Welcome to the first Eviction Day of Big Brother 19! We’ve got Christmas and Jillian on the Block after a wild PoV Ceremony that revealed Paul’s power of safety and Cody was forced to shift his goals. Now one of these two ladies will be evicted and the house is barreling toward a narrow decision.
There haven’t been major shifts since I looked at the vote on Tuesday, but we have had a few refinements on the “uncertain” votes. Unfortunately for my prediction, there’s still one vote that remains in a fog and that’s Josh’s. Here’s where we are on the rest.
Cody’s former allies have banded together to get out Jillian and keep Christmas. Cody kept Jessica by his side, but lost every single other member of his nine member team. That’s an impressive implosion.
Paul, Dominique, Matthew, Raven, Mark, and Elena have all bailed on Cody and are voting to evict Jillian. But that’s only six and this week you need seven of the twelve votes to avoid Cody having the tie-breaker which he would use to evict Christimas.
On the other side of the fence are the “outsiders” who were not part of the original mega alliance except for Jessica who continues to support Cody due to her showmance with him. On this side we’ve got Jessica, Alex, Ramses, Jason, and Kevin.
Initially I thought Kevin would vote along with Paul, but that’s not happening. Jason is also going with Alex instead of Paul. Ramses was also with the outsiders so he’ll stay there.
That gives the choice to Josh. He’s gone from definitely keeping Christmas to saying keeping Christmas is not the best for his game. He’s a mess and all over the place, but that’s just what we’d expect, right?
So what will Josh do? Despite all his concerns I think he does want to stick to his word with Paul. Last night he told the camera he wants to prove his loyalty to Paul through his actions. Voting out Christmas wouldn’t come close to that. The only road that leads there is through See-Ya-Jillian-Ville.
With that in mind I’ll place my bet on 7-5, Jillian you have been evicted from Big Brother 19.
But! No matter which way we see Josh go tonight, we’ll have a great show. If he blindsides Cody and Jessica then that whole side is furious. Should Josh betray Paul and company then they’re angry too. Josh has gone and dug himself a nice, deep hole no matter what he does. Lucky for us though, we reap the rewards. Hooray for Team Feeds!
Who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother? Share your thoughts below.
I honestly still don’t know where the votes lie. WhistleBritches keeps going back and forth, he’s on my sh*t list, especially after the F word he used the other day, not cool. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39dc9f6f812bab52c20256edee4939f5e3fbf5d151be2fd70ceb682fc7096999.jpg !! As long as my bae is safe, life is good.
He’s safe. He just needs to hush up a little after this week. Let the dust settle for a moment and then work on getting the awful Grody out! haha
What did he say?
Who is your bae?
Oh Jason said “I don’t want to look like a f*g!” to Jessica the other day. He put his hand over his mouth like uh-oh, but the ease with which he said that offensive word makes me believe he says it a lot! My son is gay, so I find that epithet particularly vulgar and offensive! Lost all respect for cowboy Jason after that!
Kevin is my bae. Whistlebritches used the term f*ggot, a couple of times. Not cool, at all.
I VTE Jillian, signed Jessica!
Right now both girls on the block are siting ducks. It doesn’t matter which one goes home, neither can actually be a threat to the game now.
Idk. Christmas has a decent social game. She’s lost her physical threat, but winning comps isn’t everything. Think Dr. Will and Derrick. Both won without being a comp beast. In fact, Will has never won a single comp ever.
Although, not comparing Xmas’s social game with Will Kirby…just saying it’s possible to win BB without winning comps.
In addition, if she can hang around for 6 weeks or so she may heal enough to be a physical threat too.
Very true. Good point. :)
Jillian who? So much for her being a threat. Christmas, tho, IMO has the capacity to influence people, swing votes and bind alliances – she can hobble very nicely to the DR to vote. I don’t count her out – yet. If/when she is actually able to compete physically, look out! Of course, if she lasts that long – who knows.
I prefer watching someone interesting such as Christmas as opposed to someone blah such as Jillian.
