Not even a Labor Day party in the Big Brother 20 backyard could cure Haleigh’s paranoia as she continued to prod at Tyler over her safety. As of now, she’s not the target, but Angela and Tyler are wearing thin, so she might be her own worst enemy right now.
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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, September 3, 2018:
- 5:40 PM BBT – JC is giving Tyler grief that Angela slept upstairs with him. Tyler assures him she did not. JC says he checked at 4:50 AM and she still wasn’t there. Tyler says she wasn’t upstairs with him. (She went to bed around 4 AM last night.)
5:45 PM BBT – JC warns Tyler that Angela is smart and could team up with Kaycee and Haleigh to form a strong team. Tyler dismisses this outright but JC warns him to not overlook it.
6:15 PM BBT – Haleigh returns from the DR and wants to talk with Tyler. They got her worried again from their line of questioning. Tyler again promises her she’s safe and tells her he needs her to not freak out.
6:25 PM BBT – Haleigh talks with Kaycee who reminds her that Tyler isn’t even voting. Kaycee tells her to not freak out like Rachel did.
7:45 PM BBT – Tyler tells Angela that Scottie told Haleigh he told him he was a pawn. Tyler said he never told Scottie that but made him feel like he was a pawn. Tyler says it might be time for an old-fashioned blind side since it’s been awhile. Tyler says he thinks he did too good a job at making Scottie think he’s a pawn.
7:50 PM BBT – Angela and Tyler agree that Haleigh is annoying them so if she slips up or tells Scottie he’s going home they’ll just flip and send her out instead.
8:44 PM BBT – JC demands to know what is going on with Tyler and Angela. He tells Tyler as he was approaching the room he heard Angela get up and run from the bed to the couch. Tyler tells him that nothing is going on between him and Angela and JC says he doesn’t believe him.
8:50 PM BBT – JC tells Tyler that Tyler might think Angela is super smart but she’s not. Tyler said JC is the one who said she’s smart. JC says she’s smarter than the others but still not smart.
8:55 PM BBT – JC starts pushing to Tyler that Brett is the one concerned about Tyler and Angela. JC says Brett is ready to win HOH and nominate Angela and Kaycee. Tyler says it’s too early for that and not good for himself, JC or Brett.
9:00 PM BBT – Tyler asks what happens if JC puts up Angela and Kaycee and one of them comes down and Sam goes up and gets evicted. JC said he’s not going after Angela and Kaycee, Brett is. JC says if this is a double eviction and he wins he would probably take out Haleigh. JC says best case for them is for Brett to win and get the blood on his hands with Angela and Kaycee.
9:15 PM BBT – Sam comes out of the diary room with a card from Pop TV. She reads the card and it says that they’re giving them food, booze and a grill for Labor Day. The HGs start freaking out and jumping up and down. They go and get the food from the storage room and head outside to find the beer and wine and new grill.
9:30 PM BBT – Brett is handling the grilling. He’s cooking up burgers and hot dogs. The Have-Nots are allowed to eat and drink until midnight.
9:40 PM BBT – HGs also got a badminton set so they’re playing that as well.
10:50 PM BBT – Scottie expects Bayleigh to win America’s Fav Player since she got the Power App and has Swaggy out here campaigning for her.
11:20 PM BBT – Haleigh and Angela wonder why HGs are acting weird. Neither is too happy with JC and thinks he’s rude to them.
11:30 PM BBT – Haleigh admits to Angela she threw Sam’s crafts everywhere during the Hide & Seek Veto.
12:00 AM BBT – Tyler tells Angela that JC heard her running from the bed before he came in and noticed she was suddenly out of breath. He warns her to stay away from Haleigh because their group could get worried that they’re aligning. Tyler also lets her know that JC is trying to get in Brett’s head. Angela wonders if JC and Brett could flip against them. Tyler says they might if they thought she was teaming up with Kaycee and Haleigh.
12:07 AM BBT – JC promises Haleigh she’ll be safe if he gets HOH. She says the same and expects Sam to be the target.
12:08 AM BBT – Angela wonders if JC is a bigger threat than Haleigh but Tyler disagrees.
12:25 AM BBT – Haleigh and JC are hanging out on the hammock and joking around.
12:40 AM BBT – JC talks with Brett that they should keep Sam and Haleigh if they get HOH and instead go after the other two (Kaycee and Angela). Brett says he knows. Brett says its awkward with Tyler and Angela spending all their time together and making it feel like he’s intruding when he goes in there.
12:54 AM BBT – Brett tells JC that Sam would probably go after Angela with Haleigh, but at least definitely Haleigh.
12:56 AM BBT – JC and Brett agree that they’d probably need to get Angela out with a BD since she’s got Tyler and Kaycee looking to protect her with the Veto. They’d probably put Sam and Haleigh up then hope to get Veto and make the switch.
1:25 AM BBT – Kaycee and JC are playing billiards. Haleigh tries to go visit HOH but can’t get in. Brett is collecting up food to grill.
2:30 AM BBT – Only Brett and Scottie are still up and in the backyard. Scottie explaining why Haleigh didn’t put Sam up (RS talked her out of it, per Scottie). They continue to work through past events of the season.
3:00 AM BBT – Scottie and Brett are still awake. Scottie is telling Brett everything he knows including what Hive was doing in the house and what he learned in Jury about what they had been trying to do.
Brett is being armed with all this information from Scottie along with JC getting in his ear and that could deliver an interesting turn of events should Brett win the next HOH competition. Might be time to see L6 start to turn on itself!
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