Houseguests are ready for things to move along and get the next eviction underway, including Sam. She seems to be ready for a change of pace and continues to stay detached from the Houseguests. She’ll be evicted in Tuesday’s special eviction so not much longer for her to wait.

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