‘Big Brother 19’ Live Feeds: The Snake & The Infiltrator

That was one heck of a night on Big Brother 19 and I think a lot of us along with the Houseguests are still catching up from it. What kicked off with a surprise Veto competition arriving overnight ended with a hearty shouting match that may have sealed one HG’s fate.

Houseguests gathered in the HoH room on Big Brother 19

Once things came back and we knew that neither nominee had secured the PoV it was time for more scrambling to line up the votes and settle on the week’s target. The situation seemed to be amplified by Paul’s suggestion that HGs were about to face a Sunday eviction. They’re not, but it’s Paul and so many of these HGs expect him to walk across the pool so that’s getting more weight than it should.

Instead of going to sleep the Houseguests continued to bounce from room to room as things built up to the big event of the night on the Live Feeds. Right around 5:30 AM BBT 7/15 we saw Dominique pull Alex aside and tell her she (D) wanted a group meeting so she could expose important details. Dominique then started using a metaphor about snakes knowing their territory. Alex went back upstairs and let Mark, Elena, and Paul about what was just said. Paul said he was bored and awake, so why not.

Soon we’ve got Dominique joining the group (Flashback to 5:47 AM BBT) as Paul starts off asking why she’s suggesting he’s a snake, but Dominique quickly refutes that idea saying she never called him a snake. They start exploring her exact words about a snake knowing its territory, which Paul takes to mean a Vet who knows his way around the game. Well buckle up because this goes on for over an hour. Rinse and repeat.

By the end of the debate they’ve had everyone but Ramses, Jessica, and Kevin involved and listening to this mess. Most everyone has been silent while Paul has shouted and Dominique at times has raised her voice as well. Both sounded rather frustrated, but it wasn’t only them. Even Christmas has her own run of questions while a lot of tired eyes watched the mess unfold.

After loops and loops of dancing around what Dominique wants to tell the HGs she finally says it. As Paul lays in to her Dominique warns the HGs that this is the guy they should all be watching out for which prompts Christmas to ask if that means Paul is the “infiltrator.” Dominique confirms that’s what she’s saying. “Watch out,” warns Dominique as she says he’s been lying to them.

Finally at 7:04 AM BBT Dominique calls it a night and heads downstairs leaving the other HGs to react without her. Alex immediately points out that Dominique agreed that she had the conversation about suggesting Paul was the snake but at the same time was denying calling Paul a snake. Paul uses this opportunity to dig in on his position and convince the others that Dominique is lying and he’s telling them the truth.

Well that was a mess. Things don’t look good for Dominique and I don’t think the arguments between her and Paul improved her chances at all. Lucky for her she’s still got a long way until Thursday’s vote and even if that goes poorly for her there’s always that Battle Back.

What’s your reaction? Will the HGs start to listen to Dominique and believe her about Paul? Does it even matter if they do considering he’s got his Pendant of Protection through the end of this week? Could Dominique end up dodging eviction and sticking around to rally HGs against Paul? Lots of possibilities, but I’m not liking her odds right now.



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    • I don’t think Dominique ever said….It was one of those situations where words are coming out of persons mouth but they are not really saying nothing..

      • She did say that and finally acknowledged it after almost 2 hours of mental masturbation.

      • Literally dying at this comment. I have no idea why she draws everything out! She could have said all that in the first place. Her cryptic little speeches are why she’s in this boat in the first place. I hope she doesn’t win BattleBack. I definitely think Jessica was intimidated by Cody’s having favor toward Alex, but Elena being jealous over Dom and Mark? I don’t see that at all.

  1. If Dominique was gonna blow up Pauls game Why didn’t she just do it??? She danced around the matter… got off topic and denied calling/insinuating to Alex that he was a snake …If u gonna call somebody out in the BB house and make accusations u need to be prepared to back up what u say…Dominique was not prepared…And I am surprised about her nomination along with several of the HGs I knew Paul was not happy about the “interview” with Cody but I did not think it warranted possible eviction (at this time anyway) and I never heard or read that Dominique needed to be ousted cause of it..I knew that several HGs felt like they could no longer trust her ..It was not Paul alone..It just happened that he was the one that told her she screwed up…But then her conversation with Mark about “getting out the black girl” was uncalled for and she failed to let the “house” know her feelings on that subject…I should clarify that “God” told Dominique that Paul was a snake..Sooo Round & Round we go Who gets evicted??? Nobody knows…

    • Alex was responsible. She told Jason that she wanted to chip away at the big alliance by getting one out at a time starting with the least connected ( Dom) first. Just like Kevin said Dom won’t really interact with other houseguests much, because she sleeps all the time and even fixes only meals for herself.

