Nominations are in for Week 6 with Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Feeds as we’ve discovered confirmation for who the new Head of Household has sent to the Block this week.
There was a lot of planning going in to this week’s nominations after the new HoH was trying to find a way to keep his target in the center light while allies tried to push a new plan for the week. Noms are just the start to this week’s power struggle, but you’ve got to start somewhere so let’s see how it went.
Big Brother 18 Week 6 Nominations:
- Paul nominated: Bridgette & Paulie
Paulie is a pawn, so don’t get too excited. He volunteered after James said no to Natalie then Nicole was hesitant and Corey wasn’t too excited about that. Victor flat out said no as well. Paul didn’t have many choices so Paulie said he’d do it.
Paul wants Bridgette gone, gone, gone, but Paulie wants Day up and out. Overnight Paulie, Corey, Nicole, and others worked on ways to make it all about Day, but Paul only agreed to the idea of going after Da’Vonne this week if Bridgette isn’t on the Block though he admitted it’ll be up to the voting HGs.
Eventually they agreed on a plan that involved Paulie going up on the Block so he could play for the Veto and help control the week. Of course he’s just willingly sent himself in to the danger zone and that’s generally never a good idea.
After the ceremony Paul pulled Bridgette in to the HoH room and apologized for having a harsh nomination speech but said he had to cover their plan to target Day because she’s all over him. Paul promises Bridgette they’ve got lots of votes against Da’Vonne.
Veto is coming up on Saturday and this could be big if Day gets picked to play and wins or if Bridgette pulls off the upset and forces another target to take center stage. We could always end up with a Paulie and Da’Vonne match up on Thursday night!
Good times ahead on the Feeds! Grab your Free Trial to watch the next week for free then keep it for $5.99/month. That’s 20 cents a day for 24/7 access to Feeds content. Silly cheap.
Oh, so confident and arrogant he is to volunteer! I hope he goes home!!
You and me both!!
AMEN. and I say again AMEN. Paulie thinks he’s the Derrick of the house, but what he lacks is……Derrick was never put on the block!!!! Ever.
I hope his confidence backfires on him, and also that he doesn’t have that golden ticket.
Oh he will have golden ticket – he’s Corey’s brother and knows the almighty Derrick. Can you read that I dislike him
Noooooooooo, noooooooooo,
Go home Paulie! He’s so pompous
Amen to that!
nope backdoor watchout natalie!
I second that!! ?
Down with Paulie…please, please, please!!
If Day wins VETO, take Bridgette off the block, they both are safe. That will FORCE the house to turn on each other. PICK A SIDE AND PLAY YOUR OWN GAME!!
She doesn’t have to win anything else. She can go home after that.
That would be an interesting turn of events for sure. I like it.
If that happens they’ll put up James/Nat I think which would suck for me. I think even if the audience gives the safety care package to James then Nat goes to jury
Why not Nicole corey?
Paulie would not allow that.
Why? Is he trying to take Corey to the end?
I think so. Corey will get rid of Nic in a second if Paulie is in the finals with them.
I’m okay with that
I don’t think she would take Bridgette off
If she finds out she is the actual target, she probably would
She would if Bridgette tells her everything. Especially that most of the house was in on it.
if she win pov watchout natalie into her seat!
I love your logic, but Day would probably just not use the Veto
I think you’re right. She probably wouldn’t care which one of them left.
If Day uses the Veto to pull down Bridgette then Paul will put Zakiyah up to weaken both Paulie and Day.
nope natalie!
That would be the best thing to do but I don’t know if Paul has enough brains to come up with that. I think the only reason he’d put up Zakiyah is because of Paulie but I still doubt he’d do that. He’s too close to her.
Zakiyah actually should’ve been the pawn to go up with Bridgette. She’s never been on the block and hasn’t really been mentioned as a target within his circle of people. Only Frank and Paulie have mentioned her I believe.
yet if you get first doesnt paint huge target on your back to?
Paul wouldn’t dare do anything without Paulie’s approval
Let’s hope she gets picked first. ?
If your scenario could play out, let’s keep Day a little longer to see what more damage she can do in that house. ?
Paul reminds me of Syndrome from The Incredibles. Same hair, same personality but instead of wanting to be super, Paul wants friendship. I hope Bridgette turns into a Jack-Jack baby demon and rips his hair out and then he gets pulled into a jet and gets a one way ticket back to wherever this wannabe came from.
