Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 4

It was a busy weekend as the Big Brother 19 Houseguests battled it out in another endurance HoH comp, dealt with the return of Cody Nickson, worked around the nominations, and got covered in paint for the latest Veto competition. If you missed the results we’ve got everything that’s happened since the last episode as we head toward another potentially exciting Thursday eviction.

Cody Nickson returns to Big Brother 19

Feeds were down for a Blackout while we waited on the Battle Back but once we saw the cameras rolling again we got caught up fast. Here’s what we’ve learned over the past two days.

Big Brother 19 Spoilers – Week 4 Roundup:

Head of Household:

All of the Houseguests, including the newly returned Cody, faced off in an endurance comp. Can’t believe we missed that. What a stinker. Allegedly this comp lasted for more than three hours and came down to Jessica and Christmas. Jessica won out and took over as HoH.

I imagine there will be some discussions tonight when they show Christmas using her scooter to be supported for the competition. Whether it was a disadvantage or an advantage for her, it’s certainly different from what all the other HGs had to use, their feet. Read More >>

Gallery: HoH Endurance Comp


You’d almost expect Jessica to be going after Paul this week with Cody’s shift back to wanting him out. Well, that doesn’t appear to be happening this week. Instead Jessica went after Josh while using Ramses as a pawn against him. We saw that big blow up in the backyard by Josh and how Jessica was upset at him for lying to her and Cody about his Christmas vote back in Week 1.

So Jessica wants Josh out, but Paul and company doesn’t. Right now the secret plan behind the scenes is to keep Jessica, Cody, Mark, and Elena in the dark until the vote and at least until the Veto Ceremony is over to avoid any renoms that would take Ramses off the Block. Read More >>

Power of Veto:

If the secret plan was going to work then the noms needed to stay the same. The big issue here for Paul & Christmas was whether or not Ramses would win the Veto while Jessica & Cody were focused on defeating Josh. Well he didn’t. Jessica won the Veto and she’s already saying she does not plan on changing her original noms.

Sounded like it might have been the memory challenge with some sort of explosion of paint involved. Jessica mentioned Cody threw the comp and Christmas may have as well. Read more >>

Gallery: Jessica enjoys her Veto Medallion

The PoV Ceremony is coming up on Monday and we’ll get the latest results when it’s over, but for now I wouldn’t expect anything to change unless Jessica and Cody catch on to the blindside plans.

What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the wins? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!



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  1. If Jessica & Cody want to be sure Josh goes home —she can use her Halting Hex. She may want to save it in case her or Cody end up on the block in the next wks.

    • Really don’t think she’d use it on anyone but Cody or herself. Personally I’d keep it for myself.

      • I am with you, why waste it on anyone other than yourself. Saying this, I now the deal between her and Cody but if she uses it this week (which I seriously doubt unless she finds out about the blindside after she keeps noms the same), then she could be on the block herself next week with or without Cody beside after the POV is played and noms are set for the week.

      • Exactly! And if she was to use it this week, it would halt The entire eviction ceremony. Josh and Ramses Will both be safe. She’s not going to use it just to save Ramses, especially because she will be saving Josh as well

      • thats sooo true…but the catch is the curse and its not been revealed yet…
        IMO The Halting Hex gives the holder alot of power to have or use through 4 evictions.. and I’m thinking the curse has to be really bad and may counteract the Hex…I’m more interested in what the curse is ….

      • I don’t think the curse will affect her though. I mean I could be wrong but, Christmas and Paul did not get cursed, so I don’t think Jessica will although Julie did say the “entire house”
        I think it will have something to do with her using it during the live eviction ceremony and then immediately following, they’ll have a triple eviction but more to it. Not just your typical triple eviction
        Honestly I don’t think it will be fair if Jessica receives a “nasty curse” after receiving her temptation.
        Also, just because HH saves both of the nominees. No eviction ceremony at all. Not just one of them

      • If she used it on Thursday that would mean no one would go home. Why would she do that? The HH voids the live eviction ceremony. No one goes home. So she would use it perhaps the following week if her and Cody are both on the block, she can Halt the entire life eviction and save them both that week. After this Thursday, she can only use it for the next two weeks (once) to use it and then it is null and void

    • But the hating hex would prevent anyone from going home. Why would she use it and bank on her or Cody getting HOH again?
      It would be a waste to use it unless saving herself or Cody

    • She needs to save it for next week, she’s about to be blindsided by Paul again and when they try to come for her next week she can use her Halting Hex

    • Huh? The HH would mean neither of them went home. The HH voids the entire eviction ceremony. No one goes home, not just one person.

