Big Brother 19 Player Spotlight: What Is Matthew Wearing Today?

We’ve covered the Big Brother 19 underdogs, and the stars of the show, but what’s up with those other guys? You know, the onesย who seem to be playing the game for Paul or just hanging out at summer camp?

Matthew Clines on Big Brother 19 Feeds

Let’s start with Matthew. Looks like Matthew is wearing an orange or blue shirt today, and he is probably eating some cereal or something else from a bowl. Wait, no, it’s definitely cereal.

A little later he’s probably going to go hang out with Raven and listen to some of herย medical stories. He might then do some dishes (while listening to Raven talk about some more of her medical conditions). Hopefully he doesn’t use the same towel he used for … never mind. He’ll then probably go outside and talk about making it to jury so he can vote for Raven or Paul to win the game. Then he’ll go and change into a different blue shirt and eat some more cereal and maybe nap but pretend not to be nap.

After that, Matthew will most likely talk a little about getting Jessica and Cody out of the game before having some more cereal and possibly changing back into his sleevelessย orange shirt. Then he’ll annoy Christmas a little bit and go to bed.

All joking aside, that is basically Matthew’s Big Brother 19 life. Right now the silver fox so many girls, and guys, were so excited for has been a bit of a disappointment. When the only thing fans are talking is how many blue T-shirts can one guy have, you know you’re probably not livingย your best Big Brother life.

At times I’ve wondered if Matthew signed up for some HGTV homebuildingย show and wandered onto that CBS lot and just never left. ย Others on social media joke that he’s a part of production that keeps forgetting to go back behind the scenes. And then there are the references comparing him to the furniture.

What’s interesting about Matthew (besides absolutely nothing) is that he’s not even playing aย floater game. Not the true floater game, anyway. He’s just there. He isn’t playing to win and has admitted as much. His goal is jury, even though he has said he will start playing when they reach jury. But even then, it looks like he’s still going to be playing for Paul and Raven.

There are times when Matthew is the voice of reason. Like when the entire house wants to gang up and attack Cody and Jessica. He reminds them that Cody is a man who has killed people in war, and it might not be the best idea to get in his face and provoke him. So he’s not completely worthless in the game.

Matthew seems like a great guy, and maybe he’ll be a dark horse later in the game. Maybe not. The only thing we know for sure is that he’s definitely going to be wearing that sleeveless orange shirt tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that.

Thanks toย multipleย Twitter users for helping me do the math for the graphic on the breakdown of Matthew’s favorite T-shirts. It’s not precise, and it’s just for fun, but it’s definitely close to reality.



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  1. Looking at Paul’s tattoo every day is worse than Matt’s tee shirts. The cereal eating comes in a distant second.

  2. Matthew is by far the biggest disappointment in the game so far. When he came in, I expected him to be a physical threat, because he was in the best shape of all the guys (yes, better than even Cody and Mark). He still seems to basically be a nice guy, and I don’t understand how or why he hooked up with Raven, who seems less and less nice as each day ticks by. I’m hoping he’s playing a long game and will suddenly step up and start winning comps when he absolutely needs to, but in terms of the other side of playing? The guy doesn’t seem to have much in the way of a scheming or treacherous bone in his body. Or is it all an act? The longer the game goes on, the more of an enigma Matthew becomes…or maybe he’s just the most zen guy to ever play the game? Maybe his endgame is publishing a book called ‘The Tao of the orange shirt and the cereal bowl”? ๐Ÿ˜œ

    • just the other day I realized that I hardly recognize his voice.
      I despise that orange shirt with the endless armholes. those black baggy shorts and most of all the black footies. I see him shower and put on the same outfit, without undies.
      I feel stabby watching raven + matt = ratt

      • Case-in-point: A number of years ago when I was in the service I was challenged to a sprint of maybe 50 or 60 yards by somebody at least 4 inches taller, 30 pounds lighter, and 8 years younger. I was nearing retirement age and was on the edge of being overweight according to standards. I smoked him.

