Jury begins to collect its lost Houseguests this week on Big Brother 19. The final nominees were settled with Monday’s Veto Ceremony and now it’s up to the rest of the House to sort it out and kick off the night’s Double Eviction.
Seven votes separate us from the first evictee going to Jury and this one is easy to see how it’s going to go. So far the Backdoor plan has played out and it’s just the easy part left to go. Yep, this is the end for Cody Nickson, again.
The final noms have Cody, Elena, and Matthew on the Block. Matthew is for sure the forgotten nominee this week, but Elena isn’t far behind. As of now all the votes are set to go against Cody, but with Mark getting piled on by the rest of the Big Brother House he may be willing to put a symbolic vote against Matthew. The majority has discussed putting a vote or two against Elena, but that won’t be enough to go anywhere.
With seven votes and three noms there’s still chance of a tie-breaker, but I don’t see it happening which means Alex’s work is over this week. Four votes is what it takes to send someone out if the votes go between two of the noms and as the majority discussed on Monday afternoon, they’ve got that locked up.
Christmas, Jason, Josh, Kevin, Paul, and Raven are secured and control the night’s decision. Matthew isn’t worried about a few votes against Elena and encouraged it, but since we don’t have anything else to toy with here we can look at the risk of that.
Since there are three nominees it could take as few as three votes against someone to be evicted if they split appropriately. Just pretend for a moment that Kevin and Raven vote against Elena. Then it’d only take Mark to flip two votes to join him against Matthew and Mr. Cereal could be off to Jury in a 3-2-2 result.
Okay, it’s obviously not going to happen. The majority won’t splinter enough or likely even at all. This will be the last week for Cody as he will be evicted on Thursday night. And just when he thought he’d get a little peace and quiet that’s about to be ruined for him too with the Double Eviction sending someone out hot on his heels, but that’s a discussion for another day.
Remember that Julie Chen announced last week that there will be no Jury Battle Back. When you’re off to Jury there you’ll stay. I like it.
So what do you think? Could someone pull a fast one on the majority this week on Big Brother 19? Might Cody sway HGs to his vision of staying and running the house? Cast a vote below for who you think will be evicted and share your thoughts on what’s ahead.
Even though Cody is gone, I still would love to see Elena leave first. Here is why, since this week is a DE and Cody could be gone second if he doesn’t win anything and that is highly unlikely. Elena would be there trying to figure out what happened. Whoever goes second could either be good news for Cody or bad news.
OMG..Can u imagine Codys fear if Elena is the 2nd evictee??? Whoa..what a punishment…
They are friends.
Seriously ???Where have u been watching from ?? Under a rock??? Cody is not her friend Hes using her stupidity to try and stay in the game…Same way Paul uses the HGs..no difference..
He and Jess and Mark and Elena are friendly. He might be using her to try and stay in the game but they would get along just fine in Jury. She’s no Raven. What rock are you under?OMG.
Please ..Cody has said that all in the house are idiots and has made it plain that they are not his friends and never will be…Cody needs to use somebody to try and stay and if he does he will use those 2 to do his bidding…Cody and Paul think alike.. they are both users…
Please…. She and Jess are good friends. She and Cody will get along just fine. Although I doubt this is possible in your case, don’t over think it.
not my fight, but i honestly have heard call everybody in the house idiots, including elena, and saying he can’t stand anybody in the house, including elena. it’s nice of you to give him the benefit but if you heard those words come out of his mouth you might see he just doesn’t like anybody.
Yep! Noooo one. Bet no one cares by his buddy Mark
I’ve heard him say it too, it is just a blanket statement. He doesn’t have to like someone to get along with them, and jury is usually much different than the BB house because you don’t have to hustle. Having Elena or Mark there, who Cody actually sort of likes is much different than if Matt or Raven or Xmas showed up.
Yes but Cody would screw a rock if it stood still and with Jess gone Elena is looking real good
Even though I want Mark to go next, that would be funny because Jessica will go nuts lol
Never mind Jessica..Think of poor Cody …Has there ever been a person to self evict from the jury house??? Stuck with Elena for some 7/10 days alone…Cody will be on suicide watch…oh putting my dislike for Cody aside..I wish him the best if Elena is the 2nd out..
Not cool to say sucide watch about a War Veteran….
After watching live feeds last night, I’d love to see Mark shake up that pack of wild dogs picking on the weakest member. That stuff last night was so stupid and childish. But if Mark goes in the double I don’t think Cody would mind his company at all.
cody might not mind one way or another but mark would be in heaven, he drools every time cody gives him the time of day.
That’s low dude. He might drool, because Cody actually treats him like a human with feelings even though he might have blown up his game. lol
LOL And Mark gives him that old shy smile. Pals!
When Cody came back he said he did not care for Mark.
He’s playing the game. Of all the people in the house he prefers Mark and Kevin and has/had a lot of respect for Alex.
i think it would be funnier to see kevin go next and then we’d see if cody really liked him or was just using him.