      • the last time she said it would effect the whole house some one come back in the house so I think the one who leaves will walk back in.

      • No one will leave. The HH halts the entire eviction. No one goes home. The two people on the block are saved. The end.
        Although, if it was just one person leaving, that would be a good theory

  2. Can we just get this PoV over and have the noms remain the same so I can relax? I so worry about Josh opening his mouth and giving things away

  3. Does anyone know who the have nots are other than Josh? I am hoping Elena and Raven-can’t wait to see them on slop😜

  4. I am honestly rooting for Jessica and Cody and Jessica really impressed me this week. However, her nominations did not. She made a bad move in nominating two outsiders. She should’ve went for a showmance or Paul/Christmas, or even better would be Paul/one of the showmances like Raven. I don’t get how she thinks she can work her way back into the house’s favor, even if she had a chance, after Cody coming back and her domination in these challenges, there’s no way anymore lol. She needed to cause a shakeup and flip the game on its head if she wanted to try and get back into the game.

      • Josh is expendable though, I feel like Paul only keeps him around because Josh is an easy target. Jess should’ve went for the inner core of the alliance, like Maven/Marlena etc

    • True, even though I would be happy with both of them out. I don’t think the votes were there for Paul, but she could have been more thoughtful with her choices rather than payback picks, Elena/Christmas or Raven/Matt would have been far more compelling and a shot across the bow of the alliance.

  5. Ramses needs to convince Jody that Christmas would be a much better pawn than him. This is obviously because of the simple fact that Ramses can play in pretty much every comp, and that’s not the same for Christmas. Otherwise, he’ll most likely be evicted.

  6. Kevin Paul Josh Mark have-nots…..I thought Paul got a summer pass that said he did not have to be a have not….

  7. Finally its coming to light how uncomfortable Elena makes the guys feel when she lays hands on them…They need to tell her to back off…Elena reminds me of (dare I say the name) Frankie and the way he was constantly laying on or touching the other guys in the house…eeewwwwweee bad thoughts comparing Elena to Frankie…

    • The difference is, more than likely they would rather have a REAL female touch them rather a FAKE female like Francis.

      • Agreed! The one thing that really bothered me about Frankie was the blatant favoritism production played with him. Never seen anything like it before or since. How many times a day did they have to tell that fool to quit singing? He did that chit on purpose. You could see him winding up to start singing and the satisfaction in his face when BB would tell him to quit singing was more than apparent. He also did it to hide things, when he didn’t want something on camera, cue the singing.

      • Yep the “Promotion of Frankie Grande” by CBS via BB failed miserably…Nobody could tolerate Frankie but Frankie..He was a disaster waiting to happen

      • Season 16 was the 1st year I bought live feeds and I actually liked Frankie until then. However, after feeds I realized he was getting the production edit from the BB Master manipulator AG herself! They never showed his ugly side..until (like Amanda) they simply had no choice coz that’s all they had to show!!

        UGH! I had never detested a HG so much…not even Aaryn!!

      • LOL, same here, I was so disappointed. They were the dullest feeds imaginable, with Derrick controlling the whole house and no one doing a damn thing about it. It’s amazing the difference in the CBS show and what really takes place in the house. Two completely different worlds.

      • Agreed. You know, that is one of the reasons I don’t mind Cody coming back… It stirs up the feeds. However, I don’t see him lasting. He’s such a straight arrow Em, he is really bad at this game because he”’s a genuinely honest guy! Probably nice outside the house, but a loose cannon inside b/c the manipulation needed to play this game will drive him freaking cray-cray!!

        Let me ask you Em… How did you feel about Paul in the first few weeks last season? Did you hate him as much as I did?? If you did it’s b//c Paul was Cody at first last season…wanting to get the vets out, straight up and brash about it…and ultimately stupid because 2 of his allies (Jozea & Victor) IMMEDIATELY went home!

