It was a morning and afternoon in the Big Brother 19 house Friday as the new Head of Household made her rounds and was working on pinning down her target and other nominee this week.
We also saw the return of Christmas who revealed that she will be dealing with permanent damage from her injury she sustained in the back yard.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, July 14, 2017:
9:35 AM BBT – Feeds return from the morning wake up call fish. Raven is doing her best blanketing impression in the kitchen.
10:20 AM BBT – Alex talks with Raven in the Lounge. Ramses and the hinky vote are the topic of the conversation. Alex is pitching her request for support with who she puts up as a consideration for eviction over Jessica.
10:25 AM BBT – Alex is frustrated that everyone is sleeping while she wants to discuss noms. She walked around the house looking for someone to talk to, but they’re all in bed so she goes up and gets in bed too. Alex camtalks about the other HGs being too timid to try and take shots, but she will.
10:35 AM BBT – Matthew and Raven agree that it’d be better for Dominique to go on the Block than Mark. They think they’ll be okay even without winning HoH for the next few weeks.
11:00 AM BBT – Josh tells Jason they need to get Matthew out. Josh says he is gunning for both of them. Josh worries that Alex doesn’t trust him, but Jason tells him to calm down.
11:20 AM BBT – Alex talks with Jason and decides they’ve got 5 votes going forward with him, Ramses, Paul, Josh, and her if they stick together.
11:30 AM BBT – Kevin tells Alex and Jason that he’ll vote out the stronger of the two nominees that she puts on the Block.
11:45 AM BBT – Paul warns Elena that Dominique could go up and if she does then they have to see how things go. He suggests they might have to turn on her this week.
11:50 AM BBT – Dominique and Alex are talking. Dominique explains it doesn’t make any sense for her to have voted out Ramses when it was Cody who was targeting her. She tells Alex that it’s Ramses who is pushing for her to go now because she’s called him out.
11:55 AM BBT – Dominique tells Alex she isn’t surprised that a certain HG has taken issue with her relationship with Mark.
12:05 PM BBT – Paul discussing with Raven and Elena how Christmas has been gone for days now. They agree that it isn’t fair and how Alex even commented she wouldn’t put her (Christmas) up since she hasn’t been around.
12:09 PM BBT – Josh and Alex talk about how they know Paul doesn’t lie from watching him play last season.
12:24 PM BBT – Paul tells Dominique he doesn’t have a good feeling about this week and thinks their team could fall apart. He’s worried about Christmas coming back and not knowing what’s been going on and what’s up with the nominations since she wasn’t around to talk about them.
12:30 PM BBT -Paul tells Mark that he is really irritated with Christmas and Mark says the best plan this week would be to get rid of her.
12:47 PM BBT – Feeds cut so Jason and Jessica could shun their toad costumes.
1:00 PM BBT – Jason tells Kevin that he’s pretty sure Alex will nominate Jessica and Dominique and that they should vote out Dominique because getting rid of Jessica would be a waste this week.
1:05 PM BBT – Alex and Paul talk about nominating Dominique and what Alex should say during the ceremony. Alex asks Paul if she should tell Jessica that she’s not the target this week. Paul said he would. Sounding like the target is officially moving to Dominque.
1:10 PM BBT – Alex explains the situation to Jessica. She tells her that some people will think Jessica is on the block as the house’s target, but that won’t be the actual plan. Jessica tells Alex that Cody told her to trust and work with Alex and Jason and that’s what she wants to do.
1:14 PM BBT – Jessica tells Alex that it was Raven who hid her rabbit ears and dumped out her soda. Jessica says she is sick of getting blamed for all the stuff that happens.
1:18 PM BBT – Dominique interrogating Ramses over the supposed smoke or banner plane. Then she asks him if he’s brought up her name otherwise. Ramses tells her that he thought she was being sketchy and that her singing the song lyrics “fake people showing me fake love.” Dominique says if people take offense to those lyrics then they’re probably guilty. She’s trying to intimidate Ramses but he handles himself pretty well. He doesn’t really back down to her.
1:20 PM BBT – Dominique continues to condescend Ramses and is “allowing” him to explain himself to her. Ramses says he wanted to work with her but it doesn’t seem like that’s possible and she says right because he’s running around saying things about her.
2:20 PM BBT – Ramses tells Alex that Kevin told him that he (R) was going to be the target this week. Alex says that’s weird because he’s not the target this week.
