Big Brother 19 Final 3: Who Should Win? Season Stats And Strategies

It’s Big Brother 19 Finale Week (Finale Eve to be exact), so that means one of the remaining three houseguests will soon be crowned the latest winner of Big Brother.

Will it be the “vet” who played back-to-back who gets redemption after coming in second place last season? Or will it be his protege who did most of his dirty work all season who takes the win? Or maybe it’ll be the last female standing (on one foot)? With the way the jury is shaping up, it’s anyone’s guess who will win. But based on the season’s statistics and strategies, it’s pretty clear who should be rewarded and who shouldn’t. Let’s take a closer look at the final 3.


I have very little good to say about Christmas’ game. Which is typical in recent final 3 scenarios. There’s always one person who was either completely dragged to the end, or someone who ended up there out of luck and shouldn’t have even come close to that position. In my opinion, that person is Christmas this season.

She made none of her own moves, falling at Paul’s feet at every turn. Her competition wins were thrown to her, and her social game has been on the decline the entire season.

However, the one thing that makes it an actual disgrace to see her at this point in the game is that she is now considering telling both Paul and Josh to take each other to Final 2 and she’s fine landing in 3rd place. I have to say, though, the way this season has played out with all the comp throwing and idiotic moves, I’m not at all surprised.

Does Christmas deserve to win Big Brother 19? Absolutely not. She deserves it less than BB18 James and BB16 Victoria. No. No. No. OK, maybe not less than James.

Can Christmas win Big Brother 19? I’m going to say no, since neither Paul nor Josh are going to take her to the end. I do think she could possibly beat Paul, however, just based on what we’re hearing coming from the jury this season. But right now, I’m going with no; Christmas will finish third.


I think Josh has been the most surprising houseguest this season. He’s gone from the biggest target in Week 1 (thank you, golden apple intended for Paul) to the person now most-likely to walk away with the $500,000 Wednesday night.

Josh hasn’t played the best game. Or the cleanest game. He’s been terrible at jury management, having fought with almost every member of the jury at one time or another. But Josh was upfront with everyone, unlike Paul. So depending on what the jury is thinking, Josh could be rewarded for being honest and not lying to everyone like Paul did.

It’s really starting to look like Josh stands a real chance at winning this season. I think Josh’s goodbye messages to Jason, Alex and Kevin could really help him in the end. I’d go as far to say those messages were his best game moves from the entire season. They completely negated Paul’s messages and clearly helped create a rift in the jury. Good move for sure.

Does Josh deserve to win Big Brother 19? Against Christmas, 100 percent yes. Against Paul, no. If Josh does beat Paul, it won’t be completely undeserving, but no one who followed Paul’s every command deserves to win over Paul himself. Sure, Josh had his doubts about Paul and contemplated making a strike against him, but those moves were never made.

Can Josh win Big Brother 19? Definitely. If he does end up winning Part 3 of the final HOH and does decide to make that move (but don’t expect that to happen), then Josh will win Big Brother 19. And even if he is sitting next to Paul at the end, he can still win. Right now, I think we can only be certain Paul has Raven’s and Matt’s votes. He’s still got to come up with at least three more to win. He’ll get Christmas’ vote when she walks out the door Wednesday, so that  leaves two more. It might be hard for Paul to get them. We’ll see.


Note: Yes, I’m aware that Cody tried to nominate Paul, but technically he wasn’t nominated. 

This time last year, I was sitting here writing this same post about this same person. Last year, however, I was pouring my heart into a thoughtful analysis of a hard-working underdog who was sure to win Big Brother 18 and definitely deserved it. That, of course, didn’t happen, and Paul returned this season for another shot. And here we are.

Can he do it this time? I’m not sure of that. As I’ve already mentioned, though, Paul does deserve to win this season. He’s controlled the entire house, and even though he did start the game out with safety, there were a number of times he could have been targeted and evicted, but no one made the move.

Paul’s game this season has been a bit darker and dirtier, which has divided a lot of his fans and has left him as one of the most unpopular players this season. That’s a huge change from last year. But does that mean he shouldn’t win this season? No way. Everyone loves that question at the beginning of every season: Would you rather win and be hated or lose and be loved. We ALWAYS want them to say win and be hated. But as soon as they play the game that way, we just want them to lose and hate them anyway. I don’t know why that is. But I’m throwing that thinking out the window. You don’t have to be a nice person to play a good game of Big Brother.

