Update: Nomination spoilers confirmed on the Feeds.
The Reddit leaker is back for more Big Brother spoilers with the rumored nomination results while the Feeds are down and we await tonight’s special eviction episode for official results and the season’s F4.
Following last night’s HoH rumors these particular nominations aren’t a surprise at all, but of course I’ll again note these are rumors that I can’t personally verify, albeit from a season long reliable source.
So we’ve supposedly got Paul in charge as the F4 Head of Household and in a camtalk awhile back Paul revealed he wanted Kevin out the door so he could go to F3 with his one legged ally and his handcrafted monster. These nominations would keep in line with that, but also give him the chance at seeing Josh leave should he decide the wavering minion might not be so supportive after all. (He’d be right.)
Rumored Spoilers: F4 Nominations
- With Paul as rumored HoH he had to pick from 3 options
- Josh & Kevin were nominated
- Source: Reddit
If nothing changes then Christmas will be the sole voter. Now if Paul wins Veto he can decide which order to shuffle things and free one HG from the Block to be his proxy vote. Should nothing change then Christmas gets to pick whether she sends out Kevin or Josh. I’d assume she’d take out Kevin given she expects Josh to take her to the end over Paul and she’d be right.
What do you think of these rumors? Feeds return tonight around 9PM PT (12AM ET) so we should know for sure then plus will likely get those critical Veto comp results. This final Power of Veto will be important news so we’ll anxiously await those results and share the spoilers when we have them.
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maybe Kevin would actually play for the veto and win it – take himself off and get rid of Xmas…nice dream
Oh to dream indeed. May we have better luck next season in our quest for players…
You mean you want a season with more then one person playing the game?
that’s what I hope for when you have returning players like Paul production makes sure their way is paved lol although it looks like nasty Christmas has her way paved in gold so far must be close to someone in production. I likes Paul last season he was so nice but this season must be the real person what a looser wonder if he bullies his parents he still lives with them. maybe they are wishing he will win and move lol
well atleast Cody tried to play he just played it horribly.. this season has went so bad that I want Josh to win and that’s crazy.. I’d prefer Kevin but in reality Kevin can’t win comps.. so I go with the lesser of evils Josh
Well, Cody “sorta” played it horribly. And what happened from that is, in my opinion, why a lot of these house guests have “fallen in line”. He was willing to step up and make the first “big move”. However, due to the convenient production….I mean “protection” Paul was given, it subsequently led to Cody’s demise. Had Paul not been “protected”, the entire season would likely have been different.
I agree Cody tried to play the game and ended up taking a bath in blood because of all the twists that were designed to make this the summer of Paul. I think it is crazy how long Paul had protection and also that he got to keep it a secrete till he used it. I also hate the way he was brought into the game. They need to stop evicting people on the first night. Let everyone have a week to settle in the house and get to know each other.
I agree 1st night just isn’t fair like bringing in past players and giving them the same comps that they already won
Aren’t they in the house for a full week before the feeds are turned on? This isn’t like BBUK where we see them enter the house
I think when the show started, we didn’t see them enter the house until a week after they had done so. Now we see it in real time. It’s horrible that Cameron was in and out the way he was.
Excuses,Excuses..Cody blundered on his own,no need for such a early move but could not resist playing the ‘big man’ in the house that preceded to blow up in his face and made matters worse by refusing to act like a human being that made a mistake and try to repair the damage HE caused,instead he and Jessica retreated to their bedroom like BB held captives,CBS and Paul can’t be blamed for Cody’s overt BB shortcomings.
Eh, it wasn’t a bad move he just got powerboned by production
In my opinion Cody’s downfall was his own doing. Of course him not being able to nominate Paul hurt his game, but the biggest issue is him going after Paul and then Christmas without telling ANYONE in his alliance. That is not how alliance’s work and he broke the trust of everyone in that move. Had he been upfront with his plans he probably would of still had the support of a few of them and would of voted out Christmas successfully. He also got to come back into the game because of production, his gf won HOH, and they had the hex. They wasted everything putting a waste of space like Josh and a nomad in Ramses. Paul could of been nominated that week and they didn’t take the shot. Cody was an awful player as was Jessica. They are only getting love now to spite Paul.
Agree 100 percent. That was basically what tainted this season imo
I give Cody credit for trying to make a big move, against Paul.
