‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Week 12 Veto Ceremony Results

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This week’s Power of Veto meeting was held today in the Big Brother 20 house as the latest Veto winner had to decide whether or not to change up the nominations and force a new decision from the Head of Household. The results are in and we have this week’s final nominees.

Kaycee won the PoV for the fourth time in the last four weeks and yet again she made the same decision she has over and over. No reason to start rocking the boat now if she hasn’t so far.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 12

  • Kaycee decided NOT to use the Veto
  • Sam & JC remain this week’s final noms

Kaycee just isn’t one to cause an uproar. Even back during the DE you’ll remember she wasn’t a visible participant to Brett’s eviction which involved Angela and Tyler making swift moves against him. So while she missed out on that there was a big opportunity here she completely missed.

JC and Sam are on the Block, Angela is HOH, and Kaycee had the Veto. There’s one player not in that list and it’s Tyler. If Kaycee had used the Veto on either JC or Sam then Angela would have been forced to name a renom and the answer would have been Tyler. It was her only option. There are only two votes and the chance for a tiebreaker. If Kaycee convinced JC or Sam to team with her they could evict Tyler. It would have been an amazing move and I think it’d lock down Kaycee’s F2 argument to the Jury. Didn’t happen though and a huge missed opportunity. Ah well. The L6 domination march continues.

Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted? Vote now in our poll below. Don’t forget that the Feeds will go dark on Tuesday for the special early eviction that day. We’ll see that in Wednesday’s broadcast before things pick back up for an accelerated week with the next eviction on Thursday to get us to our F3 by the end of the week. Big Brother 20’s finale is almost here!

Want to watch the meeting fallout and next moves made this week? Grab the Live FeedsFree Trial and start watching what’s going on inside the house right now!



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