‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Week 11 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nominations are in for Week 11 with the latest Big Brother 19 spoilers from the Feeds as the final five Houseguests gather for the next stage in Paul’s plan to reach the end and win it all this time around.

After Alex won the HoH comp during the Double Eviction her departure was delayed, but unless she wins her way out this season it seems like it’s still likely an inevitable outcome. Today was the latest step in that direction.

Big Brother 19 Week 11 Nominations:

  • Josh nominated: Alex & Kevin

Feeds returned to a very tearful Alex. She was crying a lot and told Josh he had betrayed the person who still trusted him. Josh tried to calm her. He asked her to not talk game with anyone else and then asked if she trusted him. Hmm. After Alex left then Josh started crying while Christmas and Paul comforted him. Josh says he feels like a bad person for his game moves.

Josh has said he wanted to be upfront with Alex about her being the target, but I guess he didn’t wait until after the Veto like he discussed. Instead he must have told her at the meeting that she was his target which set off her tears. Update: Nope. Alex told Paul she can cry on cue. All those tears were fake so Josh probably didn’t tell Alex she was the main target and she was just messing with his emotions.

Kevin is the pawn here but there’s always danger, especially when your own survival depends on a strong competitor not pulling off another clutch win like she’s done before. Then again, if Kevin wants to make sure he’s safe this week then maybe he should win something. That’s Paul’s preferred plan so if Alex goes out on Saturday then we just might see a group effort to give Kevin his first win.

Veto comp is coming up on Saturday and we’ll be watching for the results to share as soon the spoilers arrive. Who do you want to win the PoV?

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  1. Ugh, damn it, Alex. I was enjoying your tears, but you just ruined it by setting off Josh!!!

  2. Kevin of course should win the veto and is Alex shrugging because she tricked Josh or because she knows her time may be up.

      • If Alex wins Xmas or Paul still go up. And Josh is thinking Paul. He knows he can’t beat him and now when he asked Xmas who she would take to F2 she said I can’t answer that yet. Josh would be smart to get rid of him.

      • If Kev came down and Paul went up (which I doubt bc he would talk Josh into putting up xmas) xmas still wouldn’t vote for Paul to go out and I doubt kev would do anything other than want the “house” wants

      • its true – being up is only half of it- these meatballs still would have to vote out the “right” person (Paul)

      • He could put Paul up and give the Xmas speech…..I am putting up the person that hasn’t been on the block.

  3. Hopefully they can get Mr. Bill Murray on celebrity bb. That way we can keep the groundhog day theme going!

  4. Wrote a blurb on the other page but it comes down to that Josh cannot put up Paul because he won’ t be able to convince Christmas to vote against Paul
    Where are the veto comp gifs ?

    • And Christmas will demand that she go up instead. I don’t think Josh has it in him to go against her AND Paul.

      And Paul would probably survive anyway, except he (and Christmas) would be mad at Josh

      • I was thinking cutthroat BB where everyone had to play for themselves, no alliances no backdoors just straight play, the top winner of a competition goes to HOH and the bottom drops out lol

  5. Keep crying Alex. With 5 people left if you were HOH you would have Josh and Kevin on the block, only with Kevin as your target due to blind unfounded hate when you really should have Josh (or anybody BUT Kevin) as your target. The hell did she expect Josh to do? Be happy Kevin is one of the nominees and go win the damn Veto. Did she really expect the other nominee to be Paul or Christmas? Plus this is exactly what she wanted, to be told and not blindsided, to be given the same decency as Mark. So, seriously, no sympathy for these tears. Shove it.

      • and it is due to her bad intuition that her ride or die is gone…She unknowingly helped to evict him….

      • Right, the guy who’s opinions and concerns she never validated or respected. The guy she helped get evicted by blindly trusting and blindly hating the wrong people. The guy who told her he didn’t feel comfortable with certain situations and she would basically tell him to shut up, “I got this. We’re fine”… I stand by no sympathy.

        Gee, not respecting or validating opinions… kind of sounds like what Christmas and Paul do to Josh… or what Paul does to everyone deep down.

  6. I hope Alex doesn’t get another DR vote this season so I never have to hear her talking so fast that she literally trips up over her own words with her stupid “T-11-11” thing.

      • I have no idea. Some shout-out she does in all of her eviction night voting to evict, in the DR with Julie. Something she was so concerned about doing that she idiotically accidentally voted to evict Matt instead of Mark as she planned to. I admit this isn’t very rational of me but I’m just plain tired of hearing it. Doesn’t help that I’m sick of her voice and face in general…

      • Hopefully you never have to lol. Actually… If she doesn’t get a vote this week (so if she stays on the block) it’s her last chance for a DR eviction vote. At F4 the person stands in the living room and live-casts the only vote to evict.

      • Thank you. I hope so too. I’ve been waiting a long time to see somebody I badly wanted out actually leave. I think the last one was… Ramses…? Dominique? It’s seriously been a long time.