Does Paul deserve to win Big Brother 19? Yes. Does he deserve it as much as he did last season? No. But he does deserve to win over Josh or Christmas. He is why they are there and he is why every person sitting in jury is sitting in jury.

Can Paul win Big Brother 19? I once thought Paul would win the game unanimously. But then Paul started lying in his goodbye messages. People don’t like being lied to. Paul should have owned his moves in his goodbye messages. He will have very little time Wednesday night to own his game, and even then, most jurors have already made up their minds anyway. So right now, I’m going to say yes, Paul can still win BB19. But there’s a bigger chance he loses this season than there was last season. Sorry, Paul. Good luck.



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  1. Josh outplayed Paul with his goodbye messages.

    Paul’s entire strategy is playing without getting blood on his hands. Josh essentially negated it.

    I don’t think Paul knows Josh like he thinks he does.

      • What’s even more incredible is it can all be for naught just because Josh told the truth in his goodbyes.

        We’ll see.

      • idk- sitting all alone and saying a quick GB message versus actually doing something in the house- I don’t see it as this big monumental move at all- in fact it is a bit cowardly… just my view but we will see how the jury see’s it soon

      • its not over though- the last night and speech could be him doing just that- if he makes it that far

      • It’s just in striking contrast to what Paul said … and with the final three being exactly who Josh named, it might have an impact.

        But … everything is opinion and conjecture. We just don’t know. I gather many don’t care either.

      • But Josh warned each of them about Paul, but no one would listen to him. Even tried to tell Jessica and Cody, but they both ignored him. If Jessica had not given up her game and $500k for Cody she would be in the F3 not Paul.

        I’m hoping that Josh wins the Final HOH tonight against Paul and takes Christmas. I really dislike the fact that Paul continued the lies even in the good-bye messages thinking that will help them in jury.

      • Paul played a perfect game! Just like Dr. Will and the other winners…you lie to win. Paul played husband butt off!

      • Josh was also a jerk to Matt, Cody and Kevin. Paul put him up to it. Paul controlled Josh for a few weeks.

      • It’s not all about comp wins. You have to manage the jury because after all they’re the ones that decide if you deserve the prize. And he sucked at that.

      • I know, and I mentioned that Paul got everyone to throw the RSW comp to o Xmas. I also think production is at some fault for tempting Paul.

  2. I find it funny when people are complaining about Paul’s 3 weeks of safety. How about that season when the vets were coaches they had safety .
    ..then became players. They were paired up with someone too to keep as an alliance. Nobody cried about it that season.

    • The coach’s were various different people’s favorites from past seasons so they got a past from alot of fans as there was some one to gravitate to. I was hoping they would join the game and not sure if they would have if Dan’s team was not obliterated and Britney’s team was not self-destructive. That being said Ian won it over Dan and Ian deserved it. So a non vet can win over a vet as long as their game is solid. This season sadly none of them tried.

  3. I don’t think Josh was a big target week 1. Most annoying and in your face yes. An older season he would have been an easy hoh target to get rid of. The golden apple should have sunk his game but Cody’s nomination fiasco saved him as a huge target emerged. I don’t think it was designed for Paul either it was designed for someone insecure like Josh to have his whole team hate him and target him but alas the only one to suffer from it was Meagan. Paul would have seen the apple as target magnet and never have taken it. The apple and diary rooms of Josh’s was the moment I didn’t like Josh and his later moments never changed my mind just worsened him for me to the point I liked Paul slightly more then him.

      • So if that were true, I wonder if that would have delayed the PoP coming into play another week so that Paul could have even longer to be safe.

      • Ya if it was anyone else it could have been one week or one time coverage. His could have been set to 4 week coverage if he got the apple. Leaves alot up to CBS discretion.

      • Everyone still theorizing that “production gave” Paul the PoP?? That was voted on by America, right? Sorry, but I do not believe in that conspiracy theory. I believe that most BB watchers believe that Paul should have won last season and voted for him to receive this safety, period.