Day using veto on Bridgette? Not likely as of now.
Who would you all rather see go?? I think They should target Nicole and/or Michelle
Me too! Those 2 on the block would give me joy
They need people left in that house that’s good to shake things up!
Paulie, Meech, or Victor for me.
they are small fish don’t waste a chance on getting out one of 2 big targets
Goodbye Michelle!!!
It’s funny that now Frank has left Michelle has no bad feelings towards Bridgette.
All her bad feelings about Bridge came from her jealousy of Frank and him choosing to work with Bridge over her!
Nicole should go over Brigitte, but not Paulie.
yes,get her out. What a fake “pretty player”.
fake cry from rach reilly!
I’m still going to say Michelle is Nicole’s sister
I heard that Christine said on Twitter that Michelle was her (Christine)cousin.
I buy that. I said in another post that they were sisters.
I remember Nicole telling Corey that she reminded her of Christine. I also heard that Michelle’s sister is running her Twitter page while she’s in the house and she said that she was mean outside the house also.
christine and sarah hanlon look like sisters
Very nice of her sister to say that.
She has 16 and 19 year old sisters and her response was because Michelle was talking crap about them to someone in the house!
That explains a lot
Yes-Nicole. So sick of looking at her odd nostrils. Her Dad bought her that nose job? Jeez,get your money back.
Huh? Is that actually true?
Bitchelle needs to follow Day out the door. She is a 10 times bigger whiner and bitch than Bridgette.
Day gone first, then Bitchelle
I agree!
I want Nicole out this week.
Paulie and Davone. Yes please.
Yes yes and yes
I wish the spineless morons had the guts and brains to get rid of their precious overlord.
It’s going to get interesting no matter how you look at it. I would love to see Paulie walking out the door to talk to talk to Julie.
Paulie is my choice to go next. He is just so arrogant.
I can’t stand that guy
Amen, not the God he thinks he is.
bri will win pov watchout!
I wish America knew who had the ticket back in…..
It’s killing me… Not knowing lol
me too.
Well they can’t fix it if they tell us – you can bet if Paulie goes, he will have ticket
Considering that Julie has picked him to win this year, it wouldn’t surprise me if he did.
america was to dumb get the natalie the package of death
Ok so… Let’s backdoor Day and let her have the winning ticket and come back in… The drama that Day would reign down on the house would be live feed gold! LoL
But she’d have to win HOH to really make a difference. She’s not exactly a comp beast lol
That’s true so can I add that I also actually want her to pull a win and win HOH upon returning back into the house? LOL
You can add it but well I’ll just say “ha ha” lol
Oh, the drama that would come! I’d love to see that. ?
It would have to be a simple comp in order for her to win it.
You’ve got that right!! LOL
Oh no please let her go
And I can’t believe they are ALL being so mean about Little Nat Nat getting the thing from America… Jealousy isn’t pretty!
Are they? I don’t feel like fiddling with the feeds lol…all those egos are probably all butthurt thinking that they’re the best and most deserving lol
Yes they are all being so catty especially 2 of my former favorites in Nicole and M! The past 2 weeks I have had enough and they can go after Day and Vic! Their jealousy towards Nat for no reason other than they think she is Victoria from season 16 which she is not! She proved it with that endurance comp finishing 4th beating every guy except her man James! I want her to win HOH so bad! She can go after Nicole and M and put them up and James found out that N is targeting her so his friendship with Nicole is over! She had no right asking Nat to be pawn again but atleast finally agreed when she knew the real plan and had the votes to stay. Paulie saved Nicole last minute as I was stunned to hear he volunteered but the plan is to BD DAY so him playing veto is good move! The house with Paul as HOH will not blindside Paulie! It will start getting more interesting each week when sides are drawn and it is obvious! Nicole’s jealousy whiny voice partial lack of social game has made me want her gone. She was my co favorite player with Donny in her season! Sadly she has become like most of the girls catty whiny bitchy jealous etc I hope James and Nat are final 2!
I totally agree with you about Nicole — I don’t remember her being such a mean, whiney, catty girl in bb16! I don’t know if being in a house with Michelle and other mean girls has brought out Nicole’s mean side BUT whatever it is I don’t like it and it’s NOT a pretty change for Nicole!
James was one of my fav’s last season and he and Nat are the only two in the house that haven’t resorted to saying terrible things about the other house guests.