Jillian has zero personality. Not to mention she’s otb & has been since night one…and yet, she’s been letting everyone else campaign for her (even the King & Queen of Ick-Cody & Jessica) rather than form bonds and save herself. IMo, she doesn’t deserve to be saved. The only people she’s campaigned to are the ones who already told her she was safe!!
That’s not even floating, that’s just lazy & BB isn’t a place to be socially lazy!
She is still in there but I think they didn’t do her any favors by keeping her there. Just my opinion and BTW, hopefully she doesn’t have to going back out for anymore treatment on that foot of hers.
I don’t think the real ‘outsiders’ will really care in the end, they might be mildly irritated and kind of upset that Jillian left, but they aren’t idiots and will realize they need to Josh to assist them getting through a wrathful Paul or Christmas (I don’t think Dom is super upset) and keeping the focus on Cody/Jessica. That shouldn’t be terribly hard, Josh said off handedly to Cody that he should really try to win veto next and Cody got all demanding about who is after him and Alex, once Cody left, told Josh to stay quiet and not stir the pot.
I thought Alex was with Paul?
Nope, there could be some realignment next week but Paul’s side doesn’t know that Alex, Jason and Kevin are voting to evict Christmas. Or that Cody thinks he has a deal with Alex and Jason. He doesn’t.
They know!
LOL, they most certainly do!
No. she doesn’t trust Paul. She is paranoid about him
So Jessica can go on the block then LOL.
Crossing fingers that as of 11:33 a.m. Josh has made his decision…keeping Christmas. That could still change, though. But I’m placing my bet that he’ll VTE Jillian.
I’m still not sure who Josh is voting for but my gut is telling me, he’s keeping Christmas. It should make the episode exciting, not knowing exactly who he is voting for. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02ec413b88f1c00dde7701d7a29f0c3d42e01c6e9aadc42cf0d7e21769481a3a.gif
*thud* Be still my heart! Dean Winchester!
Sorry Em, but I need to read what you said here again b/c all I can see is the pic of Jensen Ackles! hehe
Oh yeah…Josh & his vote……………… ………………. …………………… …………..
Um…yeah… sorry, too distracted by Dean Winchester to think straight. ;)
Haha, I never watched the show but I know him from my days of watching Days Of Our Lives.
Oooh love me some Supernatural. Jensen (Dean) & Jared Padelecki (as his brother Sam Winchester) are super-uber hot vampire/demon/ghost hunters. It’s just fun!
It’s funny because he comes up in virtually every gif search. His reactions are very popular.
I’m sure they are. Dean is a great character! and Jensen plays him purrfectly. ;)
Check out the show sometime. It’s super fun. :) And not bad on the eyes as well. hehe
Yumm! Just the thing every woman wants Dean Winchester to say to them… hehe
I really like Christmas… I don’t want to see her go yet!
Really! Yesss!
Josh going back and forth between Christmas and Jillian is making me dizzy.
She is still there so I won’t complain too bad. I just see this game being played differently but this season so far has been a good one.
I feel like it would be more exciting for Christmas to be evicted, in terms of drama.
I do like Alex, so I hope she sticks around.
I dislike Paul and am rooting for anyone willing to stand up against him, even creepy cody.
In the “serving Paul a humble pie” regards one might want Xmas out. But then again, who’s to say Xmas won’t turn on Paul in the long run
That would be great. It sucks that everyone has to be nice to Paul for the next two weeks…or more.
They don’t have to be nice, they just can’t put him on the block.
Paul immune= Be nice to Paul, since he has the potential to fxck u for the next few weeks or so
I dont think she will but shes useless. She needs to be counting everything in that house or whatever she can to be a mental comp beast
The problem with that is, it won’t be exciting if bore face Jillian stays in the game. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/86e8b6d4699fc5cf6646238cb3c15d53d6f9a4f25940662b037b4e59bf9792c3.gif
Then again, it wouldn’t be interesting if Xmas stays in the house and can’t do anything with her broken feet
Xmas has a personality, Jillian doesn’t. Big difference between the 2 and Xmas has shown she isn’t averse to stirring the pot and talking game, with anyone, friend and foe alike. The only time Jillian has talked game, it’s with herself and her supporters. How about getting out there and….I don’t know……..campaigning?
