Big Brother 20 Live Feeds: Could JC Turn Brett Against L6?

Last week in the Big Brother 20 house, we watched as JC controlled the strings of Faysal and now this week he is working on his newest puppet, Brett. None of us are sure how much of this Brett is actually feeding into, but this could really make for an interesting week if Brett could pull off an HOH win.

Last week we have watched as JC tried to use Brett to put a wedge between Tyler and Angela. Trying to get Brett to flirt with Angela and get her attention so that she was focusing on something other than Tyler and whatever budding showmance was in the works. As we know, that had failed miserably because Tyler and Angela are in a secret showmance that everyone is suspecting, but no one actually knows exists.

This week, because driving a wedge in between Tyler and Angela didn’t work, JC is going another route with Brett. The other day JC told Brett that he thinks that Angela and Tyler are getting too close and how that could be a problem for JC and Brett. Brett then went to Tyler and told him that JC’s paranoia was going to be an issue going forward if he doesn’t calm down with the “everyone is plotting against me” stuff. While the members of L6 are starting to realize that JC is playing them, they haven’t fully caught onto the extent of this.

This then turned into JC telling Brett the other night in the hammock that if they get Sam and Haleigh out next that is just putting a target on them to which Brett responded, “you aren’t wrong.” This was the first time I wondered if Brett was starting to doubt his alliance. Since then JC and Brett have revisited this conversation have talked about what they can do to ensure they don’t become targets too soon.

Yesterday on the live feeds (2:10 pm BBT cams 3&4) Brett and JC are talking about the plan moving forward. Brett tells JC that unless Angela and Kaycee are on the block together, it won’t work. Every other scenario doesn’t work. If Haleigh and Angela are up Angela stays because of Kaycee and Tyler’s votes, if Haleigh and Kaycee are up, the same thing with Angela and Tyler’s votes. JC later runs to Tyler and throws Brett under the bus telling him that Brett plans to try and split up Kaycee and Angela.

Last night before heading to bed (12:56 am BBT cams 1&2), JC mentions to Brett that they should keep Sam and Haleigh safe this week and just go after Angela and Kaycee but then decide that they would probably have to get Angela out by BD’ing her.

The only way I see this working out is if they align with Sam and Haleigh and have Angela up on the block against one of them with the other voting out Angela. JC would then vote out Angela and Brett would be the tiebreaker. This is still all assuming that Brett wins an HOH.

Do you think that Brett is serious about splitting Angela and Kaycee up or do you think he is just blowing smoke at JC? Do you think that splitting Angela and Kaycee up now and keeping Haleigh and Sam in the game is a smart move for Brett or JC? 



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