We’re back with our Big Brother 19 spoilers from the Live Feeds and here are the latest results. The Veto competition is over and now we’ve got insight to where we should end up for Thursday night.
With Alex and Jason on the Block this was a do or die for Jason and if he could “do” then Alex would be on the losing side. So, which half of “Jalex” would be heading to Jury this week?
Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 10 Veto Competition Results:
- Paul won the Power of Veto!
Josh was hosting after being the only HG left not to compete today. The competition was held late in the evening and ran in to the night as we awaited the results. Wait, hold that thought on the host. It was actually Bobby Moynihan and the HGs agreed he was a better host. Bobby has a show coming up on CBS and is actually a Big Brother fan, so that’s cool.
Paul had been plotting away with plans to see about saving Alex and better positioning himself in the game, but Josh is on to what Paul is doing and he’s in Christmas’s ear with his concerns. This could turn interesting. Josh may not want Paul to save Alex but that’s part of Paul’s plan to keep him good with her and if he even gets to tie the vote like he wants then it keeps him good with Jason too. These HGs need to wise up to Paul, but if they haven’t by Week 10, well then…
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Of course he did. How convenient. Now he’ll use it on Alex, Chris nominates Kevin and Jason goes home. Alex doesn’t suspect Paul at all. How rigged is this. Fire the producers and get a whole new set of people.
The fact that the producers gave Paul three weeks of safety to start out with and allowing him to instigate bullying and not mention his racist comment to me they should be fired for as soon as the show is over with. If they hope to save their jobs they should have Julie at the finale rip them for their behavior
She didn’t say anything to Matt, so I doubt she will be hard on the HGs. I think that she will ask Jason about the rape comment. He will say it was a joke and hopefully apologizes to Kevin’s wife.
He said it twice with Alex laughing with him on that one occasion. For the producers to let Matt continue in the game and go to jury after his disrespect to the game is appalling.
so is letting Paul be the bullying ahole he has been ,that just proves to me that this yr was planned to be given to jackass PAUL,maybe they feel the wrong person won last yr,and had to make it up to him because he lost last yr,but as many times as he gets called into the DR makes it sound very shady to me.,
It’s definitely shady this year. To many coincidences in Paul’s favor! It’s been A Paul Game Period!! They should have never brought him back. I’ve been very disappointed with this whole season, bullying was taken to a terrible low blow! Hated it!!
They can do that , they get penalties and he did and he went home . He didn’t say vulgar , vile , dispicable fckin comments like raping his supposedly friend and tie up his kids and have them watch ! Do you think Kevin is going to laugh about that ? U think they are going to be friends outside the game… he may put a guy out in him .. being in the mob and all 🤷♀️ Jk . But NOT kidding about his comments . He was wrong wrong wrong !!! I’m glad he’s going !!!!!
I don’t even think he will remember. He honestly didn’t remember he told raven he will pull her down. He’s confuse sometimes. Not that I want to excuse him, he was horrible. But it’s probably rodeo cowboy beer type of joke.
It was just “locker room banter”. 🙄
Like our current POTUS!
BB either needs to play “free speech police”, or allow all of it. And drawing that line as police is practically impossible. Are Josh’s meatball type yelling and antics all summer abrasive enough to be warned? Mark’s tirades in response? Paul’s racist remarks? Or a “one-time” very bad attempt to make a bad joke by Jason? Who decides what is flagrant enough and what isn’t flagrant enough?
That’s why there was a first amendment allowing all free speech. As long as it’s peaceful, it can be agreed to or not agreed to peacefully by others. As with Canada BB, the viewers decide who stays and who goes. That’s the best way. Policing these snowflakes will not work-let the viewers take them out by due process.
Our “viewers” do NOT decide who goes home on BBCAN. What are you watching? Yes, there has been VIEWER PARTICIPATION thru the seasons for different things, just like how “America Votes” on certain things in the BBUS seasons, but our HG’s are evicted the same way the US ones are… by the HG’s.
You think ?? I would think they would stay as far away from that comment as possible ! People who don’t watch the feeds or bbad have no idea , well I think if they read they do because it hit the news and other shows like TMZ
He actually got safety from the first 4 evictions that all of the other HGs were subjected to if you consider he was exempt from the night 1 eviction plus his safety for the first 3 weeks.
You are 100% right. Didn’t think about that. The whole thing sucks with Paul. He had safety for that long and starts getting other to bully and makes a racist comment and still survives. Unreal….
I would have no problem with Paul if production had not give him 3 weeks safety
But the problem with that, is Production will say WE gave Paul 3 weeks safety because there was Americas vote for the temptation. I have figured out how they do things, give us a vote,never let us see the results of that vote and do what they want for “ratings”
You’ve hit the nail square on the head. Ratings consideration is the first priority, integrity of the game is secondary.
But .. that was production, not Paul . He obviously was told A b and c .. or maybe not . Can’t blame or hate, fault him for something America voted on or what production or Mark giving him safety. Anyone , would have taken that chance. So many want and dream of being on BB and when u see some doing absolutely nothing and then see a few playing.. it’s just crazy how much they complain or those that self evict when given the chance others would have fought and played for the 500k.
I don’t know if that would have mattered anyway … he was already pretty friendly and didn’t think anyone would put him up this early in the game . Codys big , huge mistake !!
Why was it a huge mistake? It was only a mistake because Paul had immunity and Cody had no way of knowing that for sure. He could have guessed, but getting rid of the vet right off the bat was a smart move because, well, look at what we have now. Paul gotten rid of early and this would be a totally different house right now.
They were in an alliance together , he went outside of his whole alliance , not just putting Paul up , but by not telling anyone … by doing that he put all of them in jeopardy and they lost his trust . That was his huge mistake.
I’m not that sure about all that. When Christmas was nominated instead of Paul she stayed. Paul had the vote to stay. And once his safety was gone, no one, not even Jessica, nominated him.
The race comment was taken out of proportion. It wasn’t smart but Paul is really not racist. He just badly expressed his self.
I’m not the biggest fan of him, but credit is du where it’s du. He simply played the best game!!
I’m sure I’ll get demolished by Paul haters. I understand your perspective and opinions. So don’t be too rude please.
You make a good point. The fact that Paul claims he’s this super player he should know better. That’s my opinion and I could be wrong. But his bullying getting others to do it which almost started a few fist fights is just pathetic. And for the producers to let it get to that point is sad.
Like I said before, they are all responsable adult. They are stupid to do it. For example if Paul tell them to rob a bank and they do it, they go to jail not him. They should be smarter and not do it. I noticed that once the fights start, most of the time he stay silent.
He’s no angel, but they are guilty to make it 20 times worst.
if paul put in the same amount of planning to rob the bank as he does in instigating the sheep to bully his target, he would absolutely go to jail. conspiracy to commit blah, blah, blah. it’s actually a felony and he would be in some serious trouble.
Ok. That’s one way to see it!! But maybe I didn’t as much feeds to see him that much planning the “bullying” recently. I saw at the start with Jody. But not it seems to me it’s mostly done by them (alex, josh, raven especially) alone. But I admit I watch the feed less.
Same here , I don’t see any bullying right now , or I’m missing it . The house seems to be getting along or as much as they can . I just think it was cody and he just clashed w personalities and didn’t really talk game much . When he did talk he said just as many vile chit as the rest . Jason needs to go ( there’s no redemption from what he said ) I wonder if Julie will bring it up
Just a game ! It’s in bb world . Don’t get all crazy like this is something that these ppl do on the reg ! It’s a lot diff in that house w nothing but other ppl to talk to, nothing to do, stir crazy And they have to prank and pull chit just to amuse themselves. Just remember this is just a game , that’s it !!! The goal is 500 grand ! Would I do some of the chit that he and others have done, hell yeah if that gets me closer to the end !!!
PULLING his so called chit like that with me would get that ugly beard ripped off his face and shoved up his arrogant ARSE and i wouldn,t care wth production did to me, he deserves to have the living crap beat out of him he is a 1st class bully and a –hole
Kinna like if Justin told u he was gonna rape ur wife and tie up his kids to watch !!! Whatever paul has done does not compete with what that clown said!!!! If he was to say it directly to Kevin … they both may have been thrown out . Sometimes I wonder if they evict some of these guys by production telling them so .. like jess and her pregnant thing and poking ppl in the butt !!! She was evicted after that , and now jason with what he said maybe they are doing the same thing and want him to leave so they evict him .
Why do any of you actually watch the show. I have never seen so much bitching from you so called Superfans. And this bitching by you so called fans happens every season. I got an idea don’t watch the damn show.
Hahaha!!! Exactly !!!! I have never read so much bitching over a game show . Stop watching ! Oh wait u can’t .. or you wouldn’t have anything to bitch about here . Get over it . Paul played the game the best . It’s not over . No one knows . Just stop whining or just stop watching!
👍👍👌 stfu or turn it off ! Problem solved ! You are sooooo right Donald.
I agree, Donald
oh, please, what about Evil Dick, the redheaded biggest bullier, Rachel, the cry baby. Cody another big bully, what he did to megan first week, come on, admit it you just don’t like Paul,
Nope , I happen to agree w all that u said . It’s hard for others to like or not say rude stuff because they do not like Paul . If it was .. I dunno Jason and he was playing the same way woukd he be getting this much flack as well ? It’s a game of pretty much lie, cheat, fck over , bd back stab all the way to the end. Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean that he hasn’t played the best game and he does deserve the win ! To keep all of this from all the rest and still there !!! Is pretty amazing . Still team paul!!
I’m with you! Everything you said is 100% right! He is playing the game by staying one step and sometimes two steps ahead of everyone else. Paul for the win..now, you can do what I do, when I read a reply and the first couple words are hateful I move on to the next! Simple as that.