Cody liked him better than anyone besides Jess
Well, let me throw this in just for fun. Paul suggests to his “crew”, with Matt’s knowledge, that he/she throw a vote for Cody (i.e., VTE Matt). Now, when Julie reads the votes, ONE vote should be for Cody …. after the DE events, and people are breathing again, a rumor could be started accusing Mark of doing the hinky vote. (If there is a 2nd VTE for Matt – then sparks would definitely fly and a real dark horse has been unveiled, but no one would know who it is.) Now let me be clear, I’m just postulating an evil BB plan – I want Mark to get HOH because I want a shift in power. This plan process could work for any present or future BB season assuming current/similar circumstances.
I think Mark is the target regardless, so this isn’t necessary. Mark winning HOH would be interesting, it’d be a big move if he put Alex and Paul up but it wouldn’t shock me if he went after the low hanging fruit like Josh. On a DE night, you barely have time to build a plan and there’s a ton of adrenaline. I think that’s why Paul keeps saying the next 3 weeks are lined up, he’s probably thinking a DE is coming soon and it isn’t a big deal since Cody/Marlena are the targets.
I think production will find a way to change things up so that someone doesn’t win a comp every week (which has been Mark for the last 3 weeks).
Mark’s won 2 Tempt comps and a Veto, but has yet to win a HOH. Someone from Paul’s side has been in control for the past 3 weeks. Yes, I agree that things will change up, but I think that means the Paul Patrol will lose power.
The Hero Worship of Cody & Jessica is misguided. Cody betrayed his original Alliance by keeping Alex and Jason Safe (By throwing the Veto, And Refusing to nom them.)! Alex and Jason are now the most powerful players in this game due to Cody’s betrayals of Xmas & Mark. Cody LIED repeatedly about Dominique and Mark, and made them prime targets to Paul, who naively has bought Cody’s LIES (That Dom & Mark knew that Paul was to be put OTB Week1) Even when Cody returned to the House he has damaged Mark’s game by repeating his LIES that Mark knew! Production has biasedly Rigged The Show for Cody as much as they did for Paul: He has wasted FOUR Weeks of our time with Battle-Backs that have resulted in nothing! The Best Player so far are Mark & Elena: Who have remained true to their original Alliance, while Matt & Raven, and Xmas have seemingly abandoned. Paul would not be in such a dominant position, without the original Xmas Alliance: Yet he is empowering Alex & Jason, who are planning on evicting Paul at F5! Paul’s Downfall is in embracing evil, backstabbing players that have dubious loyalty to him. Paul’s game is in jeopardy if things continue. Matt, Raven, Elena & Mark would never have betrayed Paul; Jason & Alex Will!!!
But watch Mark or Elena get BDed if neither wins HOH Thursday.
Its a DE..Why backdoor???
So that whoever isn’t nominated might not play in the POV. Plus, if they’re both nominated and if one of them wins POV, then there’s a better chance that the renom or pawn goes home. That’s why you’d do a BD in that case.
Cody played the game at least. Good grief the babies in the house so upset because he didn’t go with their plan? Big deal. Cody had to nominate 5 different people….never happened before. It would have been a great time to get out Christine. if Paul didn’t have a free ride for 3 weeks, the show would not be the complete and utter disaster it is. Worst season in 19 and everyone agrees.
Agreed with almost all of this. I don’t like to talk about “worst ever” this and that, but I agree with the rest, completely. I get tired of people using “He’s not nice!” against players all the time, whether it be other players, or even fans. Cody was awesome and I’m going to miss him. I hope he’s invited back someday, but I doubt it. I could be wrong but I get this vibe production isn’t a big fan of his.
Totally agree with all you said. I am so guilty about “worst ever”……I overuse it all the time. Not sure how I got into such a bad habit.
Hey Hey Hey…Anybody ready for the clown shoe comp??? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc70cc774f106b9b9014e2c422f3f7e8a8ee8c2e2ff0cd39092f874006806dbd.jpg
LOL, poor Jeff.
Haha that cost Jeff 500,000
This season is in desperate NEED of a pressure cooker HoH or Veto. Paul’s psychos need to be locked in a box together and forced to see themselves for the unlikable toads they really are (except you Kevin, sweetie. You’re perfect).
most seasons do not get to interesting until mid-way through anyway… I am sure the viewing will get more interesting.
I don’t think the other HG’s feel that Paul is directing them- that’s what it seems like. Which shows you how well his social aspect is in the game.
Twitter says feeds gonna be down some 24 hours beginning Thursday 9 pm….Why???..
Because Grodner hates feedsters! Freaking troll.
This is a FACT. โฌ๏ธโฌ๏ธโฌ๏ธโฌ๏ธโฌ๏ธโฌ๏ธโฌ๏ธโฌ๏ธ
*curtsies* Thenk yew veddy much!! ๐
She hates that we can’t be manipulated as easily as casuals because we see so much more. The only way she can keep us in the dark is by LITERALLY cutting feeds. Beyotch. ๐
I think it may have something to do with the special episode of BB on Friday this week.