      • I never said anything about conspiracies. All I questioned was if Paul had gotten the golden apple, would the PoP temptation have been delayed. And notice I started out by ‘if that were true’

      • I know, not saying you. Just seeing a lot of others saying it. I just happened to comment on your post, sorry. I should have started another thread. My

      • And production knew everyone would vote for Paul in the first temptation. Why do you think they made it the best one?

      • Well, it is Big Brother. You know that they do maintain a great deal of control in some form. Be it with which comps they choose to use to give someone an advantage , or disadvantage – or what kinds of questions they ask in the DR, you know that they have their hands in it somehow.

      • Totally agree,and production had no way to predict Kevin would take the 25,000 either,if not Paul would have remained on the outside this season..Paul is darn good at this game but some people want to accuse and blame others for his game skils,happens year after year….never changes here,same old song and dance.

      • Very..same people every year love to revel in calling BB rigged,nothing more than sour grapes for the most part.

  4. I don’t feel any of these 3 deserve to win, but with that said? I have to go with Josh. Josh out played Paul by getting the message out in the DR. Making Paul’s brags of having each players back, when he actually played them all. Paul had a very nasty social game this time around! No Friendship ( he has bashed every HG behind there backs) No Social ( Paul lost my respect when he excited the HG, (Josh the most) to get Cody to get so made he harm another house guest. In hopes to get Cody Evicted from the game. WINS?????? Not when he told the house guest to had them to him? Paul does not deserve to win.

  5. 500 pots and pans later, I have to go with Josh. Even though I think Paul will be with Josh in F2, I think the jury will be too bitter. I know Paul will have Maven and Xmas, but Cody, Kevin, and Alex are all toss-ups at best. To be honest, even though Josh won comps that weren’t thrown to him, Paul still played the best game out of the two. Also, I don’t think Paul’s PoP would’ve mattered as much as people say it would’ve. My thinking is that Paul would’ve probably won the battle back, get revenge on Cody by evicting him, and then get back to where he is now. In addition, I don’t think Paul would’ve had to battle someone from the house to get back in if he won parts 1 and 2 of the battle back. Had that all happened, I think Paul would’ve won against Josh hands down.

    • Thats debatable about PoP, if he could have rallied the votes to stay then maybe it would have turned out this way. If he had gone he wouldn’t have had the four weeks to mold these people to his way of thinking. He got alot of leverage with that safety and time without threat of going up on the block to “coach” these players to get the control he exercised all season.

      • Plus, I think more than anything, Cody pulling that rogue move and nominating Paul without talking to his alliance, got Paul a lot of sympathy in the house and laid the foundation for the loyalty that followed.

      • I think the biggest advantage Paul had in the game was Cody. Made a big move at the wrong time, blind sided his alliances, and then completely gave up. He was such a disappointment.

    • IDK….I honestly think Mark and Elena are pretty level headed and will reward Paul for his gameplay. I really feel the only way Josh wins is sitting with Christmas.

      • Totally agree, tkportersat. CBS wants us to think the jurors are bitter against Paul, but in actuality, they will reward Paul with the top prize due to his total control of everything that happened all summer. No way will they vote for the crybaby who did everything he could to annoy them.

      • I agree. Some seem unsure of what Alex will do, she clearly stated if Paul is sitting in F2 her vote will go to him. No matter what Josh said in his Good-bye message it wont change her opinion of Paul. She still trusted him while she was walking out the door. But it’s true, if Josh wins part3 he has to take christmas if he wants to win the game..taking Paul would be the dumbest move. I couldn’t believe when he was talking to the cameras he actually said his only way to win was against Paul…god, Paul is still in that man childs head. I just hope he goes back to when he told christmas he would take her to F2. I still just want to see that smug look wiped from Pauls face. I liked him on his season but this time around, I don’t like him at all. Can’t wait for the Finale!!!! lol

    • Paul will have Maven and Xmas. And I think he has Kevin, too. (Kevin won’t vote for Josh.) That means he needs just one more vote. I don’t think Mark (or Elena) would vote for Josh to win over Paul. I think it’ll be Paul at the end. We shall see…

      • For sure, Maven,Christmas, Kevin. Almost positive Alex vote. Thats his win right there. Enough said,..but sometimes I like too go with the what if….scenario. For sure Josh can take $50k to the bank.

