Veto Day arrived for the Big Brother 19 Houseguests as they prepared for who would be playing and tried to look at ahead and what moves they could make this week. The picks came through and left the majority frustrated, but ready to move ahead on their plans to evict the secret target.
Jason continued to worry even after being explicitly warned about the danger, but instead of keeping it to himself he took the worries to Alex who falsely promised him safety yet again. Oops.
Here’s what the HGs have been up to on Saturday so far as we await the Veto competition and its critical results for the week’s events.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, September 2, 2017:
9:15 AM BBT – Lights are on, but HGs aren’t really moving yet.
10:30 AM BBT – Christmas and Raven are hanging out in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Christmas says Raven is in a better position now with Matthew gone and she can just lay low for now.
10:35 AM BBT – Christmas tells Raven not to align with Paul or others will see that as a threat. Christmas suggests Alex actually wants them to take a shot at Jason. They wonder if Alex and Jason would really save the other if they won the Veto.
11:05 AM BBT – Paul yet again suggests this will be a Sunday eviction. (No. Again.)
11:30 AM BBT – Paul has a new plan and thinks they should save whichever of Alex and Jason is going to be staying to gain favor with that HG as well as scaring Kevin in the process. He thinks he can convince Jason to save Alex then they can get him out.
11:55 AM BBT – Jason tells Alex he’s getting worried, but tells her not to overreact to his concerns. He says it doesn’t make sense to nominate them both. She says it was to keep Kevin calm. They each say they’ll save the other if they win Veto.
12:00 PM BBT – Alex says if Jason feels nervous then they should go talk to Paul again. Alex reminds Jason that Paul’s game last year was based on “friendship” so surely they can trust him again this year. (Dummy.)
12:40 PM BBT – Alex reminds Jason that as long as one of them comes down then they’ve got the votes for the other to stay with Josh and Paul joining them. Jason says it’s too risky still to not try and win Veto. He doesn’t like the idea of letting Paul win it. Alex agrees that they should play to win then.
12:45 PM BBT – Alex tells Paul “they” don’t have the votes to get “us” out. She thinks Christmas would look bad to renom Paul. Jason asks Paul what they should do with the comp. Paul says he (P) needs to win.
12:50 PM BBT – Alex lets Josh know it’d be best for Paul to win Veto so he’d be safe from renom too.
1:00 PM BBT – Paul promises to Alex that he’ll save her if he wins Veto. He then reports back to Christmas that Alex and Jason are okay with throwing the Veto to him. Paul says if he wins then he’ll save Alex and reel her in then set things up for the tiebreaker. Christmas says she’s comfortable with a tiebreaker and would send Jason out.
1:05 PM BBT – Christmas starts counting votes and wonders what happens if Alex comes down and votes for Kevin to go.
1:12 PM BBT – Feeds cut to pick players.
1:41 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Players were picked. Josh will host. Everyone else will play. Paul is annoyed with the picks and didn’t want Kevin to play.
1:45 PM BBT – Josh warns Christmas that Paul will save Alex if he wins it and that would be Paul playing for Paul rather than their trio. Josh isn’t happy that Paul is playing every corner of the house. He says this is all to Paul’s benefit and to help Paul with Jury votes while he and Christmas look like the bad guys. Josh warns Christmas that when Jason goes Alex will be enraged and come after the two of them.
1:50 PM BBT – Christmas tells Josh to stop with the anti-Paul talk or someone might overhear him. Christmas says if Alex comes down then they all need to vote the same so Paul can’t put the blame on them instead.
1:55 PM BBT – Josh warns Christmas that Jason suggested he (Jo) and Christmas has an alliance. He fears Paul is putting that idea out there.
2:00 PM BBT – Josh says he’s not going to play the game to benefit one person’s game. Christmas tells him he needs to rephrase that less aggressively.
2:10 PM BBT – Josh tells Christmas whatever they do, it needs to benefit all three of them. Christmas agrees and tells him to suggest the moves need to be mutually beneficial.
2:15 PM BBT – Josh again warns Christmas that after they take a shot at Alex and Jason, then Alex is going to come after them next week and she’d put the two of them up. Christmas says they can address this tonight between the three of them.
2:20 PM BBT – Josh admits he understands that Paul is worried about Jury votes, but they should all three get to worry about them too.
2:30 PM BBT – Christmas worries the Jury might see her as someone who has been carried all season, but she doesn’t see it that way and guesses viewers don’t either.
2:35 PM BBT – Paul arrives so Christmas and Josh change their discussion. Alex follows in with Paul.
2:40 PM BBT – Alex complains to Paul, Christmas, and Josh about Jason being worried. She retells them the discussion she had with Jason earlier.
2:55 PM BBT – The group discussion continues as they focus on complaining about Kevin and how much they dislike him for being old and dumb.
Read what happened next with our Saturday Overnight Feed Highlights Report for the Veto competition results and overnight fallout planning for the next eviction.
The draw went well for Jason as I’m sure he’d rather go against Kevin than Josh, but if he takes the dangerous decision to listen to Alex or Paul and pull back on the throttle in the comp then he’s done and gone. We’ll keep watching and waiting to find out what happens next tonight.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
If Alex wouldn’t have followed Paul, the discussion would have turned to getting rid of jason not Kevin. Production is definitely putting ideas in Josh’s head. he is not an idiot, but I don’t think he thought of Paul playing for himself all on his own. Josh needs to also see that Christmas is unable to climb out of Paul’s behind and try to talk to Kevin and Jason about his suspicions.
Actually, Josh has been the most observant one this season. The Christmas talks to him is like the way Alex talks to Jason. I see Kevin winning the comp and Jason coming down. Since Josh is in the F3 with Christmas and Paul, I don’t see either of those two going up, so that leaves poor old Raven and her many ailments to contend with. Maybe after the fact, Kevin, Josh and Jason can team up and take out the rest.
Kevin won’t use it if Paul threatens him….
Lol. we both typed the same thing at the same time.
Kevin has to win it first.
Just remember “Enzo” If he did it Kevin can do it…
No Alex needs to win pull her self off n Kevin goes in her place
A month ago I would have agreed with you but not now.
Did Kevin say he would use it on Jason?
Paul may convince him not to.
I don’t know if Paul told him to not use it but if Kevin wins, you he will try.
Quick question: How you can say that Kevin wins the comp when you don’t even know what comp they’re playing? I definitely don’t see Kevin winning a comp like the Black Box one they played last season. The only comp I think he’d have a chance in that they haven’t played yet is probably the 18 Dollas one. Then again, that was for Roadkill and I don’t think they’ve brought a Roadkill comp to BB19 yet.
I was being hypothetical on this win.
That would be worth cheering for! 😄🤸🏽
Josh was dead on saying he doesn’t want to play to benefit one person. Xmas doesn’t have the brain power to see the same thing.
100% agree Christmas, Alex and elana ruined josh, Jason and marks game
Josh has moments of clarity But Christmas keeps shutting him down. I wonder what are her plans to win?
Josh and Jason each have as their “ride or die” partners, two very strong women & they both are second-guessing their own instincts, thinking Christmas & Alex are more intuitive than they are. Wake up, boys. Christmas & Alex are being played like a Stradivarius by Paul.
The are “both” almost there…They both just can’t see the forrest for the trees as of yet?! Kevin is almost there too, but they still all hold Paul in the highest esteem that they can’t see it yet!!!
Just a few more DR sessions with production, and they’ll soon figure it out ‘on their own.’
It’s makes me absolutely giddy with delight that the feral wombat (Alex) is being had by Paul. She’s going to feel like such a fool when the season is done and over. It’s pure magic.
If you remember, in Alex’s pre show interview with big Jeff, she says she doesn’t want to win this season. She wants to be invited back next season to win.