James is a follower haven’t done anything outstanding this year only being creepy again.
Yes I still like Nicole in real life but the past 2 weeks she has changed! She and Donny were the best in season 16 and Cody even Caleb except his feelings for Amber were too much! Yes being with M and Z and others have made her whiny and jealous. I let her whiny voice go but her cattiness and jealousy over Nat was too far in my mind! Nat has been a have not what 3-4 times already! They are upset because she won a dumb little prize no more have not and socks and toothpaste and a few other tiny gifts. Big deal. M wanted the whole house to make Nat be pawn! What right does she have! She was going to call house meeting for this! I hope Nat wins HOH next week and puts both Nicole and M on the block especially since they have not yet! Let them see how it feels like! Nat and James are the 2 nicest people in the house and should be CO Americas favorite house guests! Corey is 3rd the rest of the house can go!
Couldn’t agree with you more. Instead of bashing Nat maybe they should ask themselves what Nat is doing or not doing that America likes so much to vote to gift her with something! It SHOULD be a wake up call to N and M that they should figure out what Nat is doing right (which is being nice to people!) but instead they just use it as something else to bash her about.
I would love to be in that house and playing this summer! I definitely try out for next season! I would love to give it real and honest to certain jealous catty annoying house guests! Yes I totally agree with you about the wake up call. Natalie has her issues too like everyone in the house but she is a sweetheart! Nicole is not this year. While she has become jealous and petty she still has decent shot to go far this season as she has lots of allies. Finally found out truth about M hating B. Should have figured it was because she was romantically interested in Frank big time! She wanted to have final 2 with him. B ruined that! M has no F2 but has allies but her attitude needs to change. People in the house and BB fans all need to look in the mirror and take responsibility for their own actions. I am sick of certain BB fans hating and complaining too much. Some is justified and some are just hating and jealous because they can’t play or would suck playing the BB game! Or taking the feeds to personally when you do not really know what the deal is? People are hating Paulie but certain fans do not get he is trying to keep the fact he really likes Z hidden so he would not be target. He is just trying to cover it up so he is not as big a target for either of them. on 7/30 for the haters Paulie talked with Z in safari room saying he has her back and cares about her but he is playing the game pretty well. Also he does not want to say personal things on camera which every fan should get! Also he is not as cocky as he appears. He has earned his good spot by social game winning comps building allies and using decent strategy. Confidence is a good thing and just because he put himself on the block does not mean he is arrogant. He has wanted to increase chances to get Day BD! My biggest thing with him is he swears too much with the F words! Z is way too jealous and this is not healthy since they are just good friends for now! There is chemistry but after BB they can work on their relationship or in jury house!
think Nicole has ran her course in the house this year but doesn’t quite know how to keep quiet either. Time for her to go.
Yes Nicole has been caught in lies plus her recent jealousy and cattiness with M about Nat is unfair! They both need to go now after Day!
James is a puppy follows Natalie around all the time, she can’t be sitting with another guy then he pops up making sure she’s not giving attention to anyone else. His HOH he let the house tell him what to do and the two girls gave him the comp, he didn’t win out right.
I love u vi
Thank you! Think you are the first person who hasn’t picked on Nat. I agree with everything you said.
Natalie has her issues like everyone in the house and world but she is a sweetheart! She cooks and always does nice things for James! They help each other and have each others backs! I am so sick of all the jealousy cattiness and hatred from certain players and even lots of fans are this way and it is really annoying and tiring! Some fans not knowing enough of what is going on in that house and making wrong judgements. Some players play too hard and some are called floaters for what not playing hard enough or having not enough allies? There is a fine line how to play the game right! I hope to get the chance next summer! Go Natalie and James for final 2! Zaulie if they get out or Corey.
I actually voted for Corey. Not because I like his game or anything but more to the point that his height was what made me vote him.
Paulie could easily win that veto if he wants to, so Da’vonne needs to give it her all or she will be gone. If Paul decides to keep the noms the same and crawl out of Paulie’s behind, then D has to convince people to vote him out now.
Paul made the statement last night that he didn’t care what anyone thought with the exception of Paulie so I doubt Paul will grow a backbone and do his own thing. He will cave to whatever Paulie wants.
Paulie can’t win everything – come on
bri wins pocv watchout blind natalie!