  6. BB is a game and Paul has played it hard. He played the hg’s and now almost all of them know it. So, if Paul is in the final and the majority of jury members now decide to play Paul and vote against him, touchѐ. Checkmate is always a great thing to be able to say in the end.

    • But don’t you think the jury would consider who’s played the better game? If for some reason Paul changes his mind and takes Xmas, I’m not sure if the jury would vote for her because the only thing she had was a decent social game.

      • If a jury is to be used then every aspect of how the game was played should be considered.

        If it’s just objective “game play” … then do away with the jury.

        Have the final two do a last competition to determine the winner.

      • 100% agree. The jury adds subjectivity to determining the winner and makes it more interesting/entertaining. Paul was masterful at manipulation but now it’s out of his hands. Will his behavior and treatment of others come back to hurt him? We shall see.

      • I would like to see the jury pick a best player for say a 100K prize then UK style public vote for the winner, that way we the viewer get a say.

      • Maybe we get one vote but I don’t like that we’d control the game. People would vote for favorites and not players. They did that season one and I didn’t like it.

      • NO. WAY. The people online are some of the most bitter, emotional people I’ve ever seen. They’d vote for whoever was the nicest, not who played the best game. They’d vote for a floater over someone that made a bad comment one time but played a brilliant game.

      • The game involves physical, strategy and social. Jury members can use whatever criteria they want to decide who they think should win the $500k. They were in the game, not us, they had the experience, they have only the info that they have. Based on that, I say let them decide for themselves and if they don’t vote for your favorite, that doesn’t make them wrong.

      • I agree, I think it should only be up to the ones that played the game to pick the winner. If it does get down to Paul/Josh F2, the jury knows that they both have done crap its up to them to decide who is the lesser of the two evils.

  7. I don’t believe in the bad guy winning at the end of the story so I don’t want Paul to win, he played a very nasty game. Christmas should not win , she should not have even been allowed to stay in the house as she could not compete in most of the comps. That leaves obnoxious cry baby Josh. Oy!
    This season sucked!!!

    • Josh was a bad guy too so was Christmas. Which one would say should win then? Not like any of them are innocent. They all attacked people, granted if was all at Pauls urging but they still did it and have to take responsibility for it. Paul would claim someone said/did something and Josh/Christmas/Raven were always the first ones to run off to confront that person. They never asked if that person said it, they just believed Paul. None of them could confront anyone one on one, the Paul puppy alliance all had to get involved. Josh was the worst, he would pull out the pots and pans and call the person names and when that person would respond to defend themselves, you would see Josh run off to another room crying and calling that person a ‘bully’ (I hate that word but I’m using it as Josh did). I guess Josh doesn’t think anything he did fell into the category of being bully. Josh is a man child, he can dish it but he can’t take it. I still think the jury should be able to vote for the owl to win. The poor owls had to put up with those people..LOL. To me, Paul was the biggest disappointment this year.

      • That is what really turned me off this season. You can’t confront me one on one? I don’t need your POSSE. BYE!!!
        All of that was plain stupid and childish.

      • I agree. It was all orchestrated by Paul. Josh/christmas would never say anything if they didn’t have the others to back them up and jump in when one of them was losing the confrontation. But the funniest thing was whenever Raven jumped in, she was a clueless as they came, she made sh1t up as she went along. Josh as i said can dish it but can’t take it, he would run off crying when the person would argue back with him. The pots and pans were the most childish immature thing I have ever seen from a so-called ‘man’ in his 20s. I just hope that majority of the top 10 watch back and realize how they came across to the viewers. Love that Josh and Christmas think they will be AFP…saddest is that Raven thinks she has it. LOL. Hate that ppl are voting for Cody for AFP, think many are only doing it because of their disdain for Paul. Stupid and childish is all the majority of them have been this season. lol

      • Cody was the worst HG ever. Rude, arrogant and always angry unless he was with Jessica in a room alone. Even then he was angry. He deserves no more than the stipend for being in the JH.

