‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night & Who Won Halting Hex?

Ready to find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother 19, who has the Halting Hex, and who wins the next Head of Household? Well, the last one didn’t happen yesterday, but we’ve got all the rest of those answers for you.

Julie Chen and Week 3 noms on Big Brother 19

Dominique and Jessica faced off on the Block this week hoping to survive the vote and stay another week in the game, but if the Halting Hex, the last of the Den’s Temptations, comes in to play then no one will be heading out the door.

Picking up after Wednesday’s Veto show we’ve got some good drama from the HGs as things got headed just when I thought they sail quietly through the rest of the week. Pickle juice & hot sauce anyone? Let’s see how that plays out in the episode.

Den of Temptation – Halting Hex:

  • The Halting Hex was given to… Jessica Graf!

Jessica can stop one of the next four evictions, but she has to announce the plan before the vote.

Are you surprised by the results? Who did you think would get it? Now we’ve got to see if she’ll use it.

Gallery: Halting Hex Revealed

Time for the live eviction vote as ten Houseguests are heading in to the Diary Room to cast their vote and send one player out the door to join in the Battle Back episode on Friday night.

Jessica does not announce her intent to use the Hex on this week’s eviction. That leaves 3 more chances to use it.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 3 Votes:

  • Josh votes to evict: Dominique
  • Kevin votes to evict: Dominique
  • Mark votes to evict: Dominique
  • Christmas votes to evict: Dominique
  • Jason votes to evict: Dominique
  • Raven votes to evict: Dominique
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Matthew votes to evict: Dominique
  • Elena votes to evict: Dominique
  • Paul votes to evict: Dominique
  • Ramses votes to evict: Dominique

By a vote of 10-0, Dominique Cooper has been evicted from Big Brother 19.

Julie brings out the first four evicted HGs out to the front stage. She asks each of them, one at a time, who they think came next. Jillian correctly guessed Cody, but the rest were wrong. If the evictees don’t know who was out behind them then that suggests they weren’t playing comps each week like last year. Sure enough, Julie says they’re doing things differently this season.

Gallery: Battle Back Contenders

There’s no Head of Household competition yet! Just like last year they’re waiting until after the Battle Back competition(s) is over and will let that returning HG in on the fight to control the noms this week. We’ll see the HoH comp play out on Sunday’s episode (8/7c).

Remember: No Feeds again until Friday 9PM PT (12AM ET Saturday). Enjoy your night & day off!

We’ll be back to watch the new Battle Back episode on Friday night at 8/7c with our live coverage at 8PM ET so join us for the fun then and see who gets sent back in to the game!

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  1. So the Big Brother preview for tomorrow’s show asks “which nominee will join the previous 3 evicted houseguests for another chance to come back into the game in the Battleback competition”. So someone HAS to be going home tonight

    • I was wondering the same thing. I was thinking if Jessica did halt tonight’s evection because she was maybe worried, then it would only be three battling back or what would they do!?
      But I guess it doesn’t matter now

  2. I can’t wait any longer to see what’s going to happen. OMG 63yrs old and I’m addicted to a friggin reality show. I need Big Brother rehab.

  3. Hi everyone it has been a long time since I have posted. Loving this season so far!

  4. How does the biggest fight so far this summer happen over a game of pool…is this really what America is like in 2017…

    • I think Julie is trying to “summer” with her outfit today.
      Yeah Josh is a sore loser, but I didn’t really like how Mark handled all that either

      • He was playing around. He was waiting for Josh to throw something at him, but he didn’t want to hug it out.

  5. So Jessica tells Josh to leave her alone after inserting herself into the conversation….

  6. Josh is ‘lit though..lol..They all got quiet..even Paul…He’s a time bomb.

  7. My guess is it has to be somebody who doesn’t use it. Makes no sense to me that they give it out before the Battleback if somebody is using it

  8. Omg America is amazing…they hate on Jessica one week, then they give her the temptation the next…

  9. I hope the house flips and votes her out, and she doesn’t use it because she feels safe….

  10. I hope she feels really safe and doesn’t use it today. I also hope she gets evicted because Paul suspects that she got it.

  11. For anyone saying that BBN polls don’t have Jessica in the top, Reddit has been behind Jess all week, there has also been an at least half baked effort for Jess to get it on Twitter.

    Besides, I actually am happy that JEss has the HH

    • It’s not like BBN polls have always been 100% accurate. There’s always a margin of error.

      • No criticism of BBN, but a poll here is not scientific. That is, the sample of participants who vote in a poll here should not be assumed to represent the population of people who are watching Big Brother Season 19.

        The same is true of just about any poll at websites. The way that a sample of data is collected is a key component of proper statistical analyses.

    • Not to mention all of the people that don’t vote in polls may not watch the feeds but liked codys exit interview

    • I wanted jess to get it to because she will use it for her game not for pauls game. That is why i voted for her.

  12. Like survivor’s ‘immunity idol’ use it or not use it…she probably wont use it, and not waste it.

  13. Does she have to use it before or after the vote? I would guess she would have to use it before. And will they tell the others? If Julie tells the others then, she should use it because they might switch the eviction back to Jessica!

    • It´s before the first player enters the diary room. So, she can use it when Julie says “It´s time to vote. XXXXXXXX go to the diary room.” At that moment, Jessica has to stand up and activate the Halting Hex and move on to the next HOH competition.