  2. I don’t care for Dom very much. She tries to be a master manipulator and that would be ok if she was any good at it. But she is so obvious it is ridiculous.

    • Wait a minute did you say Dominique was the monster player? Are you sure you’re not confused with Paul? The reason why he’s in every clip of big brother is because the whole house is intimidated of them. That’s the monster manipulator.

      • No. What was said that was. Dominique Thought she was the master manipulator. Alex was already ready to boot Dom anyway, instead of Jessica. Alex said she didn’t trust her, nor ever did, and that was with no input from Paul. Alex has a mind of her own.

      • I never heard Paul say to Alex that Dom needed to be nominated…He did tell several of the HGs that cause of the Cody interview he did not trust her…He may have said that she will eventually have to go but I don’t think he meant this week..

      • I didn’t say Janice said that Paul told Alex to nominate Dom… I was agreeing with her that Paul didn’t give Alex input…I was talking in general terms.. It was a surprise to HGs and viewers that Alex nomnated Dom…I never heard Doms name come up in eviction choices..I might have missed something however..

      • Alex actually came to Paul with Dominique name along side of Jessica. Alex wanting to take Jessica off the Blick and send Dom home. Alex’s reason was to start chipping away at the big alliance by getting the least important ones out, one at a time.

      • Unfortunately Alex has changed her mind about 1000 times since. She isn’t as adept as I thought she was and she is letting others get in her head. The most important thing is, she needs to drop fizzlenutz, he is dead weight to her and her game.

      • Dominique is by herself, what is she going to do? She has intellect but fails to win competitions that’s a detriment in the BBH. Dominican talk and act like she knows everything but Mark doesn’t count as for help. If you really want to shake things up much as I’m pulling for Christmas, why doesn’t Alex just go after Christmas? Allowing Jessica to stay in the game and possibly having Cody in a battle back is a dangerous IED waiting to happen. And everyone is to roody poo to go after Paul.

      • Paul is playing the game, if the others aren’t, that’s their fault, not Paul’s.

      • Agreed, I don’t understand why so many people are mad at Paul for protecting himself and playing the game.

    • She fails to play the game well because she thinks she has a leg up on everyone, thinking she is smarter than the rest of the house. She’ll say something, in a round about way and when the other person says, so what you are saying is…………, she’ll come back with, “I didn’t say that”, but that is exactly what she just said. She’s an amatuer and a dolt.

  3. I thought Paul over defended himself but Dom got caught on her multiple lies. She dug her own grave in this game. Because the crazy part is if she would of closed her mouth. Jessica or Ram were likely to go home.

    This was fun to watch on the live feeds.

  4. if they had watched BB last season they would know that Paul is a lying coniving snake and should NEVER trust him,but these idiots believe every word the snake says

    • I was not a Paul fan last year but I like him this time around. I haven’t really heard him lie but I agree he is very coniving. Isn’t that part of the game?

      • Yes it is, why people can’t understand this basic concept is beyond me.

      • Because it’s one thing to lie and cheat your way to the end – that’s the name of the game – it’s another thing to be an ass about it.

      • Not really, many people have won by being an a$$. I’ll start with Nicole, she was an ass for laying in bed all season long.

      • That’s not being an ass, lol. Being an ass is basically acting like Evel Dick (or worse – Aaryn).

      • i hate the sob this yr more than i hated him last year his attitude rubs me the wrong damn way he is a punk ass LIAR,and thinks his poop doesn,t stink just like Cody &Jessica all are spoiled little rich brats.

    • If it’s only Paul scheming, the game gets boring. They should all be lying conniving snake

    • If people don’t like Paul as a person, that’s fine. But the whole point of Big Brother is that it’s human chess, you screw people over all the time. If you get mad about that, why bother watching?

      • Jared, you didn’t mention my name or say anything remotely about me, but I’m considering this post to be a personal attack on me and on everybody else you didn’t mention.