Aside from Jason’s inappropriate comment, I really think he has the best chance of going all the way. I, and I’m sure virtually all anti-Paul fans, hope that he’ll win the POV and save himself. He was smart/bold enough not to use POV last week, and hopefully he’ll be smart enough to keep himself in the running by saving himself. If he wins today, then it’ll give him at the very least two more chances to save himself next week. We really don’t need another Jessica or Matthew, who both threw away their chances for someone else.
I pray he wins the pov
Sorry, I lost you when you said Jason has the best chance of winning. Unless he or Kevin win PoV AND then he, Kevin, or Alex win the DE HoH, Jason won’t last beyond this week. You seem to be the only person who doesn’t make Paul the favorite.
Well that’s only partially accurate. His chances would be hurt if he or Kevin doesn’t win DE HOH (Alex is not in this equation because I think she’s going home next). However, I said above that he can play in every POV from here on out. So if a HG’s objective is to win HOH every other week up to F3 and send Jason out, it won’t do sh*t if Jason wins every POV. Plus, I’m not entirely sure if Paul can win endurance comps either in F3. If his F3 scenario works out then I’d be convinced otherwise. But I still think that Jason is the best competitor competition wise that’s still left in the game with Paul being a close second. This is all assuming that Jason doesn’t go home next eviction.
The only people that need to win pov is Alex r Paul Alex comes down Kevin goes up best scenario
Because I want Jason to win it all, I’m hoping Jason wins and uses veto to save himself to avoid any further drama. I could care less if Alex goes next eviction because she is one of the few people that can beat Jason in comps.
Come on josh!!!! You’re almost awake!! See the light before it’s too late
He still has a LOT of time. It’s very possible to BD Paul in any of the next 3 evictions. Paul basically has to run the table with regards to POV (and win the final HOH), and I’m not sure if that’ll actually happen.
Next eviction is DE which HGs don’t know…Anybody could get put out…
Josh doesn’t have it in him to go against xmas, it won’t happen.
xmas is going to rat him out to the weasel
Good point… everyone in that house does that.
Xmas keeps hitting the snooze button. Poor fella can’t get good and woke.
This line is absolutely priceless!!! “Alex says if Jason feels nervous then they should go talk to Paul again. Alex reminds Jason that Paul’s game last year was based on “friendship” so surely they can trust him again this year.”
The feral wombat has not only shown what a mean and bitchy little POS she is but she’s moronic as well, I love it!!
I know, right? He’s not about that this season at all!
Hey Joni girl! *mwah💋
Big ::::smooches::: back atcha 💋💋💋💋
We criticize their stupidity, but I believe they have gotten paid an extra stipend to act this dumb to fool viewers and let Paul win the prize.
Not sure I believe it but anything is possible, “Expect the Unexpected”. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Sure I could see that……wait!!! I am seeing that.
Oh my gosh . . Please CBS have a new reality show that actually follows these idiots home and watch their reactions to seeing how awful and stupid they were!
Idk…I kinda believe that’s why BB Cast the Majority of the HG as recruits. Who have never watched the show, don’t know how the game is played, or won…
Interesting point…. Chose Paul first, then the others were picked to play along side him.
Is that what you really think happened?
Might be entertaining, but how many of them really have the brain power to realize they got played?
A one hour special after the win is better. Showing clips of their stupidity and asking them questions that viewers want answered. Julie not asking Matt real questions about his behavior and that of his lying slu* shows how fake this show really is.
Great idea! I’d watch. That would be more interesting than this show.
We would all watch too.
LOVE this idea
Like a housewives reunion?
Wow ..Amazing how the entire house comes together to inspect a “dead fish”…. And the world goes on…
Last year Paul wearing the Floatie Pablo was entertaining, & well endearing…This year Paul walking around all day with a Floatie around his waist, just looks stupid AF, imvho?!
Betting money that Paul wins veto…
Very Predictable…So yep!
lol look who won…
HSmith…This is a shame, we already “know” what is going to happen!!!
Expect the expected
I don’t understand why these people are worried and nervous, since they already talked to Paul. Paul will keep his promises, they’ll all get to the Jury house in due time…
Meatball’s Daddy…good seeing you here!
I heard my ‘baby is seeing the light.., but he was told to stfu ha!
Yeh, but he doesn’t always listen to just one person! hahaha
I thought he was talking about taking out Paul, but instead he’s talking about Paul’s Jury management. Who gets the credit to what move..and so’s nothing really..
This is one of many funny things I have heard Josh say.
Got from Jokers Updates:
2:21 PM- Josh to Christmas, ” Homie (Paul) doesn’t know that I have been saving him. I have been targeting other people week after week to keep the target on other people”.
Classic meatball
Oh I missed your comment Jennifer…that’s funny!
Yes, Paul did promise them all jury and they got it, so why complain now. They seemed happy enough when they heard they had all made jury. Paul really promised them nothing else.
just saw a reddit clip, raven watching chess and picking her arm. she picks a scab and eats it.
I s#!t you not
No effin way! Nobody can make that sh** up…not even Raven herself!
lol. post a pic.
i’m not sure how, it’s on twitter/reddit
Is it the one where she picks her butt and eats it?
Different one now…scab was on her arm while she was watching Paul and Josh play chess…she picked it off and ate that too.
I think she is eating dead skin cells. her doctor said that it controls the gastroparesis.
BS Scabs are dead skin…no value whatsoever to the digestive system. So BS
She calls it the disease of scaboderma!
No, this is a new one. LOL
Yeah, I saw it. She did the same thing the other day while she was sitting next to Mattress, started digging in her ass and found what she wanted and ate it.
damn, I can’t unsee it
I am glad I didn’t see that. I am surprised that Matt hasn’t said much about how bad her breathe is though.
He’s just as bad as she is.
remember when she had that burn scab above her lip? she picked it like mad, she probably thought of it as the drive through. now she has a scar
LOL, I don’t remember. I didn’t pay much attention to terminal tilly and Mattress until last week and now I know why. They are/were so disgusting in everything they did and they thought they were so cute. *Barf
matt kept telling her to stop picking it but she denied it, it got bigger every day
Yep…worse…the ‘sex towel’ incident. Ewww!!
I just saw that one…dayum!
Pretty darn gross, right?
Even gross doesn’t describe that one! Worse than that.
I know, and she sitting within inches of I believe it was Paul and Josh who were playing chess and she put it in her mouth like it was a succulent treat everyone enjoys. I bet Paul was internally screaming. I hope he riffs on her for it, his impersonations and ways of interpreting the other HG’s is always so funny and spot on!
Did he actually see her do that?
I’d be shocked if he didn’t.
josh and (I think alex/xmas) played. she gave the side eye 1st
It was definitely 2 guys and I seem to remember Alex standing right behind terminal tilly. At any rate, it was disgusting.
I can’t go back to check, sorry ladies
No need, promise! :) I saw both in real time and am still recovering! LOL
I just asked about that! Omg she is soooo gross. Maybe a little bit of poop.
Oy vey
I am going to throw up! That girl is so gross..she was in the HOH rom yesterday by herself sitting on the couch and she starts picking her nose..then looking at her finger.. I swear I thought she was going to..well, you know. Just the thought makes me gag. I did not see the scab thing,thankfully..the nose picking was waaay more than enough for me!!
That’s so gross. Someone commenting on Tamara Tattles said she was watching and Raven scratched her butt, pulled something out and ate it. I kid you not! I didn’t see it but I never saw her eat scabs either.
“Paul has a new plan” The man is truly a Svengali.
I like it!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
You did mention he could possibly levitate. Well, there’s your answer! hahahaha
Ms.Joni. you’ve made me laugh at least 20 times this week! Thanks for all!