  8. Paul did play a bit dirty but i still like him.

    Josh is out of his mind crazy and needs help, all the correct moves he made, i think he him self i barely aware of those moves.

    Christmas is like the injured sports player who sits on the side of the game and wishes she could have played the series, but she never gets the chance to show her abilities because injured she is. So she is just happy of the team wins and has given up from the start.

    • Ya I don’t think Josh is self aware enough to know of his own moves. His diary room could have been 30 minutes of goodbye rambling. Then production edits to make it look good. The cuts were really noticable in them.

  9. I wonder how many of those Paul wins did production throw at him. I think 97% Josh deserves to win against Paul. Yes Paul used his social and manipulative skills to get people evicted, but who was there right next to him doing all the dirty work, none other than his fake best bud Josh. Christmas is the best floater to take for either of the two. The apple was meant for him + he was getting 3 weeks of safety + Mark gave him the week’s safety even though he didn’t need it. Too many gifts ruin the game and the player.

  10. Given the HGs we had this season I have to say Paul & Josh have actually played the game. Not saying I like their styles, but they did actually play. It would’ve been a totally different game if things had of worked out better for Cody’s HOH in the beginning and Paul didn’t have the PoP in his pocket, but oh well. It is what it is. Even though it’s in both Paul & Josh’s best interest to take Christmas to the F2, I don’t want them to. She doesn’t even deserve 2nd place IMO.

  11. I have been divided in my opinion as to who should win. But a striking point for Paul in this article is “He is why Josh and Christmas are in the final and he is why every person sitting in jury is sitting in jury”. He can centre on this to the jury as a reason he is more deserving than the other person standing.

  12. I guess everything hinges on Josh.

    If he wins, will he ax Paul?

    I don’t think he has the balls, but we shall see.

  13. Honestly I am one of the few that don’t think he deserved to win last season. However I think he played the best game because really nobody (except Cody and Jess) were playing. The jury is very bitter, but ultimately it is a game and no matter how clean or how dirty you play it he deserves to win. He ran the house the whole time and nobody could stop him. Do I like him NO WAY but if I were a juror I would vote for him to win.

    • I didn’t think Paul should have won last season either. I couldn’t stand him, but I hated Nichole even more and didn’t think she played at all so I preferred if he got the prize instead.

    • The thing about is he did not let anyone play the game. He called the shots! Between Josh and Christmas, Paul played the best game.

    • jess did not do a whole lot while cody was gone- on the other hand once she was gone he did try with one or two conversations to stay
      I see paul for the win

    • “He ran the house the whole time and nobody could stop him. ” Better said, nobody WOULD stop him. Doesn’t make Paul look any better; it just makes the jury look worse.

    • I did not think Paul deserved to win last year either. This year I do. He is playing the best game. Dirty and underhanded, yes, but that is kind of the game.
      And I don’t think Jess or Cody were playing the game. Cody tried, once, for a minute, it blew up and he just let it. Then he and Jess spend the majority of game in bed, or hammock or whatever saying how much they hated everyone else in the game. Even in the jury house, Cody tells us every time the camera is on him, he hates the house, he hates the people. Not playing the game. Jess played it for a week or two, but it did not go her way and she quit playing too. She is probably playing more now that she is gone.
      Besides Paul, the only other people really playing I would say would be Mark, Alex and Josh. Now Paul has manipulated Alex and Josh’s games but they have both expressed that they were trying to win. Mark just played a bad game.
      Right now I would vote for Paul first, if not available then Josh. But the thing with Josh is that everything he has done has been dictated by Paul. Dropping a few words in good bye messages to push the blame to Paul is not exactly genius game play. And personally, I find it hard to believe that without Josh stating the obvious these people would not have put it together themselves. Paul, Cody, Elena and Jason all knew that Paul is behind every decision in that house. And even if they were in the dark, Alex would have filled them in.

  14. I don’t know how bitter Alex is, but since she’s a gamer, she might “respect” Paul’s game. So, I think Kevin is a straight-up guy & he’ll vote Paul … Xmas will be pro-Paul + Maven … voila – 5 votes. But who knows .🤔

    • Christmas, Matt, Raven, Cody, Alex and probably Jason will vote Paul and I’m not sure about Elena and Mark, but they may vote for him as well and he only needs 5. Josh will need to man up for the first time in his life and fight for that win against his puny opponent. I still think it’s rigged, but I always hope for the opposite.

