Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Week 8: Friday Night Highlights

After a long Big Brother 19 Live Feeds outage, they finally returned late Friday night, leaving us and everyone else trying to piece together what we’ve missed. The HGs weren’t energized or fighting, so there doesn’t seem to be much drama surrounding them at this point.

We did have a lot of catching up to do and it didn’t take long for us to discover the latest spoilers along with what looks to be a new twist for the week.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 18, 2017:

9:02 PM BBT – Feeds are back from all that downtime.

9:05 PM BBT – Raven and Christmas are in the HoH room talking. Paul is napping. Raven tells Christmas she did really well in her nomination speech. Christmas talks about what she told Matthew & Jason. There’s all your spoilers.

9:09 PM BBT – Sounds like Jason found out his wife is pregnant from his DE HOH letter.

9:20 PM BBT – Raven once again talking about her GP disease and suggests it hasn’t been named but hopes it’ll be named after her.

9:20 PM BBT – Josh tells Matthew that he trusts him and Raven.

9:25 PM BBT – Raven says she wanted to go up, but Matthew said no and that he would do it instead.

9:30 PM BBT – Matthew joins the HoH room. He declares he really likes Josh and notes how observant Josh is. Matthew asks Christmas if Mark revealed anything in his talk with her. She said it wasn’t anything shocking.

9:35 PM BBT – Josh comments how much lighter the house mood is with Cody gone.

9:40 PM BBT – Paul tells Christmas that Kevin told Jason to win Veto, keep noms the same, and then they’d vote out Matthew. Christmas isn’t happy about that news.

9:53 PM BBT – Raven points out and discusses what looks to be the new twist. Located at the apple tree in the foyer are 5 options for good & bad things like “eliminate 2 votes” & “bounty on your head.”

10:05 PM BBT – Matthew and Raven are talking about the plans for the week. She says Mark is leaving this week so there’s nothing to worry about. Matthew adds they need to get Alex out before Jason goes.

10:10 PM BBT – Matthew says he’ll pick Paul or Alex if he gets HG choice.

10:20 PM BBT – Nothing going on in the house. HGs laying around and Matthew and Raven are going to bed soon.

11:30 PM BBT – Josh is annoyed with Kevin but agrees with Paul that they can’t take him out right now. Paul agrees and says they need to get Mark and Jason out first because Alex and Kevin won’t work together. Josh warns that Alex will let loose if Jason goes so she’d need to go immediately after. Paul isn’t worried.

12:00 AM BBT – Have-Nots expired a day early, so they’re having some real food again.

12:05 AM BBT – HGs discussing the new Temptation twists. Christmas doesn’t find them too tempting.

12:45 AM BBT – Josh and Mark are having a civil discussion. Mark talks about missing Elena and how Cody’s return to the game hurt him as he’s the only one of the four left.

12:55 AM BBT – Mark discusses his plan had been to team up with a couple of guys and girls then have a fun summer, but then Cody sunk that and Elena was hard on him.

1:20 AM BBT – Christmas had joined the talk and after Mark leaves she talks with Josh about him. Josh says Mark regrets choices he’s made this season. Christmas suggests Elena dragged Mark’s game down. They want to work on what to say to Mark in case he wins Veto so he’ll work with them.

1:25 AM BBT – Josh and Christmas are glad Mark didn’t pick Jason for “Friendship.” Sounds like Mark got the “save a friend” temptation and used it on Paul.

1:55 AM BBT – Paul talked with Matthew and Raven about going to F5 with them, Christmas, and Josh.

2:00 AM BBT – Josh and Christmas agree that they want Mark out this week then Jason. Paul joins them in the HoH room and tells them he talked with Matthew and Raven about all of them working together for F5. All three want to make sure the other pairs (Jason & Alex and Matthew & Raven) are going after each other instead of them.

2:05 AM BBT – Paul says they may want to keep Kevin over Matthew for an easier time in later competitions. Group decides that should be their F5: Christmas, Josh, Kevin, Paul, and Raven.

2:10 AM BBT – Paul reaffirms that they need to get Mark out first. He laughs about Mark getting the “save a friend” and using it to help Paul. He thinks Mark did it because he knew Paul would be safe anyway with Christmas as HoH.