  5. Are we sure there isn’t an eviction on Sunday? Why is everything sped up this week?

      • She did , she said there would be a live eviction this coming Thursday. Paul’s just screwing around, getting everyone anxious.

      • well they sneeked the veto on us so I think they will tape the eviction sunday or Monday and say they are live the one who gets evict will play in the bb so I don’t Thursday and Friday is enough time for that.

    • They were probably just concerned about the temperature, so that’s why it was an evening comp. Why it was held on Friday night rather than Saturday night is anyone’s guess.

      • There is going to be a concert on the CBS lot, that’s why they changed it.

  6. It may be double eviction week. Paul will go o n the block next and he’ll be nominated by Mark or Elena.

  7. What is Christmas and Elena talking about? I cannot hear her and my speakers are loud.

    • Who knows, they are literally going around in circles. We have now entered the circle jerk portion of BB.

      • Holena keeps bringing Mark into the convo and then they move on to something else. Dom is done for at this point.

  8. Dom is a fool, a fool who thinks God speaks to her and she for him. She kept saying over and over she wasn’t going to name the “infertratror”, her pronounciation, not mine and then after almost 2 hours of dancing this mess around she finally fesses up she thinks the “infertrator” is Paul. Lordy, I can’t stand this bish. Paul wiped the floor with Dom.

    • So after she’s taking the high ground before, now she’s going batty and popping off? Seems to me that she was too busy playing wall fixture to play the game. Now that she’s designated herself as “inert ingredients”, she became the perfect nom for these early exits when HOHs want safe blood on their hands.

    • “Infertrator” , lol ! Hahahaha ! Thank you …I needed that !

  9. I hope that Dominique comes back instead of Cody. She has a good chance to beat him. Unless she gives up and doesn’t want to go back.

    • She’s has said she wants it to further her ambitions in getting a talk show, ain’t going to happen. She suuuuuucks.

      • Yeah, she is cra cra. HG should be massively relieved they won’t have to put up with her self promoting antics in jury house.

      • Kevin made a comment in the backyard tonight that the “show will go on” and he’s hosting now (but he’ll be nice and wait til Dom’s out.) I’d bet money his version of a talk show will totally outshine Dom’s.

      • It won’t be too hard to outshine Dom’s. Kevin will actually make it light and fun.

  10. Maybe she will get these people to play their game and not Paul’s. Much too late to help her but they need to get Paul out next week while they have the numbers.

  11. I like Paul but for goodness sake people! PLAY THE DAMN GAME AND GET HIM OUT! THIS IS BIG BROTHER NOT A REVIVER (Paul’s band) CONCERT!

  12. Tell you one thing, CBS charging for 24hr feeds, then when the comps start, or even hours before, they shut the feeds down. That Blows.

    • Yeah its heavily censored. The 4 cameras used to actually give us 4 different views within the house or BY, now it’s only 2.

    • I feel they would get more people to purchase them if they showed the comps. Make it actually 24/7. What is the reason for not showing them. Once the feeds come back on you know who won anyway.

  13. Jessica is playing like a pro right now, she`s just laying low and getting the target of her back.

    • Agreed, very impressed with her this week. Cody’s probably going to screw it up for her next week though lol

  14. Nobody believes Paul cares about the game, and that he never lies. Damn, these people are gullible. The guy has been a “snake” for two damn seasons now! Wake up. Only Cody, and now Dom, see it.

  15. Well it looks like the rest of the house is sleeping on Ramses. He looks to be a good bet to at least make it to jury and maybe even the final three.

    On the other hand, it looks like Jessica might actually have a fighting chance to go the distance after the Dom and Paul argument.
    However, it would be interesting if she got voted off this week because then Cody would have to compete against Jessica, Cameron, and company in the battle back

    • That’s what I was hoping for iamthekidlegend, regarding Jessica being evicted. I was hoping Cody would do one of those chivalrous acts to knock himself out for his darling Jessica (Gag!!!) but there’s no hope because Dom is definitely going home. I really didn’t want a battle back now because they’re always physical since the players from earlier don’t have any idea what’s been going on in the house. It’s almost assured that Cody will be back. The one thing that’ll be interesting is to see if Cody follows through on what he said before he left about teaming up with Paul.

    • Jessica had a huge target on her back, but it is Big Brother. Lay low and see if someone else makes themselves a target. It worked.