      • Yeah, actually. But Alex’s bug me the most. I admitted a bit of irrational thought here abs i admitted bias because I hate hearing her talk in general, and when she’s doing that while voting she’s so desperate to talk fast and fit all of it in and it sounds incredibly annoying. Maybe it’s also because she talks in code or some inside joke abd at least others just say hi to names, family members, etc.

  7. Awww poor wittle Alex!! 😂😂😂😂😂 Josh should’ve waited until after the veto comp to tell her that she’s the target. Now there’s no chance in convincing her to throw it! That move will most likely backfire on Josh!

    • Bad for Paul if Alex wins veto and then he can go up in her place. Josh won’t nominate his girl Christmas. I think.

      • I would love that scenario, but I don’t ever see that happening! Josh might talk the talk, but if Alex takes herself down, Christmas will be the replacement nominee. I would be EXTREMELY shocked if he renoms Paul. Extremely!

      • As right as you are, Josh still has a small window of opportunity to get Paul out this week. Three votes is all that is going to be cast, if he can convince Kevin to vote out Paul, Christmas will vote out Alex and Josh can break the tie by voting out Paul. it won’t happen but if he is truly going to play his own game, this will be his last shot.

      • Exactly. I would love a different scenario, but it will continue to be predictable, and like you said, Alex or Kevin will be leaving next eviction.

      • Christmas is already saying that she will go up instead of Paul. As much as Josh might not like that plan, as always, he will still obey his orders. I will be very shocked otherwise!

    • Josh, broken record here, let his emotions get the best of him and made him crack on a solid plan. He’s just… one giant head shake. I also don’t think he knows what “meatball” or “you played yourself” even means anymore. He’s used it so many times completely nonsensically.

      • Josh is a very emotional person and that has dictated much of his game in the beginning and now. It’s funny how just a few weeks ago I wanted Josh OUT, but now I am rooting for him to put a kink in Paul’s plans. Maybe that makes me as wishy washy as Josh! Haha

  8. If Paul wasn’t so arrogant I might could appreciate how he has manipulated so many idiots. And I liked Kevin at first but have lost all respect for him. And I couldn’t stand Josh but can almost tolerate him now. There is no one left that I can feel good about winning. Think I will vote for Jason as America’s Fave because he irritates me the least. Hopefully BB can redeem themselves with the celebs.

  9. Ok..we’re almost there. Now all Kevin has to do is to win the Veto. He got this in the bag. Kevin is a Comp beast.

  10. Something worth noting, and keeping in mind.

    The Veto will be BB Comics. Paul has an edge here (where have I heard that before…). Alex is up against it here because Paul won’t throw this one knowing that not only would Alex survive another week and make F4, but that he (Paul) or Christmas would have to go up.

    It’s going to take Paul making a major mistake or a handful of smaller ones for him to lose it. He’s played it last season and he feels comfortable with it.

      • Why? Did Paul tell them not to study?
        What a bunch of losers. My vote is Paul is the next to last member of jury. This way people won’t tune into the final episodes. Can’t reward CBS for their part in making this season so pathetic.

  11. If Alex wins Veto Josh could put up Paul maybe then Josh can convince Alex and Christmas to vote if He and Alex can convince Christmas Paul cant stand her

    • if only 2 people are voting Christmas votes Kevin After a long talk with Josh Alex votes Paul…tie breaker Josh votes Paul…Not likely to happen but would be an amazing upset and the game would restart…

  12. welllll… A few words for Alex….. Karma is biting u in the ass Alex just as predicted….Too little too late to figure out where u went wrong….It wouldn’t matter if u won the Veto cause Kevin will leave no matter who Josh noms…Guess u now now u been had…

    • Alex is an idiot she should go home, she had a chance to put Paul and Christmas up and she put Raven and Kevin . Bad move open your eyes Paul is not your friend you should be able to figure that out, the game is almost over and you are still trusting these people who voted your partner Jason out. All of these people are idiots I really don’t like Paul, but he should be the one who win this game because he is playing with a bunch of idiots who need a leader to tell them how to play and let him win. Unbelievably, worse season in BB history .

      • She was in love with Kevin and had a thing for Matt as well. I think she is just desperately horn* and needs it bad from anybody.

      • She expressed her love for Paul? I read it was cryptic.
        Not love, but she talked about liking Kevin and she just seemed to like Matt, but that idiot was always around.
        Christmas is playing the viewers and jury before they get evicted. She believes Paul still has a lot of fans and want them to think that she likes him a lot. She wants AFP and that win.

      • I took it as pretty much an expression of love.

        She may have done the same for Kevin though I didn’t catch it if she did.

      • How far was that going to go when Matt was stuck to Raven and Kevin is married? She didn’t let feelings develop. Nothing got in the way of growing fond of Paul.

    • Someone commented that she may have been asked to return to the show, so maybe that’s true.

    • IF she said that it is because she wants to come back next season so she can actually compete,Not sure.

  13. I wonder how much more cr@p Josh will eat before he gets sick of being ordered around and lectured and condescended to and he begins to rebel against Paul and Navidad. It may just be too late.

    • Lol. I know a girl named Navidad. My stupidity that I just realized that her name is Christmas in Spanish.

