Big Brother 20 Live Feeds: Drama in the HOH Room!

Last night we watched as another HG took power on Big Brother 20 on the live feeds and shortly after their HOH room was available, the drama for the week began! With the help of some seeds planted over the last few days, things just kept getting more and more interesting.

Last night on the live feeds (10:40 pm BBT All Cams), Faysal asked the group who voted to keep Rockstar and Scottie said he did right away. Faysal asks everyone again, just to make sure everyone was on the same page, and Brett says that he did it. Brett told Faysal that he didn’t want to say it in front of everyone, but he already feels like the whole house is against him so why not? Brett tells him and the rest of the HGs (minus Sam who was showering) he was the vote to keep Rockstar. He apologizes to Kaycee and Kaycee says she believes that.

Scottie tells them both that they are cute. Brett tells him that he can think whatever he wants but he also wore a Swaggy C shirt and voted him out. Scottie repeats that this is cute and calls Kaycee a bullsh*t actor. Kaycee tells Scottie that she doesn’t care what he thinks but she has never been close to Brett. She adds that she was on the block and everyone has been acting fake towards her so she doesn’t want to hear anything about acting.

Kaycee is then asked by Faysal who she thinks it was and she tells Faysal that she has never had a good vibe from Brett. She reiterates that her and Brett have never been close. Haleigh brings up that Brett went to Scottie right after the HOH comp and told him that he wanted to talk. Brett plays it off saying he wanted to talk about the vote because there was only one vote and Scottie was supposed to vote for Rockstar too. 

After things die down, Faysal tells everyone that this is what he was talking about when he said he was consistently left in the dark and then tells everyone that he has nothing left to talk about and everyone leaves. Later on last night, things start to come to mind with Faysal and Haleigh like the “secret alliance” that Rockstar told her she had with Brett and the seeds that JC was planting about Scottie liking Haleigh came up in a conversation between JC, Haleigh, and Faysal. This made them think that Scottie might target Faysal later on in order to get closer to Haleigh.

Are Faysal and Haleigh really that gullible? Do they really think that they will target Scottie this week? Is there any chance they realize they are being played? I guess we will find out as the BB20 week plays out. It’s definitely going to be an interesting one, to say the least.



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