        Here is the difference tho between Paul & Cody.. Paul, very quickly, realized his mistakes and adapted to the BB game. He was a recruit so he basically had to learn the game from scratch! For fu@ks sake,he didn”t even know what a Veto was at first!! But he learned and he adapted and he changed with the flow of thee game, always improving his social game…

        Cody… Not so much. Cody has learned nothing from his eviction and him & Jessica are sitting up in the HOH room this week just assuming their will shall be done without checking with the HG to see if the votes will fall their way…they are repeating the *exact-same-mistakes* that led to the blindside on week one… and that’s because they simply cannot adapt to the BB game. And that is why Jody should go home.

      • HATED and LOATHED Paul the first half of the game. I hated him for his brashness and his tendency to be loud and obnoxious, not necessarily for what he did in the game. He was new and was feeling his way around. When he was put in the Secret Service suit, that’s when he won me over, BIG TIME. I don’t think he could do anything that would not make me a fan. I ended up following him on twitter and IG and Paul is one of the good guys. I’ve never done that before, followed a BB player. He is involved in his community, does a lot for charity, A LOT, especially for animals and he loves his family. What’s not to like about him. I don’t see any of those qualities in Cody. He’s milquetoast at best. No personality at all and I’m somewhat shocked BB picked him to be on the show. They usually go for big personalities, not people who look like they are going to go postal on people at the drop of a hat.

      • I don’t see him quite like that anymore, especially after he was telling Mark, I don’t care what you’d done, I’d have had your back no matter what (meaning the incident with Josh). Imo, I think Cody is *exactly* as he is on the show…a straight forward marine who does not understand that lying is a strategy in BB b/c it is not something he does in his personal life. That is why this game just isn’t for him…he cannot (like Paul did last year) separate the game from RL and adapt! paul was obnoxious at first, but he adapted…Cody just can’t seem to do that.

        Do you see what I mean? But I honestly don’t think he’s a bad person. I think he is JUST what he appears to be and he looks so awkward half the time because he really does not like most of the people in the house! haha But he doesn’t know how to hide that, so he just stares…which is even more awkward! hahahaha! I swear, Em, I almost feel sorry for him now. ;) Even if I still want him to go before Paul. :) :)

      • I see what you are saying about Paul, he can separate game from real life. That is the mark of a good BB player imo. As for Cody, I don’t think he is as honorable as people make him out to be. I would wager large bills on the fact that he mistreats women, his women and looks down on women in general, he thinks they are weak and he showed his hand when he nominated Megan, because…”he didn’t like her”. He didn’t like her because she was a woman and knew it would be easy to get her out. He could have made a big move and gone for Paul at that point but he went the easy route and chose the weakest women on the cast to put OTB, Jillian and Megan.

        Josh doesn’t bother me in the least, I kind of enjoy his drama. I’m in the minority in that opinion and seemingly most opinions when it comes to this season, just like last year.

      • Ever since season 15, the quality of seasons has been going down. Season 15- (you know the stories)
        Season 16 – (Derrick controls the house)
        Season 17 – (the uplifting of the whiner Vanessa)
        Season 18 – (the vets control (with their partners) control the house)
        In Season 19, you have the characteristics of people from season 15, the twists (or luck) that is season 18, and the strategy from older season.

        While everything isn’t perfect you have to admit that Big Brother has been falling.

      • Absolutely agree with everything you’ve said.

      • One of my fave moments actually involve Frankie and that was at the finale. Frankie made sure he was standing next to Julie when she announced the AFP cos you know he thought he would get it and instead it went to Donny. In fact ole Frankie wasn’t even in the top 3. Loved it, think I’ll go watch that again

      • There is no video or BB moment that will ever top the one where Lydia Chima and Natalie were drunk and paying tribute to Jesse who had gotten evicted,,,That will forever be in my BB hall of fame moments..

      • Jessie actually really respected Natalie & Chima, but Lydia…he talked major trash about her. She was so pathetic! especially, considering Jeff using the coup d’etat took her off the block as well! And yet…Lydia was pi$$ed at Jeff!! OMG! This is the perfect example of”he’s just not that into you hon”…but Lydia never saw it! Not even in jury house! smh. I don’t understand women like that.