  14. “Feeds returned to a very tearful Alex”
    “After Alex left then Josh started crying”

    So much crying. I hope somehow Alex and Josh compare notes and realize whats going on. To those with the feeds….Any chance of that happening?
    Should be a very interesting Sunday show!

      • She’s a brat and has a really short temper like one of those little rascal bullies but not dumb. Maybe naive in trusting Paul?

      • The three HG’s Paul/Chritmas/Josh basically know each others game. They’re also aware that Paul has the cleanest hand on all the evictions. Joshmas had talked about it. They know his game play, but they have to commit to the alliance until they get to F3. Now, Alex and Kevin, they have no notes to compare. lol They’re lost, They have no idea what’s coming to them.

      • Well said…Alex focused so much on her hatred for Kevin has ruined her game. Wasted her talent on a vendetta.

      • Someone please forgive and correct me if wrong…
        Alex saw Jason and Kevin growing closer and Paul saw it as well. Paul exploited this and spread some rumors about Kevin. Alex believed every lie. The only thing Kevin did was say ” a shoe could beat her in the finale.”

      • That makes sense to me. It is amazing how they all have believed everything Paul has said to them.

      • What talent? I feel like a couple of wins in the last couple of weeks has made everyone forget the giant hiatus where she won nothing for a long time. You know, right around the time she crawled up Paul’s butt and made a home for herself in it.

  15. At what point does anyone take a shot at Paul? Final two? I honestly believe the other finalist will beg jury to vote Paul the winner.

    • Christmas has already told Josh if it’s between Paul and her, to cut her and take Paul to F2. SMH

  16. I just love it when people get what’s coming to them.. and Alex’s karma has only just begun, wait till she gets out of the house and realizes America hates her!

  17. It’s so frustrating that unless you watch the feeds or forums that you have no idea what type of person Alex is. We all know she’s horrible, but the rest of the world thinks she’s a nice sweet person. EEERRRRRRRR

  18. Does anyone else feel bad for Raven? She is annoying and has fake stories, but I don’t think she is malicious like Alex is. She is just screwed in the head by her mother.

    She won’t handle the backlash she gets from the show well and I don’t think she really deserves it.

  19. Tonight Alex told Christmas why she hates Kevin. Did anybody here what she said? I can’t stand her. A few weeks ago she called him a predator.

  20. I want Paul gone so bad I can’t stand it. We got ripped off this season by BB bringing him back. I’d rather have had Victor if someone had to be back in. So sick of him and the stupidity of the guests.

  21. Everyone will finally talk to each other in the jury house and realize they were all bamboozled by Paul, I wonder if it will cost him the win?

  22. This is seriously the most one person has dominated a season ever, I’m pretty sure. Lot’s of people don’t find that entertaining. I don’t think that is unreasonable. But for me, I think it is more entertaining. I just find it fascinating how Paul has been able to control everyone for so long. Yes, part of it is the cast. But at the same time, Paul is really good. Liz Nolan, for example, would not be able to do this.

    • No, it was Vanessa in Liz’s season and, if I remember correctly, Liz refused to evict Vanessa at the end of that season, as well.

      • Steve evicted Vanessa at the end of BB17 so she finished 3rd. She did have pretty good control. But she was in danger sometimes because she was sloppy. She was smart enough to talk her way out of it. But I think Paul is a better talker and he has never been in danger.

      • Paul is a better talker, but Vanessa also had more intelligent housemates. They were nowhere as dumb as 19’s bunch.

      • I’ll give you that. Though Paul does have a potential F3 that will probably cut him if he gets the chance (Josh). Just like Steve did to Vanessa.

      • I hope. But I just don’t know. Josh is basically an emotional blubbering mess, and the only time he makes any sense is when he’s not being emotional about it. Last night he apologized to Raven in tears and he didn’t even vote to evict her. That’s what I’m afraid of here. If he’s not emotional and is running on being pissed, yes, he could vote out Paul at F3. But if he starts out the competition in tears, I bet he won’t be able to do it.

      • Which is exactly why Josh is not smart and why I spoke up to somebody on here who called him “very smart” the other night. He can be observant and he has a good heart. That’s all I’ll probably ever give him.

  23. If Josh is serious about ditching Paul talking to Alex may be a bad idea…It might be better if he Shared his thoughts with Kevin…Kevin knows what Paul has done and said.. He is aware that Paul is running the house….Kevin might be a better option…

    • Yep. All he needs to do is talk to Kevin and then they both need to talk to Alex. If she comes down to reality (big if) and realizes she’s the target this week and Paul is behind the entire thing… they could send his dumbass packing by winning veto and throwing him OTB.

      • Alex will never believe Kevin and Josh over Paul (and very likely Christmas).

        Paul will tell her that it is a lie designed to get him out and she will believe him. He has already planted the seeds.

  24. Josh only wants friends, when he asked Christmas who she would take to final 2 she said she didn’t know he told her he would take her and she said she couldn’t answer that right now, but yet he won’t act on it

    • Josh right now is wearing his heart on his sleeve and this is definitely not the time to be doing that. You have to put all emotion on the back burner now and just go for the kill, and I’m not sure that ability is in Josh’s constitution.