I agree with you. I have watched BB since the beginning. If was several years before I found the site to learn more. I know every season people get really heated and post how much they hate so-in-so. This is the first season that I have seen so many posters talk really bad to other posters, myself included. I don’t really understand why some posters enjoy being so ugly. Everyone has the right to feel the way they want and express the way they feel. But not to cuss or use hateful words because they do not agree with you. The last I heard this is a free country. Like you, When they start telling me what a sh** I am and that my mother was never married, I won’t read any more. What are is this world coming to when you can’t give your opinion on a “GAME SHOW”!!
Yep, I get it! Now, what I don’t get is if someone hates the people on a show, and they KNOW(I use that lightly)the outcome of the show, WHY WATCH?
I can’t figure that out either.
Yeah .. I get that too . In another room it was all Paul bashing and I took up for him and tried to tell them he is playing the game !!! Team paul, and was also called out , idiot , only a moron would like him. Etc .., I just flooded the page on hoe hypocritical they all sounded and then they blocked me 😝😂😂 ALL because I wouldn’t side with their precious Cody !!! Dang .. lighten up . Everyone has a fav and a non fav and no matter whom we like we all deserve respect and give respect even tho we agree to disagree . 🕊
Thank you! I too think Paul is playing a good game. It is not Paul’s fault that the hgs this season can’t think for themselves. I just don’t get some people out there. What is their problem? I watch BB and Survivor. There have always been people that tell you how wrong you are not liking the person they like or liking someone else. This is the first season that people have been very, very mean and like to insult the people that don’t think like them. I wonder how posters are going to be on Survivor this season after what I have seen on BB this season. Survivor is sometimes worse about doing things than BB. I might not do some of the things they do but that is me. I don’t think I would do good on either show.I love watching people on both shows do what they have to do to win. As long as they don’t attack personally. That doesn’t need to happen on either show. They are TV Shows not real life. I am beginning to think that the really ugly posters just like to try to make trouble. Their life must be very boring to enjoy insulting people they don’t know.
Trolling , trying to instigate and pick fights about a stupid game , and some are super fans. I don’t know if it’s like this every year and same ppl with same “it’s rigged” etc … it’s not .. if u watch it’s no different from any other season, it’s only the ppl that hate paul and want to believe and make up stories of being rigged. Would this all be the same if say , Cody was doing this ??? It’s Paul, u either love him or hate him ! I don’t think there is any in between. Agree to disagree but most of this is just ppl venting because he may just win!! Breathe 🕊😌 it will be over soon !
Over the years there have been winners that I did not like but if they played a good game I had to admit it. There has also been winners I didn’t like and didn’t believe they should have won but I never talked ugly about the posters that liked them. I respected their opinion even if I thought they were completely wrong.
Hahahaha ! Yeah I do , or try and explain or ask why he’s so hated , cause he’s winning and playing a near flawless game , more power too him if these guys don’t know anything about anything !!!
he might not be racist but he certainly is a bully and bs artist and a class A POS LIAR
Inside the house … that’s the name of the game . You can hate him but absolutely cannot fault him for getting stuck w this group and doing whatever it takes to Win
Potato patato
What racist comment did he make?
I Dominique veto ceremony, he wanted to dress as a snake and use a black mask in his face, but couple of time he said “I’ll wear a black face”, or something similar instead of black mask. But he used both expressions.
Dayum smh 🤦🏾♀️
Paul was captured planning and debating wearing a black mask — which he described as a “black face” — and snake prints in order to mock fellow houseguest Dominique Cooper, who has called him a snake. He says the phrase “black face” Interpret it however you like it, the way he said it came off badly. When the cameras are on you 24/7 how did he think it was going to be perceived?
Oh wow what an ass!
Didn’t perceive it like that at all. That’s not what he meant , they had been using those biore strips that are black and put across your nose and face , he wanted to use those so would look like a black snake head , NO where in that whole scene did he or the others say ANYTHING racial . Gawd .. ppl on here will misconstrue and manipulate ppl here because they hate him . Makes them no better then he is , actually worse , he is playing a game , what is their excuse !?!
He didn’t .. ppl just blowing it out of proportion because they hate him . He didn’t say anything racial . I watched it and didn’t think twice about it . He wanted to have a black mask like a snake , like the dress and the black leggings . It was not racist!!! Ppl just picking him apart because they hate him . That’s it. It’s absurd .
Oh I see, I didn’t hear nothing bout it so I thought I legit missed something. I didn’t think he would but you know it’s 2017, racism and sensitivity is high so I could see how someone might think that. Shoot I’m black it’s such a norm that I could give a f*ck anymore lol.
Exactly . It wasn’t , I didn’t think anything about it until I got on here and now he’s a racist .. no , it’s just not true . Is same ones that just want to make others hate him when he hasn’t said or done one racial thing! He is not white , not saying that ALL white ppl are racists because he is of color , just adding more fuel to the fire so ppl will think he’s awful . All of it is just so over dramatic and silly to argue over a game show . Try and put urself in that house then come say how hard it is and just let it go .
They gave him the game as soon as they did that
the HG’s certainly could have gotten him out at any time after that- Jess received a cookie from production and it did not save her in the long run- because she did not create a friendship circle like Paul- I don’t care for Paul but he has set himself up to be in this position
its a freaking game, get a grip on yourself, rip them for what? Being liars, cheaters, etc, thats all about the game
It’s like beating a dead horse … it’s the same comments over and over and over … we get it !!! You don’t like the guy , you hate this season or it’s rigged , just because your person got the boot doesn’t mean that Paul hasn’t played to be where he’s at or the win . That horse is dead .. move on or turn it off 🤦♀️
Get a grip on myself? LOL Thanks for the laugh of the day!
If only they would but I’m sure we’re stuck with the same people next season
oh man…whyyyyy!!!! Just wanted one thing to happen this season to shake up this boring season of big brother. I can’t wait to see what the comp was.
I agree. Never used to know how the week would play out but with nobody playing we can basically figure out the rest of the game. I hope those boxes in the HOH play into the game this week.
But the season’s not even over yet. There’s still a chance that Paul can go OTB, even if it takes two weeks for that to happen.
F3 and he goes would be the best. So close but so far.
And one step lower than last year. Ha ha ha ha
I would love to see that move.😁
Christmas NEEDS to put up Raven as the backdoor. This way, Alex and Kevin would never vote against Jason, forcing Paul to make a decision and forcing Paul to draw a line. This is the week where hopefully people begin to see Paul’s game. Even if Kevin is backdoored. How would Paul explain himself to Christmas to force the tie to make her get all the blood on her hands unless she approves of that.
Christmas will need lots of Vaseline to get her head out of Paul’s behind first.
A few are seeing it but either won’t do anything about it or aren’t being listened to
Christmas agree to break the tie and be the bad girl. Paul sale it as a strong move!! Lol.
I wish, I have absolutely 0 faith that she will but boy do I wish
Totally agree can’t believe how stupid this BB is this year is like I would stay up till 2 in the morning B.C time to watch this but now it’s like just hear what Paul says for the day and I know what’s going to happen .Sorry but bring on BB Canada their lame but not as bad as this year’s bb
this game has been the most rigged season of big brother ever…the comps are designed for competitors like paul and christmas, and there are barely any physical or endurance comps–and they seem to be timed only when christmas cant compaete as hoh or veto (hmmm)…all the puzzle and paul type cops always happen at the right time for him too…the temptations were all in paul and christmas favor too…then the guests throw comp for christmas but feeds keep cutting out during events etc? she has won two hoh’s purely out of pity because her leg and seeming non-threatening ruse–and worse thing is she acts all cocky and in control when she has done absolutely nothing to make tihngs happen in the house and just a pawn of paul’s……it’s all really strange, and christmas and paul shouldnt even be in the house—she broke her foot and of course has all the sympathy from houseguests and excuses etc…paul is a vet that was given 4 weeks safety and surrounded by lil spineless followers…he has gotten away with countless lies and egging on behaviour that others get in trouble for…both of them are also really sad pathetic people
I agree. That producer Allison says that things are not being accommodated for Christmas, but they 100% are. Chris chose to stay in the game, but they should have kicked her out because it is not fair to the others that she had to sit at the beginning so they decided to make the comps more suitable.
they also havent gotten viewers involved in many twists, and all them were too early in game intentionally so that the eaqsy street course for paul and chris remains the same…and chris and paul both got temptations??…its absurd…..theres no way viewers that truly enjoy the show would be giving paul four weeks safety at this point in game after seeing how boring and intolerable it has become….they gave him it early when cody targetted him as a gimmick, but now if they introduced viewr twists i guarantee you paul would be screwed in some way, and jason and alex would be getting hooked up…still, alex was dead cold dumb
Well there goes Jason out the door! Daggone it!
Serves him right… Idiot!!!
You are correct, but I still wanted Jason and Kevin in F2.
GREAt….I want Jason gone
And I wanted Raven gone!
I wanted Paul, Alex, Xmas, Raven gone lol
I’ve wanted Paul gone for past couple weeks when they all had the chance and never took it.
ive wanted that ass gone snice day one ,i hate that bearded lying pos coward,and that con artist raven should have been gone in the 2nd eviction
Noooooo. I love to hate her. She’s hilariously pathetic. Alex is mean. I wanted alex gone.
OK, so you’re rooting for the ones you hate to get to the end. You must be happy so far.
Lol. No it’s only raven. It’s like a study. How far wi she go. What else can she say that could be more stupid again. I’m just curious. She entertains me. I’ve never know someone making up that many lies and some that hypocondriaque. And delusional.
And for now, I préfère her over mean girl alex.
I hate to say it but I prefer Alex ONLY cos she actually had won some comps. I would hate to see Raven get any closer to winning any $ at the end
Completely agree with that. I want her to go out with 0$.
that bitch has more illnesses than a gumball machine has gumballs when its fully filled.
Did you like Beastmode Cowboy? He was a little “windy” sometimes, too (as they used to say in the old days). Lol.
Even his parents admitted it when they went to his home town. Ha ha ha.