      • It reminds me of the Capi Cult. He was a short angry little man who got off on telling other people, mainly women, what to do and they did it!!! I would have opened up a can of whoop ass on that midget.

      • Capi is Eric, he was a firefighter, Season 6. He was friends with Maggie, a nurse, who went on to win the game. Kaysar was on it, he was so yummy. Not sure if you watched it or not but when Capi (Eric) won HOH all of his minions, all women, would sleep upstairs with him. It was really creepy and when Kaysar finally booted his ugly ass out (I think it was Kaysar who nom’d him) these women made a shrine to Capi and whenever one of them was HOH they would all sleep around it.

      • OMG! I remember him now! He was in the same season Janelle was in, but he was in that stupid “Friendship” alliance, right?? Looked kind of like a buffed out mini me?! haha! Ugh! I know, when he got evicted his “harem” lost it…that was disturbing and gross too. At least Jesse was somewhat good looking! hahahaha

      • Can’t stand Jessie, never found him attractive and the fact that he thinks he is the bee’s knee’s makes him even more unattractive. Serious character flaw if you ask me.

      • OMG! II know… Jeez, they were acting as if the guy died or something. It was so ridiculous!! Especially b/c Jessie said such terrible things about Lydia!

    • OMG, so uncomfortable watching her manhandle Paul last night and she kept doing it when Mark came in the room. When Paul finally left she got up and went right over to SkidMark and laid right on top of him. I’m not a pearl clutcher but the view we were given was over the top and disgusting. All we saw was her from behind and SkidMark’s legs dangling over the bed. Gross. I’d rather watch real porn than these 2 or any of the other heauxmances.

      • Hey Em! :) Omg! I know…Elena is pretty nasty! Ugh! C’mon, a million ppl are watching you girl!

        Someone asked me to repeat some of the things Elena was saying that made me say she had a filthy mouth and…get this…I repeated it and BBN deleted my comment!! hahaha! Obviously, Elena is too dirty for BBN! ;)

      • Hey TG!! I can’t tolerate her much longer and I don’t understand how others can stand this dumb bish. Have you noticed when she is in the room with others and they are talking about something, she either one up’s it or answers the question that someone is asking someone else. Can’t stand people like her.

      • Jessica and Elena are vile women. I hope they get judged harshly when they leave the show.

      • I amuse myself thinking about how these hos are going to look in 20 years, maybe sooner. Lol

      • I really wanted to like Elena. She is actually pretty smart. I like how she can hide her emotions and reason things out. Put that other side of her is gross.

      • elenas family must be so proud. doesnt she know they will see everything she does

    • Then the sheep are dumber than I thought, they should have anticipated a battle back with Cody the likely winner; however I hated Paul’s arrogance over the Dom’s lame snake thing, like he can dish it out but can’t take it himself. So as much as I hate the JessCo showmance, I am hoping it takes Paul down a peg or two, he thinks way too much of himself.

      • Thank you for calling Jessica and Cody’s showmance something other than Jody. Seriously. I hate that. Jody is already a name and it’s lazy, it’s only one letter of Jessica’s name and the remainder of Cody’s name. Something like Codica or Jessidy would at least show effort. Maven for the same reason is lazy, and Marlena is also already a name but still more effort than Jody. Jody also makes them sound like a singular old lady.

        I also agree Paul needs to be taken down a few notches. He’s full of it.

  8. i would luv for ramses to leave, meaning almost all of the useless players will have been evicted early, leaving matt and elena as the only useless ones still in the house. i would just luv to see josh win the next hoh and then jessica and cody to use the hex next week

      • Yeah exactly, have to include Raven and Mark. Josh and Kevin haven’t won anything but I guess they’ve still done something (even if Josh’s ‘something’ is sheer annoyance) so I guess they get a pass from being called useless. Christmas hasn’t won anything but she’s been involved in things.

  9. What characterizes Matthew (“Matt”) Clines on BB 19? We’ve seen him eating a LOT of cereal and wearing an orange tank top. In a few clips (at POP TV’s and GIF’s people have posted from the live feeds) he has been seen playfully chased around by Raven. That pretty much sums it up.