But perhaps it was his lack of social skills that kept him from gaining support of others to join him against taking Paul out.
If he would have been able to put Paul on the block, he could’ve had several days to get enough people on his side to possibly get the gnome out! Production screwed this season!
I hope for a next season BB where NO PRIOR PLAYERS return. Keep it on an even playing field for everyone. There is too much advantage to having someone return who played before.
Lol, Lol, yes that would be a nice dream.๐๐
And a seaon where they follow the rules. I thought no one was allowed to communicate on their way to the voting booth. This year they have Paul actually stopping people and telling them how to vote.
And he did it again tonight in the show.
Pretty sure that he would get rid of Josh unless Paul ordered otherwise.
Kevin had a chance to win the last veto he played but listened to Paul and lost. Nothing is going to change now. ๐
Does Paul use hypnotism—LOL?
Just get this season over with. Never saw so many people give up their fight to another person. Kevin your kids are so embarassed by you not trying to do anything even after Paul asked you to throw a competition for a second time.
I may never watch BB again. this season appears to be planned and not played.
I’m in denial…
This season can’t be over soon enough – what a disappointment!
I totally agree, stop bringing back past players,BB use to be Sooo good.
RIP Kevin in this game.
I will laugh so hard if Kevin/Christmas win veto and Paul orders him/her to clip Josh.
You’d better believe that Christmas and Paul discussed who she would vote out if noms stay the same. But, I’m not so sure that Paul’s plan is for them to stay the same. If he tries to win veto, I’ll be surprised.
Yeah, he is probably going to throw it to avoid getting blood on his hands. It will be interesting if Kevin or Christmas win veto.
I don’t have the feeds anymore is Paul doing like last season and studying with Christmas & Josh and giving them bogus info to gain an edge?
I’ve never had feeds. They’ve been blacked out since early yesterday but should be back up around 12AM EST. :)
YW, Dirty. :)
He would vote out josh, he likes Christmas
You’re absolutely right! He would.
Besides bringing Christmas to Final3 gives you a better shot at Final2 b/c usually the first two aprts are physical – the first one is endurance and the 2nd is a mix of season knowledge + physicalness.
I don’t think they will physical this year they have to have something for Christmas to play unless they all just bow and give it to her like the other comps she really didn’t win
C’mon Josh, win the Veto.
Doesn’t matter Kevin is a goner unless he winds the veto
Well, I don’t trust P**smas to not plan to vote Josh out, so yes he needs to win the veto.
Ya and Josh is the only one that can beat Paul in the final hoh and even that is a stretch. I can see Christmas taking Josh out too.
I wish Kevin would win and pull himself off them Xmas has to go up and Kevin votes her out….
He would get rid of Josh.
that would be what I hope for I cant stand Paul or Christmas they say they are not a showmance yet they are in the same bed just cuddling yeh right and the other night when him and Josh played Chess he looked at that a$$ Christmas and kept saying he was horny
Paul said that?
yes he said I’m horny several times then him and Christmas went to lay down
paul is a bully and big brother should let them their own game and not giving advantages that re completely unfair
Why would Kevin vote out Christmas?
Josh is the bigger competition threat.
He wouldn’t vote her out. He likes her. ๐
Geeze, this season just drags on and on and on and on and on and on and on……………………….
and on and on and on . . . . . . . . . on . . . . . oh no . . .
And on and on and on.๐
Don’t you think that’s because no one even put Paul on the block?
I bet they’ll be kicking themselves in the butt when Paul wins the Money!
Josh disappointed me; as HOH and prior he was having second-thoughts
about Paul’s loyalty…had the chance to change things by putting Paul in
the hot seat but didn’t make that big move.
Who is Josh taking to F2? (based on what he has been saying the past few days)
Last I heard on the live feeds is that he would take Paul.
Edit: I think Xmas’ canoodling with Paul, and giving Josh the impression she would take Paul has kind of had a negative affect on Josh’s view of Xmas, in terms of taking her to the end. And Josh has said that he WILL lose to both of them in F2.
Josh is OTB. Hoping he doesn’t get POV and goes to jury.
I have to say that while Paul’s game was amazing for himself.. I can’t stand his method of encouraging others to bully other HGs but oh well all I can hope for is Paul to lose at F2 again and see Cody win AFP so it stings even worse for Paul.. Paul made this season soooo boring and predictable
Production is probably also telling him a lot of what to say during DR sessions. He’s got the perfect personality for it.