Totally agree. I had become a fan of Christmas and hoped to see her go far. I doubt winning is really in the cards anymore (unless her mental gameplay is masterful) but I do appreciate the fact that she does interact with the other HG’s and she does talk game. Even if she has lost her physical advantage, she’s not quitting and I respect and admire that. And frankly, she is probably more of a physical threat with one leg than some that have been been there in the end in past seasons.
ITA. Even handicapped, Christmas is a more exciting HG than Jillian. No doubt about it.
Another reason to keep Xmas… it will piss off Jess and Grody (not a typo) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/602bce6fda574ab6f0eccaf0738bfc8ba594f4990932c7534519c990ff998528.gif
LOL, thank you!! I’ve been trying to come up with a name for that bitch and have drawn a blank, Grody it is!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7a48ff4dd61de8d48c9eb4e12a6de5637fa3d1c7330076e980ca6177f3acdbd7.gif
That is too funny!
Even with a broken foot I’d still expect Christmas to win more competitions than Jillian. She’s sharper mentally, while Jillian’s just kind of a deer caught in headlights.
Yuck. Dislike Cody
Dislike Cody…Love Paul, always have.
Yess. Paul is the best big brother player I’ve in years. I stopped watching from season 7-15 because the players were losing quality. He’s good.
I hate both but in this battle I will side with Paul. He’s just annoying. Cody is a racist and homophobic sociopath.
Wait…now Cody is a racist too? Where did you see this? I have the live feeds and, although Cody is a serious a$$, I have never seen him make a racist comment. A sexist one, yes, but not a racist one.
Yeah, he’s said some dicey stuff, most notably about transsexuals, I can’t remember exactly what he said but it wasn’t nice. He also said he wanted to go to Ferguson Missouri when Michael Brown was killed, to see what it was like.
Yeah, I remember he used the word “tranny when talking to someone in his group. In what context, I can’t recall. However, I know he had no remorse for using that slang b/c he had the gall to say “do you think they’re going to call out a marine for using the word tranny?!”
Like I said…sexist pig, but not racist.
No, that wasn’t the comment, he said how he doesn’t give a f*ck about transsexuals and what they go through, something like that. It wasn’t cool at all and I do get a racist vibe about him.
Really? Wow! I must have missed that. I did hear him make a “tranny” comment, but I missed the “I don’t give a *bleep* about them” comment.
You know…BB producers really need to vet these players a little better for stuff like that! Comments like that are not only extremely offensive and prejudicial, they make the show look bad!
I know participants are on their best behavior when they audition, but still…just a few interviews with friends and family would suss out a lot of these types of predilections and perceptions. Y’know what I mean?
I feel like BB purposely puts in these bozos, just to see how much trouble they can stir up. Makes for good ratings.
Hahaha Joni, you are on a roll with these gifs!
Could be. The purpose off the show is to take people from all different backgrounds, I suppose that does include the a$$holes and the morally bankrupt!
Oops, sorry girl, I think I accidentally down arrow’d you :(
Haha, no worries. Disqus doesn’t recognize the down arrow anymore. Let me know if you want to chat tonight. We can get Joni and TG to join us. Endurance comp!!!
Sounds good to me :)
Oh I’d be up for that ladies… I’m in Los Angeles, so my time is the 8pm time slot. Are you east, west or central??
I’m in HTX so I’m central
Okay, so it starts at 9pm my time… I usually give it a half hour to run before watching it so I can skip all the commercials! ;)
Do you ladies wanna meet back here on the boards at 10:30 my time, or is that too late?
I’ll see ya then!
Okie-dokey! :)
Perf, TG said she up for it too.
