Big Brother 18 Week 1: What’s Coming Up Next?

Big Brother 18 has just begun but it’s already moving at full speed with the first eviction down, sorry Glenn, and the first week’s HoH, nominees, and even its new twist have all wrapped up. There’s still plenty left to go this week and here’s what’s coming up next.

Frank and Tiffany waiting for Veto on BB18
Frank and Tiffany waiting for Veto on BB18 – Source: CBS

Houseguests didn’t wake up until 9AM BBT this morning after a long night of hanging around, having fun, and even finding time for some game talk and tears along the way too. Right now things are calm as they get up and ready for the day, but it’s about to get busy.

The Veto competition is usually held on Saturdays, the day after nominations, but this isn’t a normal week. Right now the Houseguests are anticipating the Veto comp being held today and it’d make sense as the HGs are on indoor lockdown so production can set things up out there.

Players have yet to be picked and there we’ll have another change from the usual. Since this new twist (I’m really tired of having to call it “new twist” instead of it’s yet to be revealed name) has created a third nominee we won’t get each of the 3 default players, HoH + 2 noms, picking another player for a total of 6. Instead two more will be added, as HGs discussed this morning, but we don’t know if the HoH will draw both or what. We’ll find out on that in a bit.

Or I could stop being lazy and go back to a BB15 Veto episode on All Access and see what they did when there were 3 noms and only 2 spots left in the Veto comp. Alright, it was the Head of Household who drew both chips. Simple enough since it really doesn’t matter who draws them.

twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">

Nicole to Tiffany: I can't believe I'm playing with Vanessa's sister AND she's on my team! #BB18

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) June 24, 2016

Once players are picked the HGs will wait until it’s time to go and then when it’s ready the Live Feeds will go down for probably a few hours while they’re out back competing. When it’s over and Feeds return we’ll get the spoilers and send them your way. If you’ve got our Big Brother App or follow us on Facebook & Twitter then you’ll get those updates right away.

Update: Veto players were picked. Day and Corey will join the other 4 HGs in the comp.

With the Veto comp out of the way we’ll just have the Veto Ceremony left to wrap up the week’s events. Normally that meeting is on Mondays, 2 days after the PoV comp, but again it’s a funny week so it may be held on Sunday to keep the same pace.

Right now, if Jozea doesn’t win his way off the Block then he could be in real trouble. There was talk in the HoH room this morning that Jozea was trying to convince Paul, the 3rd nominee this week, to win the Veto and use it on him (Jozea). Frank promised Nicole that he’d make it clear to Paul that if that happens then Paul will be the one to go, not Paulie.

From listening to Nicole, they are expecting to have to name a renom if someone comes down so nothing weird like this Veto comp potentially taking us back down to just two noms if the PoV is used.

Once the Veto Ceremony wraps we’ll have the final nominations for the week, all three of them, and then we’ll press on to Thursday’s live eviction show, the first live show of the season.

Ready to watch inside the Big Brother house and see what the HGs are up to? Jump on the Live Feeds now with a Free Trial and join in on the fun! You can rewind to anything that’s happened in the season so there’s plenty of time to catch up. Sign-up now and watch the Big Brother Feeds.



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  1. On Jokers..somehow Frank won something called “Roadkill?” and able to nominate a 3rd person.

  2. I keep wondering if there will be some way that they will reduce the final noms to two. Is there a possibility or am I missing something that makes it absolutely clear that there will be 3 final noms?

      • I know there is much speculation going on, but it seems too much to go into final noms with 3.

    • There’s Veto comp, so one player comes down. Will that be replaced or not?…maybe F2 that’s it

      • I. think it’s the drama she brings Production know she’ll have a beef with somebody before the end of the season. lol Noticed how much camera time she has.

      • We know Da can bring on the drama. I hope she doesn’t turn on the other vets just yet.

      • She has a loyal alliance this time (no Odd or Chelli) so I think she’ll do much better. Paul may push her buttons but I think we will get to see her do better. She is a smart cookie at figuring people out like that.

