Big Brother 20 Episode 4 Recap: My New Favorite Veto Competition

Big Brother 20 gave us a great veto competition Wednesday night that had the players digging into a real snake pit, swimming in ice-cold water and getting electric shocks. It felt like old-school Big Brother and I loved it. Let’s see more of that please.

The episode picks up after the BB App Store closed and everyone is left wondering who has the power. Of course we know itโ€™s Sam and itโ€™s an Extra Life that gives her or another player of her choosing the chance to come back into the house after an eviction.ย Sam says she plans to not let anyone know she received the power, so sheโ€™s playing it off pretty well.

And then thereโ€™s Faysal. He let the others know that he was the least-trending houseguest and officially got the Crap App. He will have to eat a bunch of ham every time the “Hamazon Delivery” happens. And that has his alliance members worried that the other side of the house got the power app.

Sam and Tyler have a talk and she decides to tell Tyler that she if she gets evicted, sheโ€™s not going anywhere. She wonโ€™t tell him flat out that she has the power or relay all of the details because she doesnโ€™t want him to have to keep that secret for her. And since Tyler really wants her to stay, it seems like she can trust him to keep her secret.

Ahead of the Veto competition, people start talking about who should go up if someone comes down. Swaggy C suggests to Tyler that Angela go up. But Tyler and Angela are working together so Tyler tells Swaggy heโ€™ rather put Bayleigh up. But since Swaggy and Bayleigh are a thing, heโ€™s not too into that idea.

Swaggy tells Bayleigh what he learned from Tyler and sheโ€™s not happy. But he explains to her that she wonโ€™t be going home if sheโ€™s on the block. Of course sheโ€™s not trusting that because no one should be ok with going on the block. Bayleigh worries that Swaggy will see her as a liability and cut her out to save his game. She gets upset and leaves.

They meet up again later and discuss detaching themselves to save their game. She tells him if she distances herself now then sheโ€™s all by herself. They decide not to distance themselves so Bayleigh goes to talk to Tyler. And that goes no where. Letโ€™s just get to the veto competition and see if this actually matters.

Joining Tyler, Sam and Steve in the veto competition are Swaggy (via Tylerโ€™s HG choice), Scotty and Faysal (via Steveโ€™s HG choice).

And itโ€™s veto time! Itโ€™s a game that will be played in stages. The person who performs the worst in every round will be eliminated. And this is quite the competition. The players have to hunt for stuff in pits of snakes and bathe in ultra cold water. This is a fun competition.

Stage 1 is the โ€œSnake Bite Pit.โ€ They have to reach into a pit of snakes and retrieve tokens. Scotty is the first one out. He just couldnโ€™t do the snakes. Stage 2 is the โ€œArctic Pool.โ€ They have to dive into ice-cold water and retrieve tokens. Swaggy is the next out. Stage 3 is โ€œHuman Canvas.โ€ They will be pelted with paintballs as they try to balance on pegs. Steveโ€™s balance sucks as bad as night one and is the next one out. Stage 4 is a round I donโ€™t really understand but they have to wear chock colors and they get shocked as they try to transport a ball from point A to point B. Sam gets really frustrated and wonโ€™t stop cursing and is knocked out.

That leaves Tyler and Faysal for the final round. For this round they have to mach sodas by taste, and the flavors arenโ€™t very good. Tylerโ€™s plan is to throw the veto to Faysal, and in the end thatโ€™s what happens. Faysal wins the Power of Veto.

At the veto ceremony, Faysal gets a Hamazon delivery before he makes his decision. In the end, Faysal decides not to use the Power of Veto. Sam and Steve remain on the block.



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