  14. So next week when Cody is on the block she’ll use it to save Cody, then America will be outraged…great job guys

    • Not really unless she wins HOH she’s the target next week and would have to use her DoT. So safe for maybe one more week.

      • But anything could change in a weeks time. She was supposed to be the target this week but that changed

      • She was never the target Dom was. At least she wasn’t for Alex. But you’re right anything can happen.

      • After the paul and christmas nom week 1 the plan was cody than jess week 2 the plan was the same up until the talk show than it switched to dom which was confirmed when paul figured it would be easier to convince alex to target dom over jess

  15. Dom is going to be surprised that the show is not going to bring her the fame and fortune she may be expecting.

  16. Ha! Now they’re going to regret this. They left Jess aka Chuckee in the house…and with a special power. (unused) lol

  17. #Rigged Alex took just over 25% of the nearly 16,700 votes in our poll, which is a huge lead over Kevin at 11.4%, Jessica at 11.0%, and Dominique at 9.8%

  18. Dom to return and get automatic HOH. I could stand her one more week if she nominates Paul and Raven so he can go home.

      • I do too, but want Paul to go now before anybody else, even Cody if he comes back.

      • Raven is definitely getting on my nerves with her disappearing limp, her fake changing voices, and her clown makeup. Plus hearing what she did with Alex’s cat ears and Coke. She’s secretly mean and hateful. During bb after dark, I fast forward when I see her face lol

  19. So they are going to have HOH before battle back. One could battle back then be put on the block?

  20. Guess we won’t see HOH tonight. Now I have to wait until tomorrow night to see that too.

  21. I think this is a different Battleback this year, considering it’s called “The Battleback Showdown”

  22. I want Cody back, or Dominique. Not Gillian and not Cameron, who? Cody and Jessica would create chaos in the house. See Paul scramble….

  23. Really only hope that Jillian doesn’t win. She was a non factor and would be again. The others all give explosive possibilities

  24. If Jessica is sticking with Alex and not Paul, then I don’t mind Cody coming back, but Dom will definitely go for him.

  25. I wonder if whomever re-enters will replace a current player, like Paul joining caused Cameron eviction? If so, Cameron to re-enter and Paul evicted.

      • This is Big Brother, it is a twisted game… Production change with the wind.

    • At the last part of Thursday show, Julie told us that if Jessica doesn´t use the Halting Hex, there will be a curse unleashed on the next thursday… an Double eviction?

    • Paul already knew. I saw her smiling and I thought what an idiot. She can’t keep a secret.Saying that she won’t say anything instead of flat out No is suspicious.

  26. Oh God. All of them hanging on to every word from Paul.
    Jeez people, play your own game !

  27. Look they are figuring out that Jessica got the temptation, BUT they don’t know what it is. Hope Jess doesn’t tell-tale.

    • Watch how now everyone will suddenly try to become Jessica’s “friend” since they’ve figured out that she took the temptation.

  28. We won’t know the consequence until NEXT THURSDAY?? Why do I feel like production doesn’t even know what the consequence is??

  29. 1 whole week for a stupid curse. Hopefully it will be that whomever comes back in cannot go on the block. I think that happened with Vic.

  30. Why do I feel that this opportunity for the HGs to block someone returning will be set up so that they don’t?

    • Because we know that they’re gonna offer money or something equally tempting.

  31. No way did Jessica actually win the temptation. Hey, in a way I’m excited because the rest of this cast are full of duds and won’t stick up to Paul. Cody and Jess will. So production knows what it is doing. Cody will come back in, and Jess will save him if he’s back out within 3 weeks.

  32. Well, guess that’s it for the night. I won’t be around tomorrow night, as I’ll be in NYC seeing Anastasia. I’ll try to check in at intermission to see who won the Battle Back, though. Have a good night, everyone, and a great Friday.

  33. The game needs Cody, Jessica, and Josh. Paul is annoying and most of the rest of the group is boring. Kevin and Ramses are “kwute”. Matthew is boring, other than his pretending to like Raven, who is he? Christmas really should go home…

  34. Figures on a day where OJ is paroled Jessica wins the temptation. The dark side is strong today.

      • The anti Paul people should have voted for Jason. He seems to be one of the few that are seeing right through his BS

    • We’ll never know for sure if Production had a hand in it (lets face it, they have every right to) but I know a lot of people that voted for Jessica.

      • People vote for her to not have Cody throwing the battle back to her. As well as having a new side alliance in the house. My thought

  35. Jessica was the most hated last week and became the 4 most likable according to joker popularity poll this week. These are the same people who hate raven dead last.

      • Cody played a bad game by not telling his alliance his plan in fairness to Cody he wanted Meg out and nominated a third of the house. Have respect for what Cody did for his country but his big brother game needs work.

      • Oh yea she not one of my favorite but she is so nice. Like the pranks raven and Jess do to Matt. Baby powder wars

      • Haha. Well, those live feeders certainly feel different towards her. Me personally dislike her when she swore on her pacemaker that she didn’t throw/hide Alex’s stuff where in fact she did. Plus she’s catty.

      • Oh I must of missed that lol that’s horrible. Wow I watch a lot of feeds and I missed something. Kind of cool learned something new.

      • Is it just me or is Raven starting to look very Baby Jane-ish these days?!