Is that what you say instead of lying. I am going to remember that and use it the next time I think someone is lying to me. It’s like saying ‘and she knew him’ in the bible. Like Raven knew Matt very well. lol
Lol. Yes. I heard older people use that term to describe people who either exaggerated or had trouble with the truth.
“He’s about as windy as they come.” Lol.
my parents always called it long winded,meaning that they don,t when to stfu,and that fits her too, very long winded liar and con artist.
You can have her to keep you comfy tonight then!
Whaaaaa? (the way Raven says it). Whaaaaa?
Wow. She was heavy on make up today!!! At least it’s not the orange shirt. Thanks, I cancelled the feeds. So now I have a visual on my clown!!
She was just comparing herself to Will Kirby SMH
I spit Pepsi out my nose on that comment.
My my my!!! See only raven can say stuff like that. It’s a good laugh.
just proves to me that she has 1 major illness,its called brain death,or maybe poop for brains ,whichever ,SHES VERY STUPID
probably stolen makeup from xmas ,every time she goes in the HOH room she is stealing xmas,s makeup.she did the same thing when alex was HOH too,like i said a thief and a con artist
I’m with you. I can’t stomach watching her. She’s such a phoney.
And a gag fest!
She does some pretty gross things in front of the cameras.
Like picking her nose in the shower and then eating her boogers? That was GROSS!
Picking at her ass and eating whatever she picked from it was more gross.
He’ll leave loving Paul.
How long before the Jury convinces him it was Paul….
It was always Paul.
Do you think they’ve convinced Matt yet? As long add Jason walks in, I think Matt will hope Ra-Paul are doing their thing together.
No way they will convince matt. But Jason won’t be too long. He already start to see it. But alex always tell him his stupid, idiot or else. So he’ll get it fast with the jury.
I think you’re right.
Well, well, well…
Let’s see how Paul handles this.
Jason is gone and Paul will tell Alex that Jason had to go for blah blah blah reasons and Alex will eat it up like candy.
He’ll save Alex to make sure that she still trusts him. She is not the target this week anyway. Once Jason goes, if she doesn’t wake up, then she will be next.
Yeah, but while he’s been doing all the plotting, I honestly don’t think he wanted to be the one in the hot seat.
Sure he did, this way Alex thinks he saved her and he’ll claim he didn’t know that Jason was going. to be voted out. He’ll probably throw him a vote too so he can say he didn’t vote him out, Xmas broke the tie.
Here is hoping that Josh gets in her ear and they flip the script on Paul and vote out Kevin.
Xmas needs to listen to Josh for once
josh is finally catching on to pauls lies,starting to use what little brain he has left
I sooo hope so!
So based on her convo with Josh last night, Xmas says she knows exactly what Paul is doing but they should go along with it to get them to F3 and then they can do their own thing, Does she think then that Paul would take her to F2 over Josh?
In my opinion, Paul would take both Raven and Christmas to F3. He can win the first comp and Raven more than likely will win the second comp or vice versa. Paul will win the final HOH and take Raven to F2. Hear me out here. Matt will vote for Raven but I doubt any other HG will unless they are extremely pissed at theirselves for letting Paul have them play his game for him. Then gain, Paul is till very aware that a Female won last year and he could fool me and take Josh. It would be hilarious to see that meatball win over Paul.
Possible, it’s obvious Paul wants to get the least challenging opponent in F2. It would be interesting the argument he’d use on Xmas to get her to go along with getting rid of Josh. I have real problems with that nut case Raven winning $50k though. I would self-evict from BB if that were to happen.
Best case scenario is that Kevin, Christmas and Paul is in the F3.
Honestly, Willie I would love to see Paul evicted along the way just to see the look on his face. And I’m not saying he hasn’t played hard, I would just like to see things not go his way. Mean?
Maybe, but this is also a sure fire way to tick off Josh and Christmas even more because they’ve already got their suspicions. Then again, Josh is such an idiot that he’d probably jump off a bridge wearing that freakin’ tutu if Paul told him to, so take that for what you will.
With the floatie around his waste.
But Josh is catching on. Let’s see what happens tonight. Feeds should be good. Josh said he wanted to talk to Paul tonight.
Which could be the kiss of death for Josh, may move him up higher on Paul’s eviction list
Unless Paul still sees him as a surefire win in the end, but yeah, this could be just what Jason needs to save himself this week. Or what Alex needs to save herself next week. Whichever.
I wish it wasn’t but I’m pretty sure Jason’s goose is cooked
Unless Josh gets him first.
I wish but I’m getting tired of being disappointed :-(
Will this help cheer you up? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ae84a64c208454d746dcdddd4321cfb1dc127e2d3cf473888846ace3bef36968.jpg
How pathetic of me to assume! haha
You’re hurting me Joni
Wish I had the anecdote!
I’m thinking alcohol might help
Just ran out and this is all I now have to offer: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fa7da0a84da67ac026b27a3009805b3d9dc89150adee10ffc8dd6ec0a8240fba.jpg
This better?
Finally, yes. ty
Did I ever tell you, that I had to mute the TV whenever he spoke, because his voice caused my cat to chew her fur off? And bats would fly into my window? And coyotes would begin to howl? True story.
Oh wow, that bad huh? That’s just plain bizarre!
Oh, Joni…I’m teasing! But his voice uaes to bug me. Lol. I always thought he sounded like Seth MacFarlane doing a ‘voice.’
I’ve heard this kind of crap could happen, maybe on AFV show..LOLOL I thought you were teasing, but wasn’t 100% sure! LOL
My inspiration for that was from a ‘Seinfeld’ episode. Whenever Kramer heard Mary Hart’s voice, he’d have a seizure. I just expounded on that. LOL.
its the cookie monster
perfect picture of OSCAR THE GROUCH
LMAO. That just scared the crap out of me.
What is with that chick’s clown/goth make-up?
its miss piggy
He’s our only hope now! DE is coming up and he or Alex are the only ones that could win HOH over him. I hope he takes a chance and nominates him
Sounds just like what Paul will most likely do. Hate that we know him so well now.
He mentioned how he wanted to win to save Alex and that’s how he will manipulate her into believing he had nothing to do with Jason getting evicted. Paraphrase. What will he say to Kevin is what I want to see.
I cannot watch CBS any more with their BS for Paul…..MTV the Challenge is going great so far…and BB Canada was also good
Love The Challenge.
Me too! Love Corey and Jenna!
I love CT and Johnny Bananas
Bananas was my favorite until he took all the money when he and Sarah won. He really pissed me off then and I no longer root for him. I do like CT. He’s my daughters favorite.
Oh yeah that was a really selfish thing to do. I couldn’t believe it. CT has really grown up a lot. I love Jenna too. I hope she wins.
What’s the Challenge?
It’s on MTV reality competition show. It’s good been watching it for years. I think they’re in season 20 something.
Yes. I used to Love that show, but it was called Road Rules and Real World Challenge. I watch both of those shows and then they had another show where they challenged each other. That game became extremely unwatchable for me. All they wanted was slut* girls and fighting. I stopped watching many years ago. There was a host who committed suicide.
Yes that’s the same one. Now they just call it The Challenge.
season 30 is the one airing right now. the dirty XXX. tj didn’t tell them they’re playing for a lot more money than they think. once he does, it’s going to get fierce.
Love the challenge!!!! Go cara Maria
Oh that’s right how could I forget this season is called dirty thirty. Duh. When they just did that puzzle challenge of putting all the seasons in order I don’t know why I was thinking there were 20 something. Yeah playing for a million this time. Biggest prize ever.
gonna go watch Animal Kingdom now
Jhonny Banasas all the way
i watch reruns of AMERICA,S GOT TALENT something these idiots have none of unless lying is a talent,
What Alex and the rest said today about Kevin and all the names they called him for no reason is honestly disgusting. These HG’s think the audience is loving them, just wait until they get back into reality. I’d love to see if Alex and Jason have jobs. I wonder if Paul’s clothing line and whatever his lousy band is will even have a life after.
I heard earlier today alex has no job and live with her mommy.
I’m pretty sure Jason has his own company which is what Whistle & Nut Ole is and you really underestimate how niche the Big Brother audience is. A LOT of people don’t watch this show and I doubt Paul’s customers do either.
You would be surprised by the power of television. Both guys made headlines when their behavior, on TMZ and other outlets. Regardless both guys deserve to get backlash on their trashy behavior.
F big brother RIG the second Paul was in the game
Now’s your chance Christmas…Paul saves Alex and you replace her with Raven. Raven is out the door! Perfect! (like that’s gonna happen)
I hope Paul makes them nominate raven because if Kevin goes up then he will see Paul is on Alex’s side and not his.
In my dreams.
Did everyone throw it to Paul?
Just production
LOL! You hit it on the money!
best comment!
😂 😂😂
Probably production. Have to wait to watch on the feeds and see what they talk about.
I can’t imagine Jason or Kevin threw it, though you never know with this genius group of HGs.
Psst Alex, yes you Alex, can you throw me the hoh next week? You just sent your ride or die home,
If he goes she’ll be on fire and will go after Christmas and Josh. It’s not Paul but second best thing.
For sure!!!
Should be interesting
I don’t think she will be upset at all , they have had their scuffs and Jason saying he would be ok kicking her to the curb.. I think she now wants to stay and work w paul like they decided first of game . Once Jason goes , I’m sure will be Alex and if she is hoh she will put up josh/kevin or Kevin/Xmas. I would like to see Paul, xmas and Josh at f3 .. Raven ??? No ! I think he would win against her tho .. but really doesn’t deserve the 50k and stipend .. would like it to be Josh . He’s caught on but they pretty much told him that they are all safe as long as they stick to the plan and stick together. So Jason will go , de .. and Xmas can’t play so paul, Alex , maybe josh could possibly win , Kevin and Raven , I just don’t know . Kevin need to win so I can see what kinna letter he gets :p
this is a DE WEEK she could go this week also.
Jason was to big of a threat to Pauls game….so production had to make him go.
Or maybe it was his disgusting rape scenario !