2:20 AM BBT – Paul says he’ll make a fake F2 with Kevin.

2:35 AM BBT – Paul warns that Jason has said he’d take Alex to F2 so that’s why they need to get Jason out.

2:50 AM BBT – Josh lets Christmas know that Kevin won the $25K. Paul confirms he thinks that’s the case (doesn’t outright admit knowing).

3:25 AM BBT – They’re still hanging out and chatting in the HoH room. Talk returns to the temptations. Discussion suggests this twist lasts three weeks again.

3:35 AM BBT – They just spotted a rat in the kitchen. Not a figurative one either.

4:05 AM BBT – Josh and Paul have set a makeshift rat trap up in the kitchen. Josh says the rat was huge. Christmas doesn’t think it’ll work.

4:25 AM BBT – Feeds were down for awhile. When they return Matt is now in the kitchen. Guess what he’s doing? Yep. Cereal break.

4:40 AM BBT – HGs are finally all back in bed for the night with the lights out.

Well that was an interesting night of catch up! We’ve got lots of details on what’s been going on for the past day and a half but there’s still plenty to discover with this Temptation tree of apples. Big day coming up for Mark as well. Just like Cody last week, Mark needs to be drawn or he’s off to Jury. And even if he is drawn, the rest of the house will be fighting hard against him.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: Live Feeds Highlights



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  1. Don’t like the idea of cancelling 2 votes at this stage. The numbers are too low. Why can’t they just let the players play?

  2. I laughed when Xmas said in the DR that if she got HOH she would shake up the house. No. She’s just another minion.

    • hmmm we don’t know for sure if Christmas has true BD plans for Mark or possibly somebody else…Christmas is shady…always has been…

    • I think the real target is Jason. I think Paul and Xmas told everyone they are going after Mark but they need Jason out because Alex/Jason can win to easily. Even if Mark wins he has nobody to work with so he is dead in the water.

      Matt and Rave are too stupid to go after anyone on their own. Why would you take one of them out. I am convinced that Paul has set in motion the vote Jason out because Jason didn’t tell Paul that Mark had suggested to him to target Paul last week. Paul will think that as a defience.

      • Since Paul hasn’t included them in F5, maybe the BD would be Alex, making sure that either Jason or Alex goes home

  3. Looks like the alliance is beginning to plan against themselves with Paul still calling the shot. At this point, I have to give it to Paul as the only deserving HG (besides Mark) among the remainder playing to win.

  4. It’s pretty bad when I would rather watch the political drama in DC than the House drama on BB. Oh well, maybe a bowl of cereal will fix me up. Over 24 hours of no Feeds, then we get a “remember when” episode. Maybe Production put the rat in to rev things up!

  5. Reading synopsis above, looks like Jason got an HOH basket and a letter from home.
    The letter told Jason about the possible stork delivery in, what, maybe February 2018???
    Let’s see, that would be for BB Season 40-55??? ha ha ha

  6. That was stupid to allow Cody back,there is seriously something mentally wrong.he has “kill” in his eyes. BB is lucky nothing happened with this kid,production dodged a huge bullet!
    Got to be more careful BB, its not all about TV.season2 BB put out a HG for less than what Cody has said!!!!

  7. America & BB (temptations) are getting involved too much. Come on let the HG play the game. Maybe 1 temptation is OK but all these twist and turns seems a bit too much. HG lose all control of a well played game!

  8. Mark uses a temptation to save PAUL!?!?!? How can these people possibly be that stupid and why don’t they just cancel the rest of this show and just give Paul the check already?

  9. This is extraordinary. If they get mark out this week, it would be the first time I’ve seen an alliance stick together and consecutively eliminate their opponents! I know it’s a lot of hate’n going on but from me, BRAVO! It’s what I’ve wanted to see, get your opponents out, then go after each other. Like it or not, THAT’S how an alliance should operate! Don’t turn against your alliance members until the group’s mission is completed! I’m loving this.

  10. Sometimes there are just too many twists and the game isnt played right. Stop the twists for now.

    • Normally I’d agree, but this time I think the twists are the only thing that will keep this season interesting. Otherwise we get to sit back and watch Paul in his little go-go cart drive around and mow down everyone else in the house.