3:09 PM BBT – Christmas is back from the hospital. HGs greet her and ask her how she is. Elena asks her if she’s high.
3:15 PM BBT – HGs filling Christmas in on what she’s missed while off at the hospital.
3:20 PM BBT – Now it’s Christmas’ turn to fill the HGs in. She said she had 10 broken bones and ended up with pins, screws and plates in her foot. She says she won’t ever get full mobility back and had a bad post op experience. She still doesn’t know what competitions she’d be able to compete in. She starts crying.
3:30 PM BBT – Christmas tells Jason not to blame himself for her injuries. This injury will change her life completely and Jason is feeling guilty. She tells him not to.
3:50 PM BBT – Jason and Christmas’ talk turns to Cody’s eviction and what Cody said during the talk show the other night. Christmas tells Jason that the two people Cody was talking about wasn’t her or Paul. Christmas asks Jason who Alex is putting up and that she should go talk to her.
4:20 PM BBT – Alex goes to find Alex. She asks him about talking to Cody before she left for the hospital. Alex asks about making amends with him and Christmas said they did not name amends. Christmas explains to Alex what she and Cody talked about before she left for surgery. She tells her that it was all about how he misjudged her at the start of the game.
4:25 PM BBT – Christmas says she knows something going on in the game and that she will tell Alex, but not at that moment (not the best thing to say to the HOH).
4:30 PM BBT – Paul tells his side about the Alex, Jason, Ramses and Jessica dynamic. He tells them that they’re on the outside of that and they need to be careful. They’ve been talking about Cody trying to implicate Matt and Mark and Paul says he’s not worried about that at all.
4:33 PM BBT – Paul tells Raven that he knows he’s not going to win this season and that he is going to fight for her to win. Matt agrees that he will do the same thing.
4:35 PM BBT – Christmas reiterates to Alex that BB is adjusting nothing to accommodate for her injuries.
So Christmas is back and Alex has a lot to think of as far as nominations go, but I don’t think there’s a completely solid target this week. Expect a lot of different options this week, unlike last week.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
A tweet just went out that Christmas is back in the house!
She should really go home.
Agreed – 10 broken bones??!! Yikes my friend only broke 2 bones in her foot in March and she’s still recovering!
I agree she should go home. She’s worthless in the game and it’s breaking the rules of the game (she’s going out of the house, break from drama). But if she lives alone, the bb house is better… no grocery, cleaning, and all other chores to do.. she’ll get help ;)
How boring!!!! Someone explain to me how getting Jessica out is a wasted week? In order to win you have to get everyone out, so if you want her out ever then what’s the point of waiting? Dominique is just as much of a waste of a week if they’re basing it on threats. I hope Christmas gets nominated and evicted, she’s hardly a contestant at this point.
Easy, Jason doesn’t understand the game correctly.
Jason’s a bonehead and the constant having to talk him off the ledge drives me nuts.
I know, right? I don’t think I can remember any player with a worse sense of smell about what’s actually happening in the house (well, maybe Jozea last year was worse, but that’s a very low bar). Every word out of his mouth reveals how little he understands.
It’s a constant rinse and repeat with him. The learning curve with him seems to be non existent or very steep.
Right? He seems nice but soooo clueless
Correct however, Jessica is NOT a threat to Alex therefore if Jessica goes home it will be somewhat of a wasted HOH….. correctooo!?
Worse than talking about just getting to jury is talking about letting Raven win. Big brother isn’t a charity.
I think in Paul’s case he’s trying to downplay himself. If he keeps saying over and over he can’t win, it makes people think he’s safe to keep around longer.
Interesting, I didn’t think of it like that. Unfortunately he isn’t the only one, and it is still as annoying.
Anyone that is falling for his talk is a fool in my opinion! Seriously, this is season 19! Every HG should know that!!
Very True!!!
Good move Paul!
However, people are dumb to not see right through him!!
I’m so tired of Raven the terminal patient and her dumbass baby voice. Her condition is NOT terminal and she is perfectly aware of that fact and is using it as a strategy.
I missed it, what is wrong with her?
She has gastroparesis, a disorder that causes her stomach to be unable to empty itself of food. It by itself is not fatal to my knowledge, but complications that can arise from it can be.
Thank you! I never heard of it.
