Big Brother 20 House Revealed: Take The Tour

Big Brother 20 House with Julie Chen

We’ve met the Houseguests and now its time to tour the Big Brother 20 house as CBS has revealed our first look inside. There’s a lot of neons, blocks, and emojis. It’s kinda crazy, but I really like it.

Check out the gallery of photos from CBS below and watch Julieโ€™s video house tour as she walks you through the Big Brother 20 castโ€˜s new home for the summer. Enjoy!

Big Brother 20 House Tour Gallery:

Let us take you through the new BB20 House and see what there is to see. Houseguests are close to moving in and, if theyโ€™re lucky, will be hanging out in these rooms for the next three months. Would you want to stay with these designs? I think theyโ€™re pretty great, but letโ€™s see how long it takes for the BB20 cast to trash the place!

BB20 Kitchen:

So many seats in the kitchen this year, but don’t let that fix your expectations. The design team works separately and that can change. Still expecting just 16 guests no matter how many spots at the table.

BB20 HOH room:

The extra seating around the edge of the bed is interesting. It’s a calm room even with all the chaos in the design.

BB20 Living areas:

Yep, that’s a rock climbing wall up there in the living room. Sure, that seems like a great idea given last year’s bone breaker.

BB20 Bedrooms:

Do you see how the one back bedroom now opens all the way up and you can see to the living room from there? Wow! That’s a lot different now to have two open bedrooms. I wonder if they’re allowed to open and shut that or if it’ll have to stay fixed.

BB20 Loft:

The loft is back and they’ve got a new game table with foosball this year. Plus there’s a fish tank featuring 3d printing aquarium features like the “Friendship” game that says “2nd Place” and has a picture of Paul Abrahamian on it. Ouch!

BB20 Backyard:

Things look pretty normal here in the Big Brother backyard. Still got that gorgeous new pool and things are looking ready for the swimsuits!

Big Brother 20 House Tour Video:

Photos: Sonja Flemming CBS copyright 2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



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