Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Week 8: Monday Night Highlights

This week in the Big Brother 19 house has gotten off to a pretty drama-free start (unfortunately), but now everyone is finally shifting into game mode as they know as soon as Mark is gone they’ve all got to start turning on each other.

So who is going to draw the line first? That was discussed heavily throughout the evening so read on for details.

Find out what you missed earlier on Monday with our daytime Feed Highlights Report for previous events.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 21, 2017:

4:00 PM BBT – Christmas admits she was one of the hinky votes for Cody to stay. Josh says he thought so because it was all over her face. Josh thinks that was a smart move since it stirred trouble. Christmas points out it did get Dominique out.

4:25 PM BBT – Josh tells Matthew, Paul, and Christmas that they can’t let Jason or Alex win the next HoH. He worries Alex would try to go after one of them. Matthew wants to make sure they get HoH then put up Jason and Alex.

4:30 PM BBT – Matthew tries to decide if it’s better to get out Alex first or keep her. He worries that Jason might be a loose cannon without Alex around.

4:32 PM BBT – Paul says he’s nervous that someone might try to use him as a pawn then the voters might be tempted to take the opportunity to get him out.

4:40 PM BBT – Matthew says the best chance is for Josh to win HoH then he’ll go after Alex and Jason, but if not then Paul can throw it to him or Raven and they’ll do it.

4:42 PM BBT – Paul is camtalking again about his F3 plans. Now he’s back to saying Matthew and Raven might be just as good as Christmas and Josh. Paul says he’s going to need to get Alex, Jason, and Matt out in a row to help his planning.

4:45 PM BBT – Paul says he’s most worried about the F7 & F6 rounds. He thinks before that the couples will be going after each other instead. Paul wants to make sure Alex stays in the game so she can be a target before him.

4:50 PM BBT – Josh and Paul discuss if they can trust Matthew to go after Alex and Jason. Josh says he can be the one to do it.

5:13 PM BBT – Josh worries Matthew won’t be willing to go after Alex and Jason if he gets HoH. Paul disagrees.

5:15 PM BBT – Josh warns Paul that if he (P) goes up then he’s in danger, so they shouldn’t risk it. Josh is also worried that if any of their F3 (J, P, & C) go up then there’s a big temptation to vote them out.

5:20 PM BBT – Josh and Paul playing pool. Nothing else going on.

6:30 PM BBT – HGs hanging out, preparing food, chit-chatting. All is quiet.

7:20 PM BBT – Josh cam talks and says he hasn’t played the cleanest or best game, but he hopes fans respect what he’s doing a little bit. He says he wants to win the game. He says it’s one of his biggest dreams.

7:22 PM BBT – Josh says he loves Jason but if he wins the next HOH he has to take a shot to break up Jason and Alex. He says if they let them go any further they’ll be too strong to get out.

8:45 PM BBT – Josh asks Christmas why Jason and Alex seem annoyed with him. Christmas says maybe Kevin has been stirring the pot.

9:51 PM BBT – Paul, Matthew and Raven discussing the HOH. Paul asks if it’s down to the three of them does Matthew want it thrown to him. Matthew says yes. Paul says if Matthew makes a move agains Alex and Jason, they can push Kevin as the target next time to keep Matthew safe.

9:52 PM BBT – Raven and Matthew wonder what happens if Alex or Jason win HOH. They think they will go for Kevin but they’ll have to put one of them up with him.

9:54 PM BBT – Matthew tells Paul that “if I’m anyone in this game” they’re going to have to go through Paul to win this game. Paul says if he gets to the end, he loses. Matthew says he hopes Paul is right because he doesn’t want anyone to take a shot at Paul.

10:14 PM BBT – Paul tells Christmas that Matthew and Raven just said something weird to him. He tells her what Matthew said about someone having to beat Paul to win. Paul thinks it’s weird even though Matthew said he doesn’t want anyone to take a shot at Paul. It seems Paul is clearly trying to shift target off Alex, but Christmas is saying Matthew and Raven are just easier to beat.

10:17 PM BBT – Paul tells Christmas that he is just asking if she really trusts Matthew and Raven and if they’re jumping on the wrong side.

10:18 PM BBT – Christmas says she thinks Alex and Jason are going to play as many angles as the can from here on out. She then starts talking about how close Alex always was with Cody and that she had to know at some point that Cody wanted Paul out. Paul asks if she thinks he should just gun it for the next HOH if people are going to be coming for him.

10:21 PM BBT – Christmas says she hopes she didn’t mess up not putting Alex up today. Paul said she didn’t mess up.

10:23 PM BBT – Christmas tells Paul that her head is clear since she’s not on her nerve medicine anymore and she’s thinking more strategically.

10:28 PM BBT – Christmas says Matthew and Raven have been more on their side than Jason and Alex because they’ve played a shady game. Paul says maybe they’re just being paranoid. Christmas says she hopes that’s all it is.

10:41 PM BBT – Paul tells Christmas that he doesn’t think Matthew and Raven have the nerve to make a move. Christmas agrees.

11:00 PM BBT – Paul and Matthew discuss going after Jason. Matthew says he’d want to do it instead of Raven so she can maintain a relationship with Alex.

11:05 PM BBT – Paul runs back to Christmas with the details of his discussion with Matthew. He tells how Matthew says Raven and Alex have a good relationship, but he doesn’t believe that. They discuss how his game has been trying to be a shield for Raven.