You’re mighty welcome! Glad I could be of service! :-)
I like that gif Alf.
Just read on Jokers that Christmas feels like jury will use her broken foot against her, and play it like she hadn’t done anything. But that the viewers know she has worked hard…. Ummmm does she not know both of her HOH’s were given to her? She has played Paul’s game for him?
the foot is her invitation back next year
She would be a comp beast but can she play a social game if healthy?
Was thinking that if Christmas hadn’t returned, they would have let her come back next year.
BUT – – –
Some one else posted that next year is Big Brother 20, that’s 20!!! and that BB would possibly have a specialty version, maybe all vets, all AVPs, all winners, something special and different that having Christmas in there wouldn’t qualify for.
Ah, the possibilities!!! :-)
Well said. She will sit next to Raven in the finals and clap along with the rest of us when Paul is announced as the winner.
I’d say almost 100% of the players of BB have no idea on how they are being perceive by the viewers….or they’re always wrong.
I think Paul has a pretty good read on how the viewers are seeing people in the BB house.
I would take exceptions to Vets, They know how to work the camera, what’s gonna make the cut, but he made some comments that are way off.
You must have missed what he said in the wave room, 3 weeks or so ago. He went down the roster, including himself and he had each and everyone of them nailed. He knows the drill and is fully aware that he is overwhelmingly hated this time around.
He also had a feeling he’s being portrayed as a villain. Dindn’t on, but If I’m not mistaken, isn’t that after he heard it from a ‘bull horn outside the lot? lol
I think he knew, I also think the DR sessions were giving him clues as well. At least he’s perceptive in that regard, the others have no clue, NONE.
Oh..he’s ahead of them on DR interpretation.
Really??? Lol.
Why is the veto comp taking so long? What’s happening?
Probably a looonnnng one!
I don’t think it’s been going on that long, has it?
I’ve given up all hope of kevin ever winning
I would kiss Kevins toothbrush after he finishes combing his hair with it if he wins!
lol love it
I was hoping I’d be able to amuse you Alf! :)
Just keep one name in ur head……..”Enzo”
Thanks to all for providing the info for us poor folk without the feeds!
Alfie, no feeds? yet you are such a great poster!
I enjoy your and others comments in this forum so need.
aww, next year I want to treat you
I have money but thank you for the kindness! Appreciated.
Awww how nice!
You are so welcome Alfie!
Hasn’t even started yet.
That’s what I thought, but I haven’t been watching feeds today. Thanks! :)
Most likely going to be a night-time veto. Get them all nice and tired first.
Which I don’t like. I prefer they get the comps out of the way during the day and to have the feeds up in the nightime, when everyone wants to gab.
I don’t like this either. Might have to go take a power nap before it starts.
Hahaha, happy napping Joni girl, if you do! :)
I’m not watching the ‘feeds, but they’re playing tonight right?
That is my assumption, they willl be playing tonight, they’ve picked players. It’s going to be pretty late by the time the feeds are back up.
Are the feeds on right now? I cancelled mine.
Yes! They’re all just lazing around!
You didn’t get the free offers Jelllo? I went to cancel mine too & they offered me 2 free months, so I took it. I may hate this season but getting my feeds for free sure makes me feel at least a little bit less like a shmuck!
For all the tweeters out there, there’s a hilarious parody acct of terminal tilly’s mom, @Ravens_MOM_BB19.
LOLOL! I know, Em, I’ve been following the site…whoever runs it is hilarious! Did you see the ones where she’s asking about Gina Marie? Or the toilet planting garden?? OMFG! So funny!
Gina Marie? Aaryn the racists BFF from s15? the one Amanda wanted to kill.
Yeah, didn’t you hear? Apparently raven said something about being able to “handle” Gina Marie or something like that and GM saw it on the feeds and posted a little tizzy on twitter saying she was going to be waiting for raven on finale night!! LMAO! This white trash season just got even trashier folks! ;)
Had to you tube Gina Marie and Amanda and instantly came across the fight. Now its ravens turn!
Yeah this has been going on twitter for a few days… I was lmao & thinking Paul is lucky she isn’t coming for him. Paul’s a little rich boy…that girl is ghetto, she’d beat his a$$!! hahaha
Paul on the ground. I said friendship! your supposed to stop.
Gina Marie laughs. Ain’t no time outs in the street homie!
Brooklyn don’t play like that Tarzana boy! hahaha
Did anyone read the updates where Paul, Raven and Josh, maybe Alex were talking about weed? Paul asked Raven if smoking weed helps her pain and stomach problems. She said yes. He then said how about dope? She said yeah, that too. By dope, did he mean heroin? Here on Long Island dope is heroin.
Here in California dope is heroin too? You’re kidding me? When was that??
Not California, long island NY where I’m from. Weed is pot, weed, etc. Dope is heroin.
Really hope Raven was trying to be cool and just had no idea what she was saying. if someone asked her if she had schizophrenia. She would say I had it and couldn’t walk for like 3 weeks!
Hahaha! You know what, normally I’d say be serious, but with raven…?
You could be right. She is the Queen of one upping. If someone has cancer, she has a malignant brain tumor that is attacking her prefrontal cortex as she speaks…you know what I mean???
That’s what I was hoping too. She says yes because she doesn’t really know what he meant.
I think Raven thought he was asking if her cousin Dope smoked weed too.
No, I just came across it today. So funny.
Hello Ms. Fiddle. How are ya today? :) Guess who I chatted with today? Sharona. She is finally coming out of her exile. ;) haha
Oh, btw, do you follow #RavenExposedParty too? It’s totally funny. Loaded with lots of hilarious info on our least favorite hypochondriac! hehehe
Hey TG, I’m good sugar, how are you this fine lovely September eve? I don’t know Sharona, just have seen a few posts here and there.
No Christmas ur wrong, we the viewers do feel you’ve been carried all season, or at least I do, I can’t speak for everyone !!!
It was so obvious when Paul threw that competition to her & then it took her forever to answer it because she didn’t know the answer…duhh
Christmas has been up Paul’s ass all season. I do not even see her! We are going to have to pay someone to do a manual extraction. How do you like so far Josh? It stinks in there man. How did you know? I was also, in Paul’s ass but, Christmas is really lodged deep in there, I do not even see her!
I’m laughing so hard, I snorted out loud! 🤣🤣🤣 Great visual!
Good one 😂
Amen! You can speak for me! My thoughts exactly as I read Xmas’ comment!
I think we all do. Every house guest had to throw the comp for her to win. ummm. duhhh
Xmas who???
Great !! So we’re all watching the same show ! Lol
An idea in Josh’s head is a good thing, lonely, but good
Josh is going to surprise us. The next Rachel Reilly. Come back for another season and turn into a legend..or I could be delusional.
No more Josh! :-)
No Alfy, we’ve seen enough of these people, no one needs to return, not a single one of them, thank you. :)
I am in agreement…
Who am I to argue with 3 opinionated Women? I just yes Ma’am. No more Josh.
Good answer Alfie! hahaha ;) You know we all love ya tho, don’t ya?
Yes Ma’am. Right back at ya.
Please. None of these HG should EVER come back!!! And that includes paul–unless he is playing in a mini season with only Will Kirby & Dan G in the house & they show him how real BB masterminds make the little people cry…
At least you can be sure you are half right lol
Josh doesn’t seem to have confidence in his own thoughts. He does have some good at thoughts but he second guesses himself.
And he’s easily shut down or redirected by Xmas.