I’m convinced Production has got a story writer coming up with 90% of the DR dialogue and whoever’s in there just reads it off a teleprompter. There’s nothing natural or spontaneous in those sessions. The cadence, tone and flow of almost all of them is identical. Blarf!!
BINGO!!! It is like a really bad B Movie with off the street actors. Nothing natural at all. Josh with the same goofy gag, Christmas with that fake smile & Paul with his screaming rich kid rant at the camera. All Phony & Fake. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d96057842022d2d354d120664f20c4a783eec71f661bb3f2bea24480aaa9de5f.gif
So, just curious, is there ANY way that if Paul wins veto that he would put up Josh & Christmas as final noms to make sure that they don’t take each other to the F2?
I hope if he does that he will lose another jury vote.. Paul winning is a slap to the fans and bb hg’s :/
Anyone but Paul winning is a slap in the face. He has played by far the best game.
A lot of fans want him to win so please don’t speak for everyone.
I don’t understand how people can support Paul? I can understand if you only watch the edited show but if you watch live feeds and after dark and see the real Paul it’s hard to consider Paul getting any respect? sure he played a great game but he did it by promoting personal attacks which he couldn’t do himself that bugs me
When it comes down to the final 2 I want the winner to be someone who actually played the game. Paul did. I would hate to see Christmas or Josh win. Or Kevin neither. Paul played and deserves the money. I watch a lot of reality game shows and I’ve watched all of BB. Did he always play the way I would have played, no. But, I would have played more like Paul than any of the others. I hate whimpy criers on these shows. If you don’t have the balls to go all out and play, than try out for Romper Room.
while I do agree that Paul played.. well sorta.. he played with the HG’s head more than anything but from a comp stand point I still see Paul as a person who wins by encouraging others to throw it to him.. but in reality after cody/jess/mark left the house didn’t have comps.. it had strategic staged comps.. again hand crafted by Paul thats why I can’t tolerate Paul.. last season he was fine but this season he spent his time instigating others to do stuff he wanted to avoid
Yeah, that means he is a great player.
You don’t get the money because you win comps. You get the money because you are the only remaining houseguest.
The thing is this, no one was standing with a knife to the throat or a gun to the head of this household full of zombie apocalypse rejects. They were all there under the power of their own free will and all they had to do was say, NO PAUL!!! I will not throw this competition for you. NO PAUL!! I will not let you dictate the tenure of my Head of House. NO PAUL!! I will not wage a campaign of insults, belittlement and harassment onto your latest target on your behalf. It’s too late now for circus boy Josh, gimpy Christmas and lame duck Kevin. But they had all season to say to say no to Paul, play their own game and turn the house around. They chose to use their free will to blindly follow Paul down whatever path or alleyway he chose to send them. It was their choice to acquiesce their own game into Paul’s hands. The season’s all but finished, it doesn’t really matter anymore if Paul’s just that good or if his competition for the half mil is just that weak minded, the clock’s run out. Time to put this sucker of a cluster fluck to bed.
(อ โ อสอ โ)๐
These houseguests are basically handing him the money
Speak for your self………Paul for the win!!!!!!!
So if Paul isnt the winner in this final 4 scenario, who would you prefer and I want a reason other than I just dont want Paul to win.
sorry for the delay but out of the remaining HG’s I wanna see Josh win this season.. a player who caught onto Paul’s shenanigans but sadly caught on a little to late
You’re good!
Did you do an evil laugh after you posted that?
New commenter here. I have been a BB fan for the past 4 seasons or so. I know this is a trivial question given the current HG’s plans, but can someone walk me through what happens should Xmas win POV and uses it to save Josh? She and Josh would both be protected from eviction right? And because Paul also has immunity as HOH, does that mean that Kevin is out by default without any votes being cast? Thanks for the help!
From my understanding if Xmas wins POV then she is safe and cannot take anyone off the block, unless she gives it to one of them to take themselves off thus putting her on the block. Not 100% on that but I think that’s how it works.
Caleb, I had wondered if that was how it worked at this stage… I guess it’s really a moot point. Because she could just choose not to use the POV, keeping herself safe and then be the one to cast the deciding vote to send Kevin out, thus keeping Josh safe anyway.
She doesn’t have to save anyone.