I hope Alex gets so much crap after the game is over. She is mostly likely the most brainless person to get to this point in the BB House. She can’t see what they are doing and threw the HOH and POV.
alex was just voted in my household to be the person most likely to s—t in her whiskey
I can’t believe Paul won the veto, or maybe they threw it to him. Pathetic.
Maybe it was the kind that’s times or something so it was hard to throw?
Alex said something about only knowing one answer
Thanks. Hmmm
From Jokers: Paul- I’m pulling you off. Alex-It doesnt matter, I trust u guys. Paul says he wants Jason up there so Kev isnt a problem
just curious will Alex go with the flow after Jason is gone or will she be angry? You know never know with this freak.
Well we already know that Alex will vote Kevin out. Paul may throw a vote in there for Jason to stay but Josh is the one I am wondering about. Will he go against Paul and Christmas and vote out Kevin.
If Josh does that he has my respect for now. I highly doubt that will happen. Even though he caught on to Paul’s schemes he can’t think for himself.
If he did that he’d be ruining his game. Vote out Kevin to leave Jalex in the house AND pissing off your strongest comp ally. Josh would be out the door instead of being Paul’s goat for F2.
you are 100% right. I agree but it would have been nice to see Josh thinks for himself for once.
Don’t think it would happen but if he did I would love it. Even though I don’t want Kevin to go. But I want Jason to stay and it would freak Paul out.
Anything to freak that nasty gnome out, I’m all for
Me too
Exactly, then all of Paul’s plans would be out of whack and since it is a double eviction, maybe they could either get Josh or Paul out then. We all know Paul will target Josh at that point.
Don’t hold your breath.
LOL I never hold my breath. Just trying to figure out the possibilities if the script got flipped on the first eviction on Thursday. Kind of like what Paul is doing. Have a plan then cover all angles.
Still an idiot. She got Paid by production to help Paul get to the end.
Paul to Kevin: “Boxing is rigged”. He says that like a rigged game is a bad thing.
So the last hope seems to be Josh. He’s really the only one at this point who can turn the tables (I would say Alex, but for her Kevin is a bigger target than Paul somehow…wierd). Even then, that’s a long shot.
So, wait, did Paul just flip the script to getting Raven out this week? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining at all, but isn’t this just pretty much proving my point that even Paul doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing anymore?
Nope, never mind. He’s just still aggravated by her.
I gotta get off here and put the feeds back on. Am I missing much?
along with everyone else.
What a bunch of whiners you people are. If you don’t like the game why are you watching it. If you think it is rigged why are you watching it. The only reason you feel that way is because the person you want to win isn’t. Paul has played this game from day one. The public gave him safety to begin with and then the rest of the houseguests have given him safety the rest of the time. Not because it’s rigged but because they are stupid and Paul has played them perfectly. This isn’t a “nice” game folks. It’s cut throat. Every year the whiners start on the posts when the guy winning is able to manipulate the house. It happened with Derrick, it happens with every person who happens to take control. You all start to whine about the game being “rigged” and CBS throwing it to someone. Well guess what…this is what happens when you throw a guy into the game who learned from his mistakes and match him up with a bunch of people who have learned nothing from watching the game over the years. Stop blaming Paul. Blame the people playing with him.
I’m watching to see if Paul will get evicted.
That too.
Haha .. he’s not . He will gooo alll theee wayyyy ! Girl can dream right 😂
SHREK looks depressed
I”m only watching because I already invested this much time into it that I might as well finish it out.
Me too. I need to know how the HGs left demise will be.
Say what you want about Paul but he’s not a good person. I don’t want to hear he’s playing a character. The guy has tried to bully people getting the other mindless HG’s to do his dirty work and not to mention his racist comment. You can get far this in game and not act like trash.
Thank you
There have been tons of “bad” people on Big Brother. You think Evil Dick was a nice guy….no. I don’t see bullying going on….he has manipulated the other mindless houseguests (as you say) into doing his dirty work. Pulling that line in your comment means nothing given the history of players in this game.
Love this post
Feel free to use it. It’s very helpful for educating those who seriously need it.
When your’re a child. Yes.
Adults who get bullied are just idiots. Harassment of any kind should not be allowed on these shows, but that is what brings in the viewers.
That is simply not true. Bullies come in all ages. SMH.
You are correct, but I think that a child can be defenseless and that is why is called bullying. Not an adult.
… Yeah, no offense, Samsara, but don’t talk to anyone who’s suffering from a mental illness like that. You might trigger something.
Also, this…
That’s what I thought. I called it bullying when is a child, but harassment when is an adult.
Okay, I think I get what you’re saying now. You recognize that they’re the same thing, you’re just calling it by a different name. Gotcha.
But in the house they have the mentality of 8 years old. Calling other meatballs and doing a crisis for box of cereal is not adulthood.
It is not a normal place setting . Some of them are still young , besides Kevin and he just aligned himself all wrong . He is acting his age . The others .. it just happens in that house , year after year .
That’s true. Years after years we sometimes forget.
I never acted like that when I was in my twenties. No one I know has ever acted like that. It’s not a matter of age, I don’t think, just a matter of how we were raised.
It doesn’t bring me in. To me bullying is never an at
Thanks for that. But sadly everything applied to alex treatment to Kevin.
Oh, it applies to all of them. There have only been a couple exceptions to it this year – Cameron, Megan, and Ramses.
What racial comment did paul make ???? Is it the snake outfit ? That wasn’t racial , she called him a snake so he wanted to dress like one , he didn’t say black face , he said mask .. they all use those biore strips and he was gonna use those as a black head like a snake . That’s all I have seen , I haven’t seen anywhere that he has made racial slurs .
Paul did actually use the words “black face” when describing the mask he was gonna use back in mid-July during Dom’s eviction week.
That was just this season. Last season, he was calling James the “little Korean man.” While I’ve heard worse things said about Asian-Americans, it was definitely a slur.
BB18 Paul: “You let little Korean man invade your brain. What the f*ck are you doing? Are you blind? Do you not see it?”
BB19 Paul: (after one of the girls says it’s over the top) “Because of the black leather [something] and the black face?”
Thank you Saturn, that is a keeper! I guess it’s safe to say there was massive bullying going on in that BB house.
Maybe not so much bullying , maybe irritating the crap and harassing .. bully’s tend to push u around , physically and take ur lunch money. Usually is children that do this , once ur an adult and a bully then u must have been one all ur life . I don’t think Paul is a bully , it’s just the way he has to play it with these ppl .. I don’t think he’s going to let another 500 grand slip through his fingers . You can’t blame paul for any of it , they all have their own minds and can say NO! Some looked happy while doing it and really didn’t take much of a push . Now that Cody is gone all of them have should have stopped . Kevin , I hope he does make it to final 3 and afp .. even is he brushed his hair w his toothbrush and then brushed his teeth again w it 🤣
Using your bullying image, I’d say a bunch of commentors are bullies. Seriously, the really vile things said here about certain hgs makes you all just as bad. Jmo
If you don’t think it’s bullying, then you’re part of the problem.
Harassing, not bullying. Difference.
Not really. See my post just below this. The HGs are guilty of all but the last one on the list.
Not really. Read the definition.
You are entitled to to your opinion. Obliviously you can’t comprehend what I am saying. Paul’s racist comments about Dominique is not game play. It’s who he is which is a sad disgusting person. Him getting the other to do his bullying shows he’s a chicken. When the bullying almost comes to a few fights this is not game play, this is a sad person.
Paul claims he’s this super player yet he acts like trash and makes racist comments on national TV with cameras all over. You can support him all you want but you are clearly in the minority.
I don’t believe that Paul has made any racist comments.
Actually he did. Paul was captured planning and debating wearing a black mask — which he described as a “black face” — and snake prints in order to mock fellow houseguest Dominique Cooper, who has called him a snake. He says the phrase “black face” Interpret it however you like it, the way he said it came off badly. When the cameras are on you 24/7 how did he think it was going to be perceived?
He hasn’t and didn’t , people just pick Apart anything to bitch about it .
I didn’t hear paul make any racial comments .. as stated , he was dressing up as a snake because that is what she called him. He didn’t say anything racial about her, and didnt say black face , he said mask .. like the biore strips that are black to look like a snakes head . There was nothing racist about that and wasn’t even what he was saying or doing . People take actions and words so out of context that it begins to be more bs then truth . What he did was just that .. and in no way was it racial.
Many perceived it as racial. Go look it up.
Paul was captured planning and debating wearing a black mask — which he described as a “black face” — and snake prints in order to mock fellow houseguest Dominique Cooper, who has called him a snake. He says the phrase “black face” Interpret it it however you like it, the way he said it came off badly. When the cameras are on you 24/7 how did he think it was going to be perceived?
I didn’t perceive it as racial at all , I don’t think that is what he meant at all , ppl misconstrue soooooo many words and actions as racial and bigoted when it’s not . You can’t pick apart every lil thing someone says and just scream racist .. it’s just not true . I watched it and didn’t think anything of it , he was just trying to dress like a snake w the dress and the black tights or shorts and yes he wanted to have a black face, mask .. like snakes do . I didn’t think twice about it . Next day it was all over , he’s racist .. on and on.. so no I did not perceive it as being racial at all . He didn’t say he was dressing as her , he said as a snake .
Oh yeah , there has been much worse ppl .. paul isn’t doing anything but making sure he wins !!!! May not like his antics , but precious hg’s have all played some really shady games and horrible ppl as well . Paul doesn’t even come close to evel dick and a few of the awful girls from bb15!
Trash that will be walking out w 500k !
Look I’ve been watching since season one. We don’t ALWAYS like the same people so if you don’t like people that come here to voice their opinions then you quit whining about it and don’t come here.
Listen, I can give my opinion just as much as you. If you don’t like my opinion read on by.
So you can tell us not to watch but I can’t tell you not to come here? Ok hypocrite.
I didn’t tell you “not to watch”. I asked why you were watching since you seem to think the game is rigged. Read my comments.