Just name time & place, Em. I was thinking 10:30 my time
YG watches BBAD and that is when we chat on the boards. That would be 9 your time, 10 my time. I usually just wait for YG to send me a message. I’ll send one to you when she does.
Hey girl, there is a new thread up and everyone is chatting about the comp, the feeds are up and running, comp is on!! come if you can. *mwah
I’m game, Em.
Sounds good
However, I accidentally (honest) upvoted myself and when I immediately downvoted, my incorrect upvote vanished! Yay.
Yeah, that’s how I’ve been correcting a vote I didn’t mean to give or miss give. LOL
Well I’m here now!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b0b108843223c657c20d776fae79a58e9fde1b966e252325bfbdc63cb9ba6d2.gif
O. M. G. !!!
Right? Wouldn’t that be fun? Plus, I wouldn’t mind if it was a comp that he, as a host, felt compelled to take his shirt off. I wouldn’t complain. haha
This is how I feel about Cody. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/11cedaa45507deb51606713f810fda299a9ffb57f1f6f75bb9eb9eaa68557e7e.jpg
Here’s my reaction to Cody…… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/629363e74a0648ac48cd2f5a9fe0ec62764323009cc15e3d47231c5bf8d72c66.gif
I just didn’t think the F bomb would be allowed here.
I think you can get away with it in a gif, but can’t type/say it.
I honestly don’t mind Ramsey saying it, but I am absolutely tired of hearing it on BBAD.
Lmao! I think I relate to how you feel more!
Hahahahaha!! Gordon is kind of my spirit animal, at times. Not all the time, but there are certainly moments I would like to channel him. LOL
Yes, I absolutely love him!
Me too… He seriously cracks me up.
Me too. Used to watch his Kitchen Nightmares & still watch Hell’s Kitchen, Master Chef & now his new one, the F word! ;)
Shockingly, the F stands for food this time! haha
On a side note: Still loving your avatar RSA! Pablo lives on!
Baldwin will always be my all time favorite https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e184897762b8a453fdbd1f2f4dc540a6d433fb8fada01cfab9b9f8dc68a67e3e.jpg
Oh…I remember Baldwin! One of my all-time-fave Victor moments!
Wouldn’t it be cool if Vic comes into the house to host a comp this season??
Are you reading these production AG…???
Bring back El-Fit Vic for a day!!!
Love that!
Yes! One of the best weeks last year! Paul chasing all the Hg around was hi-lar-i-ous!!
This is when Paul won me over, with his Secret Service Pablo thing. Brilliant!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e35fb1e6c8769b5dc772c5392986a31c06429110c14368fc52eefa9ac367c62.gif
Lmao yes! Many refer to Vic and Paul as a dynamic duo… I refer to them as the 3 amigos.. Vic, Paul and Pablo :)
Perfect Em. Bet Paul is thinking the same thing this season…only this time he doesn’t have his two best buds with him. :(
Maybe production could give him another version of pablo to make him feel better. hahaha
Loved these moments… Too funny.
๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ Paul is my BB bae and I’m adding Kevin to the list.
Ooops…see my comment below for this gif!
Don’t judge me…I wasn’t wearing my good glasses and clicked on the wrong image ! haha
I saw that! hahaha
Not surprised. Not much gets past you, Joni my girl!
But let’s just pretend you didn’t. hehe
I cant do cody all season, or josh.
I’ve come to really like Josh. I think he is a sleeper and is much smarter and devious than anyone knows. He could really shake up this game, plus he is feeds gold.
We have to wait a few more hours to find out. Aaaaaack https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ceb1bf28dd14d168037260b01d9cba66c69bc5f0881fc08cdb06211b78e92bdc.gif
OMG, I’m dying!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b06c9c09e8706e2a8000f43a917356bde8f91cf6eb2faa8d8d6495d934b1cd9.gif
He’s like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. Even if he is the side I favor (Paul), i still cant do him. I never like players that are all over the place and loud, with the exception of Zach rance, he was funny.
He is. And (even tho I want Xmas to stay) no matter how he votes…tonight’s feeds = pure pandemonium and chaos! In a word FUN!