Christmas snapped at Kevin and Josh stood up for her, they are all stressed and Christmas’s has a broken foot which xxxxs in the first place, Josh has potential, Cameron if he has lost some of his brashness, he did come in second at the comeback, you have to be OK with Ramses he was pretty funny, liked Jillian in that red swatch, what you call a wow movement, tried some pics but they did not upload to describe the rest, Kevin has a soft game, there are a lot of routes to the top they say, I am more familiar with the bogs and brambles
and of course Shit-Xmas had to tell him to shup and stop the conspiracy against Paul
They say Paul and Christmas met before the show, making sense yet ?
really?? That explains a lot
Crossing my fingers and toes that the “old, dumb” guy wins veto and pull the other “dumb” guy down. Then the vote out Raven or Alex, I am sure Christmas would not put up Paul.
Good for Josh for finally voicing his concerns about Paul even if it is fallen on deaf ears. Now, he needs to play for Josh!
Rooting for Kevin or Jason to win VETO! Let Alex be sent to the jury house! She is totally useless and clueless!
Really hoping for your scenario. Josh, Kevin and Jason could run the game. Jason needs to break free from Alex and join with Kevin first.
There is a poll running that says who should be evicted Alex 70% Jason 20% and Kevin 10%, who is voting, they said it was not open ¿ ???
I voted on one of them. Maybe online BB???
Thanks, sorry technical difficulties bye
The only way Christmas can dispel the notion she was carried this season is to backdoor Paul.
1st she was carried by Jason, then Jesus Christ himself carried her since then
I can understand that thought…
She’s a really smart person. I can see her, Josh and Paul as the final 3. She picks Josh and evicts Paul.
The air toy around Paul’s waist was funny last season. Not so much this season. More dumb now.
Is the floatie used to hide his weight gain?
lol, his spare tire
He was fun Paul last season so it made sense. Now…it’s just stupid. A production prop to make us remember the Paul of last season instead of the douche bag of BB19!!
Sunshine0205 had a comic of Josh and Paul that was great, Trejo is like Paul’s blankie me thinks, it is not as easy as it looks, or they have just melded like a cheese sandwich and he can’t get it off
Sounds funny. I’d check it out. is that a twitter handle?
Disqus boards
paul is gonna get ignorant once too often w/josh
Did you see Paul talking down to Josh about the chess game? Josh looked like he wanted to say something so bad…but baby meatball just couldn’t find the balls to break bad on his master. too bad. I would have loved to see it all blow to hell & back over a game of chess! hahaha
throw the chess board over the rail, paul is so smug!
Would be more epic than the great pickle juice fight of july.
Oh Yeah… Not quite as epic as undead dragons on GoT, but Josh kicking the crap out of Paul would rank way up there on season highs!
Gina Marie scales the wall and makes a run for Raven before Alison Grodner tackles her.
Nope. See, Will Kirby sees the drama and knows this will be hilarious, so he sticks a foot out and trips AG as she pursues GM. “Oh, I’m sorry., Allison,” he says, flashing that Will smile. “You know I didn’t do that on purpose right?” hehehe Of course, AG is mesmerized by the Will Kirby charm and forgets all about GM. Meanwhile, at this point GM has tackled Raven into the pool and is beating her over the head with a huge swan while Paul jumps up and down by the pool yelling “Fight-fight-fight! Don’t kill Trejo!” ;)
Julie jumps in wearing her sea glass bridesmaid dress
That explains what those sleeves where designed for. Flotation devices! Brilliant observation Lady.
josh got paul to say he was sorry
Josh suddenly loses it and goes all hulk on the little man…
poor orphan raven
a lot less screaming w/out the battling bickersons
The fact that these HGs haven’t compared notes on douchenozzle Paul is beyond ridiculous. He’s in a F2 agreement with literally every person in the F-ing house. (Raven doesn’t count as a person as she’s lacking a chromosome or 2).
If America had the vote to eliminate HGs, rather than HG’s voting for each other, who do you believe would be the remaining HGs as of today? Personally, I only see Kevin as one of the remaining HG.
They’re all playing Paul’s game, they’re so dumb Paul telling them all different lies and no one discusses him with each other or they could’ve been caught on to him. Dummies with a capital “D”. Every time someone wins HOH, they claim they’re going to make a big move, well the big move is to put up Paul.
Kevin is really deep in thought…Poor guy he wants to blow the house up but is afraid of the backdraft…I wish he would go off on Alex and then Paul for threatening him…
Me too. But this house is so ugly…Kevin would only get it way worse from the minions. To rid the house of the disease, they have to cut the head off the snake (Paul) and no one is willing to do it. They all are content to be 2nd to him. I’ve accepted it now & have realized this is simply going to be a worthless season of BB.
Looking forward to Survivor now! :)
Chester and Spike, suggested by somebody on the boards
paul should be the short one
lol Yes. Spike is built more like Josh
That is how the cartoon ends but I could not make it work that way, this is how they see each other
it’s brilliant; Arthur.
No, Paul is a little guy which makes him yap-yap-yap more than big guys do. He should be the little dog here, but this sis still hilarious!
Alex is Scrappy Doo..Scoobys tiny cousin?
Owh, hated scrappy, liked sniffles and droopy but you may not have heard of them
Loved Droopy. Not familiar with Sniffles.
Actually think it is Snuffles, when he got a treat he would say ‘hmm, hmm ,hmm ‘ hugging himself three times, shoot up in the air like a bottle rocket and float down like a leaf, one of my favorites
Yeah, Paul should be the little dog, that’s why he’s constantly yapping!! :) hahaha
I just noticed the floatie. Nice touch.
What a bitch…Christmas telling Jason that u have attained “status” when u go to the jury house…The only “status” u attain is that of “loser”…
she treats josh like a special needs child
Sorry, but if the shoe fits…
HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! Meerkat, I spit water all over my keyboard. Jeez, that was funny!
Thanks Sharona, glad to see you back here! In a weird way, Josh is kind of this season’s Victoria, whoever takes him to F2 wins.
Thank you. :) I’ll bet a crow couldn’t carry Josh away…
I like Josh, but he plays the part well.
I’d sign an affidavit that Raven’s gastroparesis is fatal, if it means Kevin wins POV. I’ll throw in her wish for a hysterectomy if Alex goes home this week. I’ll buy her her new knees if I can go into the house and give Kevin a hug and tell him what’s the REAL dealio. Then he and the little man can take over this thang.
Can I get a…
Hell to the yes!
Hey Sha! Oh yeah a big ol’ hell to the yes! Poor Kevin…on the feeds today throughout most of the day, he’s been so alone. It’s just sad. Hurts my heart. I can’t remember ever seeing this kind of isolation treatment and shunning in BB. Paul is a pos & so are the rest of this group.
IDK…there’s something extraordinarily evil in her, that I don’t think anyone can encourage or egg on.
It hurts my heart too, to see Kevin treated this way. K gave me some backstory, but all I know is what I’ve seen and read since Thursday. And that’s ALL I need. I guess he’s thrown his fair amount of shade, but no one deserves this sh*t. Well, maybe Alex.
He’s lied about winning the 25K, but who wouldn’t? He should have never told Paul about it! BIG mistake. He has also voted hinky, but Sha, Paul asked him to vote hinky, and now, Paul is using those votes (that he asked for) to throw shade on Kevin’s game. Plus, he told Jessica that one time when he thought she was getting blindsided…He said he did that b/c he felt bad for her, so can you really hate the guy for these things?? He’s, by far, the most decent person in that house!
Well, that was my first impression—and K DID say that he’s a good guy; she basically just told me what you did. She didn’t give a negative impression to me at all.
He looks so sad and almost (not quite) defeated.