It’s not fatal? are u dumb? lol YOUR STOMACH CANT EMPTY ITSELF lmfao yes “it by itself” very much is fatal my friend. think for a sec
John, as a RN I can tell you that gastroparesis is not fatal. It is a chronic long lasting(life) condition. FiddleDeeDee gave a good explanation.
This is correct. I also have the condition. It is not fatal. Of course someone can throw up so much they die of complications like dehydration or the pacemaker surgical site could get infected with MRSA and be fatal but these risks that can happen with many conditions or surgery.
She has what is called Gastroparesis. It is a condition in which your stomach cannot empty itself of food in a normal fashion. It can be caused by damage to the vagus nerve, which regulates the digestive system. A damaged vagus nerve prevents the muscles in the stomach and intestine from functioning, preventing food from moving through the digestive system properly. Often, the cause of gastroparesis is unknown. She has a pacemaker inserted in her stomach to help her digest her food. You can actually see it since she never wears a shirt, I feel like she does it on purpose, so it is in every’s face all the time so they are reminded of her condition.
While you may certainly be spot-on that Raven frequently bares her midriff to show the pacemaker as a form of strategy, I believe the fact she’s a dancer is a simpler explanation. My sister is a professional dancer with a modern dance company, and both male and female dancers are used to wearing very little. The more clothing you wear (especially baggy, ill-fitting clothing), the harder it is for the audience (or teacher) to see your beautiful lines, the movements you make, etc. Call it a side effect of being a dancer. You have to be very comfortable with your body and it being “on display.” Dancers are artists, and your body is your canvas.
Like I said, could be either way, but I hope I’m not being too rude to Raven when I say I highly doubt she’s thinking that strategically. She’s no BB12 Matt.
I used to dance professionally as well, ballet dancers and I do understand what you are saying, but I do believe she is doing it for attention.
Hey! :)
I think she is too, and she can float a long time in this game when they don’t view her as a threat. I think they let her come back because they already had 1 person quit this season.
Hey TT, didn’t know you were a BB fan, good to see you here!!
Oh yeah, never miss it. I usually am on Jokers, though. Mainly reading the live feed updates, with a comment here and there.
In all the hamster shows, sob stories are played hard. “I deserve to win because [heart wrenching tale]”. We have no idea if any of it is true.
Like with Paul, then we find out his parents are loaded and he’s had everything handed to him.
Your exactly right , what the matter with these people , I think they would lay around and let Raven win, have they thought if she was terminal that BB would not take a risk on her..this blows my mind I hope Alex wins and the others stop with the self pity for the terminal bird and vote her add out, she thought this out before going into the house she is a so called terminal con my ass!#!!!
I hadn’t thought of it in those terms. No, Big Brother would not bring someone on that has a fatal disease, it’s so ridiculous. Evel Dick has been tweeting about her, he has uncovered some info about her and how she is grifting people. She has a gofundme acct but drives a very expensive car and takes lavish European vacations, guess grifting works for her.
WOW! She sounds worse than my best friend Bob!!!.
LOL, not Bob!!
Read my post above! I do not know about anything about the car expensive vacations etc There was talk in the house to start a fund for Raven which Paul and the others would help in some way? Paul was going to make shirts with a raven bird on them and donate the profits for her. Forgot the % he will donate. She talked about a go fund me account or something like it in the interview with Dominique! We shall see about these grifting accusations? I hope this is not true!
There is a go fund me account up run my her family and no mention of any second unknown disease or it being terminal(gastroparesis is not terminal). There are people complaining that have the condition or care for someone with it that Raven is not being honest about her health. As someone with the same issue , pacemakers are covered by some insurances. If Raven feels like they help her that much (only about 10% of patients keep them because they just don’t help enough) , sadly long term she needs to find a way to get insurance that will cover it. I wish insurance was different but people take jobs they hate to get insurance to cover all sorts of conditions or move to another state. I grew up in ma, I love the east, I miss it, but I live in the 112 degree desert of the southwest now because of insurance and doctors. I have accepted there is a reason I’m here and had to leave my life behind. I know Raven loves dance and has her own business but sadly it may be better to work for a dance studio that will give her group coverage. She can’t ask for others to pay for her lifetime of care. Not to be harsh, but she can choose to move to a state that has coverage , get a job that has coverage or go on disability and Medicare covers the surgery. There are so many people with everything from transplant drugs, cancers, connective tissue disease, and so many rare conditions that are in the same boat. Not everyone can get funds for lifetime care from gofundme. Raven has it better than the vast majority of people in her condition. I have seen people living in RVs in the hospital parking lot, homeless, bankrupt, and have their families walk away. Raven has family, career, doctors, housing, and support, she is luckier then many in her condition.