11:10 PM BBT – Paul says he’ll go to Alex and tell her she needs to go after Matthew and Raven and that Kevin is coming for her.

11:40 PM BBT – Christmas tells Paul he’s in a good position. Paul counters that all three of them (her, Paul, and Josh) are in a good spot. Both are suggesting they can help deflect the attention if the other starts to become a bigger target.

11:50 PM BBT – Alex and Jason discuss that Kevin wants to come after them. Alex is upset to have heard Kevin wanted to get Matthew out this week and keep Mark. Jason says he thinks Kevin’s strategy is to keep Mark as a target before him. Alex says they should get Mark now then go after Matthew, Kevin, and then Raven.

11:55 PM BBT – Alex worries that Paul will sweep the Jury if he makes to to the F2. Despite that, Alex then says she’s okay with her, Jason, and Paul being the F3 because they all deserve it.

12:00 AM BBT – Kevin and Paul discuss Jury votes. Kevin doesn’t think anyone in the Jury would vote for Alex. Kevin doesn’t know why Alex doesn’t like him, but he wouldn’t vote for her either.

12:05 AM BBT – Alex tells Jason they need to stick with Paul because he hasn’t wronged them yet and he doesn’t think Paul would. Alex wants Kevin though. Alex says there’s no way they can let Kevin win and when it’s his week to go they need to push him to his limit.

12:15 AM BBT – Paul talks with Alex and tells her to play it cool with Kevin. Paul says he’s talking Kevin down from wanting to come after her. He promises he’s getting the target off her back and on to Kevin’s when he talks with the other HGs.

12:20 AM BBT – Paul reaffirms with Alex that they’re preferred eviction order, after Mark, is Matthew, Kevin, Raven, and Christmas. Alex agrees.

12:25 AM BBT – Alex is annoyed with Matthew and doesn’t know why he’s here in the game if he isn’t going to play.

12:30 AM BBT – Paul warns Alex not to go after Kevin because it wouldn’t go well. He advises her to push Kevin as a target to Matthew and Raven so it isn’t one sided coming from him.

12:40 AM BBT – Paul asks Alex if she thinks she could really beat Jason in F2. She’s sure she could talk her way past Jason, but Paul reminds her to look at what happened to him last year. Paul says Jason would probably beat both of them. He suggests no one would vote for him since he’s a Vet, but Alex isn’t convinced.

12:45 AM BBT – Alex and Paul discuss Raven’s health issues and think it’d be wrong to keep her around because of those. Paul says he’d be upset to see HGs throw their game away for that especially when Raven isn’t even trying to win.

1:00 AM BBT – Paul tells Christmas they’re good with their position in the game and everyone will want to keep them around. He suggests that she’d beat him or Josh in F2, but to make sure they stick together if he gets evicted.

1:10 AM BBT – Paul suggests he can’t win, but he didn’t come back to do that, he came back to entertain his fans.

1:40 AM BBT – Paul is camtalking about why he had to come back to Big Brother and play to win the game. He says he didn’t know he was coming back when the season talk ramped up. Says he had very short notice. Paul says he’s missing out on an lot by being here, but he had to do it because he loves this game. Everyone else looks to be sleeping.

2:50 AM BBT – Paul wraps up his camtalk session and heads off to bed.

The decision to evict Mark this week is holding solid and doesn’t look like anyone is going to waver there. Instead they’re looking ahead and jockeying for next week’s target. We’ve finally arrived at where the majority will have to eat their own once Mark is out the door. Hopefully that turns out to be a more interesting round of decisions than this one.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: Live Feeds Highlights



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  1. “Paul says Jason would probably beat both of them. He suggests no one
    would vote for him since he’s a Vet, but Alex isn’t convinced”

    Alex thinks for herself. Hopefully she will start thinking of targeting Paul!

  2. My only hope is to have a good end to the season and have Josh “steve” paul and cut him at f3 to win the game. Josh is annoying and would be a good winner but i take that if it means ultimate karma vindication for paul.

      • Well, it can be argued that he used his bad behaviors as a strategy to be loyal to an alliance that saw him as a tool, and took him far towards having a shot at winning instead of getting rid of him. “Game play”

  3. Love him or hate him, you’ve got to be impressed with Paul’s ability to jump from couple to couple and keep his story and eviction orders straight. I get confused just trying to follow along with all of it!

    • Totally agree,have no idea if this will take him to the F2 but no contestant this summer has walked a better tightrope in the BB house than Paul.

    • It is amazing to watch Paul go back and forth between 4 groups able to play mind games on all of them without taking a breath between. He goes from Paul/Christmas/Josh perspective to Paul/Alex/Jason to Paul/Raven/Matt to Paul/Kevin like turning a switch off and on. He’s either a good actor or a naturally deceptive person, maybe some of both. Some cracks are forming, though.

      • Wonder when Kevin is on his way out if he will call Paul out on the moves he was told to do by him….then we will see the depth of Paul’s game if he doesn’t.

      • You bring up a interesting point. They could all call Paul out, every single one of them. We saw that happen in speeches already, to no avail. What do they have to lose? The only reason I could see why they wouldn’t call him out would be fear of losing his “friendship”. With these nincompoops, that might be a consideration.

      • Mark on his way out may be too dumb to do it as well. He had the perfect chance when Paul was asking him questions in front of everyone.

      • I have said the same, you can hate the guy, but you GOTTA respect the game play. Regardless of how dumb the rest of the HGs might be, Paul is a great BB player. He is actually starting to wear on me, tbh, but I still respect how he is playing.