      • Well if the HGs guess correctly about the upcoming battle back, they could change their minds and vote for Jessica.

  16. The hilarious thing about all of this is that Dom is completely right about Paul (even if she went about it in the worst way possible), but because Paul has built a game off of being screwed over by other people, everyone just believes him outright. That’s something that separates bad players from good, everybody screws up, but if you’ve built up enough relationships to attain the benefit of the doubt, you can afford to make mistakes on occasion.

    I seriously doubt the dude will be able to keep playing as sloppy as he has, but I’m pretty impressed that he was able to flip this away from himself.

    If I’m Paul, I’m using this fortunate situation to sit back, shut up and watch the chaos before anybody else wises up… but he probably won’t. He has always been best as an underdog and will most likely put himself back in that position soon enough. Paul’s biggest asset is also his biggest obstacle – his mouth.

    • I mean you can win every pov and make it to the final three despite sloppy gameplay

  17. I hope that Cameron or Jillian wins the battle back. I know they’re not the favorites, but they would kinda be in an interesting situation since none really made any real connections with most of the other houseguests. So they might be playing both sides until others realize that. But if we’re going with the favorite to win the battle back, it’ll probably be Cody or one of the men who are still in the big brother house (minus Kevin, Paul and Josh).

    • Jillian I have no interest in seeing back. She doesn’t really bring anything to the game and has already shown she isn’t a good player. Cameron I would like to see back though. Similar to Jodi and Glen I don’t think he really got a chance to play and deserves a shot.

  18. Does anyone know the recipe to them fries that Paul makes that everyone goes crazy over??

  19. Sorry…I guess I’m a little confused…what has Paul done this season to be considered a “snake”?

    • You would have to ask Dom because I’ve been surprised at how up front Paul’s been this season. Yeah he’s done some sneaky stuff but this is big brother, it’s a given.

      • If we had to be honest he hasn’t even done anything that “sneaky”. The thing I remember the most was him telling Jessica that Megan was going around assuming she was a racist towards Alex, but he claimed already that was strategy. Not to mention Megan told more than just Paul, and that’s not really something to say to people in the Big Brother house

  20. It seems like Paul may become the new Paulie. He’s running the house right now imo. Idk what Dom was trying to do, but all she did was make herself look desperate and even more untrustworthy. I love Paul, but I’m curious to see how others will play the game if he’s evicted later on.

  21. I have seen this so many times. What Dom was saying is right but she should’ve just owned it, made it clear what she was saying, no beating around the bush and don’t do it in the way she did it. For me its more be stealth in how you approach people but when you do, be direct. A shouting match means no one gets the message unless you have a firm grasp on what you are saying.

  22. I’m confused again! Why would Dominique bother throwing Paul’s name around knowing regardless of what she says, Alex cannot put him on the block! Dominique should have picked somebody else to argue with an call an infiltrator!? (Was that the word she used?)
    None of this is making sense to me! Have they lost their minds or have I? Probably me LOL 😂
    I’m just confused from the very beginning of Alex putting Dominique on the block. I get that she couldn’t get too much blood on her hands because she didn’t have the numbers behind her however, I don’t understand why she went after Dominique? & why everyone is upset with Dominique because she said something about “an organic alliance!” So?? It’s obvious there is/was a Paul alliance, so what’s the big deal? What am I missing?
    I also don’t understand why Alex would go after Dominique instead of bigger threats (ones she could put up without rocking “Paul’s boat?”) I didn’t even know Dom was still in the game ha ha I didn’t know she was even in Paul’s alliance, and if she was I thought she was at the very very bottom therefore Alex could have used her/made agreements/made an alliance with her. Is/was Dom that big of a threat??
    I’m confused! 🤷‍♀️

    • I think that Dominique was at one point a pawn..I think Alex had in mind to keep Jessica on the block and backdoor Christmas..If so (had the plan worked) either Jessica or Christmas (both threats in their own way) would have been gone…Its all I can come up with as to why Alex chose to nominate Dom…Now Dom is likely to be evicted because of her “my self worth” attitude…

      • So Alex didn’t have a chance to explain to Dominique that she was just a pawn before Dominique went off and ruined her own game!? That makes sense! Plus, Dominique said she was put on the block because of the “colour of her skin” That really really bugs me! Words are powerful and even though it’s so far from the truth, everyone’s minds thinks differently and some people will believe those powerful words, therefor Alex will then seem like she is a racist!