This is the most likely reason for the blackout.
Literally PRAYING it’s a secret 3rd eviction. It’ll probably be a food/luxury carnival type thing they had in BB18, tho. RIP.
That probably mean that the show will be an eviction.
So does this mean that we’re going to have to watch yet another mental comp because of the DE? I hope we get to watch something like Perfect Shot from BB18 instead. That comp is a lot better and tense.
So do you think they will come up with another option to replace the jury battle back? I would love to see Cody pull a Victor and get back in.
Yes, NO!!!!!!
I was going to say it is good to have Cody in the house just to keep the mob honest, but that hasn’t worked at all. Imagine the lies and chaos and paranoia when he’s gone.
That’s what we’ve been waiting for, the game to begin! With Cody and Jezebel both gone, it’s now time for the real fun to begin.
That will not change anything. They will set up Mark and Elena for replacement and the routine continues. The actual fun begins when when there is a flip that puts Paul and Alex on the block.
Right, it will be Mark, Elana, Matt and Raven to go next.
no more battle back. Once you are in Jury you are done.
hahaha…thank you for my daily Mutgoat fix!
I wish also, but I sadly doubt it. I think if they come up with anything else, it’ll be to help save somebody still in the house, but not somebody in jury.
If Mark managed to win HOH during the double eviction, ponder these 2 scenarios…
Paul gets evicted (hoping not). Can you imagine the antics Cody and Paul would be up to alone in that house? Yeah, me neither, lol. Talk about an awkward week.
Alex gets evicted. Can you imagine how much of her own hair Jessica would be pulling out at home? Her man and a man stealing (in Jessica’s mind) Alex alone in a house for a week would probably lead to a mental break down for Jess, lol.
Jessica cannot afford to lose any more hair.. but that would be epic…lol
Alex couldn’t pull that off, she’s about as masculine as Cody is.
I’m seriously hoping for a Mark HOH this week. Time to shake things up and wake this house up!
I still want to see Josh out as the 2nd eviction for the jury house drama…….Will Josh still be able to do the Meatball dance with Cody holding him in a headlock ?
Josh will probably go far on the basis that anyone can beat him in jury votes.
I cant stand josh either but he is one of the votes to get Paul out!
If Cody goes I hope they get Paul at the Double Eviction!! I think Mark, Elena, Jason, Xmas and Josh can do it!!!!
Jason shouldn’t be mentioned in that number.
I don’t see any chance of this. Better chance Alex can be evicted in the tail end of the Double Eviction and even that I don’t have a ton of hope in. If Mark or Elena don’t win that HoH they’ll both go up together and since only one can be saved with Veto, the other will be gone. If Mark or Elena win that HoH, I think both would go after Alex but only Mark would go after Paul. Jason would be safe under Mark, I think. Josh would stupidly be safe under Elena, I think.
I think you are giving too much credit to those players. lol. The only one who would try it is Mark.
Will see who wins HOH. Cody will be eating good.
Cody will be gone.
Doesn’t matter Cody will go to jury. Eating and sleeping good. He doesn’t have to worry about people in the house talking.
It’s a shame that this years house guest have no Balls at all. That is why Cody is going to jury. Yes they are all little minions.
They are all fools following Paul’s every word Cody tried to tell them this but everyone wants to follow Paul! SMH! Cody was the only one who was not playing for Paul to win!
I pride myself on speaking without bias, but just for a moment I’m going to speak with some. Last season Victor was afforded the opportunity to get back in twice. I like Cody (don’t care if I’m alone on that island) and I think he has the ability Victor had to get back in again if given the chance. And with that, I’m not happy that last season they had this, but this season they won’t (no jury battle). So I’ll be in the minority again in saying I don’t like it. It would’ve been extra funny if Paul complained about it considering it helped him and his good buddy Victor just one season ago.
That aside, it’s just been really anti-climactic to have Cody left seeking vengeance, only to be gone the very next week. Nevermind not getting Paul out, but not even getting a chance to do so really. At least this time (unlike his first eviction) Cody had some form of a chance, as he could’ve won HoH (still annoyed it was a third-consecutive true/false question-based HoH competition) and then he had a chance in the Temptation Competition, another unfortunately non-physical challenge. That was his Veto this week.
Alex seems to hate people in a relationship not realizing she is a slave of Paul. If he wins HOH she will probably be nominated for eviction since he will no longer need nor trust her.
I’m of the mindset that the Marcellus gambit is never a good option. It didn’t work all those seasons ago for Marcellus, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it came back to bite Matthew in the back side.
I can’t watch anymore I’m afraid I am left to read tidbits about what is happening. This cast is dragging the show down. Whoever chose to bring back Paul made a mistake, he is the worst and needs to go. I’ll start watching again once Paul is gone and hopefully these guys wake from their trance.