      • He is playing a damn good game, that i agree with. Now getting to the other thing you said, cracks are forming and if for some reason they decide to compare notes, Paul’s game is over. All it is going to take is for one of them to win HOH and think really hard.

      • I was reading the convo between Alex and Christmas yesterday and I kept waiting for one or the other to broach the subject. There for a second, I thought they might actually were going to, but alas, no comparing.

      • His parents want him to study law…He would make an awesome attorney…His gift of telling a person “what” they want to hear is above reproach…And he is a proven shyster…They know where their sons best talents should be used…

      • I’m fairly certain he said it wasn’t necessarily what he wanted but that his parents were right thinking it could lead to many other jobs that would interest him. Not sure what that is.

  4. My wife and I finally hit our breaking point on Sunday night when Christmas celebrated Paul throwing her the HOH, declared she was making “big moves” then declared Mark her target. Between lack of gameplay from 80% of the cast and Paul’s bullying, it just isn’t a fun season. We decided that we will watch the episodes still, but it just is not a fun group to watch on the feeds. Oh look, Raven is whining! Matt is eating cereal! Christmas is pretending she runs the house! Alex is being a jerk!
    We are going to go back and watch some old seasons and hope for better next year!

    • I think you should watch until Paul makes F3. If he does that, and depending on who ends up with him, then I’d call it quits.

    • I totally agree!! I’m done watching this season. I can’t believe they found so many IDIOTS to play this game!! Might as well give Paul the money now since the show has been geared towards him from the start. Please don’t EVER bring back house guests, unless it’s an all star season. Hope next season will be much better than this group of sheep!!

      • I’m watching the whole season, but will be done with feeds soon. I am not paying to watch boring HGs do nothing exciting in the house, not even playing games. No one is playing against Paul so nothing fun to watch. The show is edited in such a stupid way. They barely show how the characters truly are.

    • It’s not a great season, but people need to chill with the bullying stuff. These aren’t children, they are grown adults. Not only that the so called bullying was directed at people who were giving just as good as they were getting. Evel Dick, Howie, Rachel, Amanda, Aaron…that was bullying. This was nothing compared to those seasons. But nevertheless, they’re all grown adults, who can handle themselves. Stop being so PC.

      • It has nothing to do with being “PC,” I’m not saying these people should be kicked off the show or prosecuted. My point is that it isn’t a fun show to watch. For me personally, I just find myself getting frustrated and angry watching this group.
        Last season there was a lot of laughs and some levity to be had, plus some good strategic gameplay. This season is lacking in all of that, in my opinion.

      • Agreed. And for as much as I disliked Vanessa & the Austwins in BB17, at least that group made up games to play in the evenings to entertain themselves AND us feeders – BB Bowling, Pot Ball, etc….they HAD FUN!!

    • Alex is a jerk and a dumb a**. even though she doesn’t know that Paul is against her, just the fact that she trusts him. Paul trusts no one, and that is why he is playing 24/7 and making sure they are on his side. She just relaxes and believes everything will work out.

      • She let me down so bad! I liked her in the beginning, but wow she is just a bad person.

      • Her partner has tried multiple times to get Alex to question Paul and she just tells him to stick a sock in it and shuts him down.

      • Every time Jason starts to catch on to something, Alex tells him to shut up and listen to her. She’s ruining his game and neither of them realize it.

      • Now Jason will be evicted while she will work harder to make F2 with the nemesis. These guys just need to follow their guts sometimes.

      • Alex is my favorite but even I am starting to question her. She should listen to her ride or die but more importantly, Alex should have never said that to the other HG’s in the first place.

      • I really l liked Alex at the beginning, now she has gotten a big head and has really instigated a lot of the bad treatment of others. She is not coming across as a nice person at all.

  5. I’m not going to be mad if Paul wins.
    He’s working.

    The others are strategizing but only with their duo’s / “trio’s”. Paul IS the 3rd wheel for all of the Apple carts.

    Seems like Joshmas WANT to protect him to F3. Maven seems like they NEED him to F3.

    Jalex though… If anyone turns on Paul, I think it will be them. Which is probably why Jason’s buddy, Kevin has to go, and then Jason.

    Paul may think Alex would take a shot at him with Jason around but Alex, alone, would not. Well that and plus, IF somehow Alex and Paul end up in F2, Kevin doesn’t think anyone would vote for Alex, but they think Jason would get votes.

    Same thing for Matt going first – Paul thinks he can more easily beat Raven in F2, even with Bitter Bettys in the jury.
    And Josh easier to beat than Xmas.

    • I don’t disagree with a word of what you said. Starting this season, I was a Christmas fan and wanted Paul out of the house right away. I was disappointed when Christmas got hurt, but not as disappointed as I was by her lack of a promised “big move” under her HOH. Even the others who are playing the game have been afraid to make a big move under the guise of doing what the house (Paul) wants.

      But these people are all blinded, at least at this point in the season. Paul has played the best game and it isn’t even close.

      • And I do not want to see Raven in the final 2. She doesn’t deserve the second place prize. She’s done nothing but talk about ridiculous medical problems and cause injury to herself.

    • You are spot on….IMO Paul will beat them all in a F2 scenario….his game play this season is unmatched by any of these sheep….he continually states that he won’t win because he is a vet….but all of them deep down know he will but they don’t have the balls to do anything about it….knowing he will move his target to the ones plotting against him….so they stay quiet. In their twisted minds a few of them thinks they have a chance to win against Paul….i don’t think so.