I miss Evel Dick. I really enjoy hearing what he thinks.
Definitely one of the top BB players!
Terminal bird Ha!
She is terminal obviously you do not watch the live feeds only the production fed shows where CBS shows you what they want and not anything what is truly going on in the house! You should be ashamed
of your ignorant comments! She has 2 terminal illnesses! Gastroparesis which I mentioned here last week and without replacing her pacemaker like every 3 months or so should would die! It costs 20,000 each she said! That is 80,000 a year and she is in over 200K of debt. Her mom has this disease also! She also has a disease that is unknown and they are looking for a cure! She will die in 2-3 years max if they cannot find a cure for her unknown disease! It was her dream to play BB so BB was fine with it! Also she said she does not want anyone’s pity just to make friends with the time she has left. You should see her interview with Dominique! She is not faking with her pacemaker and wears clothes she likes even if she likes wearing shorts and a shirt that shows off her stomach as she is a dancer so what?
I don’t think your timeline is accurate. Raven said the other night she is on her third pacemaker since she was diagnosed as a teen. They need to be replaced every two to five years not multiple times a year. She’s been doing publicity and trying to connect with celebrities and appear on talk shows for years to raise funds. There’s lots of video clips from news stations online.
Ok thanks about the timeline. I only know what I see on the feeds or read online. I do not know about her doing publicity or talk shows to raise funds etc Some people here accused her of being a grifter and liar! I hope this is not the case! I doubt she is lying about her terminal illnesses!
She said that during her Dominque talk show interview on the feeds about it being replaced every few years, not months.
Yes that is true. She mentioned lots of things about Gastroparesis her pacemakers etc
I have gastroparesis, along with vascular EDS as the cause. Gastroparesis is not fatal. It is not fun and there are bad days but it is not terminal. The pacemaker does NOT need to be changed every 3 months, it lasts ten years or more. Im going to the Mayo Clinic this week to see one of the best doctors that has dedicated his life to this condition and I will ask again if there is some new unknown fatal co-disease. There are about 4 co-disease that go hand in hand with autonomic dysfunction and gastroparesis. Vascular EDS the one I have, the average lifespan is 46, let’s say I’m not too far from that age, but I don’t call myself terminal. With gastroparesis and EDS ,I missed over 120 days of high school, 2 airlines ban me from flying, my father worked a job he hated to get insurance to cover me, I can’t live where I want because of lack of access to medical care, I can’t drive more then 10 miles, I only eat one meal a day, I could list more negatives but the vast majority of people don’t know my condition because I don’t complain. Most people see me as the women who was able to get 2 masters degrees, have 2 kids, and I have spent the last 15 years working with the abused and disabled in a rural area that no one else wants to come to help. I don’t want to be remembered as the women that doesn’t eat or can’t eat, I want to be remembered as someone that made a difference. If Raven gave the correct facts it would be great to bring awareness , but she is not. It is not just me but many others with the condition are upset she is not giving the correct facts.
Thank you for the information on this condition.
Ok thanks for sharing as lots of people do not know all the facts myself included except what we can google online! Every persons situation is different disease or otherwise! What has she said that she is not telling truth? Also congrats on your degrees kids helping others with your job that most would not do and leading a decent life to help others and being positive example with Gastroparesis! I just get sick of BB fans talking out of their butts not knowing stuff not watching the live feeds etc
Thanks for saying this. I also heard her saying she had 2 terminal conditions. If true very sad but if it would be my case I would live life the best as I can. Wich would not involved passing 3 months stuck in a house with strangers. But I understand this can be a dream come through to play big brother. But to me she plays much more bachelorette the big brother!!!
It was her dream to play BB! I feel bad for her and hope they can find a cure for her before she dies! She has Gastroparesis as she has a pacemaker in her stomach. The pacemaker needs to be replaced and costs 20,000 K each time! It is treatable but incurable disease. Also she has unknown disease that will also kill her if they do not find cure soon. She has 2-3 years max to live if cure for unknown disease is not found. I do not think she is lying about this. People in the house want to start a fundraising account for her. Paul is doing something with his clothing business where he will make t-shirts with a Raven bird on it and sell these for her and donate the profits to her! Not sure how much he will donate % wise but still nice of him! Even Cody wants to help RAVEN!
