Bayleigh Dayton scored a major opportunity with her Big Brother Power App, “Identity Theft,” which gave her the chance to steal an HOH’s nominations and repurpose them for her own, but unlike Tyler she wasn’t able to keep the details private and word is starting to spread.
Friday night Bayleigh revealed to Rachel that she had won one of the three apps along with details of how it would work. Who knows why Bayleigh did that though it seems she thought telling a nominee from the other side of the house would be a good move. I imagine she’ll regret doing that, but it’s too late now.
Tyler had been considering using his Veto to save Brett against Bayleigh’s wishes, but only if he was sure he could make Scottie the target for a renom. That plan was abandoned when it seemed an uphill battle and it was doubled discarded when Tyler learned the longterm risk of upsetting Bayleigh.
Flashback on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial now) to 10:22 PM BBT 7/29 Cams 1/2.
Angela and Tyler are alone in the HN room when she makes the reveal. Angela tells Tyler that Bayleigh has the power app. “I knew it!” exclaims Tyler. “The power is that she can change the nominations next week. So if you piss her off this week, you’re probably going to be the nomination,” warns Angela.
Tyler asks how Angela got this info. “She told Rachel that,” says Angela. Tyler doesn’t understand why Bayleigh would reveal that. I don’t either! Tyler says he’s definitely not using the Veto now with that danger looming and they both agree that’s best.
Tyler mentions that Brett is going to get close to Scottie to make it look like JC’s vote against Rachel was actually Scottie’s. He knows that this plan relies on JC. Now that should be worrisome.
The talk breaks up and Angela leaves. Tyler now knows that Bayleigh has a power and it’s a dangerous one. Angela said it was for next week, but I imagine he understands it probably lasts longer than just that opportunity considering his power is good for many weeks as well. You’ll remember that Bayleigh’s power is good until the F8 and right now we’re at F12 so she’s got a long month left to go with it.
As far as others knowing, Rachel told Angela who told Tyler and Kaycee then Tyler told Brett. Meanwhile, Faysal never told anyone else. Ah well Bayleigh.
Keep watching to see who else learns about Bayleigh’s power and what it means for the game. For now it looks like Brett and Rachel are stuck on that Block.