    This information from his biography at the CBS website and here at BBN says it all for me:

    Favorite Activities: Watching panda videos or really any funny animal videos (I like animals), eating, sleeping and lifting weights.

  10. I think the whole thing was rigged! Big Brother always brings back the most controversial HG. Jess stays, gets the Temptation, Cody comes back, Jess gets HOH and Veto? Hmmm… Jess treated people horribly and America votes for her to get the Temptation? I don’t think so! BB is known for rigging. This is yet another example. Smh. Too bad the floaters don’t have enough brains/courage to get Jody and Paul out. I was all for Paul till the blackface stunt. That was disgusting and irredeemable. Some of the others are likable but as of now they’re all goats following along.

    • IDK…if they always brought back the most controversial HG, don’t you think it would have been Jozea who came back last season and not Victor??

    • You must not have watched last season. Paul was just as racist to James in the first week (right with Bronte) and sexist to Michelle (though, admittedly, that was kinda what she deserved). What happened isn’t new. The dude doesn’t know when to shut up.

      • I did. Was that on the live feeds? I did miss some episodes. I don’t tolerate racism.

  11. I like Jessica and Cody , I think Paul should not win he already played this game ,I would love to see someone new to win.

  12. PLEASE Jessica! Catch on to the blindside! Please please! Praying to the BB gods!
    IF Josh stays, he is only going to become more arrogant! I just can’t deal!! His “drama” isn’t even “entertaining!” It’s just “super annoying!”
    & if everyone votes out Ramses, clearly Jessica and Cody are going to be pissed but Mark & Elena are going to be as equally pissed off because their “alliance” kept them in the dark! Showing them they are NOT trust! That should ‘light a fire’ under Mark & Elena’s butts and hopefully one of those three, (because Jessica can’t play in the HOH) wins the HOH!
    & i’m just trying to stay positive and hope that Josh does go home however, even if he doesn’t and there is a blindside, Jessica will have the last laugh with her HH (as long as she doesn’t tell anyone what it is!) My understanding is she has not told anyone what it is?
    This potential blindside should also ruin Raven & Elenas “friendship” pushing Elena & Mark closer to Jessica and Cody & dropping Paul’s minions lower! :-) Raven is already super jealous of Jessica & Elenas friendship! (childish) for the first two weeks/1.5 weeks Raven was all over Jessica! Always holding her hand or sitting on the couch cuddling with her! Raven completely turned her back on her friendship with Jessica when Paul became the HOH! I don’t like that!
    I think Raven is not this sweet girl she appears to be.
    So this should be funny watching Ravens jealousy, but I still really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really HOPE Josh goes home! Simply because I CANNOT stand him! & I would love nothing more than to see Josh be the one who is blindsided on Thursday!
    Oh please please please please please please please please please please please please please please make this happen! Everyone send Jessica/Cody subliminal messages to take Ramses off the block and rearm Raven, or Christmas or Matt or Paul etc.
    UGH 😑 I could go on and on…… But I will stop here LOL 😂

  13. I’m reading Cody keeps talking about he’s going to backdoor Paul. Dummy! Where is he getting the majority of the votes. Does he actually they will vote out the only person that can take Cody out?? They don’t want to be alone with Cody and Jessica running the house! Cody’s evil azz will turm them into slaves! There’s no one in there he can put against Paul as a pawn, not even Raven! He’s delusional. That D head STILL hasn’t learned his BB lesson. Smh How does he figure he can persuade someone to do something when he’s in isolation 89% of the time! He couldn’t persuade me to look both ways before crossing a railroad track wearing headphones! Idiot.

    • I agree that they don’t have the votes but if I were Jessica, I would not fully trust Paul therefore I would say to him, “are you 💯% sure Josh is going home?” And of course Paul says “yes!” If I were her I would say “OK, then I am using you as the pawn because you are so sure.” She has zero reason to trust him. He would be safe on the block, his minions would not turn on him, and that way Josh would definitely walk out the door! Happy dance 💃🏼
      Cody would turn them into slaves? And Paul hasn’t? Are we watching the same show?

    • That’s ok though cuz that blindside is going to wake him right on up! “GOOD MOR-TING!”

