It’s Big Brother 20 Finale Week and either Tyler, Kaycee or JC will walk away with the grand prize. But which of them should win? We take a look at who played the best game based on stats and strategies.
Before we get started, I’m just going to say it: This is the best final 3 – as far as gameplay goes – in years. For the first time since I’ve been doing these stats and statistics, any of the final 3 would be deserving. No one was dragged to the end. All three of the fought to be there in their own ways. But let’s take a closer look.
I’ve never seen someone play like JC has this season. Having won only 1 competition all summer you’d think he was the person dragged to the end to easily beat. But that’s not the case. He connived his way to the end by playing the middle, flipping votes, pinning rogue votes on others and taking advantage of his seemingly brainless allies.
JC played a complete villain game, but got a goofy heroic edit. It’s kind of fascinating how that played out. But he played his heart out. He is largely why the final 3 is what it is. And for the longest time I thought it was a huge mistake for him to help take out the other side of the house, leaving him at the bottom of the Level 6 side, but look where he is. He won ONE HOH competition and that was the one to win. Because he was about to be cut by Level 6, but he saved himself. So you could say he won the one and only time he needed to win.
Does JC deserve to win Big Brother 20? JC said and did a lot of problematic things this season, so if I am speaking personally on him right now, I’d say I wouldn’t want him rewarded for his behavior. But if I’m looking strictly at a gameplay perspective, then yes, he absolutely deserves to win. He played the hell out of the game from a strategic standpoint.
Can JC win Big Brother 20? No. He will be evicted by either Kaycee or Tyler after the final HOH. If he were to make Final 2, I think he could win, though. I think half the people in jury still hold him in high regards, despite how hard he played them all season.
Kaycee laid dormant for half the game. But while she was earning her nickname as “furniture” among fans on social media, she built a lot of relationships inside the house. What we found boring to watch, the HGs found endearing. She worked the social game while seeming completely unthreatening. And her loyalty to Level 6 was pretty amazing. Most of the time we watch alliances crumble, or nearly crumble, but she was always on board with her allies.
And then she became a comp beast. She won the Hacker competition earlier, which a lot of us thought was a fluke, but then she won five Vetoes, three of them in a row, and a Head of Household. Of course she didn’t really make any moves with her vetoes, but she helped secure herself and her alliance with those wins.
Does Kaycee deserve to win Big Brother 20: If she were to win, Kaycee might look like a boring winner on paper, but I think she definitely has earned a win. She’d be more deserving if she took out Tyler instead of Angela, though. That would have been a huge move, and actually would have made her go from an OK winner to a great winner. But she played it pretty safe all season, and that worked for her. I also would have liked to have seen her have more of her own thoughts and opinions. She was easily swayed by others all season, and never really controlled anything (aside from those veto wins). For example, she was the one person who always kept Brett close when he was playing double agent, but it took less that 10 seconds to convince her to flip on him and vote him out.
Can Kaycee win Big Brother 20? Absolutely. There’s not clear-cut winner this time around. We’ve had a feeling that Tyler would win all season, but Kaycee has earned the respect of most of the jury. They’re going to see her social game paired with her loyalty and competition wins and they’re going to reward her or at least be very tempted to do so.
Tyler has been the star of Big Brother 20. He was the first HOH, he won the second power app, he’s had by far the most diary room sessions, and he was the leader of the dominate alliance. So it’s no surprise that he’s sitting in the final 3. Tyler has played a good game, but it hasn’t been as polished as some fans might think. He made some missteps along the way. He made too many final 2 deals, he wasn’t honest with his closest allies, and he didn’t even make the best moves as HOH (Steve, Scottie and Brett – the latter two allies – all went out on his watch). And then there’s the showmance. He might have kept that under control for the most part, but it really didn’t do him any favors in the long run.
What I think I’m saying is Tyler would be a great winner, and a deserving one, but he’s no more deserving than the other two. I think we just all think he’s probably going to win, and haven’t really thought hard about whether or not he really earned it. I came into this post a fan of Tyler’s game, but the more I analyze and the more I write, the more I see he was more adequate than great.
Does Tyler deserve to win Big Brother 20? Yes. I still think he deserves to win. They all do. Tyler worked hard and was never in real danger, as we saw with his power app going unused. That’s pretty impressive. For someone we saw as the biggest and most threatening player to never be truly targeted says a lot.
Can Tyler Win Big Brother 20? For sure. But it might not be as easy as we once thought. A lot of the jury doesn’t quite see Tyler as the leader or mastermind. They seemed to think Tyler was just doing what Angela wanted for a large part of the game. And as we’ve seen, Tyler isn’t the best at speeches, so he will have very little time to sell himself. And he has a lot of explaining to do to Sam, Scottie, Brett, JC and even Angela. If there’s even an ounce of bitterness in those people, Tyler could lose. Those final moments is when we see if Tyler is truly a great player.
I discovered something about myself while writing this, and that’s that I don’t think Tyler is as deserving as I’ve did throughout the season. I’m actually surprised at myself. I think Tyler is actually probably the second-most deserving behind JC. And I have not been a fan of JC’s. Kaycee is just behind Tyler, but barely. Of course the final 2 won’t include JC, so that no longer matters. As far as Kaycee vs. Tyler, I give Tyler a VERY SLIGHT edge over Kaycee, but I think she might actually beat him. It’s going to be a nail-biter for sure.
Who do you think really played the best Big Brother game this season?