If she wins POV,
She’ll be the lone vote to evict.
Yes, that is exactly what it would mean.
If Xmas wins POV she simply casts the sole vote to evict b/c she is the only other nom she cannot take anyone off the block. It was this scenario in BB 7 where Janelle voted out Dr. Will.
Oh how I would love to see Paul finish in third place.
I find it bizarre that people want the best player to lose.
I want Paul out, but to send him to the jury house would be a bad thing as mad as Whistle Nut is at him.
It is impossible for him to go to the jury house since he is HoH and thus will be there till finale.
Josh has a few enemies in that jury house too.
This season was crap!!! They stacked the deck for Paul from the beginning. Also how is it possible xmas made it this far with 1 good leg? BB did either a poor job with their selection or they interviewed people to see who was upset that Paul lost last season… terrible!
They aren’t even trying to hide manipulation of the game anymore.
So true, SAD!
At least they tried to hide it more last season. Pfft!
This year the worse by far.
I don’t know which was worse; the fornication or the mob mentality bullying. Dreadful, dreadful season. :)
Bully bully bully lmao
Tattle tell! lolol
Not as bad as the Bachelor, the closed caption said slurp when they were behind a bush, stopped watching, ick ick ick
Ok, gross! I haven’t watched the last 5 or 6 seasons of the bachelor/bachelorette. That must have happened since them.
It was a while ago, where is my anaesthetic !
Does that come in a pint bottle or a gallon jug?
I pour the gallon into the pints
Vodka or white rum and portion control
Love funnels it has something to do with Bernoulli
There is a commentator I think it was imp survivor that got flagged
And I thought about it, how could he get mad at such depressed people?, my replies to him go to guest now :)
Sometimes people feel the need to use that block option. It can work both ways, which is a good thing. :)
No it wasn’t blocked, disqus removed all his comments and blocked him from the site entirely for everyone .
Wow! I’ve seen that happen one other time and it was for someone who stole another posters avatar and name, posing as the other poster.
If you do a survey, in the context of the game, I bet you, fornication would be more accepted in Big Brother, than ‘inciting mayhem, chaos, mistrust or they call them ‘bullying. lol Fornication, is called ‘showmance in BB. Both of them are game strategy, but fornication is imore enjoyable to watch…don’t they wanna see Kevin/Christmas shacking up?
Stay salty.
And he had a hand full of Aces, 2 of each! Ridiculous! Shameful, just shameful! smh :)
They should do a retro game like season 2 (my favorite) once your on the block your on. No way out!
No veto! Yes!
That would force the house to show their cards right from the nominations.
No more back dooring people. :-)
If there was no veto, you couldn’t backdoor. That means once you’re OTB you stay OTB.
Ding we have a winner !
I don’t mind veto I just hate how the HG’s can manipulate it as a backdoor thats what irritates me
That has been the way if the new generation houseguests.
Its part of the game. We all like or dislike certain areas of the game but have to deal with it the way it is. I’m not a battle back fan, once you’re out you should have to stay out. All the reality shows are now coming up with ways for people to come back and stay in the game.
Paul’s got a crush on xmas, so he’s keeping her around.
I believe the crush is mutual, all xmas does is defend Paul and knock on Josh.
He told Josh he had a girl back home and didn’t like user Christmas at all she was too old for him lol however she has a huge crush on him will be funny at the end when she finds out
And in one of the conversations in the hot tub he said he likes small petite girls.
I honestly don’t care who wins at this point because I don’t care for any of them. What a dud. I’m only watching now so I can see how the jury reacts to all of this.
so how did Paul win H.O.H. ? I know that he couldn’t win it honestly so guess he told them all he would be safe and give it to him
Not sure how, my guess would be that paul used his jedi mind trick on all of the Einstein houseguests.
Per the other post, it sounds like the same final 4 comp as last year that he won.
Coincidence I think not!!
so in other words production fixed it for that double a$$ wipe to win. so we know Kevin or Josh don’t stand a chance for veto because lazy I still live with my parents Paul will win it
They all had the same opportunity to memorize things. Kevin…too old except for long term memory, Christmas, too high on her happy pills to remember anything and Josh, I just don’t think he’s that smart.
did you see josh and Paul talking together Paul was asking about days and times he did the same thing with Kevin but Kevin said if anything had to do with color he was color blind that why he lost one of those comps they asked about color
Josh was outgoing HOH he couldn’t compete.