      • Josh has a hard time doing things like that. Despite his bullying, he is basically a follower in desperate need of validation and approval. Going in for the kill would be hard without someone backing him up imo.

      • Paul has already seen his need for validation and acted on it. He thanked Josh and told him he if didn’t have Josh he wouldn’t still be in the game. Doesn’t matter that Paul doesn’t likely believe that, it worked. It validated Josh, who instantly was lifted up by it and reasserted his connection to Paul.

    • That should have opened his eyes. If you can’t tell me NOW, later doesn’t matter. I wonder what she would say, if Paul asked. Hmmm

    • Whoever can spend the most air time making Josh feel ‘validated’ will get his vote. Christmas has probably earned this distinction.

      • Oh jeez yes. Xmas has spent a lot of time cultivating the baby meatball! lol! That is why he is so loyal to her. She is always there to dry his eyes after one of his freak outs! ;)

      • Wonder how different the game would have been if Christmas had not broken her leg. For starters, she would probably not have had to babysit baby Huey all summer to assure her own survival in the game.

      • It’s disappointing that we didn’t get to see Christmas compete at full capacity. She’s in good shape without being too bulky (like Mark) so endurance competitions is one thing I would’ve liked to see her ability in. If she’s invited back I hope it’s 2+ years from now instead of next summer. Get more assurance that she’s as healed as she ever will be. I say this as somebody who doesn’t like her and doesn’t want to see her back, personality wise, but at least if she’s back, healed, and not with Paul, there will be a few pros to it.

      • Agree. As much as people wonder about Paul’s affect on the game, I think Christmas’ accident also really steered the course.

      • Agreed. He is really looking for approval from this group of people which is even more sad if you ask me. I almost feel sorry for him at times.

      • This might sound harsh, but I don’t mean it this way…I have a feeling that Josh might be ‘on the spectrum.’ Do you know what I mean by that?

      • Maybe, though more immature than say, Steve or Ian. I still wonder if production casts for a certain profile each season, and this was it. Either way, Paul sure figured it out.

      • You know, I commented something like that way back. To have your immaturity exposed on national TV. I felt truly sorry for him.

  25. Paul of all small mined people telling Josh that Alex fake crying is hurtful to Josh and he (Paul) does not like to see people hurt in such a way…I am soo sick of Paul and his lies and his threats and his egotistical attitude…..I will be soooo glad to see finale nite and Paul crawl off into the woodwork…

    • I’m glad you posted this. I’ve been watching BBAD, as well, and I’m stunned at how hypocritical Paul is. He’s sitting there straight-faced accusing Alex of doing exactly what he’s been doing all season long – and is still doing tonight. Wanting people harassed and bullied till they crack, and now, tonight telling Josh he has to antagonize Kevin till he’s so pissed he won’t do well in the competition tomorrow. Paul has absolutely no shame. It’s mind-boggling.

      • It has gone beyond game play for a long time now. The group-think of this group is astounding. They all need serious therapy.

      • Hey there Sha!! No, I have been watching BB 6. Reminding myself why I am suffering through this season & why I love this game… ;) haha
        How are ya my friend?

      • Glad to hear it, hon. I haven’t really been on here much in the last few days. Had a serious 10 page paper due today on juvenile offenders and life sentences. There was a lot of research involved. ;) But I did watch Thursday’s episode…best episode in a long time!! And yes! Raven is finally gone! I’m doing my happy dance, Sha. :)

      • Oh man, don’t even get me started on the whole injustice of juvenile offenders; the injustice of their sentences; the injustice of privatized juvenile institutions. Lol! Sorry. Congrats on finishing your paper!
        Yeah, I did my ‘goodbye, Raven’ happy dance too!

    • Why would he not do this crap if it works.

      I seriously don’t understand some of you people.

      I would say anything to win this game if I was playing.

  26. There is absolutely no way Paul is going out at any point in time now.. he’s definitely going to F2. Bunch of brainless pea brains this season.

      • He’s a legend in his own mind!!

        Speaking of legends…has anyone seen Dan G’s tweet where he responds to Josh comparing Paul to him & Derrick? OMFG! It is hilarious! He basically is laughing his a$$ off. hehehe

      • I’m not on twitter, so no–I didn’t read it. I can’t even imagine what Dan and Derrick must think of THAT.

      • Well I know Derrick has not been impressed with Paul’s gameplay…at least all the bullying of people. And Dan pretty much put his thoughts out there yesterday with that tweet, so yeah, neither are impressed I’d say.

      • No way is he even in the same ball park as either of those two. Again, I didn’t see the little man instigate the bullying; but, I do know he’s played these idiots like a violin…and he’s done it brilliantly. Raven for AFP!

      • I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth as I read Raven for…nope, can’t even say it. ;)

        And no, Paul has played against weak HG, he cannot be compared to Dan, who played against two seasons of very good HG.

      • LOL!!! Cyril started that today.
        I had no idea that Paul came in with a huge advantage…wonder what would have happened if he hadn’t had–what, 3 free weeks?