    • However disappointed Alex is, she is a gamer who respects no other person in the house except Paul but like Jason. She will likely vote for Paul than anyone else.

  15. Why is everyone into the “must win comps to win the game”? Remember Dr. Will won NOTHING and won the game. Yes, BB2 didn’t have all the vetoes and special powers, but he won based on strategy. Some of the winners didn’t have big comp wins: Lisa 2 HOHs and 1 Veto, Jun 1 HOH and 1 Veto, Maggie 1 HOH and 1 Veto, Adam 2 HOH and 1 Veto, Jordan 2 HOH and 1 Veto, Derrick 3 HOH (not including the one that he got dethroned). (I tried to make it 3 wins or less). With that, it doesn’t matter how much you win, it depends on your social game and how you played the game! I’m not saying comp wins are not something to think about, but I am saying it should be the main decision of the game. If we did that, then Paul should have won last season, with one comp win over Nicole. People saying that Kevin shouldn’t win, since he didn’t win anything, isn’t true. He did play a great game, maybe not the best, but he was kept alive for so long (Yes, I know he was terrible at comps and that was one main reason to keep him til final 4, but he did have decent social game).

    • I think, Paul, Kevin and Josh played the best game and although Jason was good at comps and was alright with the social skills, his strategy was not great at all. All 4 of those players did or said something disgusting, but they played the game. The rest were just disgusting at everything.

      • That is because Jason’s strategy was “listen to Alex.” Alex’s strategy was “listen to Paul.” And Paul’s strategy was use Jason and Alex as shields until they no longer serve a purpose and then pick them off. Did not work very well for Jason. If Alex had not listed to Paul, she/Jason or would be in final 3. Jason’s flaw may have been listening to Alex, but without Alex he likely would not have made it as far as he did.
        Alex is the one who disappoints me. I think if she came back, she would do a lot better next time.

      • Both Alex and Jason could have beaten anyone in the comps. They definitely could have gone to the end.

    • I think Josh deserves the win at this point. My reasoning: Paul hid behind others. Yes, he got them all to do all the moves etc. BUT Josh was out there. He didn’t hide his moves he put them out there. He bullied people, all 3 did. However, Josh owned his moves, Paul hid behind others keeping his hands clean. I think Raven and Matt will vote Paul and all others will agree Josh took the bullets for most of the moves thought up by Paul and implemented by Josh.

      • I agree mostly with that statement. He did come up with a couple of things on his own. However, Paul was not willing to get any dirt on himself. He had a house full of followers this season for sure. While Paul talked the talked, many others walked it. I have always believed actions speak louder than words.

      • Agreed, but Paul’s actions were to have the others “walk the walk” for him. His control over all of these HGs to me is the highest level of game play. He had others lose comps at will. What other player has had that kind of control over so many other players, ever? None that I can think of. And, to be in so many other alliances at the same time with none of the others being the wiser…amazing!!!

      • Yes, this exactly. Plus, if Paul were in the game and Josh somehow came up with this plan on his own, which is unlikely (golden apple anyone) he would have been out ages ago. Paul is the salesman here and without him “selling it”, the plan is nothing but a bunch of crazy talk that results in you making too big of a move, ticking off your alliance and making yourself a target. (Cody do you hear me).

      • If you mean did he think of them? Some, certainly not all. However, I feel there is a difference in words vs actions. With Paul it was all words….Josh go do this, Josh go do that, you should do this, you should do that. Josh filtered the things and took action, and owned what he did. I didn’t agree with all he did but he certainly got the dirty hands from his actions. Paul has no dirty hands. He gloats about that.

    • Josh was handed the last veto win by Kevin. Or maybe it was an HoH? Can’t remember but it’s the one before Alex went home. Kevin knew all of the answers and could’ve won but threw it because of Paul, yet again.

      • Yeah. Paul told Kevin to throw it to Josh. Kevin could’ve easily won the comp but ended up throwing it. I was just saying that yes, Josh was handed a win in that situation.