I feel sorry for him, but I’ll get over it if his daughters (all 6 of them) are waiting to have a little *chat* with Alex at the wrap party!! hahahahaha
Kidding… but am I?? hehe
Kevin knows how to put on that sad face for the camera and the viewers. But, like I told you, you’d have to watch the season to see for yourself and just know that it’s my opinion. I’m old enough to know a shady charmer when I see one. Not long ago, EVERYBODY was talking about him being a married man and him doing some very serious flirting with Christmas and making inappropriate comments for a married man to make. Watch him when he goes in to cast a vote. He seldom, and then only for a split second, looks the camera straight in the eye. He has went to Cody, Jessica, Mark, and Elena when they were on the block and he knew they were being evicted and told each one how he was innocent, always innocent, he didn’t agree with it, then snitched about the others. yada yada yada. I understand he’s working it for jury votes. His shady snitchy ways just don’t set well with me. The HGs have become aware of his shadiness and, yes, they are all just as bad and worse in different ways, but Snitchy is far, far from innocent. There are others who see him the way I do, but a lot of people feel sorry for him because he’s the old guy, bless his heart. lol Sick(Raven), older(Snitchy), who cares. They’re all HGs. He’s a grown ass man in the BB house and he has his moments of not being a nice guy, too. I just think he is full of “shtick”.They are each responsible for their own behavior. People are very biased about their favs and only see what they want to see, including me, obviously. With that, I’m out. Past my bedtime. Night!
No! Don’t go! K!
I don’t feel bad for him because he’s old. See? I shouldn’t have commented until I watched the on demand stuff. I’ve only seen one and a half (barely that) shows,, have read only a few of Matt and Branden’s pieces, and am getting all different opinions from all my different friends.
I’ll start watching BBAD and see if that gives me a better idea of whats going on.
Or I just won’t watch the fucking show. I’ll just go back in isolation with my depression and brain tumor.
How about that? Is that too biased?!
No need to edit your comment. I was just trying to make it clear to everyone posting about this, exactly what I thought so there would be no question about it. That way no one would need to speak for me. You keep being your wonderful self and enjoy the rest of the season.
Lauren Bacall. Commenting like a boss!
Lol…I’m PISSED! That Alex needs to GO. I know I’m not familiar with all of the back stories, but I know all I need to know about that child. She needs to GO.
Wouldn’t expect anything less. Lauren was confident and way ahead of her time. True legend.
We actually have a lot in common. In real life. That’s why I love her so.
Makes sense. i have nothing in common with ALF. Not short or covered in hair.
HA-HA-HA! You crack me up! I love Alf, though. Great character!
But you have that lovable charm and zinging humor that is so in tune with the character. LOVE it!
I look like Tom Selleck! Honest.
Is that really you?!
No. no, no. I’m not as hairy as Alf or whoever that guy is. Looks like he has a hairy back,
Lol…hairy backs are OK. Are you a guy?
Oh…NOW you HAVE to post a picture. You know that, right?! I’ll put one of myself up, but I can’t do it on this computer. You HAVE to do it!
Oh sorry Alf! lol! No offense hon! ;) oops see Sha here I go again, open mouth insert foot…
You have to post a picture. I’m going to keep bugging you.
; O would but have no images on this laptop. 5 11 180 45 years old. Normal not hideous and locked in a dungeon or living under a bridge.
Don’t tell me…in your mother’s basement, right? So you’re actually Jason Roy! hahahaha
lmao no not even close. he’s awesome though.
Lol. OK, that helps a LOT. JK. Why is it, that you guys won’t post pics? I’ve been bugging Cyril and Captain for 3 years now. I’ll bet you’re quite nice looking. And I’ll tell you something: your sense of humor is VERY attractive. Women love funny men. And I know funny I may not always be funny; but I know funny.
I’m sure they are handsome men. Women are not climbing over the grocery aisles to escape in terror when I walk by.
See what you did there? I just laughed! I’m telling you…you gotta listen to me. I’m Lauren Bacall, dammit! Listen to this broad!
No Sha… Hairy backs are okay if you have a nice tub of hot wax & a box of stripping sheets! LOLOL!!
hairy ears ok?
that’s josh’s shirt
Oh my…
Well heeelllooo Alfie…
on the internet we’re all beautiful
Beauty, charm & brains… That’s my girl! You know LB is one of my all time faves… I think that was one of the first convos me & you had here on BBN! haha
Yes—Betty does have beauty, charm and brains! And you are right; we did talk about her. Man, she had it, didn’t she?
All that and Bogart… No wonder she’s an icon. :)
Love Bogart. Such class
You’ve seen enough Sha to judge her character & know she’s a reject…
I know right. This is truly a perfect ending for Alex…. *hehehehe*
This requires my all time fave gif..
LOLPAO! No, I can’t understand him. This is me in Josh’s voice: Bime Borry, buh I don’ wike bim. Now Bime bunna go bry. Boo-hoo-hoo.
Or in other words, Sha…
You kill me! You a funny lady.
haha I know!..he’s loud in DR though.
LOUD? You think he’s LOUD? I bon’t b-no what you-ba bean. LOUD?!! I don’t think they even need to mic him.
Nope. His pots and pans speak for themselves, Sha! hehe
Here’s my’s fi fi fo fi fo fam fofo fam
No it’s dump da-da-da-da-da-dump-da-dad-da-da…
Mark talks kinda weird too. I don’t hear any consonants. sometimes.
Oh Cy, now that I have you here… I have a new idea for you for a T shirt. Sharona says she won’t wear it across her chest, but she’s finicky. Check this out… Your baby meatball, live & in living color.
this is cool (for shirt) TGJ..Is that him? lol
Yes Cy…don’t you recognize your baby meatball poking through a red veto??
Sha says she won’t wear this shirt, but I told her we won’t have to worry about it until we get our Ewok shirts anyhow. hehehehe
Got to see the lips..his lips makes him a ‘meatball.
A beat-ba ball?
Yep a beat-a-ball and that’s why we stuck a pacifier in his mouth! Tell Cy, Sha…it’s better that way. hehe
But the pacifier makes the fans happy…hehehe See, then we don’t have to hear him.
oh..that’s a pacifier.. I’ll make it smaller, then lips like cauliflower.
Oh, Cyril…..i can’t breathe! I’m sitting here, having to stop and laugh. then write some more. You make me laugh so hard!
That’s Mike Tyson when got knocked out, Dr’s testing his orientation..’what’s your #? ha
Aren’t you glad visiting us here in BBN? ..don’t you miss my bs? lol
I’m back, baby! I do miss your bs…one of the reasons “Ah’ve come bahck.” Bad Schwarzenegger. You get my #, right? Ha!
can I chime in here? Cy, your baby makes my ears cringe sometimes… *grimace* Sorry, but it had to be said. ;)
Alex is most in need of winning the money – so she can buy herself some clothes. She need to cover up her chest.
I am not done with Matthew yet do you think he will chill or cause turmoil in the Jury house … Hmm wonder what he was thinking on the way there ?
Matt may not bother showering till the finale when production turns the hose on him.
Survivor may be perfect for him, I have a poster of Matthew survivor but y’all have to wait for it, It is like too much sugar at once, you have to pace yourself
Sorry it was Saturn0205 for the comic
kevins daughters run quotes from the house on their twitter. so sad they have to hear this stuff. raven said “I will make that old man cry”
I wish his family well.
His daughters are big girls, I’m sure his family can take what the HGs say about him, especially watching how pathetic they all are.
They’re big girls, pissed girls too! If I was Alex, I would not run into Kevin’s daughters anytime in the near future…and I’ll leave it there.
give me just ONE encounter at the after party!
Oh no that’ll be Gina Marie from BB15 and Raven!! That sh*t is going to be funny. Wonder if we’ll see it?
Really liking Kevins daughters. Seem sharp and well adjusted. he did a great job raising them. Wonder if we will see any of them on Big Brother?
Oh, now that’s a great idea.