      •’re turning it up on BB18.. I’m glad…just don’t neglect your garden…the Petunias

      • It finally rained last night. No watering today. Posting between loading dishwasher and folding clothes. I have a crust cooking for a key lime pie. I just can’t watch BB and post at the same time and grasp it all. I’m liking BB so far this year. It’d be better if I could enjoy AD without having to look at Jozea’s diddlies.

      • Diddlies….In school, we gals use to call them diddlers diddling with their diddlies….guys were always adjusting themselves. Diddly means a small or worthless amount. Get it, yet, or do I need to expound? lol

      • Now that’s funny, I’ve never heard that before but I’m sure it will forever be in my memory lol!!!

      • Oh, I get it…but please, keep going. Expound away. I want to see how far you can go. ;)

      • YOU probably would like to see how far I can go with this, but I don’t think anyone else would enjoy it. :D

      • I kind of hope they are like us, in the dark, and it will be a surprise to them also.

  3. Jozea is warped. According to Jokers, he just stated that Ariana Grande looks like a pedophile’s dream.

    • Plus..he’s walking around the house in his underwear..and it ain’t pretty. Put some darn pants on! Plus, I heard he said something insensitive about the military..James was pissed…I do not like Jozea, Victor or Paul. When Victor made the move last night with Nicole by taking his sweatshirt off..I almost fell off of my chair…so ridiculous and obvious.

      • Yeah I saw that when Victor took his shirt off in front of Nicole it was animated, it was dumb, that Production had to insert this music in that scene that made him look stupid. lol

      • Just…ick.
        Hey, Triple B! Good to see you—meant to tell you that the other day, but my computer is possessed. Half the time I can’t post…the other half, the page goes up and down on it’s own. Freaks me out, Man!!! So while I have the chance: I’m so glad you’re here!

      • At first I was thinking….I’ve heard of triple D’s, but I didn’t know there was such a thing as triple B’s.
        I git it now.hehe

      • Yes, I was sleeping! K knows all and sees all. ;)

        I’ve been having a lot of trouble posting…and just scrolling up and down. I’ll be in the middle of a comment and the page will start moving up. I got rid of a lot of programs and emails that I’d been keeping (that I wanted to have forever…CRAP! I could have printed them! IDIOT!!!)…it’s really not helping. CRAP! IDIOT! PRINTED THEM! Still slow. Going back to bed. IDIOT!

      • Oh, they’re good. Remember Becky on BB17? Every time she talks about her train accident, you would hear this train horn..I was they really went for it.

      • I laughed at Victor because he’s such a nincompoop. I had him pegged after reading what he said in his interview. He’s simply an egotistical womanizer. And yes, please, somebody tell Jozea that we don’t wanna look at that. He was very disrespectful of our military, imo. Hope he’s a goner.

      • Production needs to tell him to put some pants on…I don’t want to look at his man parts for anytime at all. I hope he goes very soon, too.

      • I find that very offensive, too .. plus just so tired of people being so proud about being enamored with their own bodies.

      • I haven’t put him on Frankie’s level of twisted creep yet, but he is very close.

      • K, you are my nearest and dearest…and I want to marry Cyril…so please, DON’T. EVEN. IN. JEST…. Cyril, just for that, send K that picture.
        And someone slap that foul-mouthed kid! He should be glad I’M not there. Just kidding, K!

        Hi Mary!

      • Hi Sharona! Hey girl, I can totally understand why you have your sites on Cyril and I say GO FOR IT!

      • LOL! I keep telling Cyril I want to marry him…started back during the first Survivor. He’s a doll. I hope you’re doing well, Mary. Still think about you all the time…hope you’re feeling OK. Is it OK if send smiles your way?

      • Other than it’s too dang hot here, I’m doing A-okay and hope you are as well. Smiles are always nice to receive :-)

      • It’s too dang hot here, too. The A/C hasn’t been on in my building at ALL this summer. I have a sneaking suspicion they just keep telling me ‘they’re working on it.’ I’m dyin’!