    • Ya know what tho mg, I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t mind Paul going up b/c I know he won’t go home. (no one will vote him out) but Josh the bully/victim will go if he’s sitting next to Paul!

      Ugh! After tonight’s HOH comp, I truly cannot stand him (Josh)! He can dish it out, but if anyone heckled him like he did Cody tonight…he’d have been crying and saying why is so&so being so mean to me…??

      I would not shed one tear if her went home this week!! His kind of crazy is not entertaining to me.

    • Yes yes yes! Please please please! Let’s all pray to the BB gods that Josh goes home on Thursday! Please please please!
      And let’s all try and send Jessica and Cody subliminal messages letting her know to take down Ramses from the block and replace him with someone like Christmas, Paul, Raven etc.
      PLEASE NO blindside! In favour of Josh! No no no bad bad bad!

  14. I have just been reading all the comments and so many people seem to think Jessica’s HH will only save one person. NO….
    I am 99.99999% sure that the HH completely “halts” the ‘Entire Eviction Ceremony.’ NO one goes home! Done ✅ Am I right??? or am I right???? LOL 😂
    Sooooo EVEN IF (hopefully she does before the Veto ceremony so she can replace Ramses with Christmas or Raven etc.) Jessica finds out the house is going to vote to evict Ramses & she then uses the HH on Thursday during the live eviction, she would also be saving Josh! So, it would be a huge waste for her to use it. Plus, she’s not going to use it until Cody and/or herself are on the block come next Thursday (1 week after this Thursday) or the following Thursday. (She has to use it within the next three evictions)
    Make sense?

    • Since you asked, yes tinalee you are correct that the Halting Hex stops the entire eviction process for the night in question. I wish people who keep questioning this would just go back and watch the episode and hear for themselves. CBS makes the past five episodes free of charge to watch anytime at cbsDOTcom.

      • Sorry I didn’t go back and check. I was 99.999% positive LOL so I was pretty sure of myself :-) I just wrote that post because it seemed like every other post somebody was either questioning it or had it wrong. No big deal, I just wanted to let everyone know (that didn’t) all in one comment instead of a bunch of replies :-)

      • I didn’t mean I wished you would watch the episode, because you were correct in describing the way the Halting Hex works :)

    • It does halt the entire eviction hon. Check the CBS website, that is what it says. :)

      • & that’s what I said also!? Didn’t I? I know it halts the entire eviction. Maybe I worded what I said wrong?

        A LOT of people don’t seem to understand what the HH is, but I do for sure :-)
        I/we just don’t know what the curse is but whatever it is, apparently it will effect the entire house!
        Interesting…… But I can’t think of any theories, none that are that great anyway.
        The house goes on slot for that entire week!? Or maybe another HG comes back? I don’t know, too hard to guess.

      • Yeah I know, I was agreeing with ya, hon! ;)
        I was laughing last night and telling my friend (who hates Paul) that the curse is production is sending in another vet…Victor!! hahaha!

        Needless to say, she about had a fit worthy of Josh’s best! hehe. I was kidding of course, but since me & her do not agree on the Paul issue, it’s always fun to poke her a bit. I’m glad we can all do that here too (for the most part at least). We don’t always have to agree, we just need to respect each other’s rights to have an opinion…

        On another note…Jessica’s gut is spot on. Too bad Cody is talking her out of using the veto. I pray these people realize what an a$$ Josh is and send him home anyways!

  15. They gotta hurry up and get Cody out of there! He’s dark cloud over the house. I didn’t even watch tonight’s episode cuz he’s back. Smh looks like a demon. Smh

    • & Josh isn’t??
      Again, friendly debate.
      You clearly dislike Cody and I clearly dislike Josh but, this is not our ‘reality.’ This is “mindless entertainment.” These people do not impact our lives in anyway & if they do, then people who are truly affected by this should not watch it! I said myself that I might not watch Thursday nights episode b/c I don’t want to hear and see Josh’s immaturity & arrogance if he stays but it is simply just a reality show with people we do not know personally. It is simply entertainment…So, if Josh stays, it’s not going to affect my reality! And I probably will watch it, cringe & gag 🤢 and then when the episode is over, I will continue on with my day today “real life.”
      It wouldn’t be much fun ‘on here’ if we all agreed. If we all loved every single HG. Boring!! We all want a villain, an underdog, a loveable person, a favorite!