      • Are you sure he knew all the answers? Only one answer did Kevin admit he knew it was one person and picked another. Also Josh had to get the right answers to win. He could of gotten them all wrong.

      • It seems he made the comment in the DR that he knew all of the answers. Maybe I misunderstood? It also seems like on the answer he got wrong that he said, “I knew it was the little girl (Nicole)” but he answered with Jesse instead, which gave Josh the win.

  16. I don’t feel like Josh’s DR goodbyes are as powerful as we all make them out to be. The jury gets to watch footage of the game (just comps?) and talk to the latest juror(s), so the truth likely ooze out one way or another… e.g. Alex’s “This is for you Jason!” after winning HOH, or the obvious false-starts for Christmas’s HOH.

    In the end, jurors can vote exactly however they choose. I rank overall strategy and gameplay as a top criterion. Although both Paul and Josh both had some nasty gameplay styles this season, I do have to hand it to Paul for rallying the house around him and teaming up with three different pairs until the end, slowly evicting each pair. Brilliant.

    • Yep. Brilliant gameplay from our perspective; not sure if the jurors will swallow their pride and vote for the guy who “played” them.

    • I agree about the DR goodbyes and have said it myself, more than once. I don’t think Josh blew up Paul’s game. I think it was pretty apparent as soon as they got the news from Julie that they had been evicted what happened. And if somehow they missed the memo, the jury would have filled them in. Cody knew who was running the house. Mark knew and even Elena knew. Jason may have mistakenly thought Alex was in on it but even though Jason was not the most “perceptive” player, he knew Paul was running the show. The only person who did not see it, was Raven, but, well that is a different story…

  17. Paul’s lies will only go against him if the jurors believe they are lies and herein lies the beauty of idiot jurors

  18. Paul winning Big Brother 19 would be the equivalent of Willie winning Big Brother 14.

    It can’t happen. It just can’t.

    • I wouldn’t mind if Josh takes him out and win just for that one move alone. I also wouldn’t mind a bitter jury. Doesn’t make sense to me to orchestrate personal attacks against other players unnecessarily and then cry foul when said players respond in kind with personal votes. However, sitting next to Josh in F2, he deserves the win.

  19. I know I mentioned this before- but if there are any Survivor fans out there- Australian Survivor is getting really good- if you can stream or DL it would be worth it! I think I am liking it better than the US show- they do air twice a week though – SO much better than BB
    They are doing the same stuff as BB- all the outrage about lying on these blogs…I don’t get it- its part of the show and the entertainment of it… the bashing of the players here is as bad as what they are doing to eachother in the house

  20. “Would you rather win and be hated or lose and be loved?” And therein lies the difference between Paul and Josh. What we’ve all been trying to verbalize all season, Branden wrapped up in one simple question.

  21. If I was Josh I would tell Paul right now that if he cuts me and takes X to F2 then I would absolutely vote for X in jury.

    Even if it wasn’t true I would still say that to him to psych him out to let him know he’s absolutely down one vote if he doesn’t take me. He already knows that X will vote for him so why would he do that then? It would guarantee me at least $50,000 pretty much.

  22. I’m concerned about Josh in R3 – especially if it’s the Scales of Just-Us. That high in the air … what if Josh has a panic attack and starts crying that he has a fear of heights?

  23. Should Paul win (maybe) But I hope he doesn’t win because of his lies to each house guest ousted each week! Christmas never she shouldn’t never had been left in the house after she got hurt! She should of been given the chance to come back next year! She never competed in most of the comp! She was left in by CBS for a sure vote each time for Pauls wishes! CBS rigged the whole season for Paul! But in the last 6 weeks wished they wouldn’t have favored Paul with his Lieing his bullying and his racist remarks! Josh never really had a brain of his own but was honest after the houseguest was sent packing! So I want Josh to win even though he is very brain less person!