I’m so excited for this episode and the drama that ensues. I wonder what kind of HOH comp we will get and if we will get to see it, Last year they were very stingy about showing the HOH comps. Pissed me off.
I know. That was one of the *best* perks about BBOTT, Em…the fans missed *nothing*! ALL the comps, everything was live and we got to see everything. It was awesumsauce!
On the block regarding Josh. If he votes out Christmas can’t root for him.
Fair enough. I will side eye that decision too if he does keep Jillian but I won’t totally write him off.
Me neither…he’s GOT to go! ๐จ
Fast! Lol
Josh could be okay if he just keeps his emotions together. Guess we’ll see what happens tonight.
Hoping we see Jillian walking out the door. Racist and boring. Not a good combo.
Wait, what? JIllian is a racist? I missed that part, please elaborate.
So have we found out why she’s racist yet or… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24f9201fb111dc45973f5dfb242c4e123c414cebca3c997b11bf183bcc387766.gif
No. And now there’s speculation that Cody is a racist too. Still waiting on time stamp/proof of that conversation too.
Hahaha, no girl. Nothing doing. That gif is giving me life!!
Prob because he meant that Jill is a Trump’s supporter? So all Trump’s supporters are racists now?
Racist? Why do you say that?
Racist? Um…wait. What? When?
Jillian is about as exciting as paint drying, but I can’t remember her saying anything even remotely racist. And we would b/c she hardly ever talks!!
When did she say something racist?
Did I miss something?
LOL, I think we are all waiting for an explanation.
Yep! I mean really Em…Jillian never talks. I think I’d remember her saying something racist. haha
KInd of giving that comment some serious https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f79904a56520848a6c611ad9bb3019e0e86adfa67c921980afb5688d3d60bdb2.gif side eye, if you know what I mean. No one has said anything about Jillian being a racist, on the boards or on the feeds and you know that kind of thing would be being discussed if it happened.
Yeah. Jason has been outed for his comments as has jessica, but I’ve not heard a peep about Jillian.
You’ve got to admit, Josh is very reliable (as a metronome…back and forth, back and forth)!
Nothing personal against Jillian, she’s just boring as hell and her game play is on the Victoria level. send her packing please
With the quickness! Lol
ha HA! I like It! ๐ I’m no fan of hers or Jillian…
Poor widdle Victoria’s feereens have been hurt. LOLOLOL
Haha! ITA! But…in Victoria’s defense, even she was more social than Jillian.
She was and at least I could stand to listen to her voice, Jillian, nope. The little girl helium voice is a big no for me.
Until she does that creepy voice. It creeps me out! ๐จ
That is sooooooo weird!!!
Only Victoria made it way farther than Jillian ever will!
Only Victoria had a Derrick.
Perfect and eloquent analysis of the current situation within the BB house, Matt!
If Josh votes with Paul, we (the fans) will get to (once again) see Cody & Jessica lose their minds in a blindside. However… Jason has really gotten in Josh’s ear in the last 24 hrs. (last night he basically told Josh not to F up the vote) and, while I really (really) want Christmas to stay, if Josh does flip against Paul & Xmas…(as you said) the feeds are still going to filled with pure golden drama and entertainment b/c Josh has promised *both* sides his vote!
Oooohh…Joshy, you have some ‘splaining to do!! hahaha
I for one do not look forward to Joshaky explaining anything … yikes.
He better hope there’s a golden apple next week…
Good tv but josh is a nut!
He makes my head hurt with all his flippin and a floppin!
5 hours to go!!!!
Egads! What is that??
Looks like baby-Lex Luthor!
That’s what I look like when I’m frustrated! LOL
No kiss for ya!
Yikes Joni! Bet you get your way a lot..if only to keep that look off your face! hehe
I think I might have nightmares after seeing that!
Looks like that emotional constipation from the earlier thread
I’m ready to see some fireworks when Christmas stays!!!!!