Paul won’t do that. He’ll put Day or Z up (hopefully Day). Or Nicole. He won’t risk the wrath of James.
vixtor was in paul ears
this goed back to goodbye piece by natalie
Again, what?
Stop talking about Nat. Pick on someone else!
James is powerless in this game. He is on the outside looking in. Never fringe players thinking that going along with those in power guarantees safety. They have started targeting the stragglers. Rooting for Bridgette
To win Veto so that, one of the other stragglers go home! Maybe, Natalie or Michelle ends up going home! Good riddance!
The remaining HGs are horrible at comps with the exception of Paulie, and he has a better chance of winning than everybody else. I hope someone that won’t use it or Da win.
watchout if bri win pov blindside will happen aka natalie watchout
If Bridgette wins Veto, Paul puts up Natalie or Michelle! Would be laughing my head off when it happens! These stragglers all need to be evicted. Remove all the stragglers then, those playing the game can target each other! Floaters do not deserve that $500,000.00!
floater always wins!
Ummm…James is pretty good at comps too.
I know it’s a game and maybe they all kiss after it’s over, but the TV audience and feedsters surely must see that they’re needlessly going way over the top with meanness towards Bridgette. I’m starting to root for her. Wouldn’t it be funny if she won POV, took herself down, then regardless of who replaced her, Paulie got shown the door? I don’t dislike him but I hate this level of mean play from a group towards one person.
Agree 100%
I agree. Seems very unnecessary
I wish Bridgette would win it and take herself off
They did the same to Tiffany. It makes you root for a lack-luster player. But then, IMO none of these HGs are shiny.
Completely agree.
I agree. I really think Frank took up with her after he saw how everyone treated her and didn’t like it. It amazes me how grown adults can be so mean.
Come on houseguests this is your chance to a blindside!
They will never do it
They will NEVER do it!! Ever!!
They need to cut Paulie the check.
Paulie is in complete control and he knows it. Victor or Paul won’t even give him a run for his money.
blindside aka natalie akafirst package
How dare she be happy about a gift thats been given to her. How rude.
victor is back in and is in paul ear most the time!vic gunning natalie because what she said goodbye piece watchout
hy are Paul and Paulie telling Bridgette so much? Because they don’t think anyone will believe Bridge if she tells them or they don’t think they will use it against them? Maybe to get her trust? It’s so weird to be telling a potential target so much.
meangirl ways!
With Paul in charge…OMG. This is going to be a long week.
And he gets mad that Day and Nicole tried to win HOH. I can’t!!
He let Paulie take over his HOH nom once again. To save face he comes with that weak line that Da was trying to win HOH, but before that he adamant not putting Da up. Paulie strikes again
i smelkl backfoor move aka natalie
If they’re that mad that she got the care package then they better realize America votes and they may not get the next perk. Do they forget we can see all of their bill squirt
america wanted huge target on natalie back to!
I don’t think so
this goes back victor left natalie said bout him goodbyr piece meangirl way waychout blindside natalie!
I think America actually likes Natalie. She is sweet and the only reason I don’t want her to win is because she is a floater. I do like Nat and James together and hopefully they’ll go far in this game.
if you get package is like hufe target thatall sorta lie hoh!
Are you typing in codes?
I literally can’t understand a thing he writes, ever. RIP English.
hes a freaking troll ignore the fool
vixtor will gunning for her since he got back in
victor will get into paul ear watchout!
let hope bri win pov put up nat meangirl way
bri win pov stuff will fly!
if u want ratins let bri win pov
doesnt paulie realize that hes a big target as well?
With his ego, probably not.
Nope. Paulie thinks he’s Derrick.
Why do I get the feeling that Paulie is going to go home this week? How dumb is he for volunteering to go up on the block when he KNOWS Da wants to break up the couples. Before this week is over the HGs will be telling each other they will never get another chance like this to get rid of Paulie and out he will go. If I am right paulie will go down as making one of the dumbest BB moves in BB history – right next to his brother who basically gave away first prize.
if bri win pov watchout
That will be great and yes, Cody made a dumb move and I hope his brother did as well.
I feel the same way. Some way or another, word is going to get back to Day that Paulie has been plotting her eviction. And when Paulie ends up still on the block come Thursday, he’s going to be screwed.
Why ANYONE would volunteer to go on the block is crazy. If the plan is to backdoor Day, why did he feel the need to be on the block? Just make sure one of the nominees win the veto and you’re good to go. Awful strategy.
if bri win pov?
