‘Big Brother 20’ Jury: Dr Will Kirby Returns To Host Roundtable

Dr Will hosts Big Brother Roundtable

The Big Brother 20 Jury has been plucked from their luxurious living and brought back to the Studio City area in preparation for Wednesday’s BB20 season finale. The fun is over and it’s time to get to work for these Jurors. In fact, they’ve already held the annual Jury Roundtable and luckily for us, Dr. Will Kirby is back.

The Jury Roundtable took place over the weekend and we even got an “oops” look at Haleigh mid-Roundtable when the cameras were switching around in the Big Brother house. We also saw a sneak peek of the set being built beforehand revealing that yes, the HGs would be coming back to the Studio City lot for their segment.

Dr. Will Kirby was the winner of Big Brother 2 and has been a long-running representative of the series so it’s a particularly wonderful treat to have him back on the show even for a limited appearance. Unfortunately, while Dr. Kirby will be returning as the Roundtable host he will not be doing the backyard interviews this season like he did last year when “Jeff died” and had to be replaced. If you don’t get that reference then you really missed out last year. Ross & Marissa will be handling those interviews instead.

So while we won’t get hours of an unleashed Will we will be getting a few minutes of his airtime during the Big Brother 20 finale. The good doctor sat down to chat with GlobalTV’s John Powell for an excellent interview that I highly suggest you read in full. Here’s a little sample to catch your interest:

John Powell: How do you address the issue of animosity and personal feelings when it comes to voting?

Dr. Will Kirby: “Well, some jurors that I had low expectations for totally shocked me by coming to the jury roundtable with thoughtful insights and concepts, putting their personal feelings aside and then they cast a carefully contemplated vote. And those players earned the invaluable: respect. They earned respect from their fellow jurors, respect from the viewers, respect from the finalists, respect from the production team and respect from themselves. Just because you can’t measure something doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. You can’t measure respect. You can’t see it. You can’t weigh it. But it’s there.”

Dr. Will touches on handling a bitter jury, his role in the discussion, reactions to the past six years of hosting the roundtable, and much more. Enjoy the interview and it’ll help pass the time while we count down to Wednesday night at 8PM on CBS for the BB20 season finale!



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