  6. I can’t tell if Snitchy is telling Paul what he thinks Paul wants to hear or what he believes. Snitchy has had me double guessing him all season. Either he is shady as the devil or he’s not good at this game. He asks so many dumb questions. For example, he asked Mark yesterday if the cameras could see them all of the time, something like that. He’s asked that before. I don’t know if it’s an act, he forgets, or what. He baffles me.

      • So what are you saying? It sounds like you think Kevin is too old to keep up with the younger HGs. I know a lot of people in their 60’s, even 70’s, who could outwit and outlast these bozos easily. I didn’t bring age into the equation and don’t think it should be.

      • Well I don’t know very many 50 yr old+ HGs who’ve even made this far in the game. How could you expect him to do so well when very few people his age (if any) have made it to this stage in the game?

      • You said that Kevin baffles you. You also suggested that he’s not good at this game. Were you expecting him to play like a pro?

      • Jerry is 75 Season 10 F3. and Renny is 53 same season. There’s three more that’s over 50…It’s not the age

      • Ok Perry, She said it’s either Kevin is shady or not good at this game. You suggested it’s his age? BB10 is different from BB19?..They’re all different.

      • Exactly, my point is that Jerry and Renny didn’t have to play in a season that had a DoT, ToT, Battle Back, HH, 17 HGs, a vet who nearly won in the last season, etc. So based on that, what are we supposed to expect for someone like Kevin who is going through all of these twists and other misc. stuff? I don’t think that there are any other 50+ yr olds who have had to gone through this many twists in a game before, thus counterpointing your point that age isn’t a factor.

      • I am over 50 and I can keep up with these twist just fine. Age isn’t the issue. Kevin is playing his best game and he has to act dumb to do it he will. I like his game play because he keeps the HG’s guessing about him. He is playing the social game and Paul just as last year, isn’t. That is what cost Paul the win last year, not Nicole. Paul hasn’t learned anything from last year. Keep in mind, Cody is in the have a long time to convince all the HG’s to vote for anyone but Paul.

      • OK…but you know exactly what’s going on inside the BB house and Kevin doesn’t. I’m sure things are much different in the BB house.

      • I agree with that but I work in a very BIG factory, when I started there 22 years ago it was over 100 acres under one roof and it has grown tremendously since then. I say that because we always don’t know what is going on in that place but if you watch and listen you can pretty much figure out what is going on in there. People will like to your face and then talk behind your back (sound familiar yet). I got my close friends I trust but we have earned that trust between each other over the years. The BB house is only three months long at best and I wouldn’t trust no one while I was there.

      • 21 years myself in that type of work with many different processes and hundreds of people, so I know exactly of which you speak. You nailed it, WW.

      • To win these days you have to have physical, mental and social skills. If you don’t have all of those skills you need to align yourself with someone who will complement what you are lacking. So I don’t think age alone precludes you from going far and possibly even winning. One thing you learn as you get older is how to roll with the punches. Jess and Cody were under 50 and physically were strong but lacked the social skills and flexibility to roll with the game.

      • Well, this isn’t SURVIVOR, it’s Big Brother, ha ha! True, Kevin has done well considering he hasn’t won any HOH or POV competitions. But the fact that he is older doesn’t mean he can’t win.

    • Kevin is the smartest in the house, but Paul out smarts him in the game. Paul is not willing to put Kevin on the block so he wants others to do it and he’ll go to jury thinking Paul was on his side the whole time. Kevin likes to always make conversation with everyone so they can all like him. That is a strategy, now he needs to start winning comps.

      • It’s good to get the perspective of other posters regarding Snitchy because he is one of the few HGs that has had kept me perplexed this long.

      • The only thing I don’t like about Kevin is how trusting he is of Paul and Jason. He is a little blind, but I have liked how he has played a good social game.

      • See, I’m still not convinced that he is that trusting of Paul. Sometimes I think so; then I think he is playing us. smh

      • Yes I agree….i think he knows that Paul has this game in the bag….but I give credit to Paul on reading him on the first day….giving him a friendship bracelet and remembering his name….I think Paul peg him a trusting hg more than the others….older gentlemen…mild mannered and wearing a suit…in his mind he might have thought this guy is not one to spill his guts out to everyone if you show him respect and trust.

      • Kevin’s a sly one and has definitely been playing for jury votes, in case he makes it. I also think CBS has given him great sympathy and likability editing. He very well could get AFP, that is if Jezebel doesn’t “snatch” it.

      • Here is my issue with both Kevin and Alex. She doesn’t trust him because because she thinks he knows Derrick. Yet she turned a blind eye to Raven knowing Paul……HELLO McFLY.

      • Even if Kevin and Derrick knew each other and are or were both cops, who the hell cares. What does that have to do with the game. Derrick is not in the house. This b-tch is crazy.

      • Yeah, he’s an interesting character for sure. I liked him, especially in the beginning, but when he started warming up to Christmas, that wasn’t good. Like I said, he’s a character. Christmas? She’s a woman with masculine energy.

  7. Although the tree of temptation has been a dud so far….i think as the weeks go by more and more people will try to save themselves as they are nominated….but Paul will probably make the move to get everyone to take a temptation so that he can control the outcome of his game play by knowing who has what temptation.