The game is rigged for Paul as it was last season for Nicole. They are told ahead of time what the comp is going to be and answers to the questions when it is a mental comp. Production wanted Nicole to win and now they want Paul to win. Watching the comps and how others have a hard time finding their way while the vet doesn’t is obvious to me is rigged.
Well I joke about production and steering the game for TV but I think that’s a little much. They don’t give them the answers. There are plenty of comps that don’t have answers also so how do they rig that for Paul?
I watch them play the comps and always notice how things are more convenient for Paul than the others. If he says he is going to win, he does. Paul is horrible at physical comps, but if he says he needs to win. Usually does. I think he gets the answers.
Yup, the practice puzzle in dr, standing on the platform of the wall or hot dog buns. Like yesterday only Christmas was able to see it wasn’t GO. It’s all rig!!
Nu uh !!!!! No !!! Please say they don’t !!! I know they have influence and can sway players and suggest do this or that.. but they can’t actually just rig it for one person ! ? 😱
Rigged for only for 3 weeks at the beginning of the season, after that Paul could have easily been taken out, but wasn’t.
Why bother LG, just collapse her posts. Let her talk to herself.
That’s what I’m going to do. I love debating when it’s the game but not personal.
Yep. Not worth it. It just stresses us all out. We come here to have fun, not get criticized.
When have u Lavendar ever said the game was rigged???I don’t recall u saying that..Did u say it???? lol
I’ve never said rigged. But I do joke about production. I know it’s not fixed and I know they make suggestions in the DR but I believe it’s to kind of make the game interesting and not boring. But rigged no.
I didn’t think u did…I was surprised by the comment she made…
Maybe not rigged, but no doubt influenced
Good idea; that’s what I did. We can certainly agree to disagree without being disagreeable. ;-)
Paul is having trouble separating the game he is playing from the personal attacks he continues to make on the other houseguests. That is what makes him despicable. He already has one full season under his belt, and he should know better.
He threatened Kevin that if he didn’t throw the HOH comp he would get him out of the house. Thats one step over the line for me.
It has happened in previous seasons. The bottom line is that people don’t like Paul. It isn’t that he’s any different than many other players through the years it is that you don’t like him. That’s actually the bottom line.
And what is wrong with that? I don’t like Josh, Christmas, Alex and Raven either.
You can dislike Paul all you want. But acting like he is going over the line for outplaying others is ridiculous.
I hate Paul. I hate Raven. I hate Alex.
You should never hate BUT if you throw in Xmas too, I can agree with you 100% ;-)
Lol I strongly dislike. How’s that?
Agree with that too,lol
lol. How did I forget. She doesn’t annoy me as much as the other 3.
I always hate the person i think is gonna win, always always !!!!! Cept this time . I do want paul to win and I do like him. I drank the koolaid ☺️😬
He’s very likely going to win, and he deserves to win.
Paul has been threating Kevin all week and instructed him not to talk to anybody…
That’s a little much , i don’t like that side of paul . Kevin really hasn’t done anything , literally anything !!! He knows he’s not gonna make it to the end and if he does , would ppl vote for him wout winning one comp, having a semi ok social game .., over paul . No . He’s lucky he got the 25 grand and maybe he will get AFP as well .
I didn’t like that side of Paul either, and I sure didn’t like it when he went back upstairs to moan about Kevin to the other houseguests!
Sounds like he is playing well to me.
Sounds like bullying to me.
If you can bully others into throwing a comp, that means you’re playing well.
No, it means you’re an a-hole.
The goal is to win, not to be a nice guy. If you can get the others to do your bidding, that means you’re good.
Hmmm, who does that sound like.
Like someone who actually understands the game?
Sounds like a 56 year old is allowing a 23 year old kid tell him what to do.
Age doesn’t matter. It’s who has the power.
Me too
Yup . Bullying , lying, cheating , back stabbing.. is ALL part of the game . They all watched seasons before , they all know how this is played . Why can’t they see the forest through the trees ??? Because they all want paul to Win!
And Kevin should have handed him a bungee cord and told him to eff himself upside down and sideways from the dining room chandelier, perhaps take a field trip to h*ll along the way if he had enough time, get a feel for the place…
Little pisher would only have to speak to me once like that and he’d be wearing his balls on a daisy chain around his neck. Paul speaks to the other houseguests this way because they let him. When Paul wins this thing it’s going to be because they let him. Sweet baby Jesu laying in the manger!! Man the facqq up!!
If Kevin did that, he would be evicted this week.
Its a weak group of players who can’t win comps. Christmas won two comps that were handed to her. Josh won one comp on a crap luck hoh. Matt won by default and outside of that, it’s been Cody, Jess, Jason, Alex and Paul. Just a really bad group of players.
Kevin’s toast anyway. At least he’d be walking out a man.
Paul might decide to take him to F3 and maybe he’ll get lucky and win it.
I thought about that and then discarded it as highly unlikely.
I wasn’t a fan of Kevin’s strategy to tattle tale his way to the winner’s circle or his complacency in the role of benevolent by-stander when standing witness to the smear campaigns launched against those evicted before him. Seemed kind of gutless, you know?
What Kevin had going for him was that he was able to establish excellent personal relationships with all of the other houseguests. He has a social game second to none.
Paul is playing a near flawless game. He leaves no angle unexplored. Because he has no control over the jury house he can’t risk Kevin sitting beside him for the money. He lost to a bitter and poisoned jury last year.
He’ll use Kevin for as long as it’s in the best interests of him and his game. But then he’ll cut him loose without a backward glance. He has to, it’s the only way to guarantee he’s successfully covered the Kevin angle.
He’d be walking out in handcuffs.
Nah. As demonstrated this entire summer, as long as you don’t lay a finger on the other guy and maintain a safe spittle free zone around your target you can say pretty much anything you please without fear of meaningful consequence or repercussion to your game.
Paul and his pack of guard dogs get away with this shiite because they’ve been allowed to get away with it.
If only he would and do it in front of the others so that they say that lightning doesn’t strike you if you talk back to the nasty gnome
I don’t know if Kevin knows what Jason said , he is as fake as the others, save him the one week and then spew vile bs about his wife and kids . He sucks ! Kevin finds out I’m sure he is gonna wanna take his head off . Or at least vote him the fck out !
Right! It isn’t that Paul is playing so good, it’s that the others are playing sooooooooo bad!!
Did he threaten to rape his wife and tie up his kids and make them watch? Oh no .. that was his FRIEND!
Because we love the show, we just dont like the people on the show and game being played and the production manipulation
People on the show being played is the game. Paul is just better at it than the others.
Who else was “america” going to vote for week one? 16 unknowns or a vet who almost won the year before. Get real lady.
Be nice, she made good points! A lot of people do whine and complain about the game and the people playing the game. I personally have seen a fair number of seasons, and this by far, at least for me, is the craziest BB. People who post here have said that BB16 was even worse. I can’t even begin to imagine what that season was like. Let’s face it, this season has been kray kray, with a capital K.
How was that mean
I think it was your tone “Get real lady.” It was unnecessary to add that, imho.
I think you are too sensitive
And how can you judge if you didn’t watch until now.
It’s kept me watching . So whatever they are doing is holding interest because I seem to come back and back and back !!!
Exactly. Thank you. Plus how often is the best reward of the season awarded that early in the game? 3 weeks safety, that early. Come on.
Yes, I agree . It always end up hating the guy who will most likely win. Paul had to pull some rabbits out of hats to get through this game as a vet and target. Yes , America gave him the safety .. they could have picked anyone !!! Seems there may be more paul fans then we know .
point is that KING PAUL never should have been able to come back on the show ,the pos finished 2nd place last year ,and should not have been allowed to come back as the only vet,and then production saying that america gave him 3 weeks safety,WHEN ? I SEEN nothing about letting america vote for the little OGRE
Excuse me, but I personally voted week one to give Paul the first temptation, as did many others I know. Sour grapes? Need some whine with your cheese?
it’s the same reason people watch professional wrestling. everyone knows it’s a show, but they can’t turn away or stop from complaining when their favorite character gets “screwed by the company.”
You can’t see how it was set up for Paul in the beginning?! I’m nit suggesting that the entire season is/was rigged, but when you have a vote with 15 NEW faces, plus one WELL KNOWN (and well liked vet), who do you think will get the most votes?!?!? The first temptation, which was MOST CERTAINLY fixed for Paul to win, holds no comparison to the other temptations! 3 weeks of safety compared to the ability to take someone out of the veto comp? Maybe if they were able to take someone out of the veto comp for 3 weeks! Jessica’s temptation with the ability to cancel live eviction was the closest in comparison, but still a far cry from a whole month of safety! (Since he didn’t come in until after the eviction on the first day.) Then it starts out with Paul and his “friendship” bracelets, which automatically put him in a superior position, like he wasn’t ALREADY, considering he was the only returning vet who they all were infatuated with. (Excluding Cody) The entire “America’s Vote” was nothing but a facade! Especially the very first one, which CLEARLY, no one else even had the slightest chance! But yeah, it can be said that he won it because America gave it to him; and he got in because Kevin chose to press the button for the 25K. Why didn’t they make it 500? Because they KNEW that someone would go for the $25,000! So yeah.. it’s just extremely difficult to see how it was set up to be in Paul’s favor!!!!!
Really hoping more than ever that BB20 features all vets or all newbies with nothing in between. This was supposed to be the season of all newbies, but unfortunately people decided to try and take 25k.
They knew that , a lot of ppl pushed their buttons , it would b hard for any cast not to take . CBS new that and why they made it so easy for him to come back
Production made it 25k knowing nobody would turn it down. People have a hard enough time turning down 5k, but there’s a reason it wasn’t 5k. There’s a reason it was freaking 5x higher. Nobody is turning that down. If I’m in that house I’m pressing that button too.
Excellent, everything is going according to plan 😈👿
Are you interfering in this game too, Vlad? LOL
nice.. tr8pp
ty 😊😊😊
Muhahahaha *twists mustache if I had one *
There is a new word in the BB house.