      • Yeah. They sure as hell didn’t give jesse 3 weeks safety in BB 11 when he was the only vet returning, he got HOH & that was it. And in BBOTT Jason had to earn his safety the 1st week by winning POV and pulling himself off the block!

        Production usually does something to keep vets safe, but as I have investigated further, I have to admit, Paul got more perks this season than any other returnee ever.

      • Right before I turned off BBAD, he was telling Xmas, “CBS has been very, very good to me. ‘ He’d just been on ‘Candy Crush’ before BB started. So, you can’t tell me there isn’t something hinky going on.

      • You know what is so funny about it too? BB18 really did lousy in the ratings. I mean it was the lowest rated season of BB ever, even BB 15 did better in the ratings!! And this season has not done as well as BB 16, although it has done better than BB 18 & 15… but that is not saying much! So, why the fascination with Paul? It’s not like he brings in these huge ratings for the show. So why?

      • I loved Paul at the end of last season! I couldn’t stand him in the beginning. Hated him. Called him ‘Pizza Rat ( remember that video that went viral?).’ Then, when Vic came back (the 3rd time), I was Team Victor and Paul—all the way. Couldn’t get enough of him Suddenly, I thought he was hilarious. I don’t know what changed, but I remember wanting him and Vic for F2, and not caring which won,
        Maybe that’s why CBS brought him back. Or Allison G found him to be satisfying in HER ‘Candy Crush’ game. ;)

      • Hahaha! I loved him last season too, Sha, remember? It must have been Vic’s influence on him. Even this season, Victor was on twitter apologizing for these HG’s behavior!! He’s still trying to clean up after Paul. hehe

      • Apologizing… Yes he did. He’s a sweetheart that’s for sure. A bit naive for BB at times, but he was definitely a comp beast.

      • I LOVED watching his comps. You know that he and Nic are a couple now, right? I can’t help it, but I’m jealous AND I think it’s cure!

      • I know. It is all over twitter. He posts all kinds of videos of them. They are pretty adorable together. :) Remember last season, you & I knew he had a crush on her long before any one else was talking about it. hehe We spotted that from a mile away my friend. :)

      • Yes, I do. We saw those big, gorgeous, brown eyes looking longingly at Nic…flirting with her on PURPOSE whenever Christmas Corey and his spooky, dead, shark eyes, stared into space. Yup, we knew.

      • He looks lost in space…If he was on this season, he’d be just as much a dud as the rest of these HG. He’s lucky he played with better players.

      • He could out beast Beast Mode Cowboy! haha!
        Well, maybe not out beast, but it’d be a helluva comp anyhow…

      • I think they would seriously try & out beast mode each other…but in a friendly, if not overly macho kind of way. hehe

      • I wasn’t watching when Cody was still there. I came in right after he was evicted. I missed almost the entire season. I’m still playing catch-up.

      • Lol…people either love him or hate him. Most people I’ve heard from, don’t like him–but respected him as a Marine.

      • I didn’t watch the live feeds so I can’t say for sure but I certainly remember people saying so.

      • No, Derrick didn’t do that. I watched that season like a hawk and Derrick may have had a (huge) hand in Donny’s eviction, but he never pulled that kind of sh*t on Donny.

      • Donny didn’t really have a great social game. He didn’t know how to relate to the other HG’s. WE, America, loved him…but the HG’s didn’t ‘get’ him…you know what I mean? If anyone pushed Donny out of the group, it would have been Frankie…and I don’t even remember him being mean to him. Donny just had a bad social game. I think he’d be the first to say so.
        Listen, I didn’t always like how Derrick played—even thought he deserved the win—he laughed along with those things Frankie said about Victoria (wanting her to be raped in all of her openings), but he really didn’t ostracize Donny.

      • Agreed. I would even go so far as to say Derrick’s season was boring at times too b/c it was predictable. We all knew what was going to happen, but there is some drama I can just do without and verbally bashing someone continuously is one of them. Some people like that kind of drama, but It’s just not my cup of tea.

      • It was Caleb Sha, remember b/c he thought Donny was some kind of military guy so they all started treating him weird. But they never treated Donny the way these HG have treated Kevin. Verbally bashing him for weeks on end. Dumping out his food supply and then refusing to let him eat with the other HG. Derrick would have never let that kind of crap go on.

      • Mostly they just leave Kevin alone. And Paul sometimes talks a little game with him.

        He can usually hang out with the group if he wants without even Alex being mean to his face.

      • What are you talking about? No they don’t. Paul has told the other HG not to talk to him period. Jason wasd the only one who ignored that sometimes. Plus, Paul is always telling Josh to ramp it up on Kevin, start a fight with him, “scare him a bit” and telling lies about kevin and trashing him to the other HG. And then there’s Alex, who is beyond mean to him constantly. She has called him old and disgusting. She’s called him a child molester, a predator, a murderer and she has purposefully dumped out his slop when he was a HN. This has all been going on for over three freaking weeks!

        Do you have live feeds? If you did you wouldn’t have made that comment.

      • Yes, I have the live feeds. Mostly, Kevin is by himself and they don’t do anything to him.

        Even Alex will usually not be terrible to his face. And yes, he does sometimes hang out with the group.