  8. I honestly think this is the best move for any HG in a power couple if they win HOH.

    1. They should put up a member from two power couples (e.g, Christmas and Raven, Josh and Jason, Alex and Christmas, etc.)
    2. One of the noms, the other member of a power couple who’s not on the block, or the HOH should win POV.
    3. If #2 happens, then one of the noms should be vetoed so that the replacement nom is the other member of the power couple. For example, if the original noms were Christmas and Raven, then either Josh, Xmas, Paul (in this case) or the HOH should win POV to use the veto on Xmas. Then, it would be a guarantee that Maven or another power couple goes home.

    Even if both HGs of a power couple are OTB before POV, there’s still a chance that Kevin or Paul could be the replacement nom and be evicted instead.

  9. 5:15 PM BBT – Josh warns Paul that if he (P) goes up then he’s in danger, so they shouldn’t risk it.

    9:54 PM BBT – …Matthew says he hopes Paul is right because he doesn’t want anyone to take a shot at Paul.

    11:55 PM BBT – Alex worries that Paul will sweep the Jury if he makes to to the F2. Despite that, Alex then says she’s okay with her, Jason, and Paul being the F3 because they all deserve it.

    12:05 AM BBT – Alex tells Jason they need to stick with Paul because he hasn’t wronged them yet and he doesn’t think Paul would.

    Paul FTW. Everyone are simply sheep. They’re actually watching out for PAUL rather than themselves. Only Alex shows moments of clarity. But those moments are fleeting.

    • So true…they are sheep…and none of them have the courage to take a shot at him….they know they can’t verbally say it to no one as it will make them a target….but I wonder if Paul is put up….if they will pull the trigger?

    • She does. I think Jason does and she shuts him up like he is an idiot and can’t think for himself.

      • True, Alex seems to be able to control Jason (aka “Dumb Dumb”), but if you have been watching the Live Feeds, Jason always has “side” remarks and they aren’t always in Alex’s or Paul’s favor. So what that means is Jason is playing along just to stay in the game, but he has his own ideas and I guarantee you he is not as “dumb” as people might think. He could possibly win this season. Paul and Alex are not liked well out in TV Land, neither is Christmas. Mark is well-liked too. Deep down, people want “nice guys” to win. Matt seems like an easy-going nice guy, but his hook-up with Raven just turns a lot of people off.

      • I have watched feeds and although Jason has his own mind and ideas, he always ends up telling Alex everything anyone he speaks to says and then Paul. Huge mistake from his part.

  10. This season would be a lot different if 1. They brought back John from BB17 and 2. Two people were evicted Day 1 instead of 1.

  11. Paul is talking on Jokers that he would like be in the amazing race…..just think of the duo of Paul and Cody !!!!!……I could see it know….Paul telling Cody to spike the other’s tires…cut the other’s rope….put a hole in their boats…it would take the game to a new level….the amazing sabotage !!!!

    • I hope he never gets another CBS job. Stick to making crappy expensive T-shirts instead.

      • I was thinking the same, no more for you Paul. If he really needs to be on television, he can do Couples Therapy, Million Dollar MatchMaker, Extreme Couponing, one of those…

      • How do u know they are “crappy”??? Did u go to his site and look at them..??? ..Like him him or not I wish Paul the best in life and hope whatever he attempts is a success…Pau

      • I actually did last season and it was something my 16 year old can do with a cheap Hanes shirt. Hope for nothing but the best in his crappy T shirt business, just don’t want to see him on TV again.

    • Well, just before Cody left, he and Paul had a talk and it seemed as though they might have been good together. But when Cody returned, everything changed and instead of playing the game, Jessica and Cody spent too much time together instead of building allies and playing BB. Paul and his homies started their bullying and hate. Nice.

  12. They promised Paul 500,000. Of course he had to come back for that.
    I really hope Alex is the next one gone since she is still up Paul’s a**hole.

    • CBS could “promise ” Paul a $1,000,000,000…but its a promise that CBS can’t keep…The statement that CBS promised “Paul a win” in itself is asinine at best .. Did CBS instruct and promise big bucks to the other HGs so that they would portray themselves as mindless idiots.???..All the HGs on this season have at some point have admitted to watching BB and a few are actual fans. They have proven by their actions and words that they know how the game is played…..Nobody told them to get picked for a reality TV show and act like dogs or sheep or one of the many names their called.. They are grown ass adults ..the object of the game is $500,000 and they are all aware of that…but they persist in staying in the idiot mode. CBS is not handing Paul the win Matthew Raven Alex Jason Christmas Josh and Kevin are…

      • Yes you are so right…they are giving the win to Paul….but Paul isn’t just sitting back….he’s playing the game and taking advantage of their stupidity.

      • Exactly….And we would do the same if we were in Pauls position…Paul would be stupid not to take an advantage that’s being handed to him…

    • Could be worse, they could promise him $500k to return and then he would just lie around all summer and do nothing to earn it. Wait, that’s what happened last year! LOL

  13. I think as a sign of good gesture that BB should on the finale night award Josh a set of new Lagostina pots and pans for the entertainment he provided us this season !

  14. Don’t really understand the “I’m not watching anymore, this is boring” argument. You know what was boring? Jessica had the most power anyone will ever have this season and it got Ramses out. That was boring. You know what else was boring? Waiting for Jody and Marlena to do something to turn the house yet Cody won 1 HOH, a Temptation Comp and Battle Back. Jessica one 1 HOH. At least Mark won some POV competitions. So…that was boring. I’m not on the Paul bandwagon but at least the guy is playing the game. Reading about how Jody were always together either in a room or in a hammock made me want to gouge my eyes out. They were good entertainment b/c the storyline of getting them out was fun, but they were terrible game players. I’d rather have the “everyone turns on each other” storyline than the last 6-7 weeks of Big Brother. NOW the game starts.