They have a youtube channel called Your Sweet Guys. I think is all about K-pop, but Kevin is in many of them and he loves being in front of the camera.
TY Sara. Will check it out.
His daughters want to beat that girl’s a$$! Alex had better avoid Boston at all costs…JS
after party baby!!!
You know Kevin’s daughter are just getting ready right?? You hear how Kev talks…you think his daughters are any different?
She’d better. If I was his daughter, I would. I commented the other day, Kevin’s family may not be the one to fck with.
Right? Kevin talks a little gangster…He’s from Boston. He’s kind of Irish mobbing it up a bit. Would not surprise me to know his daughters are a bit gangster too. Alex may have bitten off more than her little ass can chew coz if that was my pops, I’d seriously be thinking about beating the ever lovin crap out of her for hurting my dad like she has. I would. I totally admit it.She’s a despicable human being…the only thing that might stop me would be wanting to be a better person, but if that wasn’t a necessity…she’d be going to the dentist for a full set after the wrap party….
Chile I’ll be in LA Sept 20 with some sneakers on earrings off! I can real ghetto! Born and raised on the South side of Chicago. At work my nickname is Cookie Lyon! Lol
LMAO! Me too. Nickname: Taz. haha Although I haven’t been in a good old fashioned fist fight in years…back in the day, girls knew if I showed up at a party with my hair in a pony tail…someone was getting an a$$ kicking!!
If Alex talked about my dad like she has about Kevin on this show…Taz might come out of retirement. JS. She has been that awful.
TAZ! girl I love it! Me too baby! I played no games in my day honey! She needs her a good ol school azz whoopin!
I was saying the same thing the other day! I already want to hurt these hgs for what they are doing to Kevin, I couldn’t imagine being his daughter!
I would be losing my mind and trying to break into that house to punch Alex and Raven in the face! And I don’t believe in violence!
Oh you know his daughters want to go all Boston ghetto on her a$$!!
I hope Alex is voted out. Maybe then, just maybe she will put a shirt on. I’m over seeing her bra. And one question, is she wearing the sports bra backwards? lol doesn’t look like one I have ever owned.
Did I read correctly or did Alex pay alot of money for her B Job? Really showing it off.
$ nice rack $
You can call Raven a grifter but production cannot, think about it. Just kidding Big Brother, they might punish me by putting me on the show, no no no not that, you already made me watch Kevin and the toothbrush, there are some things that cannot be unseen. If you can supply condoms to HGs get him a stack of toothbrushes, single use or labeled mouth toothbrush / head toothbrush, better yet beg him to stop, if not for me for yourself
who cares about that when you got raven eating scabs and what nots
Guess it is like the difference between getting stabbed and shot, it just keeps getting better, they must not see the cameras, no please do not misunderstand, Kevin seems alright but he is going to be hurt in a way these people do not understand, he will be more dissapointed in them than they are in themselves
reading his twitter page lets me know his family and friends will love him back in shape
I try to be sane and make the world sane because I know the world is crazy and trying to make me crazy, but just for today .. and it’s always today ( part of a ditty )
His fam is totally there for him! Unlike Alex’s who haven’t said peep or Jason’s who’ve had to make his account private…
alex said early, she hates her brother
More like Alex’s brother hates her… ;) Right?
Didn’t Alex complain about her family sending a half hearted letter during her HOH reign?
i’m not sure. her ex bf sent one
Raven was shown on twitter picking something out of her butt and then eating it!! I am NOT joking here… Can I just say OMFG gross!!!!
Oh my God, you keep making me actually gag LOL for real?
Jeez, I’m sorry, tina…but don’t blame the messenger girlfriend, blame the disgusting pig Raven…she’s the one hunting for lucky charms out of her ass! lol!
That’s the one I saw. I still haven’t seen the one where she eats it off her arm.
are you on reddit bb summer of temptation?
No. I just googled it. I haven’t joined twitter or reddit.
you don’t have to join to read it, reddit is great
Ok. Didn’t know that.
Yes you’re joking.
No, she really isn’t. I saw it on the feeds and she also did while watching them play chess, right out in the open, no subterfuge, no lie.
Did you gag too Em?? I don’t have a totally weak stomach but that made me gag.
I couldn’t believe what I seeing and then she did it again!!! SMDH
Girl I can’t believe what READING!
Raven is a disgusting pig. The other day she was also blow drying her crotch MG on the feeds…while looking right up at the camera mind you!
No way! Where did they find these people T? Matt wiping his babies on a DISH TOWEL, Kevin’ stoothbrushstoothbrush/ grooming and now Raven eating out of her azz and blow drying her coochie!
Noi MG I’m not. I am seriously not. It was so gross I gagged watching it.
Yeah, she was in the BY on the couch with Matt when she suddenly reached behind her and her hand went up her shorts leg, she picked around for a second, came out with something and then put it in her freaking mouth!!!! Go to youtube and check it out…it has to be there!! It was disgusting!
Oh my effing god are you kidding me?? Raven eats her scabs? Gag 🤢 are you kidding?
saw it on reddit/twitter. picked her arm and ate the scab
I don’t know how to capture the scabgate for here. can you post it?
I don’t have the feeds. I’m sure others can.
There is a video of it on Jokers. Totally disgusting.
I..will (heave)..never…(gag) able to (vomit in mouth)…forget the thought…(puke)…that she picked (heave)…something…(heave, gag, heave) out of her BUTT…(OMG) and ….ate…it. OMGOMGOMGOMG.
OMG I’m sorry Sha.,.. Just be glad you never had to see it. I’m forever…
I need to take a shower drink a beverage and watch the end of the game, still have bashes of Matthew, Jessica and gangstas to show off hope you liked Chester and Spike and yes I know they are flipped, look at their expressions how else could I do it ?later dudes and dudettes
Omg that’s my favorite movie! (Well one of)
Finally some skepticism!! Way to go Josh!
Kevin’s wife
She’s lovely.
yes, mom of 7
3 of Kevin’s daughters. I’m not sure if the blonde is related.
they r all super creepy LOL
Whoa, nothing like I had imagined. I hope Kevin is happy in his marriage. I have a feeling things will be tough for him when he gets home.
I`m gay and my gaydar ha picked something on Kevin. I think he is BI.
Not even close.
just because he’s thin and was a model?
no, the way he talks and act. As I said I`m gay and I can relate to him when I watch him…..I can`t relate to Jason, Cody,Mark,Matt. I think Josh is gay also
Kevin is metro-sexual, just likes to dress a certain way. He is well put together.
I was reading alex bio. As job she’s an eco-friendly mkt rep. Then she explain she’s watching 5h of tv every night and watch Netflix while at work. What the heck??? I guess is employer is happy to know she’s paidcwatching movies and using internet connection for streaming!!! I don’t get it. Either she was just not really thinking when she put that in her bio (she’s not very smart we know that) or she’s lying. No employer will let their employees watching tv while working unless tv is your job!!!
If she has her own office.
I don’t see that a question of own office. With headphones you don’t disturb others. It’s a question of being paid to work. Not to watch Netflix.
She’s unemployed and lives at her parent’s house! smh She even said the other day she lived with her parents when she said her mother told her (and I quote) “I’m not your *bleep* (insert N-word here) clean up after yourself!”! Wow, with parents like that is it any wonder Alex is a bully??
Wait, did she say the N word?
Yep. She actually said her mother said to her (Alex) I’m not your *Ni***r do it yourself!” But it was shocking how casually she dropped that info…
Wow, explains a lot about the feral wombat’s behavior if that is the language they use to communicate.
Explains more now that we see that huh?? If her parents are like that well… kind of like Aaryn in BB 15. Hate breeds hate… And Alex obviously has a lot of hate inside her.