  3. Ew the dish towel thing was disgusting!!!! Then he dried dishes with it & put them away. I couldnt believe it

  4. Matt has a very annoying laugh, a cackle really, which he employs for effect at things that aren’t funny. He hung around until the showmance sweepstakes were decided and swept up the poor little sick girl who was sure to go far because of the sympathy vote and he has been riding her pigtails ever since. He’s timid, with flashes of bravery when no one else is around. He and his moll suck up to power, chasing it to all corners of the house while outwardly professing no larger ambition than jury. . I wish he and That’s So Raven would share the block real soon.

    • I don’t really get the complaint about him just sucking up to power. He’s been way more consistent in who his allies are than, say, Mark. He actively went against the power in week one when he disagreed with Cody, and has basically just been siding with Paul ever since. He didn’t attempt to crawl up Jessica’s ass when she was HoH or anything. He’s a floater in the sense he doesn’t do anything, but at least he’s not wishy-washy about it.

      I really would like to see him outlast Raven just to see what he does then.

      • He and Raven have spent as much time in the HOH room as the HOH’s. He ditched Cody pronto because he saw people were behind Paul. He followed the power because he followed the majority. Jess didn’t have any power, the fix to screw her HOH was already in. He has been all over either Paul or his vassals as they win HOH. Their friends are noticing this too.

    • I’d say it was more like baby girl Raven was desperate for a man, so swept up Matt after all of the other studs were taken!

  5. Matt is baffling to me too. I couldn’t even tell if he was part of the showmance alliance and then he was all on board with Paul. And like, honestly the only thing I know about him is that Jason and Kevin really don’t like him.

    • Paul doesn’t like him either, despite how much he likes Paul. Cody also wants him gone ASAP. And Josh didn’t like him for awhile until he was part of the group to save him during Jessica’s HoH, but he’s back to not really liking him much again, as evidenced by him not even approaching Maven about the idea of booting Elena this week.

      • Yeah, I should have said, that was the first time I ever heard his name from other houseguests was just Jason’s absolute disgust with him and then Kevin really wanting either end of Maven to be one of Alex’s nominees.

  6. I sometimes wonder if Matt is sticking with Raven because he thinks she might be popular with the fans and if he disses her or tries to end the “relationship” that America might hate him? If he only knew!! At least he is getting something out of it, as difficult and tormenting as that might be for him, bless his heart. Sometimes we need to suffer for the greater good. ;)

  7. What does it say when you look at the guys in the house and your favorites are a shady 56 year old and a clown who has been kicked in the head too many times by a mule?

  8. Actually forgot Matt was still there,for moment mistook him for wallpaper but then the wall started talking.

  9. Either he’s a really good actor or he really does enjoy being around Raven. I think he’s really into her. She is my least favorite hg this season and i have yet to understand how he got hooked up w/ her. I thought he and Christmas would be cute – they are both in really good shape and closer in age (not that age really matters I guess).

    • I thought he & Christmas would’ve made a better couple as well. I commented about it once before, and someone said that early on she was intereste in him. I wonder how the dynamics in the house would differ if they’d coupled up instead of him & Raven?

    • At least Matt wears a shirt, I am so tired of Cody not wearing a shirt. It seems that the only time the robot wears a shirt is for the broadcast: noms, Veto, eviction. Other than that no shirt.Maybe Matt could lend him the orange one, since Matt looks better in blue lol.

  10. That’s absolutely best description of Matt..unfortunately. I remember Day 1 when girls were expecting the unexpected from him haahha

    • Hey, it’s still not out of the realm of possibility he’s playing a sleeper game. Maybe he’s clued in enough to know being an athletic guy winning competitions is a good way to be targeted early. Not that it really matters this year when literally five male physical threats are all making it to jury, lol.

      Though even if that’s the case, he’s not really playing well enough socially to know he’s actually falling in danger and needs to make changes. He’s banking too hard on his likability in the house to carry him further, thinking he’s good with everyone and he’s not on anyone’s radar yet.

      • I agree but in order to win you want to at least believe you could win. I never saw him talking at least to the cameras saying he has a plan or anything for winning. On the other hand in this game if you didn’t do almost nothing into the past half of the game is pretty hard to catch up and have a chance of winning at the end…..

  11. Matthew is about as worthy less i have evere seen . So is Raven just as bad. Big Brother is a dud this year. They miss the boat getting people to play a deceant game. Instead of aweful crussing and bullying. In outher words it SUCKS this year. ,๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ž

    • You people say the same thing every season. How every season is always the worst season.