I know that….I was talking about POV. Paul won that anyway.
In a memory contest Paul outshines all of them.
Because Paul takes the time to study. Alex even told Kevin to study in case a memory competition was coming up, but Paul told Kevin Alex always lies and there would be no more memory competitions. Again, Kevin believes Paul, because “Paul’s word has always been solid.”
Really Kevin, Paul has always been straight with you? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c421f2f4240a17beceac8468b9538a7f9ae7fd188049d8e7706839c336bf7c38.gif
The others threw it … of course.
What are you talking about? Paul is way better at comps than Kevin and Christmas.
If Paul gets the veto, he should use it on Kevin…He won’t have a chance vs. Josh + Xmas.
I hope so he thinks everyone hates Kevin because of all the lies he told them and he don’t let any of them talk alone to them Josh knows this. My vote for Americas fav is Kevin would like to see all these nasty houseguests with their jaw on the floor lol
I still think Cody winning AFP would be the biggest shocker to the players and most importantly slaps Paul in the face Paul is legit obsessed with Cody
Cameron winning it would send a bigger message to all of them.
I think Kevin after all they all bullied him at Pauls request thinking it was so funny this would be a nice pay for some ones pain
now that would be hilarious if Cameron or Dominique won lol no one would see that coming
Yes it would
Word for Cody to get AFP in defiance of Paul,
Whom Cody said he’d vote for to win. Lol
I don’t do that s**t. No sympathy vote nor protest vote for me. That’s BULL! I ook at their game play, entertainment value, and what they’ve brought to the show. Even Cameron is out of my list.
AFP for me is who I enjoyed watching, who entertained me.
I’m leaning toward Meatball or Kevin. I voted for Donny his year but haven’t seen so much of a “nice guy” this year so I’m going with funny/ridiculous. :P
Hopefully those people in the jury house take the opportunity to compare notes.
If they have the veto comp to have a comp, get rid of veto and add the food comp. The HGs have to do the comp to get food, like in season 2.
Had fun watching HGs work, fite, and play for food. That way, players like Matt would have had to work for his 1000 bowls of cereal. (how childish can a 33-year-old get) Oh wait, he did go after a 23-year-old. And must not know how to do laundry wearing the same orange tank over and over and over again.
I loved those food comps and that time all the have nots peanut butter lol
and jelly. :-) They used he PNButter in one of the final 3 comps. IT was a 7 step. 1- make toast; 2- clear off table; 3- pick ip towels in bathroom (8) and put in basket; 4- take balls out of pool with skimmer; 5- pull down shades over evicteds in order; 6- forgot one someplace; 7- take toast slice, put on PN BUtter (it was crunchy, they were all used to creamy) and jelly. eat total slice (had water if needed) and say big brother 2. They were to โ off each number as they went. All under 4 minutes.
I can hear Josh crying all the way on the east coast. “I want mi familia my mama”
It’s alright Cooch you are home now, don’t let those mean anglos bring you down, you know who has been asking for you, she’s not looking so bad now is she ยฟ? :)
Rumors: The gnome nominated Josh and Kevin.
Has Paul cam-talked at all about who he wants to bring to the final 2 (if he makes it)?
If Cody wins Americas fav he will spend it on Jessica and then when its gone and she has that huge diamond she asked for she will leave his sorry A$$
some seasons also had luxury comp. one season had 7 (3 male, 4 female) dressed and taken to back yard with clotheslines and fence around area. There was also a large chute on each side that blew down bubbles. HGs were supposed to spell out answers with the letters on their clothes. Of course, they had to take off ALL their clothes to find the letters to make the words to put on the clotheslines. SO had naked bodies eventually spelling with their clothes that they took off. Had a lot of blurred white light areas on the bodies. The HGs confessed they had fun, even the naked ladies. The win was 2 minutes clothes grab. The gals ended up with clothes around their necks cuz they had to put them on. season 8. Good thing they divided into teams of hes and shes first. EvelDick said he was glas he wasn’t on the same team os Daniele, daughter. Eeeeeuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwww!!
As a watcher it was fun to watch besides the nudes!!
This may be the worst scripted show ever
Stay salty,
Says the person who actually cares enough to search for spoilers.
Where have you been?.You would have enjoyed reading the comments here. lol
Hi Cyril!