Ohh!!! She lied I. Her bio? Lol. I’m so chock (not)
I told yal they shouldn’t have kept that loser Josh, he’s being told that in the DR. This comment is directed to the Paul team. I don’t care what any Paul haters have to say so don’t waste your time with an anti Paul rant in response to this comment. Again, this message is for team Paul.
Go Team Paul!
Kiss ass! hahahaha
Hahahahahahaha, I’ve been looking for the perfect opportunity to use this gif Alf!!! It’s so funny.
it’s yours from now on! Will not use it again.
Oh no Alf, I don’t have dibs on it. Giving you credit for finding a perfect opportunity to use it! :)
Oh no.,.. you used it just fine, Alf! OMG that was a good one! Not surprised Em had it too. She is THE master of gifs! hehe
She truly is. Have laughed at least at 40 of her gifs.
You’ve been keeping that monstrosity in your repertoire, Em?? smh Surprised knowing my mouth you haven’t dropped that on me yet! haha
Holy wow…that is freaking funny!!
Holy *bleep*!! What the hell is that??
eeeewwwwww! I’m eating.
HOW CAN YOU EAT with all this Raven eating her scans convo LMAO
I can’t even eat Jell-O I am so grossed out 😉
Do you see that MG?? What the hell is that? haha
Girl that is HIL-TO-LARIOUS!!!
That is effing hilarious!
LOL Too cute!
Did you see the one below?? Alfie just totally flipped me the anus!! LOLOLOL!! I don’t think anyone has ever-ever-ever done that before!!
Oh my MG are you on a tangent tonight? hehe It’s alright hon… we’re all frustrated here, no matter what side we’re on. trust me my friend. :)
Lol honey I’m just warning them to proceed with caution!
No worries, my friend. We all get it! Go girl!!
A-to- the-MENthe-MEN honey! Ha haaa!
Speak it sis!
Ha! Thank you girl! I will!
I like Josh.
Good for you. I don’t. Not even a millimeter
Being told in DR what? I was thinking he didn’t come up with any ideas on his own, is that what you mean?
Yes. He admitted to xmas about a week or two ago.
thank you Jello for the picture of Kevin and his wife they are a beautiful couple
Where is the picture? I don’t see it
The anti-Kevin garbage is really old. I don’t want him to win but these people are jerks. They’re like teenagers who can do no wrong and think every adult is stupid.
Yes, it is the wrenching to watch!
Oops 🙊
My last comment said “the wrenching,” (stupid auto correct) It was supposed to say “gut wrenching.”
I fixed it :-)
Screenshot of terminal tilly eating whatever she just picked off her skin.
*ladyofshallot, it was Alex playing, you were right :)
Sorry, forgot to post the pic.
Does she eat her hair and dirt as well? I’m sure other things such as clay. Pica disorder.
No, haven’t seen her eat her hair or dirt.
Is that her actually doing it??
What is wrong with her???
Doing what? Doing what ??
Please tell me she’s just biting her fingers? I mean nails LMAO
Nope, that’s her putting “it” in her mouf.
What is it?? Do I want to know? Obviously not LMAO
I read earlier she picks her scabs and eats them & that she was picking her a$$ and then eating whatever she found!?!?
Is she squeezing her anal glands? LMFAO
OK, I just went to far! 🤢
Disgusting! Gross! Seriously it’s making me gag just a thought.
LMBO, squeezing her anal glands!!! It was a scab she put in her mouth.
LOL….Well knowing Raven, she probably has some “Anal Gland disease or illness or needs surgery for it! LMFAO
She seriously picks at her scabs and eats them?? Picking at them is gross enough but OMG, eating them?! For real?
& Matt kissed that mouth! Gag 🤢
Yes. I hope he does get it.
Jessica? Which America?
Oh? I. See! I am surprised she is on the list and with votes, and not Ramseys and Cameron.
lol. There are trash like that all over the country and they are her fans. Even in a a house with only 16 people most of the girls were trash.
Which one was/isn’t (in the house)? They are different levels…?
Jillian and Dom weren’t.
I forgot about them. You are correct. The remaining females made those two unforgettable, in a good way.
Canada? LOL
There are many, but in the English speaking US and Canada is what I was referring to.
My guess the people who voted for Trump will vote for Paul Alex Josh Christmas Raven 😉
(Am I allowed to say that?) LOL
I am safe and secure in Vancouver hee hee
Lol. Not here. We have anti politics people. Maybe Christmas and Raven, but definitely not the people of color.
The America that hates Paul so much they’ll vote for anyone but him. He lost a huge fan base this season. Not a Paul fan this year. He is playing the best game…but I would not vote for him or any of his mutts for AFP No way. No how!
Not necessarily :-) I think Paul has played the best game but he isn’t my favourite player simply because he has been behind a lot of negativity of the season.
You might want to read my post before you comment. I said I am not a Paul fan this year… BUT he is playing the best game. However, I wouldn’t vote for him as AFP. I stand by my statement.
Yeah I know you said that :-) I didn’t mean to direct my comment at you. Sorry if it came across that way
Okay. No worries. I just thought you didn’t read my comment thoroughly and just jumped the gun and posted a response…people do that believe it or not. Anyhow…no harm no foul. :)
Yes sorry about that. I guess it does look that way but, I read the whole thread and replied to your post. Just to kind of follow up.
Glad we figured that out quickly LOL
Not a big deal hon. I know you’re generally a sweet person here, so I just figured you’d jumped the gun and responded too quick… :) I won’t be waiting for you outside your house…promise hahahahaha
Phew 😅
And thank you :-) I always play nice on here. Just mindless entertainment
Fun to talk to you/everyone & It’s nice to have others to vent to who understand
Absolutely! Love these boards…they give me a place to bitch!! LOL! And that has been extremely necessary this season…right?? ;)
Sooooo TRUE!!!
If I didn’t have anywhere to go to vent, I would lose my mind LOL
Paul and his dawgs will not get my vote for AFP and neither would Jessica.
Agreed. Mine either. I will be voting for Kevin I guess b/c really who else is there? Mark maybe? These HG are all horrible people.
Awful people I agree!
I will be voting for Kevin as well
Who else is there to vote for? I suppose Cody, he is definitely not as awful as most of these people, but he also could not manage to stay in the house, so does he deserve AFP??
I think Paul joining the game threw Cody off his game plan. The ridiculous treatment he was given has gained him some points. Since I have to say this each time I comment about Cody… It is not that I agreed with everything he has said and done BUT he was very direct and never stood behind anyone to fight his battles. He did not incite a team to anyone irritate anyone… blah, blah, blah… Cody stayed true to Cody, the rest, whoa! What a group!
For me, it is between Cody and Kevin (because of Alex).
I agree. Like I said, it would be between Cody & Kevin for me b/c they are the only two HG who have not just been despicable in my eyes.
If Cody wins, it would upset all of them (and surprise Mark and Elena). If Kevin wins, it would upset Alex the most. Humph! They need to see that their treatment and despicable behavior was unacceptable. Cody to punish them all? Kevin to punish Alex? Humph!
When do we vote?
And then there is that motivating factor…I would really love to piss off both Alex & Paul, so either Cody or Kevin winning AFP is a win/win for me!! Hahaha
Yeah, Alex will be pissed if Kevin wins AFP however, Alex along with 97% of the rest of the HGs will be even more pissed if Cody wins so I say vote Cody :-)
I think Julie said the voting opens in September, so I’m not sure if it’s already started or not!?
Girl tell it! Are they serious?? Cody! Chile please! Cody doesn’t even deserve to be in jury!
Wait i read your comment wrong, I had to delete it and redo it. You think Cody should get Avp??