    • So what you are saying is that you don’t get how people could find this season boring, despite the fact you listed about ten things that make this season boring? Got it.

      • It seems like the argument for it being a boring season started when Jessica was about to be evicted. Then the argument got louder once Cody and Elena left. Nevermind the fact that none of those players ever did anything to try and change the game. Jessica was doing a great job re-adapting with the rest of the house, and then she went back to her bad habits once Cody came back. That was a good opportunity to reestablish themselves, lay low and make moves down the line but they resorted back to isolation.

    • They were both bad game players, and the only excitement is that they were against Paul. When Jess nominated Ramses, they din’t have the votes to get rid of Paul, but she could have tried and Josh would have been gone.

      • Exactly, she should have tired. She had won HOH, POV and had the halting hex and she got Ramses out? Are you kidding me?

      • You are so right….it seemed that her game play thought processes made sense but she talked herself out of the right move.

    • Yep. Cody was my favorite player when the game started but it went downhill quickly once him and Jess hit the sack.

      He did get screwed by Production/America’s vote, however.

  15. Paul says Zingbot got political. If there is a reason to not watch a TV show, this is it. I’m going to watch it to see what Paul meant. There is news all over TV every day and I’m sick of politics. I hate it when the few shows I enjoy get political. That is a definite turn off for me.

    • Not to get political…that’s Hollywood….they got to squeeze their views in where ever they can !

      • And it is getting old. I watch shows like BB hoping to get away from all of political nonsense and that is the one thing that will make me hit the off button…for good.

      • Thanks, Alfie, and I found a new posting buddy in you this season. You have added much to this forum. I’m just so fed up with politics. I don’t like my entertainment to get political, as that is not entertaining anymore. I really hope Zingbot doesn’t go too far with it.

      • Zingbot should not be restricted. No worries about micro aggressions and safe spaces. let him toss the zingers without worrying about offending someone in Australia. He’s there to help you and everyone escape for an hour. Big brother has gone alot more into focus testing and micro managing every aspect. Hopefully they will remember why we fell in love with the show in the first place…Because it didn’t take itself so seriously..

      • BB is one of my escapes from politics, as I have to listen to my husband constantly, too, and try to keep him calm. Getting politically biased should be a no no. That’s one reason I enjoy this site because it is rarely that someone actually has shown political bias on this forum. :)

      • Paulie from BB18. Was this when he was getting weepy and tired from making pies that season? Oh, boo hoo.

    • Probably comparing dictator Paul to North Korea’s president or Russia’s. The Raven one is so dumb. Is about her makeup instead of the fake disease.

  16. I can’t remember a season where no one can keep anything to themselves. Jason is the worst in running back to Napoleon (P) after every hint of someone else, God forbid, trying to play the game. How many times have these jerks made everyone be accountable just for talking to someone not in the inner circle.How dare they. What a joke and at, 61, all I can say about this season is that I can’t believe my wife and I are wasting our time watching these idiots.

    • Jason has gotten on my last nerve telling Paul everything. Betraying Kevin is the dumbest move he has made. Kevin had his back.

    • Exactly right about Jason. I know that when you have an alliance you need to try and keep them informed to the goings on but Jason is ridiculous about it. He’s like the tattling little brother.

      • Except he didn’t rush back after his convo with Mark where Mark was talking about the need to get Paul out. Now, Jason is on the outs for not reporting it. LOL. He gets criticized if he does report back (by the fans) and targeted (by Paul) if he doesn’t.

      • No, I get the reporting back. I think it’s just the manner in which he does it. It’s like he can’t wait to get to the room to tell them, like a ratting little kid, a Teacher’s pet, lol.

        He looked like a HUGE douche when he called out Mark at the nomination ceremony, IMO.

        I didn’t realize Paul and them caught on to the fact that he didn’t report it when it happened. I knew that Mark brought up to Josh and Christmas how Jason said he was “on the fence”.

      • I thought it was good that he called out Mark. Unfortunately Jason was so excited it wasn’t clearly done.

  17. Monday was one of the most boring days in BB history. Production is going to have to stir things up or their ratings are going to drop fast.

    • Agreed. But that’s why the drama is so important to the ratings. This year’s BB has had high ratings, at least up until now.

  18. Does anyone not complain about the same things over and over and over on here?!! Way worse than the season itself!!

    • Is that not what the comments section is for? With each new article comes new revelations as to what the HGs are saying/doing (for those of us that don’t have the feeds). What’s wrong with venting?

      • It’s the same week after week – notice you said “new article”! Focus on the strategy for the week as if it’s new, not what you’re displeased about from weeks ago!

      • That’s silly because things these moron HGs did weeks ago still affect what they are doing currently, i.e. following Paul’s lead to walk him to winning the show.

  19. I think a large part of hostility directed at Paul and production are mostly due to some peoples faves have flamed out big time,the Jody fan club just can’t accept the reality their idols were simply bad at playing this game,anger and isolation are not good tools to use on BB,granted some of the others are not Flash Gordon for sure but at least they are still there and not snarling from their bed like Dr. Frankenstein and his future bride.

    • Of course. I was a big fan of Vic last season and was rooting for him. I lost interest once he got evicted. I didn’t really like the fact that Nicole won, but it is what it is. Big Brother tends to get a bit boring in the last few weeks.