        Paul just doesn’t want any of them to talk game with him.

      • Yeah,,,I knew it wasn’t Derrick…see my loooong comment below. Lol.
        It’s funny that they thought that about Donny…that he was some kind of special ops guy. I’ve said it before: I’m so glad I came in when I did. I don’t think I could have watched the whole summer. I didn’t see a 10th of what people talk about…all I’ve seen is how Alex has treated Kevin, and MAN! That’s too much.

      • Yeah, when Caleb said that, it was right then that I knew Caleb wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. hehe

        Oh Alex has been vicious. Production has given her a sweetheart edit, but the feedsters like me, we know better. She is vile & loathsome!

      • She really is, although in last night’s BB After Dark, she behaved nicely. I don’t think she realizes how her ass looks in that costume she has on! Snicker!

      • LOLOL! No one should ever wear pink spandex…I don’t care how great you think you look, you don’t. ;)

      • Thanks Sha, I was really trying not to think of Pink Flamingo Frankie & his “glitter bombs”! Now I have that image in my head. I thought we were friends, hon. Why would you do that to me? ;)

      • I’m so, so sorry. I saw him in that pink comic book character costume today, and I can’t get it out of my head.
        It doesn’t help that I’m exhausted. I’m going to go crash. Please accept my apology for bringing up, ‘he who shall not be named.’
        Love ya, hon!

      • Ugh. It was OK. HE was sickening. I threw up in my mouth every time he was on camera…and he was ‘on’ camera ALL THE TIME.

      • We could barely get him off the camera! Sha, have you ever seen the BB version of Price is Right? It aired last year. They have BB playwers playing with contestants on the game show. It was super fun, but Frankie spent most of his time mugging it up for the camera. Ugh! The only funny thing about that was he never won. haha. I think it was Janelle who over bid him by like a dollar & won. hahahaha. he looked so pissed.

      • Oh my, Will’s seasons are two of the best seasons of BB you’ll ever see. Watching him work is like watching Michael Angelo create a masterpiece…Will truly was a genius when it came to getting people to do things his way.

      • Some people say they were watching an earlier BB season… how? I haven’t checked but are these online to view?

      • If you have live feeds it’s on the CBS All Access Big Brother Home page. You click on BB19 & it drops down to show you every season of BB from 1-19 and you can watch any season you want right there. If you don’t have live feeds, go to youtube and search for BB 2 or BB 7. They are both available there. In fact, most seasons are available on youtube. Both seasons are well worth the viewing, trust me. Plus, if you watch Will in action, you will see why it is so laughable (and insulting) when people even mention Paul in the same breath as Will Kirby. ;)

      • Ahhh, I see. Okay, good to know. Although I honestly don’t think I could stomach another BB season right now, even if it was a good one. But someday in the future maybe, because I missed a few seasons and everybody always says how good those seasons were (the ones I missed, of course). Thank you for the info!

      • YW hon. No problem. I’m currently watching BB 6 b/c this season was such a disappointment. Watching a great season reminds me why I stick with BB even when I am sick of it. hahaha

      • We’re all sick of this season, can’t wait for the final day, it’s going to be good. I think the celebrity BB season will be good as well, just a shorter season, thankfully.

      • You know what? I am actually looking forward to that, even if it is C list celebrities. ;) Just b/c it’s a different spin on the show. Hopefully, they will all play to win since they’ll probably be playing for a charity or something like that.

      • Me too! I would think that C list celebrities would need the cash though. I guess we’ll find out soon how it will all work. It will be fun to watch.

      • There were some bright moments. Like I said when Janelle outbid him by a dollar & went onstage… That was epic! LMAO at how pissed Frankie was.
        And the best part was the showcase showdown featured Will & Janelle. Loved it!

      • I know I did miss good things, but I couldn’t bear to watch him. Honestly. He literally (yes, literally) drives me insane. Now I’m really and truly going to bed. :)

      • I have seen him (or should I say used to) at music award shows. Of course his sister was singing and the camera was on him the whole night. Why?

      • That’s for sure. I think the only one that can get away with wearing something like that is Kim Kardashian (sorry to bring her up, cough).

      • Oh man, and I thought we were friends here too, hon. Now you’ve gone and loaded down my brain with Kartrashians! Why?? Why I ask you?? ;)

      • LOL! All is forgiven…I always enjoy our discussions here. It’ll take more than a random Kartrashian comment to get me mad at ya. hahaha

      • Not gonna happen. Anyone who can debate BB and still be respectful of other’s opinions, like you always are, can never go wrong in my book.

      • Also, didn’t Dr. Will say that the others are jealous of how Paul made this season the Paul show.

        I think Dr Will is more objective than them.

      • He didn’t say that, he said some BB alum are jealous which is why they hate this season, but I take that interview with a grain of salt considering Dr. Will does not watch BB. He has admitted that when he was on Evel Dick’s show Dick@Nite. So, he was simply doing CBS a favor by doing that interview. He couldn’t even name any of the HG except Paul. I think that says it all right there.

      • That says to me that he has the right take, it is all about Paul and they wish their seasons were like that.