Called BLINDSIDE!!!! …You can’t be B/D if you’re on the block! This is a rough wk for J. I still believe if Kevin is on the block, his chances of leaving is just as great. 50/50….Depending on what happens in the house the rest of the wk. And what Paul, desides to do.
Yes….Josh is on to Paul, but he will not turn on him. So now what???
A rough week? He had POV to save himself. Cody wishes he was in Jason’s place.
Haha .. I’m sure every week he is wishing the next one to step in is paul ! Nope … he gonna be last man standing.
Expect the Expected.
Jason is out . He kept winning the comps and the vetos .. and they saw that, and he let the power get to his head .. like him or not , he sealed his own fate w that gawt damn comment !!!!! So now he’s going to have to deal with that outside in the real world as well !!!
Jason is going home. the problem for Paul covering all angles is he is going to have to force christmas to break the tie to cover his bases. how is he going to explain that to Christmas. THIS is when they should start being worried about Paul cuz he should not be able to slide out of this week unscathed.
Paul can still win HOH this Thurs and nominate two people from former power couples. Also, he can win every POV at this point and make it to F3, meaning that you can throw your social game out the window and make it to F2.
We’re at the point in the game when winning POV becomes more important than HOH. That’s probably why Paul said he no longer wants to win HOH; just the POVs. Of course, the HGs – even the ones who claim to be fans – haven’t caught onto the timing yet.
Yeah, and if anyone was thinking of applying to BB, they should be taking notes this season (from Paul). I am confident that Paul studied or talked to prior winners about winning.
paul can easily do that
Yeah, he’s a lock for final 3. No way any of these players will make a big move. Plus, Paul is better than the group that is left in comps. Alex is the only one who can challenge him
If Josh or the one that survives (kevin or jason) wins Thrusday HOH and veto, Paul can get out on the second eviction. He will only have Raven, so he can go home this week… but it depends on the HOH and Veto that will be fast competitions.
He already told Christmas that he’s doing that. She seems fine with it.
how could she, she is ok breaking a tie when it should be clearcut Jason as the target. why wouldnt she question that, this late in the game where vote matters. pathetic
She needs Paul.
yep and so does Josh and I guess Raven now.
She does, i bet they have a final 2 and/ or did w josh as well
Paul sat with Xmas and josh and said it is best for it to be a tie and Xmas break it she agreed to take the heat. Paul asked twice. He said that way he can stay close to Alex which somehow benefits Xmas? Xmas agreed to the plan with a smile.
He said it would big a big move in her resume and she bought it.
I don’t know, I get this feeling that Christmas is on to Paul. She ain’t dumb.
I’m gonna disagree with you on that.
It will benefit Xmas because she is saving Alex , so if Alex gets hoh she won’t put Xmas up, maybe.. I don’t think they have the votes to save jason anyway but yeah they should all just vote him out, but Alex shouldn’t Be mad at that cause it could flip really easy and she could gen going !
But Paul will be the one who saved Alex by using the veto on her.
I’m convinced she would follow Paul into a forest fire. She’s ridiculous. I have zero hope left for her when it comes to Paul
So that it seems like half and half and not ALL to evict Jason .. then it would look even shadier then it is.
Because Christmas is the worst god damned sheep of them all. She’s freaking painful to watch and listen to. She’s a complete joke. For example Josh growing wise (crazy…) to Paul’s playing every side and how does Christmas respond? Basically trying to shut Josh down on that.
Yes. You are correct. Is he going to choose Kevin or Jason?
Josh and Raven vote for Jason, and Alex votes Kevin so Paul will have to vote Kevin for that to happen. He wants Kevin on his side though.
No contest. He’ll evict Jason for sure. He’s a big fish..Kevin?.he can’t win s**t.
He has Josh, Chris, Kev and Raven, so alex will be left alone anyway. I don’t think it will be a tie.
Paul plans on making it a tie so it will probably happen.
He doesn’t have to, but he pull this hypnosis on Christmas/Josh ..a tie?..that’s amazing, and funny. lol
Yup..what can I say..Paul’s agenda is being realized.
Raven and Xmas are sided w him, josh was as wel . It was him , paul and Xmas and one other final four … josh needs to stop talking , or he will be out next
Jason is going . And he should . I don’t even wanna look at his face , joking or not there’s just certain things one does not joke around with . Lost all respect after that , sadly .
Paul told her it will be a tie and she needs to break it. Xmas agreed twice to take the heat.
She can NOT use it , just tell paul not to . Just like jason didn’t use it, and give same speech he did 😂
But Paul is the boss.
Yup, after dealing with all these morons , he should win !
Him and Xmas know they need to get jason and Alex out . They have a final deal, I just know it !!!! Is why she shut josh down w the paul talk , I dunno if she told paul but if she did or does , bye josh !
He will blame someone else and people will be crashing away searching for the one that lied, forgetting Paul can lie too… just like the last 2 times they had a rogue vote.
Jason tells the camera that he is not going to beg for the veto, and just see what happens, but it may not be such a great idea.
He would beg against his ride or die ? I thought he said if he won he would use it on her , yeah right !
Paul is literally losing Hoh comps and relying on his social game to get him to the end. He’s playing ahead of himself, hopefully he can make it to the finishline
I hope so !!!! I didn’t think he would win this one , but saving Alex may help him down the line … if josh doesn’t stop his mumbling talk w Xmas she gonna put a target on him !
Christmas NEEDS to put up Raven as the backdoor. This way, Alex and Kevin would never vote against Jason, forcing Paul to make a decision and forcing Paul to draw a line. This is the week where hopefully people begin to see Paul’s game
That’s it..He had a pretty good run, but Jason’s game is over..
Yep….Hes down right now….I think hes knows he got played…but there is always “expect the unexpected”
I think paul may save Alex , then they can toss up Kevin as a “pawn” I’m pretty sure they are gonna get jason out tho , and if it’s a de .. Alex and josh put up .
You really think he’s gonna try to push that? It’s not necessary right? Very ambitious game play with malice. lol
I like all these people…I don’t know why anyone would have any problems with any particular HG. HA!
I said this earlier, IN LENGTH, but Paul is the only one playing this game. Whatever you think, he’s the best player, bar none.
*This season
Floyd Mayweather in a room full of cripples is the best boxer, bar none, too.
Hey, Floyd Mayweather will win every time, too.
Exactly. It’s easy to win a war when no one else is fighting
Can’t fault you there, Sharona. Paul is playing the game, but I’d hardly say he’s the best player.
Let’s face it, none of these HGs are making the legendary status.
Best player this season.
Actually, the difference is…
Winner wɪnər
Whiner waɪnər
Lol…gotta give you that one. :)
I hope so, ppl may not like him , but what do u have left, Alex who is awful !!!!! She constantly beats on jason and called Kevin a pedo, jason who we all know made the vile rape remark, Xmas who has a broke foot and can’t do a whole lot ( easier to beat in any comp at the end) Kevin who hasn’t done anything really and josh .. I think he played it right and overall played the best game .
Who is that Joni?
Cody..1st to head to jury (by Paul no doubt)!
And currently leading the popularity polls on many Twitter pages (and has headed the popularity poll here on BBN for 2 weeks in a row).
Yup cody Jody resting bitch face 😝
Sharona, don’t listen to the haters. Cody had the biggest balls of all.
I agree , some may not like his antics , but he’s been pretty cunning and skillful with this group , it is not his fault he got stuck w a bunch of really really new newbies wout a clue , it’s like they have never watched bb ever. He should win if everything goes to plan . I can’t see them voting for anyone else that sits next to him.
The bunch he got stuck with was chosen because of their weak minds to help Paul to win it alk.
The comment regarding production gifting paul four, not three weeks of safety is worth repeating. Paul did not have to compete to avoid being evicted in that first week, as he entered after camerons fate was sealed. The “CBS-PRODUCTION-PAUL ALLIANCE” of bb19 is rolling right through to half a million bucks. Four weeks of safety, 8 offered and accepted bribes of friendship safety to solidify his fame-whore-groupie-harem. Houseguest cannot use production as a strategy, unless of course production is your doggone alliance.
I think they did that because w a vet coming in they knew he would be the first one out and everybody would have targeted him. They wanted him IN the game no doubt . Although I think a whole other cast would have still took an apple for the 25grand and let him in, but they did and so he got in . Would have been impossible for not a one not to pick one !
Everyone is asking where did they get these Losers as houseguests, well they Profiled them to make sure that they got weakest minded people. That’s why Paul will win, because the others are have weak minds.
I don’t know how Cody got through that process.
They had at least one rebel, for ratings sake.
Cody has a weak mind too. He convinced Jess to keep noms the same and then they evicted Ramses instead of Josh. LOL.
They have no clue…
Nope, nada!
I don’t mind him! I will be sad to see him go this week. He is the best of the worst.
To my knowledge he has not “attacked” anyone? and he has been a “decent person” all season!? Yes he runs and tells Paul literally everything he is told and he has said/done some stupid things but nothing as mean as Alex, Josh and Christmas. Or been super fake and a liar all summer like Raven. I still like him. I know he made a huge huge mistake when he was joking around about Kevin’s wife and daughters! That’s NOT something to joke around about! AT ALL! But aside from that, (again to my knowledge?) he hasn’t done anything mean or vicious to anyone in the house, whereas everyone else (aside from Kevin) has attacked and bullied people.
Jason will have to write his wrongs and pay the price for his stupid mistake.
But I personally am not going to hold it against him. I know I have said/done things I later or immediately regretted! Thankfully they were not on national TV.
I just don’t want Jason to go! I wanted him to be in the F2.
Just Sayin my friend 😘
Awwww Poor Jason. And I mean that! He is the best of the worst and he made a huge mistake when he was joking around about Kevin’s wife and daughters! Huge mistake! But, aside from that he has pretty much been a good person this entire season! To my knowledge Jason has not attacked anyone? Sure he’s done some stupid things like running to Paul and tattling! But I think he is a good person. He will have to write his wrongs and pay the price when this game is over.