      Big Brother 19 is soooo much better than 17 and 18 it’s not even funny.

      • I am shocked they had a season-high and their ratings are so high because I know a lot of people personally and on here who have stopped watching it because it is the worst BB in history in my opinion. We are certainly allowed to agree to disagree, nothing wrong with that.
        But just because the ratings are high doesn’t mean it’s the best BB in history. I’m still watching it and it’s the worst BB in history LOL ๐Ÿ˜‚
        I guess people are just tuning in every week hoping someone will turn the show around! Or, some people are enjoying the season, like yourself. Which is great! Few and far between! But we are still tuning in and we are still talking about it so BB/CBS is happy!

      • As long as those people who tuned out are not subscribers to Nielsen that monitors daily viewings, they won’t count,

      • It’s a company that records and publishes data for their clients, including TV viewing stemming from subscribers who record their viewings for the company. It’s a bit complicated to explain this in depth. Hehe

      • No I get it. My friends just watched it on global TV here in Canada so I don’t know if we even count LOL ๐Ÿ˜‚
        We better!

      • Have you checked the TV schedules for those nites BB19 are on? There’s nothing to watch. There’s NOTHING ELSE TO WATCH!!!!!!!!!! Regular season TV hasn’t started yet. RERUNS!!!!!!!!! Celebrity game shows: feud, pyramid, funderdome, candy crush, battle of network stars, gong show, tell the truth, shazam, wall, hollywood game night (I like and will use ‘on demand’ to watch), reruns, then there’s ninja warrior, wrestling, football, boy band, big/little shots, cook chef time, luv connect, reruns, etc. THERE’S NUTTUN TO WATCH!!!

        So instead of going outside, being with family, enjoying the outside world and what there is to explore out there with people, places and things, (like I REALLY should even just get up out of the chair, myself!!! :-( . . . ) THERE’S NOTHING ELSE TO WATCH!!! for those of us attached, addicted, too lazy to get up and move, chained to TV BOOB TUBE watchers that we are/I am.

      • How is that any different from previous summers?

        Actually, now that you mention it, there’s MORE programming during the summer this season compared to previous years, not less.

  12. thank you Branden, are you seriously had me “laughing out loud!”
    HGTV LMAO ๐Ÿ˜†Probably a true story! Seriously, where did they find this guy!? He was someone I thought was going to be my favourite HG!! HUGE disappointment!
    & WHY raven dude??? Wellโ€ฆโ€ฆ.He is keeping himself entertained at least!
    Oh and what’s this about not using the same towel??? What did I miss?

  13. This review of Matt is hilarious!

    “Heโ€™s not completely worthless” would be a good line in a letter of recommendation for him.

  14. so sick of the robots laughing at pauls jokes and following his puppet demands,,they all act like they are 12 yrs old, and daddy will read us a story if we are ood and do what he says,,so sickening,,one of the worst seasons for bullies and ganging up on specific people, if you don’t agree with paul you are out,good luck jess, you and cody are class acts, and I hope you have a life together,,You and Cody won, because YOU FOUND each other,,Raven is a puke her fake hair and her shovel techniques when she inhales food are so revolting,,the network must have a hue food bill feeding those animals 24/7 that is all they do is stuff, she runs to the HOH room so she can get first dibs on food,,and Matt is right behind her,,laughing andpawing her,,what is tattoo scooter lady still doing in this game,,she cant do the challenges what does she bring to this game get her out she is not playing the game all she does is c uddle up to a married man, Kevin take a look at how you are acting,,not cool,,this season has been a lesson on how not to treat people you don’t agree with, just gang up on them and then start to pick off all the minion who have done your dirty work all season, because he could not care less about any of you , whn the time comes he will kick anyone to the curb even his own mother,,are not rotting for anyone in this house all have proven to br robotsnd have no mind of their own,,cults would be a good fi for many of themhe said so,,money is the most important thing to him, integrity, I doubt f he knows what it means,,and meatball sould be settled up with out of the house, and I truly hope Cody takes care of it, anything he gets he deserves What a piece of work,,go cry in the bedroom because someone hurt you, but bang pots and pans together like you are 2 yrs old,,What a waste of space,,

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