    • Dom is just random wall fixture material in the house and now she’ll used as that. She has no game and is getting upset? Watch her just keep digging that hole she’s in.

      • Yeah, no doubt! She took over Julian’s position in the house LOL aside from her talkshows I guess!?

        I just don’t understand why she would blow up the way she did, and on Paul. He’s safe! If she wanted to go after someone to put a target on their back, she picked the wrong person LOL so I guess she’s not interested in campaigning to stay! She’s just ready to walk out the door. But what really bothers me is she’s saying she was put on the block for personal reasons. She even said it was because the “colour of her skin!!” That really pisses me off because, although it’s completely untrue, some people believe things they read/hear so, there are people out there now that will believe Alex put her on the block because of the colour of her skin so in other words, Alex is racist! Which she is not! So when Dominique started saying things like that I lost all respect for her! Words are powerful!

      • The woman is obviously seriously confused and has no clue what he is in the middle of. I guess she thought you just enter the game, hang out and eat stuff, and you get handed $500K, right? I dunno what to say about the lame race card thing. Just bring it up and people go bat shirt. It’s early in the game, she has no game, and appears to just be striking out and babbling nonsense out of total confusion. Very high level of ignorance. The perfect candidate for those safe early evictions used to thin the herd. All she had to do is lay low and keep supporting the “bad Jessica” idea. I didn’t look to see the details, but it looks like Jess has been working to turn her game around. Seeing Dom go, Jess stay, and Cody come back would be a scream. The furry freak bag would go NUTS!

      • Dominique strikes me as a person who would say she is being nominated because of her race. She is a government engineer, so is clearly pretty smart. She is probably used to being successful and doing well and wants people to know it, so she can’t believe she is doing poorly at something. Instead of admitting to herself she is just not any good at this game she makes it about the other players in the house being racist instead of her bad game play.

      • Very true! I forgot she was an engineer. It’s too bad she can’t just admit she played a terrible game, especially after she was nominated. Although I did respect part of her speech tonight/Thursday night when she said if I am wrong about some of you than I am sorry. Most of them don’t say things like that & then they go home & find out they were wrong about certain HG’s and then they look like the fool.
        Elena (from my understanding/knowledge) was never against Dominique. She was comfortable enough in her own skin to not be threatened by Dominique and Mark’s friendship. And she did try to keep her safe when Alex wanted to put her up for eviction. Elena did say she wasn’t comfortable with it, but she couldn’t push for half the house to be safe just because of their deal so she had no choice but to “fold” & give her blessings (for lack of better words) to Alex to nominate Dom. So Dom (although she did apologize in advance during her speech) should feel bad for all the accusations she made against Elena!
        Anyway blah blah :-)

  23. Someone should tell Dominique that it rarely helps to have a house meeting, and that nobody likes a martyr.

    • Def a bad idea to have them with Paul. Did she watch last season?? He invinted the public call out. Bad choice. Paul cant be out talked.

  24. I’m growing impressed with Jessica’s social game. She’s better off without Cody. She could actually make it to jury without him. If he comes back, shes out cuz they’re going to get her if they cant get him out.

  25. Im watching bbad, Paul’s social game is insane! He’s the best big brother players I’ve seen in a while! He has almost seamlessly moved to the other side. Smh love him or hate him, he’s good!

  26. Paul is playing the majority of the house. You guys heard him say it, how he should not be trusted. He’s intelligent, persuasive and competitive. I do think that the whole talk show should have been in more control. It definitely put a target on Dominique’s back. I definitely thought that she was in one of the best positions in the house. Paul began putting the target moreso onto Dominique after he heard about her talk with Alex. Her indirect responses seemed to have led to the other houseguests’ suspicions about her loyalties in the house. Paul seems to have convinced the majority to vote her out because of the possibility of her coming after him. I recall him being close to her at one point. I honestly wish that, that talk show never happened. So much confusion and misunderstandings. I guess Cody got what he wanted.

  27. “but it’s Paul and so many of these HGs expect him to walk across the pool so that’s getting more weight than it should”…
    I cracked up when I read that part!

  28. Dominique seemed to be in a good spot. She was sitting back, observing, and letting other people make themselves targets. Then she gets involved and makes herself a target. Big swing of good game play to very poor game play.

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