‘Big Brother 19’ Live Feeds: Paul Reveals Details On Megan’s Fight & Departure

Last night we learned that Megan Lowder had quit Big Brother, but the pieces of the puzzle weren’t all there. A few more were revealed today when Paul Abrahamian sat down for a camtalk and explained a little of what led up to the issue.

Paul shares what he knows on BB19

What we knew secondhand from Christmas & Raven’s talk was that a big fight over claims of things said led Megan to the Diary Room where she left by the back door instead of returning to the game. Later we heard that Jessica had been informed that Megan had told Alex of allegedly racial comments made by Jessica against her. Stack a big layer of “allegedly” here because all of these things happened before we got to start watching the Live Feeds. Grab the Free Trial now so you can watch too.

So how’d that all get started with this game of telephone? Well according to Paul, Paul got that ball rolling. Gulp. Not sure I’d be relaying this information if I thought I lit the fuse that led to someone dropping out since that’s a pretty big deal and not what I’d consider conventional strategy.

Note: Since there’s some confusion in the comments below, let me rephrase. Trying to get DORs (drop out request) to progress your game is unconventional. Getting someone to hit you so they are ejected instead of getting that person nominated and evicted, is unconventional. Messing with someone’s head to create drama is perfectly normal, entirely conventional, and not what I was noting here.

Paul is privately explaining his strategy for this season to the camera as he describes his plans to get the women to turn on each other. Case in point, here’s what happened when he pitted Jessica vs Alex vs Megan.

Flashback on your Big Brother Feeds to 10:46 AM BBT 6/30 on Cams 3/4 to watch.

Megan told me that… you know Jessica… I overheard Megan said that Jessica had dropped a racist comment. I don’t know what it was about. But I know that Jessica doesn’t like me and the comment was about Alex. And I know that Jessica doesn’t like Alex and she’s threatened by her.

So I casually just dropped that, I said, “hey, Jess, you know I heard that you were being a little racist. I don’t know, it’s going around.” This f**king pissed her off. She went straight to Alex, straight to Megan, caused a fiasco, and Megan left the game because of it.

So that’s one person out just because I dropped that little thing. Stirred the pot. One person left the game and the other person is now on the Block… and it ain’t me. That’s f**king crazy.

I am not blaming Paul for any decisions Megan may have made to leave the game. She’s a grown adult and can make her own choices. And we still don’t know exactly what happened and probably never will. Megan is out in the wild today and has posted online that she’ll be releasing a statement, but as of now I haven’t seen anything other than a few denials over the suggestion that she quit.

CBS has yet to make a statement either but we’ll probably see something in Sunday’s episode since they had to redo the nominations. When we know more we will continue to share. In the meantime, what’s your reaction? Share your thoughts below.



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  1. “Gulp. Not sure I’d be relaying this information if I thought I lit the fuse that led to someone dropping out since that’s a pretty big deal and not what I’d consider conventional strategy.”
    This actually made me giggle. What BB have you been watching? Dr Will/Dan/Derrick (and many others) *all* used this strategy.

    Every day of every season someone makes up a lie or rats on someone and that leads to drama.
    Just because the target ‘self-evicted’ doesn’t mean it isn’t a “conventional strategy.” It absolutely is conventional in BB to get in folk’s heads and rattle them. Hello?

      • Agreed. I’m not really that bothered by what Paul thinks he did. But I find it annoying that he feels so cocky to boast about it to live feeders

      • It absolutely *is* conventional strategy to get folks to turn against another HG.

        ~99% of ALL other HG faced this ‘conventional strategy’ in the game of BB.

        Just because this HG decided to quit doesn’t refute the fact that spreading dirt on a HG is done on a daily basis in this game Matthew.

        It’s not hyperbolic to say there are probably hundreds of thousands of examples of HG doing exactly what Paul did.

      • He wasn’t trying to get someone to self evict. He was just trying to blow up her game to minimize his own target. Also he wasn’t involved in the fighting. I’m sure something said between the people fighting is what led her to self evict.