        Consider lots and lots and lots of smiles being sent! :-D
        The smiley face was broken up! Here: :-D

      • I just live in an apartment building so they don’t have air, I’ve got a window air conditioner and it works good. Lots and lots of smiles back at you!

      • I’m not allowed one of those…don’t know why. My laptop is messed up. I can’t scroll up & down and can leave 2 or 3 comments, then it goes nuts. Driving me crazy!! See you (hopefully) soon. AARRGG!!

      • I feel your pain, I had a problem with my laptop all last week, it took the TechXperts all week to get it sorted out. Well I’m off to bed Sharona, talk tomorrow :-)

      • You have about as good of a chance of that happening as I do so knock it off! LOL

        Hi, Mary!

      • Mary, I’ve seen this site go up to >5000 posts in one eviction night. The site and your PC gets possessed. They go up and down or freeze. It could be frustrating., but it’s fun…just type away.

      • High Cyril. There was just sooo many people posting comments I just thought I’d get lost in the crowd but I was here in heart and spirit :)

      • lol Be here, next time just join us. I know BB US is crazy. I can’t keep up either.

      • Awww you’re so sweet. I’ll be there for sure and give you all my 2 cents worth :-)

      • Some posts may not be acknowledged, but that doesn’t mean your presence isn’t enjoyed. Next time?? :D

      • Thanks for the heads up Karen (I just happen to really like that name so Karen it is).

    • Well, you do know that he did call himself the “Messiah” last completely ridiculous.

      • I read a few posts where someone referred to him as that, but I wasn’t aware that he called himself that. He keeps racking up the weirdo votes. Thanks for info.

      • Yep..he said it in the hammock last night when he was talking with Day. She got a real kick out of it in the Diary Room.

      • There seem to always be at least one loony bird in the house, probably purposefully on BB’s part. So far Jozea definitely fits the bill.

  4. I really hope if Nicole, Corey, or Frank win veto they’ll save Paulie!!!!

    • YES! Save Paulie! Throw up another nom and let Paulie vote off whomever the vets alliance wants to go.

    • They are planning to leave the nominations the same. If so, Jozea would be in a lot of trouble.

      • I hope so but I think Jozea has more friends, a better social/manipulative game, a large target, and easier to beat at challenges. Pretty much every reason to not vote him out compared to Paulie

      • Apparently, it’s their punishment from the first comp on Wednesday night. They basically have flesh-toned or tan underwear on & over their private parts are color-blocked cardboard rectangles that look like when tv pixellates/blurs your privates. Some people have said that it actually does look like BB has pixellated their privates out when they’re walking around.

        Does that make sense?

  5. I’ve never heard a BB contestant directly bashing of their belief that Production interfere to get their way. I hear that a lot on forums. Apparently, Joez is doing that…I have no problem if the desired outcome is his eviction.

    • If he wasn’t on the block, he wouldn’t have said it. Maybe he thinks Production will try to save him if he makes them think he is going to cause problems. LOLOL Not happening, I don’t think so!

      • Well, you’ll never know, although there’s no evidence to support any manipulation by Prod. One ex-player said..”there’s a lot of smart and creative people working on BB.

      • I’ll always think they are not completely innocent of a little manipulation here and there, but I don’t know about interfering to the point of determining the winner. I’ve never thought that.

      • Right..I know they’re aware of BB buzz in social media, as it’s connected to what’s driving their ratings up. So yeah, I don’t believe on predetermined winner, but they can be creative.

  6. I hope that Paul and Tiffany don’t stay very long. I have no interests in people creating unnecessary repeated drama. Tiffnay looks, sounds and acts like Vanessa. She is already doing the crying thing.

    • I call her “Tiffannoy” .. the more I see her, the more I see Vanessa, the drama, voice and now with the hats. I kinda like her better than Vanessa, but she is still just annoying.

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