    • I am not a fan of Paul, even remotely, but I do think, as of right now anyway, he not only will win the game but he deserves to win the game. Nothing wrong with having your minions do your dirty work. If they’re stupid enough to fall all over you, let them. I’ve not agreed with most of his tactics nor did I agree with how Jody played. (Never was a fan of Jessica but I did like Cody, even though his game play sucked, mostly due to Jessica). We saw Cody come out of his shell too late in the game. It was entertaining watching him play while telling us of his disdain for the remaining HGs, save for Kevin.

      All that said, I don’t think we can escape the fact that production helped Paul, especially in the first few weeks. Yes, America voted but that was right out of the gate and Production had to know Paul would be a fan favorite right away. And three weeks of safety was ridiculous, for anyone.

    • I do not believe that Paul will make to 4/3…His actions right now are those of a person setting themselves up for a fall…Had he waited a couple of more weeks before pitting the “pairs” against each other I’d say his odds of 3/2 final were good . I know time is short and there has to be at least one more DE..There are at least 5/6 weeks left and that gives any remaining HGs time to talk and compare notes as to what Paul has told them…When and if discussion of Pauls wheeling and double dealing takes place he is out the door…I just don’t see him winning…

  20. The recap left out the part where Paul cam talks for over an hour about how much his fans love him, what an idol he is, a mentor, a guru. Can the man be any more egotistical?

  21. Washington Post has an article on bringing in paul as a vet. so it appears that not only in feeder land has the rumblings of discontent reared it’s ugly head. it’s gone main stream, Allison, can you hear us now?
    oh, btw & fwiw, Julie wants jess back next year, wth & wtf.

  22. I read somewhere that only like 3 of the HGs this season have even seen BB (I’m sure some watched a season or two in “prep” but only a couple are fans per say), anyone know if this is true?

    • Jessica said she was a fan of the show, Josh said he was as well. Cameron’s interview Q&A said he started watching BB14 and became a fan…Ramses is also a fan. I’d say maybe a handful have watched.

    • They always say they haven’t watched BB but then they talk about past seasons. I never believe them when they say that. I firmly believe that most have watched before.

  23. Poor Kevin! The only HG in the house who is not aware he’s without a single alliance and even a friend. Plus he doesn’t know why Alex does not like him. Reason is “Paul’s gameplays”

      • I just remembered, kev told Jason he’s all alone and Jason said, no you’re not all alone, you have paul.
        it’s like a friggin cult in there.

      • Then, he should fix himself into Xmas/Josh alliance before it go out of his hands completely. He had never had it real dirty with those guys. Alex obviously does not like him. Maven are the most floaters. He should sense that F2 alliance with Paul alone is not all that he needs if Paul turns the entire house and they decide to target him.

  24. what would be a good theme for the big 20th season?
    boys vs girls?
    young vs old?
    usa vs canada?
    an all mensa house?
    no showmances allowed?
    compete for everything, starting 1st minute in?
    somethings gotta give.

      • all star, that’s probably what will happen but i’m just so over paul, I can’t imagine a whole houseful. I just can’t and I have been watch from season 1.

      • Well I feel that an All Star should make it to at least F6 so no Jody. I guess there have been others who have been on 3x so maybe Paul or Alex if she goes further. Paul would be very different in a house full of vets and that would be interesting to see, no steamrolling there.

      • No thanks. There’s been several players in F2 and F3 who were terrible or they were dragged to the end because they didn’t do anything and would be easy to beat. I never want to see Gina-Marie, Spencer, James H, Victoria or Natalie (S11) ever again.

      • If we had to suffer through a 3rd season of Boogie, I could handle a 3rd season of Paul but only in a house full of All Stars

      • I have never liked Boogie. He’s always looked and acted like a REALLY old guy trying to pass for young and cool

      • This season, Paul only. And that only marginally. I think he’d fold pretty easily playing against winners from previous seasons who actually had some real competition.

      • Like is Derrick was there. Remember paul’s face when Derrick entered with an overnight bag !?!

      • No, Leslie run the network. He’s the CEO. Leslie has 1 millions share which is about 0.25%

      • Whatever. I think Julie Chen has a lot of “pull” in the show. If she would like to see Jessica return to BB at some point, it’ll be granted. I like Jessica, and would like to see her return as well.

      • I personally define “all-star” as those BB houseguests who have WON the BB in the past 18 seasons, including this year’s. I think it would be a fantastic BB season if CBS decided to bring the winners back.

      • When Survivor did that, they went for the ‘biggest’ winner. Most knew all the other’s tricks and trades and how they each mostly played. They didn’t know much about the latest contestant entry as his season hadn’t played yet before Survivor started.

    • Great question! Either bring back all the great showmances or all the winners. I think bringing back all the winners would probably be their best show ever. Can you imagine Evel Dick Donato back in the house? He still keeps Big Brother alive in well during the seasons, in his twitter account and pay per view. Love him!

      • not to get too personal, but ed has an illness that could be catchy, he can’t play

  25. I would love to see a reunion with this cast and hear what their thoughts are after watching the season

  26. Ugh I can’t even make it through the entire highlights anymore :( Paul is aware how he came across the first half of the game and now that the game is laid out (by his own doing) to stream roll through now is it’s time to focus on his “image” again….I’m over this season all the interesting people are gone and the player’s cam talks speak nothing of taking Paul out. Just a sad season as a viewer. I don’t even think Paul is some mastermind, I legit think these people have no passion for the game.

