Big Brother 20 Episode 13 Recap: Who Got Faysal’s Rose?

During the final Rose Ceremony Wednesday night Faysal had to choose between Kaitlyn and Haleigh to offer his single red rose. Oh, wait, sorry, wrong show… During the Big Brother 20 veto ceremony, Faysal had to choose between Kaitlyn and Haleigh to remove from the block.

Seriously though, in one of the best episodes of Big Brother in years, we got a drama-packed storyline that included Faysal’s tough choice, a little Sam hypocrisy, and someone literally shutting down their own nomination during the veto ceremony. That was an A+ episode.

The show picked up right after the nomination ceremony. Sam lets us know that she doesnโ€™t think either one of her nominees, Kaitlyn and Haleigh, has the grit to win the chance at coming back. Haleigh is upset that Sam made the nomination personal and mentions that her grandfather is watching. Kaitlyn is upset as well. Probably because her grandpa is also still watching from the backyard. *cue bird sounds*

Kaitlyn and Sam have a talk about the nomination ceremony. Kaitlyn says sheโ€™s a girlโ€™s girl so it really hurt that she accused her of having no respect for herself and for playing the game only with the guys. Sam then mentions Kaitlyn’s relationships with Tyler and Faysal, implying that there’s a lot more going on there than Kaitlyn is letting on.

Then we get some wonderful shade thrown from production as we see Sam and Faysal get a little cozy in the HOH room. Sam and Faysal hug and cuddle a little too long considering what Sam just said about the girls hanging all over the guys of the house. It wasn’t anything seriously showmantic, but it was still a funny little jab.

Before the veto draw Faysal told both girls he wold save them if he was to win the veto, guessing he wonโ€™t be picked to play or win. But during the veto draw, he is actually chosen. Joining Sam, Haleigh and Kaitlyn in the veto competition are JC (via Samโ€™s HG choice), Rockstar and Faysal (via Haleighโ€™s HG choice).

Faysal tells Kaitlyn if she throws the competition to him and he wins he will save her. Then he tells Haleigh not to worry if she catches wind of that because heโ€™ll actually save her over Kaitlyn.

Rachel Reilly shows up to host the veto competition. This week’s veto is The Chop, Bonk, Spank machine, which is a game of memory. The HGs have to remember details about getting chopped in the gut, bonked on the head and spanked.

After 6 rounds, it’s down to Faysal with 6 points and Kaitlyn ย with 5. Kaitlyn says sheโ€™s intentionally getting the question wrong so Faysal wins, even though he’s ahead so it’s impossible to actually throw it to him. So Faysal wins the Power of Veto.

And now that he won a competition he never should have won, he doesnโ€™t know what heโ€™s going to do. He tells us he loves them both and heโ€™s crying about it in the Diary Room. That is really quite the predicament, Fessy.

Haleigh is worried that Faysal will save Kaitlyn instead so she’s feeling down. Faysal tells her to trust him and promises to save her. Later, when Kaitlyn is feeling the same way, he can’t promise her. He actually won’t answer her, giving her her answer. ย She flips out because she realizes he also promised Haleigh heโ€™d save her.

Meanwhile, Tyler knows that Faysal is going to use the veto, so he gets to work on Samโ€™s replacement nominee. Heโ€™s pushing for Rockstar to go up, but she wonโ€™t tell him what sheโ€™s thinking or accept his advice. She said she knows what sheโ€™s going to do and doesnโ€™t want anyone trying to change her mind.

So what are Faysal and Sam going to do? Letโ€™s get to the veto meeting and find out. Faysal decides to use the power of veto on Haleigh. So now itโ€™s Samโ€™s turn. And now we know why she didn’t tell anyone her plan. It was to nominate JC. As she tries to name JC as the replacement, he stops her in the middle of it, telling her he wouldn’t do that to her. She cracks and says, OK, then I nominate Rockstar. That really happened. I’m still not sure if it was orchestrated or not, but if it was it turned out great in the edit.

As if that wasn’t dramatic enough, she then reveals the details of her power to the whole house. She tells everyone that the person evicted this week will get the chance to come back into the game. Jaws drop and end scene.



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