    • I can’t force myself to get through an episode lately. Moreover, if that is the current topic, I won’t bother trying either. ;) hehehehe

      • I pretty much just delete them now. Instead I read updates & if there is something that strikes my interest I will use flashback on live feeds and watch it there. That way I don’t have to mire through the muck of narcissistic ramblings to get to the part I want to see. ;)

      • Tonight is the first time I’ve actually heard Paul talk about himself. Heard plenty of it last year; but, honestly—I haven’t seen him lay around talking the way he is tonight.

      • Oh he has…trust me. More than I can possibly tell you. He has had a captive audience this season, far more than last season, so just imagine how often he has talked & talked & talked about himself. ;) hahaha

    • Yes. Apparently Paul’S bedroom back home (probably in his parent’s basement, is like a museum. With all his paintings, guitars, blah, blah, blah….

  27. Paul to Josh: “Did I mention that I was very proud of your speech? Dude, I was totally not expecting that. I was like where’d that come from? I was totally shocked. Damn, Homie was actually very articulate.”

    Geez. Even when Paul’s trying to fake compliment Josh, he still comes across as a manipulative, insincere, condescending douche! He really makes my skin crawl.

    • I laugh every time I hear Paul say homie. The dude is a rich boy who lives in his parent’s mansion in Tarzana… bet he’s never met a real homie in his life! haha

      • Oh the place where he lives is all multi million dollar homes…Paul would not know what to do if a Homie walked up on him. ;) Might start taking off his jewelry. hehe

      • In reality, (pun intended)…Paul is a Phony, he tries to be Edgy, with that Gawd awful Tattoo all over his Chest…and Friendship, when he isn’t really about Friendship at all…that was last Season?!

      • He is as fake as fake can be! There is a picture on twitter that is funny as hell. It is the HOH comp in the DE and it has Paul, Josh, Raven, Kevin & Alex all standing there and all the HG except Kevin have their dial turned to “Fake” and Kevin’s is on “Real” and the comment is like too true… or something like that. It’s just so funny b/c it is so true. These people are all fake & Kevin is far more real. hehe

  28. I would say Pauls played a good game, but I cant, not when everyone left are idiots. Josh says he cant beat Paul, but he still doesnt nom him because hes worried about what xmas will think. Hate to say it but Cody was right about everything he said about all the other HGs

    • Josh putting Paul on the block would be a bad move. He probably would not be able to get him out which would be terrible for his game next week

      Best to go along with the plan and hope he can pull a Steve Moses.

  29. I just finished watching last night’s BB After Dark. Well, I guess Alex and Josh are all over Jason leaving the house. Why did Christmas say she regrettably votes to evict Raven? Can someone explain that to me? Then afterwards, everyone was telling Christmas how Raven exited and entered to the live audience. She said she didn’t see that (at least I think she said that). Anyway, I can’t stand any of the houseguests that are left, except for Kevin.

    • Christmas (and Paul) probably pretended to be sad because they believed it would look bad to happily evict the sick girl.

      • Well, she (Christmas) appeared to be misty-eyed, so I thought she felt bad for Raven’s eviction. I do, however, believe that Paul was acting, but at the same time, relieved that Raven was gone, and relieved that Jason was gone, and relieved his plans were all coming together.

      • I dunno, maybe she did feel bad.

        But at the same time, she has made it clear how much she can’t stand Raven.

      • I know, that’s why I am confused by Christmas. She seemed upset when Raven left, but to say “regrettably,” — why would she say that? Did they become close those two? Like you said, Christmas and all the others were always talking about Raven, in a negative way. I don’t understand these people at all! Ha Ha

      • From what I saw, no they did not become close.

        Matt asked Christmas to look after Raven (stop her from picking at herself, ect), and she couldn’t really do that.

        I think Christmas was just able to act well enough for the show to make it convincing that she was upset.

        But then again, they might have felt bad about taking the money from her. They can’t stand her, but I don’t think they want anything bad to happen to her. They know she is mostly full of crap, but believe that the core illnesses are true because of the pacemaker.

      • Do you really think she has a pacemaker? Why would she sit in a hot tub with a pacemaker? I think the houseguests started to not believe her medical issues except for maybe her Gastroparesis.

      • I know I saw her point it out to everyone. I read online that others said they have that too but it’s not what she makes it out to be (so deadly serious). Why is her pacemaker so “low” on her body? I don’t know anything about them, but never thought the location for one is near the stomach area. Whatever.

      • While a pacemaker is used to help with irregular heart rhythm, it can be placed in the chest or abdomen.

      • Her calling what she has is a pacemaker is another reason people should not believe her. What people with Gastroperisis have is called a simulator. It’s all a lie, I don’t believe she has the disease. Her mother has convinced her she has it. There’s plenty of information online to backup these claims. Memaw mensa is well known for finding Dr’s who are willing to do what she wants, not what is necessary for her child but what she wants for her child. It’s sick and it’s called Munchausen by proxy.

      • No, you can’t believe anything. But she does have something in her stomach area, you can actually see the outline of it, if my recollection is correct.