      Trust me, I understand that it’s hard to watch when you dislike someone so much, that’s how I feel about Josh, but I remind myself that it is NOT “my real life” Josh staying or going will not affect my “reality.” I will not become negative and angry! I live my life to the fulllest, I do not allow negativity or negative people into my life, so reality TV does not affect me in anyway whatsoever! Just some fun!
      But, that’s just me and my opinion. To each their own :-)

      • You have a great (and the perfect) attitude for BB Tina!
        It’s a game, but in this, I have to agree with you, Josh is beyond annoying. The way he heckled Cody through half the HOH comp was ridiculous! If someone did that to him, he’d have been crying afterwards! And I’ll be honest with you, Tina, I’m not a Cody fan. I do not think he is a good BB player, but he called it right with Josh. The kid is either a victim or a bully! He can dish it out, but Josh plays the victim when it is handed back to him!

        I can’t believe I’m saying this…but I almost wish the blindside of Jody wouldn’t happen, just so I can watch Josh get blindsided and go home!!!!

      • Yes I really like this group of people, no one ever is rude to one another. Friendly debate for the most part. So I’m happy we can agree to disagree :-)
        Everything I say is always in good fun. Some people do take it too seriously! Although not many. Thankfully! Plus, the downfall of this, is people reading instead of hearing there for things could be misconstrued.
        Josh is definitely a victim and bully! The unsportsmanlike actions of Josh during the HOH competition was unbelievable! I honestly don’t remember the last time I have seen someone behave in that manner. And then the next second he is trying to talk to Jessica! Seriously! Good for them for her not even entertaining him! And what put me over the edge tonight was Josh in the DR room crying as usual but at what Jessica said to him during her nomination speech! What did he expect!? LOL 😂 A total victim! A huge baby!
        Plus in the DR room while he was crying he also said “Your boy!”‘I nearly turned off the TV! I couldn’t believe my ears that he was actually that cocky and arrogant plus he was using Paul’s famous line! What an embarrassment! That is something Paul has said for two seasons straight now in the DR room! Paul is always, always saying “Your boy” And Josh goes and says that line LMAO 😂 ESPECIALLY because he is so unlike by the fans! He is “no one’s boy aside from his mommies who he needs to go crying home too! NOW!!! He needs a diaper change big time! Hee hee 😜 He truly needs to go home! I enjoy a good blindside, but instead of blindsiding Jessica and Cody, they can blindside Josh! That would be priceless! Sorry blah blah blah! Talk to type

      • Lol! I know when he said “your boy” I think I threw up a bit in my mouth! Me, my son & my friend all said (at nearly the exact same time) “you’re not my boy!”!! It was so funny! I truly cannot wait for that guy to go home.

      • Dammit I watched and I regret it. It wasn’t that bad. Guys talk trash during sports all the time. Josh can go but after the blind side.

      • I beg to differ, hon. I think he was a complete a$$, but honestly, it’s not exactly the heckling & teasing he did that just bugs the heck out of me, it’s the fact that the kid sure likes to dish it out, but if someone says something…anything back to him he starts to cry & it’s the oh poor me, poor little picked on Josh routine!

        I just can’t stand people like that! He would drive me crazy if I was in the house with someone like that! I thin I’d have to self-evict!! hahahaha

  16. I think Jessica is a fool why would you leave Ramses on ths block he is a solid vote against josh

    • During the HOH comp, everyone got to see the very ugly, scary and repulsive side of Josh’s true character! He’s nothing but an emotionally retarded sociopath! He doesn’t belong in this game or in the BB house! Nobody, except maybe Paul, likes a “bully!”

  17. I think if Jessica and Cody and Paul and Christmas stuck together they could burn rubber to the final four. It would be awesome to watch them duke it out as final four. Jessica is a mean girl but she’s got game. Cody’s only weakness right now is Jessica. Christmas is a competitor. I mean look at her stamina in the HOH stoplight comp. And Paul has the experience. I’d like to see any of those four win.

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