      • I didn’t say that was Paul’s motive in when he started it, but if he’s now advocating it then it would be iffy. Like goating Hantz to physically hit you so he gets thrown out would be unconventional and questionable.

      • I see what you’re saying now. I watched his cam talk a little while ago and wasn’t bothered by anything he said, but I can see how it may bother some. He seems to have a decent strategy.

      • His sentence specifically says ‘lit the fuse’ then says that it’s not ‘conventional strategy’.

        I said ‘lighting fuses’ is an inherent ‘conventional strategy’ in BB.

        She just happened to quit. An unexpected outcome doesn’t mean the strategy wasn’t conventional.

    • Yep — unless someone has a time machine, whatever he says in private isn’t “relaying” any information in any relevant way….

      • You said you wouldn’t relay such information as it would hurt him. Relaying information to viewers has no affect on the game (except possibly the vote for a temptation, but I am sure his fan base won’t be thrown by any comments) — unless someone has a time machine.
        (seeing your comments to others, I now think you just wrote a vague paragraph.)

  2. Paul is a genius. Megan is weak. Everyone trying to target Paul as the enemy in this is just delusional. It’s Big Brother. Like the saying goes, if you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen

  3. I don’t seen anything wrong with what Paul did. He heard Megan making the comments about Jessica. All he did is share the knowledge, sit back, and enjoy his popcorn.

  4. I won’t say that Megan should have never self evicted since being on BB is practically a once in a lifetime opportunity, however, I feel as though she should have at least stuck it out and fought to the end. Even if that meant your eviction in a couple days at least you know you gave it your all and you didn’t give up with out a fight. That being said, I don’t exactly know what was said but I do know that everyone takes confrontations differently. Some fight and some flee. Megan just happened to be the type of person to flee. So yes it is devastating to see a house guest give up a once in a lifetime opportunity, however never knowing what truly happened and how she felt at that moment makes her self eviction plausible. Sorry if I sound contradicting.

    • I can understand where you’re coming from and even if I am a fan of this show, I find it meaningless to shxt on Megan for her decision to quit, even if I don’t agree with it. I would agree this could’ve been avoided if Megan herself and production had given a good evaluation of her mental health before entering the house (I love this show to death but would never sign up because I know I don’t have what it takes). But again, unless you’re placed under the exact situation, you never know

    • If she was not suffering from anxiety and/or PTSD, I’d agree with you, but that is a big factor you are ignoring. I’m sure she would have rather fought until the end as well, but, assuming she is telling the truth, that was not an option….

      • Completely understandable which is why I also stated that her self evicting was absolutely plausible since we as viewers don’t really know what she was going through mentally and emotionally, add in the added pressure and paranoia of the game all the more justifies her reason for leaving in such short notice. I think anyone who was going through what she went through and who suffered from anxiety and PTSD would have done the same in her position

      • The real question is how she got passed the psych screening to begin with. my guess is that they were intrigued by the military interrogator angle and maybe let some things slide — if she truly has PTSD due to sexual assault in the military as she says, she should not have been locked in a house with a bunch of aggressive horny dudes.

      • Definitely her background and credentials got her through the psych screening, I mean how cool would it be to have a military interrogator in the bb house interrogating every single house guest right? Wrong. Guess they should’ve recruited another undercover detective like Derek

      • I was thinking the same thing & was excited to see how effective she would be @ interrogating the others …but I can’t help but think she seemed kind of weak to be a military interrogator …idk .

      • I also had no idea she was suffering from PTSD and anxiety so thanks for clarifying why she truly left

  5. This does nothing to raise my already low opinion of Paul.
    But anyone who watched his game last year & trusts anything he says this year, gets what they deserve.

  6. Okay, the annoying ad that WONT GO AWAY placed over the article will probably keep me from returning. I hate obnoxious ads.