      • Yes, I know she has something in her stomach. What I’m saying is she somehow convinced Dr’s that Raven needed this device in her stomach, which is why I say it’s Munchausen’s by Proxy.

      • You are probably correct. Even Raven has talked about how they doctor shopped until they found one that would diagnose her.

        I really do feel bad for her.

      • Oh I see what you are saying now. Oh that is insane, but I could see her Mother doing that. Because what I read online is that apparently Raven and her Mother have been asking for medical donations for a long, long time. Says a lot about her mother using her daughter for her scams.

      • I believe this especially about the pacemaker. It is just not something doctors try right off the bat. Usually they want you to try many other options. Of course there is little money for a doctor if you are following a diet or taking meds but tons of money for surgery. If you go to a real teaching or research hospital where doctors make the same salary regardless of what treatments they choose or if the are teaching or researching , the pacemakers is discouraged. If she got a pacemaker as quick as she says she did ( story #2) then they likely shopped to find a doctor that would do the surgery.

      • I also believe her mom convinced her the pacemaker or stimulator was the only option. As a posted before I have GP, and am lucky to have gone to some if the best hospitals, never was a pacemaker the first option or pushed at all. There were several medications and diets tried first. During my worst times, I ate or drank my diet, liquid diet. None of the medications are expensive , the diets aren’t expensive, why not try them before the surgery? They have a much higher success rate. I think her mom knows the surgery and scar got instant money where taking a pill or a duet, who would know you are sick.
        I hope Raven gets in some show like the doctors or gets to see a specialist at the Mayo without her mom, let Matt go, and she can hear all her options as an adult and make her own decisions. Honestly if Matt stays around for a year, it might not be the worst thing. I think he would make better medical choices with her and keep her mind from all these worst case diseases.

      • I am not so sure if Matt is good for her, but I hope he is. He might bail after they step back outside and feels the public uproar.

      • Matt’s an enabler at this point. Who knows what his position will be outside of the house, but, if he does continue to believe the scam once they are outside of the house, he’s definitely NOT good for her.

      • Perfect description of Matt. He’s also helped her to gain a ton of weight and eat all the wrong foods — junk!

      • I think that Matt stuck with her because she is hot, and because he believed it would it would look bad to ditch her. He knows there is something wrong with her.

        They won’t last a month outside the house.

      • He would have gone after Jessica or Elena if they hadn’t hooked up with Cody and Mark. That left Christmas and Raven. Raven was the only option to have some regular sex (he might have grown to like her, but for all we know it could be an act). Absolutely won’t go anywhere, their so-called relationship.

      • I think Matt was put in the house for a showmance with Christmas. They had real good talks and a lot in common, from the same area, body building, they traveled the world and similar age.

      • Then why didn’t they hook up? I watched several weeks of taped BB After Dark, I don’t recall them communicating that much. Christmas is too masculine.

      • IKR. Not as built either. But yeah, she can be a real stunner. I think her face is one of the prettiest of this season’s HG. Her & Jessica.

      • For sure. I also noticed Christmas is dressing up more lately. Maybe because of her crush on Paul?

      • According to Jess , Raven and Matt were attached by day, 6, well Raven was following him around all the time. Christmas and Matt’s first long talk was in the bathroom , Raven was either showering or going to the DR. Christmas was not looking for love, I’m sure the producers hoped for showmances by bios but Christmas has said she took this summer to heal (it appears she broke off an engagement before entering the house) and was not looking for a relationship or hookup.
        I don’t get pop tv is BBAD from 10-12? but it seems like with Paul running around the house trying to get in the last word, the good talks which are dull for tv but interesting to fans happen on the other feed or later like 1-3 am. There were not a lot of Matt talks but when he did talk it was lengthier and full of facts, not superficial stuff. 30 minutes of Matt talking gets you more real life info then 4 hours of josh or Paul.

      • I could see Raven following him around. I think she originally shared a bed with Cody, but nothing happened. When she first started flirtations with Matt, it was kind of strange, but he seemed to enjoy it. BBAD comes on 12 to 3 AM. I tape it now and scan through the interesting parts (which are getting less and less). I taped it and watched it religiously, but due to work and chores, couldn’t keep it up.

      • Is that east coast time? I suspected BBAD ends at 1am mst and 12am pst? I have those roku tvs, not the box the tv and not they shut off I think when BBAD ends and I have to reload the app. Sometimes I think I’m crazy but I have to have to internet providers to ensure I get the feeds ( and other steaming) and I have 2 different time zones depending on which service is working.

      • I think Matt just wants to travel and have an easy life for the next year. I think he will travel with her. As much as he seems to be with her for a good time and fun, I think he is smart and grounded underneath the frat boy. He likes the sex, the traveling, the no work, but I think if he takes her to the doctor he will be the voice of reason. I don’t think if a doctor offers raven meds over surgery, he will say surgery is the only option. I think he would encourage the meds or diets. Anyone is better then her mom and I don’t think Raven will go to the doctor alone.

      • You know a lot about him. I think you said he has lived all over the world? I know his BB profile said he was a military brat. And yes, he does seem technically level-headed, at least in comparison to young Raven.