Well since Jason is most likely going home, my hope for the week is that Josh and Christmas tell Paul to leave noms the same so atleast a line will be drawn with Alex too, but I don’t count on them standing up to Paul
Unfortunately I think you are correct. From my understanding Josh was having a lot of “clarity” yesterday/Saturday in regards to Paul’s game however, I think Josh is a wimp and will not act on his suspicions! That are dead on!
Wow. I’m so upset. So upset
I do not think you are alone!
& do you see how upset Jason seems to be? I’m surprised Paul has not ordered any one to “attack Jason!” That’s strange!
I was really praying for Jason to pull out the win 😔
I think after Jason goes, Paul will push to put up Raven and Alex, telling both they’re pawns to keep Kevin quiet/whatever. But Alex will be the target, of course. (He may tell Raven that Alex is the target.)
However, unless he plants those seeds now, with a surprise DE, he may not have time to convince so may have to actually try to win the second HOH himself and show his hand some. 6 will be left with 2 noms, 1 HOH, 3 votes so no tie.
Paul could tell Alex and Raven that Kevin can’t win POV so whoever wins will be replaced with Kevin and out Kevin goes.
He may try to get them to throw it to Josh or Xmas with something ridiculous like they have a score to settle with him or some bs. He may tell Alex she can torture him by sitting next to him OTB. Idk.
Sounds like Paul’s many option plans…..yup!
Paul knows there is going to be a DE. He will have marching orders ready in time.
lol..you know it.
He has to know. Don’t these other people know that this is the time a DE usually happens?
They know DE, I’m talking about Paul’s ‘marching orders ready in time, because he really does…he’s always ahead of them.
Oh, I’m sure Paul is ready…I just wasn’t sure that the others knew about the DE coming up. I just started watching the show!!! I’m sorry.
Oh Sha,It’s ok..Is this your first BB season? ha! You think I should post Debbie’ wearing dick forest head gear here? lol
HAAA-HAA-HAA!!! Oh, Puh-lease, Cyril. PLEASE! LOL. I think that would be a wonderful addition to these threads. OR, you could put it on Raven’s head. I don’t think Matt (Boyer) would mind.
Were you serious about this being your first BB? Or were you just being silly? If you were just being silly, then my bad for my very very long reply! Embarrassing!
Oh tinalee, don’t be embarrassed! i was being silly; but it was incredibly sweet that you actually took the time to explain things to me when you thought I didn’t know…and the fact is, I really DON’T know what’s going on this season. Just started watching on Thursday. I usually watch every season, but I’ve had a lot going on this year. So again, don’t be embarrassed. You’re very, very kind. I wish I were as kind as you…
I hope everything is OK with you!? 😘
& thank you for your kind words. I try and stay civil on here, it’s not always easy but, in my reality I do not engage in negativity therefore I try not to do it online either. It’s easy for someone to sit behind their Computer saying hateful things so I just laugh at the trollers & the odd person on here who doesn’t like me simply because “I write long posts!” & “I don’t know the game or what I’m talking about” LOL
So, I appreciate the kind words XO
Oh Sweetie, I really have enjoyed your posts AND your positivity! I’ve admired how you’ve always dealt with those people who say things about long posts. I guess you’ve never read some of the books I’ve written! LOL. You just keep being you, Hon. You’re great. :) Big hugs!
Oh tinalee, don’t be embarrassed! Yes–I was being silly. It was very sweet of you to explain BB to me. I’ve ALWAYS enjoyed your posts.
I always watch BB, but this year I didn’t start until Thursday, so I’m still in the dark. Again, don’t be embarrassed! You’re very kind. I wish I were as kind as you. :)
Well that is why I was super confused, because I’ve seen you on here before and I’ve had a lot of good conversations/venting sessions with you. Not just this season. So I was thinking it was maybe someone who had a similar name!
You got me LOL
I didn’t mean to pull a joke on you! Cyril and I were goofing around the way he only he and I do. It’s like we have some kind of goofy, inside language that we speak to each other sometimes. Sorry you got sucked into it!
Don’t be sorry at all :-) I knew better and the whole time I was thinking “Christina, she’s just joking around, this IS the same person and not just someone with a similar name” but I continued using my talk to type & babbled away. LOL 😂
I knew better but I just wasn’t listening to myself!
Great, now I sound like Raven! I promise I’m not crazy LOL
Anyway, all good! No need to be sorry at all! ❤️
PS. That comment must’ve been super confusing for you & amusing. You thinking “why is she saying this to me, Tinalee knows I’m not new.”
I blame it on old age ha ha
Huh?? Lol
Why are you sorry hon? Don’t be sorry silly. Cyril is SUPER Nice.
I don’t think I knew this was your first season of Big Brother? Ever??
IF you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me. I can help navigate you through this bizzarre game/season and I can promise you that other seasons have not been this predictable and boring! There has never been this many “mindless morons” in the game following a Vet (or anyone else for that matter) around like “Well-Trained Lost Puppies” 🐶
NOT this Pathetic, ever! Throughout the years this game along with most all reality TV shows has become more and more scripted unfortunately! Big Brother is my favourite show and has been since Season one! I have watched it faithfully Every Summer (as well as BBC) for the past 5 years. I remember “back in the day” when there was no spoilers, or when we would actually have to wait until Sunday episode to find out who won the HOH! It was horrible LOL and I was young when BB first aired (and of course for years and years after) so I was ALWAYS out all summer at the bars or parties or camping or vacations to Mexico etc. Sooo I would be praying to the “BB Gods” my ‘VHS tape cassette’ (LMAO) was properly recording BB!! Always questioning myself like did I push the “power on” button! Did I set up the “time” correctly! Did I remember to even put a VHS cassette in the VHS player! (Often forgot to!) & being worried someone would touch my TV and screw up my recording! (it happened quite often! My stupid brother! Jerk) LMAO & whenever it didn’t record, feeling sick to my stomach and super upset! Super excited and already to watch an episode or two or three etc… (depending on where I was previously) & getting excited and ready to chill & watch 1-2-3-4 etc hours of Big Brother ONLY to find out none of the episodes recorded! 😭 It was the worst! Seriously the worst thing ever back then!
So the I would have to wait & borrow my friends VHS tape/BB episodes as soon as they were done with it & A LOT of the time their VHS tape didn’t record either! 😭 😡
It is SOOOO much easier now!
I am SOOOOO Sorry, blah blah blah sorry for going on and on! Like you care LOL but this stupid talk to Type has me babbling all of the time! I’m sorry
Anyway, I truly did not think this game (BB as a whole, not just this season) would become as scripted as it clearly is this season! I’s super sad to watch b/c each year it becomes less and less organic! And I don’t see why it needs to be scripted.
For whatever reason they have severely scripted this season! It makes no sense to me and a lot of others! (As you see/read constantly on here from all the comments on a daily/hourly basis.)
There have been a few seasons with bullies, racists, arguments but most of the time the arguments were entertaining, NOT gut wrenching and heartbreaking to!
This is an awful season for you to start watching for the first time.
A few people on BBN I have as friends on Facebook. You are more than welcome to add me and ask me any questions.
Christina de Sa from Vancouver BC (Chilliwack)
My Facebook is very private, but I don’t mind having a few friends from here on it :-)
ANYWAY SORRY HON, this is stupidly stupidly stupidly long!
Please don’t feel pressured to reply back a long reply or any reply at all. 😜
Nine times out of 10 I post a long comment/reply but nine times out of 10+ plus it is never this long! I’m so sorry LOL
STUPID talk to type! It allows me to babble! I promise you I am a very sane person LOL
Yeah, they should know but we are talking about this group of HGs LOL who knows what goes on in their little brains!
Paul has/had them all convinced someone was getting evicted today/Sunday so I’m sure he has his “Circus Clown”s 🤡 all lined up neatly & he has them ready to take the next shot at Paul’s target oops 🙊 I mean “The Houses” target!
Without a doubt!
But with Josh starting to question Paul, is it enough for Josh and Christmas to start making moves to get Paul out? Or do they still believe they are Paul’s F3?
I, unfortunately do not know the extent of Josh’s feelings about Paul now!?
You don’t think Josh and Christmas will maybe try and get more people on board to get out Paul now that they are finally realizing Paul is playing them all? Or at the very least, you don’t think if Josh wins HOH during the DE he would put up Paul?
I don’t know the extent of Josh’s thoughts regarding Paul. Does Josh still believe Paul wants him and Christmas as F3? OR??
Do you know what Josh and Christmas are thinking/saying about Paul now? If anything.
I don’t have the feeds, Tina, but last I heard, Josh is still loyal to their F3, as is Xmas. (Despite being suspicious that Paul is doing jury management.)
Like you, I used to think Xmas and/or Josh would take a shot at Paul eventually (at F4 if not sooner).
I think both of them will take each other to F2 if they can. Josh won’t give Paul the chance to use his jury management.
I think they could get Kevin on board to take out Paul (vote wise). Kevin isn’t that sure of Paul taking him to F2.
I’m not sure they could get Raven though. She thinks she’s Paul’s F2 so why be F3 with Xmas and Josh. Winning POVs will matter a lot. If they don’t tip their hand, Paul will aim elsewhere. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Paul ends up splitting Joshmas now (after Alex and especially if Josh asks too many questions).
Josh may be suspicious but if he doesn’t act on it at the right time, that shovel Paul takes to the back of his head will remove all doubt. He’ll at least know walking into Jury with the other meatballs who dispatched him to the Jury House, unlike Matt and Jason.
Alex is the key, I think: Will she really get closer to Paul after Jason leaves or will the others expose Paul to her prematurely?
F3 > F4 in that everyone gets a chance to win and pick who they go to F2 with, even though the pay is the same at F3 and F4.