  24. This has probably been one of the more dissapointing BB seasons ever. Right from the start, I didn’t really want to see Paul return or see him receive such a big advantage over the rest of the house. Then the almost immediate showmances were ridiculous. Further evidence that being in a showmance is a terrible game move and it isn’t very much fun to watch. Josh has a lot of issues and I never expected him to make it more than a few weeks. He was very annoying and at times almost unbearable to watch. However, I was never a fan of Christmas or Paul. In the end I guess I would rather see Josh luck out or have the jury not give Paul enough votes to win. On the bright side, it won’t be hard for future BB seasons to be more entertaining than this season has been.

  25. Paul was nominated… he was just never “on the block”. I still consider it a nomination even if it doesn’t officially go down as one.

    • He was never OTB and that’s what counts. He stats are the best and Josh wouldn’t have won the HOH or POV if it wasn’t thrown to him. Does it count if you had the win thrown in your lap?

  26. I bet these houseguest are anxious today. They wont sleep well tonight, knowing the big day is tomorrow. If by some CRAZY reason Paul (don’t think will happen) comes in 3rd, and no AFP, ….that will crush his little heart. Don’t think he will come back from that. He says he doesn’t care what AMERICA think….yeah right! He said you lose some, and win some. We know he lost some, do you think he gained any? From 2nd too 3rd, what a BLOW.
    Maybe then,… he will realize moving on with his life is best. Smh

  27. If Paul makes the F2,he wins hands down..even Cody would vote for him over Josh and so would Kevin and he’s already got Matthew and Raven and Alex will be a good sport in the end and stick with Paul,Jason will remain angry and vote that way,he would vote for “Victoria” over Paul if she was in the F2 this year..Paul has played one hec of game each day in the BB house,managed to keep every alliance intact on his side to the very end,no matter where the power shifted each week,he was prepared..his biggest threat toward the end was Jason and that’s why he’s sitting in the jury with Alex,now Alex could have possibly made the F2 but did not have the ‘go for the jugular instinct when needed’ and that proved fatal to her game.

  28. I only found this website last season. How long has this article been a feature because I want to see what you said for Andy (He was the absolute worst winner in my opinion). I am still mad at that.

  29. Does Paul, really think he can’t win over Christmas? Or is he just filling Josh head with Christmas stories, too secure his spot. Maybe he doesn’t want to sit next to a girl. (Flashbacks) Is there a chance he might take 12/25?…. and fool us all. Maybe not…Lol

  30. I hope josh wins, he agrivated me all year but he was honest and believes in our Lord sooo I pray he wins!

  31. The best show ever would be Josh winning the third round tomorrow night, and voting Paul out. That would be the biggest and best BB shocker of all time. The look on Paul’s face alone would last for me into the next season. That is a recording I would keep and watch over, and over, and over, and over, etc…………………….

  32. Okay, fair assessment, Branden. I’ll give you nearly full marks on this year’s article. Why? Because of your comparison of Christmas to BB18 James. Yes, she compares very well with Victoria. But James…

    … Well, let me put it like this. James earned his comp wins. He didn’t have people being extremely obvious about throwing comps to him. He won them outright.

  33. If Josh doesn’t cut Paul, Paul should absolutely win. Christmas…she hasn’t done anything!!! It’d be so pointless if they invite her back for another season.

  34. I have been looking at some old live feeds with Josh, Christmas and Paul. I wonder if Christmas and Paul will admit to their friendship BEFORE they came into the BB house. I think that Christmas’ and Paul’s denials to Josh were very weak.

  35. Worst desicion EVER in the history of Big Brother. I’ve watched every Season and usually the players voted for the BEST player in the end. This time, it was a bunch of whining CRY BABIES…especially Alex, Cody, Jason and Mark!! I hope to NEVER see these pathetic losers on another game show ever! I will boycott it! These players voted because they couldn’t admit who the best player was. Hell, even Christmas had the balls to vote the BEST PLAYER in!
    I’m disgusted!!! So sad for Paul, the true winner!!

    Alex, shame on you!! Yeah, go cross yourself again and try to sleep with yourself, denying the best player a win! You’re a nasty little piece of work you ignorant little crybaby B*tch! My heart goes out to Paul! Maybe CBS will give Paul his own show since he couldn’t get a decent jury!!

  36. The vote tonight has made me physically sick. CRYBABIES kept a fantastic player from winning!! The worst ones were the Marine and the devout Catholic!

    So terribly sad!!

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