Since the Big Brother 20 Live Feeds are going to be down today and won’t return until late Wednesday night, we thought it would be the perfect time to rank all of those bad moves we saw this season.
And even though there are still possible bad moves to be made (like if Tyler takes Kaycee to the final 2), we think it’s safe to say nothing can be as bad as the ones we’ve already seen. So we think it’s safe to move forward with our rankings.
Faysal Targets Scottie. There were a lot of bad decisions made in the game, but this was by far the dumbest. When everyone else made the bad calls or missteps you’re about to read after this one, there were still a lot of people in the game and plenty of ways to rebound. When Faysal nominated Scottie as his target for the week Scottie was one of only TWO of Faysal’s last remaining allies. Faysal was clouded by his jealousy of Scottie’s relationship with Haleigh, though, and for some reason thought he and Haleigh wouldn’t be taken out back to back after losing Scottie. So dumb.
Bayleigh Tells Rachel About Her Power App. Why would anyone tell someone THEY JUST NOMINATED FOR EVICTION from the other side of the house that they have a very powerful secret power? I am still scratching my head about Bayleigh’s decision to do this to this day. That is the main reason Bayleigh was evicted. It wasn’t only because Tyler and Angela thought she was the hacker, it was because they knew she had that game-changing power. I think Bayleigh now realizes how dumb that decision was.
Rockstar Helps Tyler Win OTEV. I kind of wanted to put this at the top of the list, but I decided Rockstar has been through enough so I’ll give her a break and give her the third dumbest move of the season. So Rockstar was nominated by the Hacker. Rockstar is actually doing quite well in OTEV. Then she asks Tyler if her answer is right, letting him know that his answer is wrong. He then has time to correct his answer, keeping him in the game. Tyler goes on to win the competition and Rockstar is evicted. Had she not shown him the answer, he would have been eliminated that round and Haleigh or Rockstar would have won the veto and Rockstar would not have been evicted.
Kaitlyn Backdoors Swaggy. While Swaggy was a good person to target in the game since he was sure to be a dominant player, it made no sense for Kaitlyn to make the move. She was in the same alliance with him, as we all know, and it was just too early to strike at someone who was going to have your back in a pretty evenly split house. Everything that happened to Kaitlyn from that moment forward was bad and ultimately lead to her eviction (and her failed attempt to win her way back into the Big Brother house).
Haleigh’s House Meeting. Not only did Haleigh reveal to the house that she was the Hacker and nominated Tyler (which lead to Tyler targeting her for weeks to come), but it also is what set in motion Bayleigh’s big blowup, which did her no favors that week as far as votes to stay go. Had Haleigh not said anything Bayleigh would have still been evicted, but at least everyone would have thought the Hacker was taken out of the game.
Honorable Mentions:
- Rachel talks/cries/whines herself out the door after being nominated as only a pawn.
- Scottie tells Faysal he’s in love with Haleigh.
- JC helps Level 6 evict the entire other side of the house, leaving him at the bottom.
- Brett tells Tyler he wants to target Kaycee and Angela.