I can’t wait… it’s going to be so good!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/50d608c59498c23e2bdd9b5ce886d7196fb02f87d99b24905b6b97b32428bf42.gif
With Josh being as emotional as he is, I think he’ll end up keeping Christmas. But it’s hard, because his paranoia could overtake that at the last minute. I think if Christmas just has a nice heart to heart with him today then he’ll be okay, but if she ends up avoiding him that might be enough to seal her fate.
Agreed. Plus, if Paul can pull him in today and just make him feel a part of their group, he will be fine. Paul needs to keep Jason away from Josh though b/c Jason already bullied him last night. Can’t have that happen again.
Josh a.k.a “Stalker Channing!” That guy is creepy!
Just saw this on twitter…..
Mark: Where did you go to school?
Kevin: I didn’t go to school. Got thrown out
Mark: Where did you start at?
Kevin: First grade
Too smart for Kindergarten. Skipped it.
It wasn’t required back in my day, but most went.
Lmao, damnit I love that man!
That’s all I read on the intwebs, how much everyone likes this guy. I really want him to make it to the end. Him and Paul would be my ideal F2.
Mine too! I know it’s a long shot for Kevin to take it all the way, but I sure am rooting for him.
I think he can pull it out. He’s saying and doing all the right things and he has a perfect read on every HG, even Paul. He calls the girls in the heauxmances a**grabbers, kills me every time.
The comps will get him. ๐
He has a social game, best I’ve seen in years.
I really like for Christmas to stay the other lady she really don’t know what she’s doing she have no strategy about this game and by the way this thing so boring now and used to be a lot of more fun you need to get this Poseidon if they want me to keep watching
It’s gonna be me!!!! said Cody. Yep, it’ll be a tie.
Why not, hun?
BBN just announced on Twitter there will be an endurance comp for HOH tonight. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dcaff4f6d0787bef58d4450af0141db0ed4d13bbe980a80fa9989f4ce7039651.gif
that’s my #CaptainLeaderLegend
Well, that is up Alex’s alley. Idk…Raven might be good at that too b/c she’s a dancer if she’d just try. paul has a shot too coz he’s smaller.
Should be interesting to see who wins. Most likely won’t be a big guy tho…notoriously bad at endurance comps.
I’m excited, it will give us a feel for who can do endurance. I want Paul to throw it, there’s no reason for him to win. Any of the others would be more than wiiling to put up Trollica and Grody.
Seriously? Paul has been asking all his sheep to throw the HoH to him and all of them agree because Paul has a grand plan!
JMO, didn’t say it was Paul’s stance on HOH.
I hope it’s the WALL!
That would be fun.
I give Kevin 5 minutes in an endurance comp and he’s out, he’ll figure why bother, lol
I agree, there’s no reason for him to go balls to the wall. Makes me nervous, Trollica could pull this one off.
I hope Josh goes for another apple tonite!
Paul had a really good chance a little while ago to make Josh feel confident after tonight’s vote. Let’s see if it works!
What an exciting start to big brother! Something I haven’t seen in such a long time. :,)
Yes, this season is off to a wild start, that’s for sure. :)
I’m hoping christmas wins the den this week.. than switches places with cody lulz I wanna see him go home after everything he has done.
What do you mean by switch places with Cody?
Of all the people in the house, I didn’t see Josh being the person in the middle! He was like a lost puppy dog, still is! And although he’s in a good place with both sides warning him, he’s also in a very bad place because he’s going to piss off six people? Regardless!
I thought Josh was going to be the one to self evict!
Honestly, so did I for a minute there. Christmas has really helped him to calm down and stop stressing…that is why I’m hoping he stays loyal to her. She has been so kind to him.
I totally agree! If not for Christmas, Josh would have lost his mind more than he already had. He owes her his vote! I think he will vote out Jillian. Fingers crossed
Got my toes crossed too! hahaha
& it blows my mind that Megan of all people self evicted!
She was in the army! She apparently interrogated people. Someone like that you would think has thick skin and could deal with any negative situation! Maybe she really is just a dog walker! LOL
Is she active on social media?