  7. It said Megan was lying about Jessica calling Alex a panda…wtf…lol I have never heard panda being used as a racial remark before.

      • Who cares!!!! How the hell is that racist??? Pandas are cute and lovable!!!! CLEARLY she said PAO PAO and this idiot heard Panda. ANNNNNNND that is how racial issues are escalated.

    • I’d never heard it either and it took me a bit to figure it out. They kept talking about it on feeds and it just didn’t make a lick of sense to me, finally, I realized what everyone was talking about.

  8. The worse part is that she had a safe apple, and that could have gone to Cameron. I wish they would have brought him back and played in her spot (on block and all) and gave him a chance. I guess there is still a chance they bring him back…

  9. I could see last night (on the TV show) that things were getting to Megan. My guess is everything piled up on her at once and she freaked (out). But we’ll have to see what Production says, if anything (we didn’t know the reason about Evel Dick for years). It could have even been some sort of family emergency, and at her request they didn’t or won’t tell us. I’m not a Super Fan, but if I recall correctly, this is the first time anyone in BB history self-evicted, other than a medical emergency or seriously violating the rules.

  10. funny in a way,megan kept telling us she was a trained interragator yet she was beaten by her own gameplan

  11. *sigh* what worries me more than the fights is the statement Kevin made about food crumbs attracting mice, my mind instantly went to the ants!!!! I am creeped out by ants and would last 5 minutes in that house. Why can’t BB control the nasty ants? Better yet, why can’t adults keep the place clean to prevent the ants?

  12. I know you have to lie and deceit in this crazy game of BB…however..when you flat out lie about something someone supposedly said about a racial issue..that’s another story. I am not a fan…Paul raised a rukus..Megan self evicted..let’s see who his next female target is since his strategy seems to be to get the females to turn on each other. I am not a fan of returning players!! Hear me Grodner?? Two people are out basically because of Paul. I know Megan made her own decision..but still…..

      • Paul won the vote online and choose the Pendant of Protection which give him 3 weeks of safety in the house.

      • Damn, I was hoping to see him get evicted right away. These HGs would be nuts to keep him in for long IMO.

  13. They had better get Paul out early in this game, before they have a situation like season. I’m curious to know what are your thoughts about Cody? I’m not sure about this guy. 🤔

    • He seems either overconfident or cocky right out of the gate. Someone needs to knock him back a few notches…verbally or athletically….not violently!

  14. This is strange , her departure had to have had an OK from production, and I find it hard to believe she suffered from PTSD, she would have never been allowed on the show, that condition is no joke and has some serious affects when triggered,
    Se was an interrogater , they specialize in lies and deception that is why they chose her,
    I liked her and thought she could have gone far, but something happened that we may never know , IT had to have been an issue that BB would not talk her out of leaving,
    Paul is playing the game , and getting the pot to boil is just a step to get further, worst things have been done before,

    • CBS either knew she had PTSD or she lied, if that is in fact why she left. I don’t think we are getting close to the real story and not sure we ever will. CBS will most likely gloss over her leaving without fully explaining the reasons why.

    • They can’t really stop her, if she wants to leave that is her choice. Sad to see her give up that easily, perhaps not even trying to defend herself. Hate to see anyone leave. Unless of course its Paul. I just don’t like how obnoxious and arrogant he is. BB could have picked a better Vet to return.. The only one (IMO) that would be worse than Paul would be Frankie returning..LOL

  15. Hmmmm, not too sure about that explanation Paul. Much too simplistic and doesn’t begin to explain what would trigger Megan to leave. It can’t be that simple, not buying it.

    • i dont like either of those a–holes Josh is a scumbag and proves it every time he opens his mouth and Cody reminds me of TED BUNDY,with that evil look in his eyes,i don,t trust either of them or Paul the tattooed arrogant ass.

  16. HAHA Cody “serial killer death stare!” I just read on another site. Who else has noticed his psycho looks..so not a fn of him..

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