That’s pretty sad. And it’s nice that people wants to be generous with her. But their are things in this that doesn’t really reach me with how she manages it.
As sad and difficult it might be for her, I don’t thing that trying to get attention and bringing almost every conversation you have about that will bring awareness and sympathy in the long run. People stop listening and just see you as a victim or a complainer. That’s to me why I lose sympathy. Second, I don’t think big brother is the right forum for that. Like most fans said, it’s a game we love to watch over the summer. Now it becomes a “let’s have rave win she needs the money”. Or a charity.
Again, it’s my opinion and it might sound rude. But it doesn’t mean I have no compassion for her.
Well I do not think she is telling everyone about her illnesses in most conversations but unless living in the house who knows? I agree too much talking about it can turn people off if complaining too much. I do not think she is doing that but obviously the house guests being trapped in the house will discuss everybody’s business more than they should even out of boredom! She seems very positive and appreciates life and does not let her illnesses get her down from what I have seen and heard on the feeds. Glad you have compassion for her! Thanks.
Raven said the other night she is on her third pacemaker since she was diagnosed as a teen. They need to be replaced every two to five years not multiple times a year.
I know right!???!!!!
I wonder why is Raven in Paul’s favor? I assumed he was going to start working with Alex, but maybe since she’s not really asking opinions about who she should put out on the block. She is talking to everyone but everyone knows she will probably not be swayed on her decisions easily? That’s kinda weird that people are helping people win, I agree.
I think we will find out how their alliance will fair after she is no longer HOH.
It’s just annoying is what it is. And Raven is not doing too badly outside the house, she is just milking it.
It’s the Princess Leia buns. Makes everyone go, “Awwww, she’s so cute!” LOL
The cute look can take you far, I think it also worked for Nicole.
But it is annoying, I agree.
My take away from the pics, Dom washed her hair???? Maybe Mess will follow suit.
Mess? (Thanks….I haven’t followed closely obviously….lol)
Before Raven can win, she has to actually start playing the game. Alex says Paul won’t lie? And monkeys just flew out of my butt! Sounds like Christmas really got crunched! That was a quite a crunchy snapping noise. That is going to give her grief at times for the rest of her life. I got the same thing. Ouch!
OMG poor Christmas, 10 bones, unbelievable. Not getting her complete mobility back, is a life changing event. Just goes to show you never know what is waiting for you.
I know what’s waiting for her. Lots of limping when the weather changes, etc..
And when it doesn’t, too. My son has a titanium rod in his leg and it ALWAYS bothers him.
And yet she’s still in the game. Hmm.
I’m sorry what does that mean if I may ask? Plenty of people have made it far w/ out winning any comps – physical or mental?!
I mean they can’t afford to lose any more people if they are to stick to their schedule because Meghan quit.
And season 1 winner Eddie McGee had one leg, played the entire season on crutches.
Well I’ll give Paul this- he know he won’t win
BB Co. screwed Cody over by giving Paul a secret THREE WEEK nominee safety. While it’s a temptation season, it was a little much to bring in a previous runner up and then give him immediate safety for 3 weeks to play a his hard game and take out a guy who already had to nominate so many different people causing him ill will. Paul won’t win if anyone in that house is smart, his BB favouritism should have a thinking player (not the fan groupies he has now) win the HOH in week 4 and take him out. Until then he’s untouchable and that’s crazy. He’s an awesome social player, should have started his journey this season like the rest and then BB introduce that safety temptation closer to mid season when everyone has had a level playing field start.
Isn’t this the last week of Den of temptation?
Voting for the Halting Hex doesn’t end until the 19th, so it’s not in play until next week. Which makes sense, since it would interfere with the Battle Back if it was used this week.
“4:20 PM BBT – Alex goes to find Alex.”
How existential.
4:20pm —- Branden’s paragraph makes NO sense LOL 😜
4:20pm Branden was smoking a “Big Fatty”🤔 hence why his 420 – Feed Convo made NO sense at all! 😬😳😶😏😜😝🤣😁😄🙃😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Thanks 🙏 for the HUGE laugh 😂 you provided me!!