LOL! Did your head just flip around and around like Linda Blair’s MG??!! hahaha No. I didn’t say I was voting for Cody for AFP. What I did say is if he did win it, I wouldn’t freak b/c I know it would piss off Paul, and I’m sorry hon, but Paul needs to have some kind of apple cart upset this season. If it is Cody winning AFP, then I’ll take it. hehe. I’m voting for Kevin personally…
Oh I understand THAT aspect sis! Lol I’m like, what the??? Ha haaa!
Well, I can understand the feelings behind the voting. A lot of people (fans and former HG alike) do not like Paul, so they are choosing Cody because Cody was the only one to take a shot at Paul.
MG, Paul has lost a lot of his fan base. You know that right? Some people are voting for Cody simply because they *hate* Paul…
I totally agree! Paul said yesterday (I think it was) to Christmas and Josh that “one of the 3 of them will be getting without a doubt get AFP!” Pretty arrogant there Paul! & VERY wrong! & Alex is super arrogant and full of herself! And just an awful person.
I never thought I would ever say this but Josh has been thinking more when it actually comes to “Paul and the game!” Will he act upon it!? Doubtful.
That group is just
AND just to HORRIBLE!! immediately slap Paul, Raven, Alex, Josh and Christmas “in the face following” (LET them immediately know America/Canada did NOT like you!) having Cody or Jessica won AFP would be priceless! Their hearts with all drop to the pit of their stomach as they all realize they are not liked, like they think they are!
Cody?? The guy walked on the table and never talked to anyone. Are you kidding me? I’d vote for Cameron over him.
Yes! That guy! The guy that didn’t pretend to like those who treated him like crap. The guy who didn’t say goodbye to people who isolated him when he was on the block. Yep, the socially awkward guy. That guy, yep.
Absolutely not. That is absurd! Pretending to like people that you don’t, is part of the game you know?? That’s why he was evicted twice! He doesn’t even deserve to be in jury, Jessica’s earned the right to vote for the winner more than he does!, What are you people watching?? The boy barely cracked a smile the whole time there. He isolated himself and barely played the game, get real. Cody deserves to pack his trash bag and beat it!
Cody smiled plenty enough :-). After the mob mentality towards him (and Jessica), there was no need to pretend. Their plan was to drive him to his breaking point, a very dangerous game (for anyone). Paul baiting him into an argument, setting his dawgs on him, etc… What’s the point in saying goodbye to them? He maybe should have to Mark but that would have put a bigger target on Mark.
Cody’s biggest problem was he didn’t want to play “Big Paul”, The Friendship Game.
He didn’t play Big Brother either! All your points are valid, but that’s just about as far as that goes, they CERTAINLY doesn’t qualify him as a candidate for AVP! He embodied the complete antitheses of a big brother houseguest!
Exactly! So true
Cameron? Oh puhleeze! Cody walked on the table because nobody got up from their seats to let him pass. He wasn’t going to wait around and get all huggy with a bunch of liars and bullies. I loved it when he walked across the table and out the door!
Good for you. As i said, l’d vote for Cameron. Period!
I agree! Although I would vote for Jason if I knew he was a good contender however because of his huge mistake talking/joking (NOT FUNNY) about Kevin’s wife and daughters, he will not be a contender for AFP.
He made a mistake! A huge mistake but I am not going to hold that against him because, he has proven to be a good person all season.
“Pobodies Nerfect” EVER!
We are not perfect as human beings! We have all said and/or done things we have later regretted, we are all just lucky it was not caught on national TV feeds!
I know Jason just wasn’t thinking and he didn’t mean any harm by it.
He will have to write his wrongs when this game is over. So unfortunately I cannot vote for him so, Kevin Cody or Jessica would get my vote.
Jessica said on Instagram to “not vote for her and to vote for Cody instead” because she doesn’t want to split votes. Make sense!
As for Alex, the first couple weeks I thought for sure she was going to be my favourite player! But she has proven to be a terrible person! Mean and evil! Rude and snotty! Another HUGE disappointing HG!
& One of the things I dislike most about Alex is she was horrified that Jessica poked her but yet when Jason talks about raping, Alex is laughing hysterically!!! That makes no sense! So it is very very clear that Alex only pretended to be horrified by what Jessica did to make Jessica look bad! And Alex succeeded! The whole incident and it up on TMZ. Be us! How can that hurt Alex but Jason talking about raping someone is hysterical to Alex!? It’s very sad what happened to her cousin, of course! But Alex use that to make Jessica look bad and that just makes me dislike Alex even more and feel bad for Jessica a lot more!
Anyway sorry blah blah blah
Your blah blah blah makes a heck of a lot of sense!
It’s like you read my mind. hehehe
The way I look at AFP every year is just the person I enjoyed watching. Someone that was entertaining but was not mean and vicious. This person didn’t have to play a perfect game, and they could’ve said things here and there that were forgivable
or in Jason’s case, (regarding Kevin’s wife) – a very stupid stupid stupid mistake! Jason will have to write his wrongs for that and he will pay the price but I am not going to hold that against him. And I would vote for Jason as AFP however I know it will be a wasted vote, unfortunately!
I would have no problem voting for Cody or Jessica for that matter.
I think one without the other could’ve played a much better game. & I have zero doubt in my mind that Jessica would’ve done really really well in this game had Cody not been there. She knows the game very well and although I don’t think she would’ve been one of Paul’s minions, she would’ve played the part. I don’t think they’re bad people. No Raven, Alex, Christmas and Josh are evil! And they would never receive my vote because of the way they have treated people like Kevin, Mark etc. & ALL The terrible things they have said about people and of course all of Raven lying!
& I think Paul has played a great game but he could not have asked for a better group of idiots to play with! It’s just too easy for him. And, he has been behind a lot of the attacks so he is just as guilty!
Matt was never on my list however I did NOT think he was a bad person & I admired how good he was to Raven, I felt sorry for him! Boy was I proven wrong!
Matt to Josh: “Doyou want me to attack anyone else before I go?” Seriously dude! BYE Matt!!
I had so much respect for the guy for trying to put a stop to the initial “psychological warfare” Paul ordered his circus clowns to do but, seeing Matt’s true colours, NOW it makes perfect sense why (when he was trying to put a stop to it) his reasoning was because “Cody has killed people!” Matt and Raven deserve each other!
Good grief, where did they get these people!
Anyway sorry blah blah
Yeah, he didn’t jump in b/c he was scared of Cody. That’s why I LMAO when Raven said Matt is “going to go off on Cody in jury” *cough* Bullsh*t!! No, he isn’t. Please. Matt will come in with his tail tucked and try to make nice-nice… If you are voting for Jessica…someone here said she wanted all her fans to vote for Cody…I’m not sure if she really said that, but that is what someone I know here said. ;) Like I said, I don’t care which one wins…but I’d like to see Kevin or Cody b/c either one would throw some kind of wrench in Paul’s plans and show him none of his mutts were fan faves this year!
As much as I hate Jessica, she or Kevin deserve it over Cody.
LOL I was the one that said on here tonight Jessica said to vote for Cody. She said that on Instagram live a couple days ago.
It is a two or three minute video you can see on YouTube.
As for Matt walking into jury and telling Cody off! As if! I agree with you, he is going to walk in there with his tail between his legs and not say much! He will just be buddy buddy with Cody guaranteed!
I love Jessica
I don’t get it, why Kevin? Seems like a pity vote.
Kevin is the most likable player this season.
Well, I see that in votes posted there but that was not the case until recently. Default I think, 😏
There are polls for best player and others for AFP. I think Paul is the best player, but shouldn’t win and Kevin is the most liked. I don’t get at all why Cody is on top as the best player.
Oh, was looking at poll Captain posted for AFP. Looks like,Cody is 2nd to Kevin for most liked if I am reading it right. Don’t get either of those choices as well as what you said as Cody voted best player.