      • I love the way you blame Paul. What about the people that are blindly following Paul? Don’t they have to take the blame for what they decide to do? Why you think that is Paul’s, that you don’t like, fault?

      • I agree. Normally I would never say I want a twist etc. however, in this case I think BB is doing it for exactly the reason you stated.
        BB productions has probably been working overtime trying to think of how they can possibly make these last 8 HGs (excluding Mark because I’m sure they thought he would be gonzo) remotely entertaining.

  11. “11:30 PM BBT – Josh is annoyed with Kevin but agrees with Paul that they can’t take him out right now. Paul agrees and says they need to get Mark and Jason out first because Alex and Kevin won’t work together. Josh warns that Alex will let loose if Jason goes so she’d need to go immediately after. Paul isn’t worried.”

    So it looks like Paul is breaking up with his F2 deal with Alex :o

    • Oh I always knew that was fake. There’s no way Paul will take her. I’ve always said he’s grooming Josh for F2. He’d be a fool to take Alex. Him taking Nicole last year has Alex convinced he will take her, this way, Alex will keep Paul safe. Get it?

    • Yep. Poor Alex (heh) – although since she was planning to take Jason to F2, Paul would be out of the equation by then anyway. These people are such suckers!

    • Yep looks that way. Production needs to start getting in some ears in the DR. Plant a seed with Alex, Jason, Kevin and Mark. Those 4 need to stick together and get Paul and Josh out. Then go after Maven who does absolutely nothing. If those 2 make it to F4 I’m going to throw up.

      • PLEASE!!
        I hope you are right! I just cannot fathom the thought of Josh or Raven making it farther than the game then they already have! Raven should’ve been gone a week one and Josh week 2 (b/c they are awful people!) & seeing Alex for the better part of this season, she can go too!!!

    • I don’t know about that, I think he just wants Jason out of the equation and thinks she can still win over Alex. Who knows!!

  12. Good at least they are going to go after Alex and Jason. It will be fun when they realize their puppeteer has turned on them.

  13. So Paul wants to go after someone that wants to go to the end with him. SMH. Does he realize everyone is coupled up except two people that want him gone. (Mark, Kevin). Josh & Christmas are each other’s F2, Matt & Raven. At least Alex can win. Not so much for Josh, Matt, Raven. And Alex wouldn’t target you now.

    • I agree, BUT, all of those 5 people listed, Paul can beat in comps. Esp physical and endurance comps. He’s setting himself up for a win.
      Jury votes though? Idk who would win with jury votes out of the 5.

    • I think Paul’s connection is real with Alex and Jason, although he is still mindful of Jason being a wild-card at times. He would not take a direct hit at Jason (nominate him and get him sent home)…but by making Xmas feel special and confiding in her, he is trying to get her closer to him while also making it seem like he’s not working directly with Alex and Jason.

      • Nope not after last night and today on the feeds. If Mark wins POV then Paul wants Jason gone.

  14. “9:35 PM BBT – Josh comments how much lighter the house mood is with Cody gone.”

    All that noise was caused by Josh and others. Was Cody bothering them? He had resigned himself to his inevitable ouster. Like a bunch of spoiled children, THEY chose to pester with questions and scream at the very person they had worked hard to isolate and evict. That’s not Cody’s fault.

  15. I’m not sure what Jason had to gain by selling out his chess game conversation with Mark. Mark was likely to go up (and potentially be BD) anyways, so ratting him out to Paul, didn’t radically change things. Should Mark win veto, he would’ve taken him off. If Jason leaves this week, blowing this conversation will be his demise.

    Any ideas whether Mark would or wouldn’t use the veto? It shouldn’t really make much difference to him who stays and who goes, since the one person he thought he could potentially confide in threw him under the bus.

  16. I did not like Paul’s bulliness and attacks on Mark. It was so unnecessary and very abusive. Mark is holding up well, but I won’t blame him if he punch Paul’s lights out. This BB season is the worst — all the abusiveness and bullying … it has no place in a “game”. Shame on BB producers.

    • I agree… I look forward to big brother every summer and this whole season was a turn off. Josh was so annoying I couldn’t even watch. Nobody should be ganged up on ever! They already bullied one HG out of the hous this season

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