I’ve been talking Big Brother with Rob Has A Podcast people. The atmosphere there is so much less hostile and negative. I needed a change. The comments I read here last year all summer, seemingly made by actual adults, were unreal. I can only imagine what was said this year about this group of HG’s.
Still, people are free to do what they like. I did what was right for me and made the move. I truly hope everyone is doing well, and can’t wait for Celebrity Big Brother this winter!
Just had a snicker-
If paul buys a vehicle, it can be called, “The GNOME-MOBILE!!!”
too bad already a movie.
Oh yeah and if you like Matthew Boyers articles so much then upvote the Recommended Hearts, that is what I do , bosses love that stuff :)
Predictable as the entire season …
The whole cast this year drunk. They are the low life’s of the planet. I hope no one wins. These clowns let Paul run each job. I would have told him to kiss my butt
Horrible season…lets go back to real Big Brother…before production ran the show!
I think they always have, but not as obvious.
It doesn’t really matter who is on the block now. All that matters this week is who wins the veto. If Kevin wins, it will be interesting – and I am not certain Josh will be in the final 3 if he does not win the POV. I think Paul can convince Christmas to take Josh out if she has the chance. Paul will promise Christmas he is taking her to final 2 but he needs to win the last HoH and that means facing Kevin or Josh.
Paul should have been booted in week 3. I hate having a past HG running things….Dan did it a couple of years back but didnt win……all I have to say is WAKE UP KEVIN
I’d prefer Christmas or Josh to win, but like him or not…Paul has played and minuplated everyone…therefore deserves to win. Paul is the puppet-master!
Sounds about right. The source correctly named Christmas as HoH the last time the feeds were down an extended period. What’s sad, is I’m more interested in who is behind the leaks rather than the information that was leaked!! ๐
These leaks could come from anyone , It could be production or a worker, for more hype. It can not be that serious since BB would be all over it and take charges against the leaker. with feeds down they have to feed the something to the hungry masses. To peak their interest, Just wish these leaks were fake, that would be awsome, we all would be shocked when the real show aired,
Please NO more return PLAYERS. A waste of time. Can’t belive these nuts trusted Paul with their Life !!!! ,๐๐๐๐
Kevin may be going home, according to script, if all this is true, Remember the scenarios of who would take who to final two, Kevin had already been written out. not one mention of him, in final three or two. Interesting indeed,
Lets see if Paul plays his normal game play and gets out the biggest threat, which hands down would be Josh, that has been the game play Paul has done all season, Why change now.
In all cases Kevin would have been on the block, no matter what,
If they go by script then Kevin has to go. either Josh or Xmas wins veto. if Paul wins and does not save Kevin the weakest player that would be too strange and against his entire season game play, Josh will continue his anti Paul hype , that is what it is hype.
Josh if fav. to win veto. as Paul was to win HOH,
I really do hope Kevin wins veto and Christmas gets evicted.
Such a motley group of undesirables and I also would love to see 12/25 go out the door.
Other than Kevin, Christmas and Josh deserve getting the boot after playing for Paul the entire game.
F4 Veto is always a tough competition. Usually involves a good grasp of days, events, etc. including things more specific than just “Who won ____ on day/week ____ .” Sadly, I give Kevin basically no chance. He isn’t even trying to study, learn or remember. Paul will win because the other 3 are bad competitors. Christmas and Kevin were a joke in the F4 HoH competition.
The only drama left for the current events are if Paul leaves the voting decision to Christmas, if he gives her the easy task of evicting Kevin, or if he decides Josh is leaving and gets Christmas to give Josh an emotional eviction vote.
Paul won’t use the Veto either way, unless he somehow decides he wants Christmas gone (which he won’t).
Gosh Josh I think you have finally taken the crying crown from Meech. I can only imagine what it is like at Josh’s house when a pot of meatballs burn.
I’ll vomit if Christmas is in F2!!
I wish I could vomit on her.
It’s obvious unless Kevin wins Veto he goes home. The only question is what happens if he wins Veto. I would assume he sends Josh home thinking he doesn’t like him and think Christmas deserves to be there more and deserves the money more plus she has a broken foot. It really sucked Paul won HOH now there literally is no chance he goes home. I wonder if his crying was yet another act.
I think it was an act and I agree that if kevin wins veto he would vote out Josh, but only if that’s what Paul wants.