The only remaining house-guests that don’t need Paul are Jason and Alex who are both loyal to him. Jason is going to jury, and Alex will probably stay loyal to Paul even though he masterminded her ride or die’s eviction.
He is playing these fools very well.
I agree although these people are not difficult to fool! Paul is playing a great game, without a doubt! However, he could not have asked for an easier group of people! These people are ALL “mindless morons.”
I can’t believe Josh (of all people) is the one to start to see “Paul’s game!”
For the past couple of weeks, Josh has had several insights about Paul’s game play and ponders out loud to Xmas, who squashes his ideas every time!
Yeah I have seen that also, although I don’t think he has told Christmas that much has he? Actually, up until yesterday/Saturday (or was it Friday, I can’t remember now LOL)
I did not think he told Christmas about his suspicions regarding Paul?
Has Christmas ever shared any of this with Paul? I assume NO b/c if she had told Paul, Josh would be a huge target of Paul’s! (So the entire house) LOL
I thought for the most part he kept it to himself and squashed it all on his own. 🙄 Dummy LOL
My impression is that when Josh starts musing on Paul’s strategy, she shuts him down – like she’s “afraid” Paul or someone else would overhear his comments. Then she coaches him – like ‘rephrase that thinking’. She just said that this AM, and at this time they both admitted they are aware of Paul’s game plan, and that THEY are part of his plan b/c he’s taking them to F3! Yeap! How ’bout those 🍎s in the 🍎 cart?
It must be torture for these people to pretend to like Raven.
after this paul deserv the win lol
I just realized who Raven reminds me of. Take her hair down, iron it flat, and she could be ‘Sally’ from “A Nightmare Before Christmas.”
You wanna join the convo at the bottom of this thread?..it’s lovely. lol
Remember that big head of our friend you drew for me? Does that answer your question?
See what I’m talking about? BBN forum have changed a lot. Commenters have all kinds of amunitions nowadays. GIFS, memes, banners and stuff…we’re big time. ha..
Yeah, I feel like a mental midget. I don’t know how to do nuthin.’ Remember, I just learned how to do my avatar pic not too long ago. I’m a-stoopid. What’s a GIF?
Mickey was just referring us to Wickie like, reddit the wall..yup yup. as his source..Gif is just a file/format. Like Jpeg is a file. Usually it’s animated. or it could be static.
*slaping forehead* *smdh* Don’t even know how to respond. 3peat.
Anyone else think that Raven is really hot? Besides the stupid makeup and annoying personality.
When she is coiffed and her mascara not running down her face, she actually is pretty. I don’t like it when she wears the Goth lipstick.
Sans the crazy makeup, she hot…..until her mouth opens up, and of her thoughts begin to form into words.
*until her mouth opens up, and her thoughts begin to form into words. (its late)
Sounded right to me the first time. Although yes it is late so…….
Oh, you accidentally put “of!?!?”
It took me a few tries to figure out what your error was.
Do you know you can edit your comment?
LOL “her thoughts begin to form words!” So true although I do NOT think Raven is at all hot!
Jessica is HOT & she doesn’t need a drop of make up to look good, she is naturally beautiful & if anyone says she’s not, they are either jealous, insecure, super judgemental or they themselves are supermodels! Because regardless of some peoples feelings about Jessica, she is a very pretty girl!
Raven is “average” IMO
She is looking healthier than she did when she first entered the house. Clearly being away from “Munchhausen Mommy” is good for her!
My husband thinks Raven is “fugly” LOL
I think Christmas & Elena are both really pretty! But again, my husband doesn’t think either of them are. He does however think Jessica’s hot!
Anyway…….LOL I don’t think you were looking for my feedback on “hot or not.” Sorry I got carried away 🙃
I think Jessica is hot with her makeup though that chin strap is cringe worthy and sometimes her contour is too obvious for my taste. And she could be hot with less makeup. She takes hot pictures for sure.
JMO. I’m no super model – I know & I’m not jealous either – we live in different worlds so no reason to be. Not Everyone has same taste as you. Everyone has their opinions. It’s not that serious.
Who cares? Lol.
I think Elena is a bombshell with her makeup but again, like Raven and Jessica sometimes, her contouring can be too hard for my taste. I’ve seen her Insta and she’s cute in a girl-next-door-way without all that going on. Again JMO.
Xmas, IMO, is beautiful in a classic beauty kind of way. She even looks lovely without the makeup so doesn’t need that much anyway. I would like to have her bone structure.
Alex – can be a sex kitten with makeup but I love that she’s cool enough to sit around without it on camera so much… Play down her looks.
When I first saw her, I thought I’d hate her (not her personally but the character she’s playing) because I thought she was going to be a high maintenance princess. Glad she wasn’t.
All of them are perfectly fine without without makeup. More than fine. Ahhh, youth! :)
Hey hon, I’m sorry if you thought I was saying you were jealous or whatever. Sorry, that wasn’t directed at you. It was directed at the haters who say Jessica is ugly. You didn’t say that so it was not directed at you at all. Sorry it came across that way.
Jessica does have a funny looking chin, chin strap? I’ve never heard that before LOL what does that mean?
Yes, her contouring under her eyes is bad, she needs to make it darker because it’s very obvious.
Youth! Yes to have that back again. Sniff sniff!
I am a lucky year, usually people think I am 10 years younger than I am. No Botox hee hee but I feel like I look old but inside I feel super young at heart.
I agree on your assessment of all of the girls in the house. I was happy Jessica wasn’t high maintenance.
Like you, I thought she was going to be a little princess.
As for Raven, I just can NOT stand the sight of Ravens face but, I think it’s because I dislike her personality so much! And because everything is always about her, plus she always has to one up someone! And because she is a psychotic, lying biatch, con artist! She makes me sick! So, I just can’t look past that & see any beauty.
Again, sorry for the misunderstanding! Again I was not meaning to insult you whatsoever. Of course not! I think you are a cool chick and I enjoy our conversations/reading your comments. XO 😘
OK, I will be honest here AS MUCH AS I do NOT want to say a single positive thing about Raven!
I said to my husband the other day that “Raven looks like she has put some weight on in a good way and her face looks better (has filled out) and she doesn’t have huge bags under eyes like she did.”
My husband disagrees and says she’s STILL “fugly”
MY guess is she’s not making herself sick in the house (because she doesn’t need to physically con people/doctors at the moment,) so she’s probably the healthiest she has ever been!
Maybe getting away from her Munchhausen Mom was a good thing!
Well, obviously it’s a good thing regardless because the two of them together are just double the con artists!
But even if Raven looks pretty,it would be obscured due to her psychotic personality!
She has a really nice body, doesn’t hurt that she’s a dancer. Her face and hair sometimes looks good and sometimes doesn’t, and I don’t just mean with makeup vs without, I mean sometimes it’s done nicely sometimes it isn’t… which is weird. She somehow looked pretty in the episode she was left on the block with Matt after the veto ceremony so maybe with the makeup thing less is more for her.
She’s beautiful.
Sharona, you are good. You have suckered people here into believing you don’t know anything about BB!!
Lol…thank you. :)
I think you are great. You are a lot of fun!
Wow…where have you been all of my life? Lol…
What did I miss?
What are you hiding from me missy? Hee hee
What did I miss?
Ok, watching bbad now .. is so hard to watch and listen to Alex . But someone below said Raven may go up so now I have to force myself to watch 😂
If that happens, she is not going to be happy!
Perfect! Raven can continue to show her true colours, just like Matt did!!
What? Why? As the target?
I am not going to hold my breath because every single time I have wanted something to happen this season, it hasn’t!
I hate Paul (he plays a bully, slimy game; no dr. will/dan gheesling/derrick here), but I’m glad these people are getting slammed, one by one, because they were too stupid to listen to (or follow) Cody when he pegged the two house threats (Paul and Xmas) week one. (karma be a bitch)
And how do you really feel about Paul?
totally agree!
Paul is telling his minions Raven and Josh that maybe they should evict Alex instead of Jason.
Oh thank God…
Is this just for episode content? Seems like every week they have to have a few clips that make casual viewers wonder who will go home when we know better.
That is certainly possible. Didn’t even think about it.
Last year Nicole spilled the beans about that. She was talking to Corey about a complete different plan. Cody was like ???? She said it was to give content to production.
Do you think he really means it? I don’t think so.
Paul has likely been warned by BBPro (Paul’s showmance) that Josh is “on to him,” so he (P) is trying to throw Josh off of his scent!
Is it working?
He might. He gave a logical reason: (Alex is a better competitor).
I think Production is definitely stirring the pot. I think they are dropping hints to Josh. Then dropping hints to Paul that Josh knows.
Oh really? Is Paul becoming suspicious of Josh? What is Paul saying/doing then?
I was basing this off of your comment that Production is telling Paul that Josh is on to him.
OHhhh gotcha
I don’t know if production is saying that to Paul. Well obviously I don’t know LOL but I mean, I was just responding to someone else who was saying that LOL
Sitting next to Sea Hag Alex for the money isn’t the worst thing that could happen to Paul’s game.
The girl is foul. Carries on like a rabid hyena. No one will feel the need to kiss and make nice after all the hateful, hurtful things she’s spent all summer screeching at them.
It stops being just a game in the jury house. What she sent around is most surely going to come around and it’s going to bite her big time.
I sure hope you are right! I cannot stand Alex! AND Raven!
They are both terrible people!
Why do they bother taking a poll when most of the people voted for Matt to be evicted from the game and don’t follow through like why bother
Makes no sense, but I can see why they include him — to be fair to all. Cough.
What Poll?
I’m glad those polls aren’t listened to because ejecting Matt for that would’ve been ridiculous.
Does Paul really believe all his BS predictions (like eviction tomorrow), or is he trying to throw the others off?
Honestly can’t tell, none of his “predictions” have been right; he’s either trying to scare the other HGs, or he’s losing his mind.
Probably to throw the others off.
Leave them crapping their pants with jittery anxiety. Then sit back like a serene Budda and enjoy the ensuing show.