    • I agree about Paul not being a mastermind. I don’t even think he’s played that great a game. It’s easy to bully your way through a bunch of HGs made of jello. And as far as Paul’s “image” goes; sorry, I think that ship has already sailed.

    • Paul is so darn arrogant he thinks he can camera talk to us and get in our head like he’s done to his housemates. No Paul, it ain’t happening. We see and hear everything.

  27. 4:32 PM BBT – Paul says he’s nervous that someone might try to use him as a pawn then the voters might be tempted to take the opportunity to get him out. (Yes, and … it’s OK to do that to everyone else, but that can’t happen to St. Paul.)

    5:15 PM BBT – Josh warns Paul that if he (P) goes up then he’s in danger, so they shouldn’t risk it. (However …)

    7:20 PM BBT – Josh cam talks and says he wants to win the game. He says it’s one of his biggest dreams.(Well, Josh, that roadblock in the path to your dream is Paul. Can you see it before it’s too late?)

      • Josh banging pots and pans and singing Johnny Cash..” that trains a comin!” Great television!

      • ‘Well when I was just a baby my mama told me son
        Always be a good boy don’t ever play with’ …
        pots and pans?
        with apologies to Johnny for the revision,lol

      • I hear the train a comin’ rollin’ round the bend
        I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when

        That trains got a face that looks like Paul and it’s comin round the bend

  28. maybe for the 20th, have an all stars if you must. however, make it so incredibly hard, test their endurance and grace under fire from day one. bb, be ruthless & harsh without a break. no floaters, no tanners, no nappers and no coasters.
    then I will watch.

      • I just wanted to reach through my TV and yank Vanessa’s hair out of her head. I’m not sure who irritated me the most on a personal level, her or Frankie. Game wise, Vanessa might have intimidated me, and I’m not easily intimidated. When you can’t get a word in edgewise you gotta stuff a sock in it, and I would have probably ran out of socks if I was in that house with Vanessa and also been kicked out. lol I would love to see her with someone like Derrick, though. That would be interesting.

    • Never going to happen….making it hard. BB thinks we want to watch morons living in a house, laying around, eating, eating, eating, sleeping, having sex and eating some more. I wish CBS/BB would get its own head out of its ass and realize what the fans want, BB, old school style. Letting BB organically play out, basic comps, bring back the key wheel, bring back food comps, all of it. The twists are stupid and the over the top comp sets are a waste of time and money imo.

  29. I don’t care if Paul makes it to the end and wins…but I do NOT want Christmas there. Alex deserves to be, yes. Even Jason and Josh deserve to be..but not Christmas, imho.

  30. I think were all missing the BIG point here. This season is a foreshadow of CBS’s new hit series…. (airing on Lifetime) BIG SISTER. Its like Big Brother, but not as brutal. Challenges will include knitting, eating cereal.. etc… its gonna be off the hook

    I cant believe Josh is protecting Paul so bad. I was not a fan of Paul but he won me over this season. Anyone who can take so much control without it being obvious, and actually have people wanting to protect you is deserving of the win in my opinion.

  31. Make Big Brother Great Again!
    Fix for next season: Assuming 15 house guests

    House guests should be divided into random teams of 3 each week for 5 weeks minus the twist team. This will make it harder for house guests to group with any large group and force more competitive play.

    Twist team should be determined by house guests playing a contest each week where the lowest 3 become the twist team for that week. This will make sure everyone gives it their best as they do not want to be on the twist team. I can see twist team being an easy nomination target. Therefore try your best to compete.

  32. Let me guess, the posts below will say – Paul’s minions, it’s fixed for Paul, Christmas shouldn’t be eligible, these hsg are brutal and CBS should step in, I’m done watching, and any unoriginal substance you same people offer, etc.!! Here’s a novel idea, comment on the actual moves being made?!! If not, don’t go w/ the “house” and give us the same boring stuff!!

    • It’s turned into a bitch sesh this year, which I can kind of see and I’ve done my fair share in past seasons, but come on…..let’s talk about the season, the moves people are making and what you think of this and that, not how much everyone hates Paul, simply because he is playing and so far winning in the game of BB.

    • I agree. I feel like the comment area is more predictable and boring then the game. Once Mark is out we should be getting really good game play from the other players.

    • I totally agree. Like him or hate him, the guy is the Big Brother Houseguest Whisperer. He should really go into sales, he could do exceptionally well and make a ton of money. Seriously. Cody referred to Paul as “Charles Manson” due to his ability to get people to do what he wants.

  33. Here we go again. Paul telling people lies and everyone believes him. This season is so annoying!!

    • Sumit, you have to agree that ALL Big Brother houseguests are lying to some degree. ALL of them, just some more than others.

      • That is not the point I am trying to make. I am talking about how it is annoying that everyone believes his lies.

  34. “7:22 PM BBT – Josh says he loves Jason but…”

    Would that be “love” as in Josh saying, “Love you Elena”, as she was walking out the door after being ganged up on by Josh in the kitchen, repeatedly called by an awful person by Josh, and then evicted? I guess this would also be comparable to Josh repeatedly telling Jessica and Cody how he thought they were great and wonderful, and yet he was the one who ran a campaign of aggravation against them when they were not even talking to him.

    Definition of understatement: “7:20 PM BBT – Josh cam talks and says he hasn’t played the cleanest or best game…”

  35. Paul just needs to realize his path to guaranteed victory is to take Raven and Christmas to F3.

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