His ego always get the best of him. He stated out loud “He will go on the block and no one will vote me out.”
I so hope you are right, but man, there are some dumb ones in there, don’t know if they will do the right thing. Instead of supporting Da, they would want to impress Paulie and support him! And for what? So that he can vote them out later when he feels like it because they are all just waiting around to be F2 with him.
if you get package then what?
Yes! Bridge needs to nab that POV win so Paulie will get sent packing!
Nope! They all too dumb to put the pieces together and to scared to make a move. He was on the block and it wasn’t even thought of or mentioned.
If Da’Vonne goes up as a replacement nominee and gets evicted I hope that she has the golden ticket. Paulie is a powerful player, probably one of the strongest in the house if not the strongest so it would be smart for the houseguests to vote him out now while they have the chance.
there going after natalie
that’s only for today because they are all bitter and jealous of her, but tonight on BBAD they will be talking about Da’vonne again and the next few days as well.
look what nicolewhat she said bout victor!
The house is back to getting rid of Da.
this like bri anf frank getting to close each other so they need break off big piece right?
Really? I keep hearing everyone talking about going after either Bridgette or Da’Vonne but mostly Da. I don’t know about everyone else but I’d be okay with either Paulie or Nicole going home.
thiswill ;like season 3 if bri wins pov watchout thing will fly off the quickly that all
Sure doesn’t take much to be the strongest player in this house.
at the sametime strong package first one aka natalie
Is MIchelle telling Da’vonne that the guys want her out? She has told her things before and I do hope she is still on her side.
if bri win watchout natalie time!
It would be a good thing if she did since I think Da is probably the only one in the house who will start the conversation to evict Paulie … and we know how she’s a steam-roller when somebody wants to put her up!!!!!!
meech hate natalie to~
meech hate natlaie anyways
meangirl way bri win
If Bridgette wins the POV, Natalie is getting evicted then and there unfortunately. Next season, pick a better cast who can actually play the game correctly.
well america wasnt to smart were they?
michele was goingafter natalie anyways look what natalie said bout victor now he back and in paul ears
america should smarter next time on who you the package to!
ring of fire like johnny cash!
If I was the HOH, I would’ve nominated Da’Vonne and Paulie. If one of them won the POV, backdoor Paul, send home a threat. That’s how you play Big Brother, who cares what the house wants, Big Brother is not meant to play so dainty.
if you get package then what?
Are you asking me, because you don’t know what that is, or?
doesdnt paint huge taget if you 1st package of the season?plus add michele been going after nalie for holong now?look another victor back in look what natalie said bout victor goodbyer piece sure does paint a target now
I apologize, can you please re-type this?
america voted natalie get the first care package
I know.
are you sayn that michele isdnt really targeting natalie for a while? yes or no?
Michelle is, but the thing is Natalie hasn’t won anything yet except the package, so why would she be a huge target?
look what she said bout victor goodbye piece tell great story!
I cannot translate what you’re saying.
On a previous episode, Victor was seen criticizing her makeup, clothing, and even what she ate. A.k.a., it was not cool. Twitter took notice, too, that his comments weren’t OK. Natalie increasingly became upset about Victor’s attitude toward her, saying that the now evicted houseguest has an opinion on everything. Well, now was Natalie’s time to give her opinion on Victor, and hopefully he takes some tips from it. While it was brief, the words that Natalie spoke were poignant and powerful, and certainly things that Victor will be reminded of as he exits the house (even if he potentially returns). As a reminder, here is that epic goodbye message.
How is this relevance to you asking me about Michelle’s thoughts on Natalie?
it meangirl way
Uhm, what?
if bridgette win pov michele will paul and bri ask to put up natalie meangirl way
I still cannot translate what you’re saying.
Is it me or are there similarities to BB3 in this current season? Case in point, Season 3 it was Amy versus KiKi (aka Kira ?SP) for one of the guys. KiKi was around him alot and Amy would say how KiKi would sweep him a way to the hammock. This pinned the girls against each other. Now with the current season, we have Bridgette and Michelle in a similar situation with Frank. Just minus sweeping him away into the hammock. Hmmmmm, makes me wonder if Bridgette will pull a Lisa (also from season 3 who won in the end after riding Eric’s coat tailes). Something to ponder.
do you the transaltion meangirls are yet?
mean girls
1) Girls who are bullies and use “girl agression” (nasty comments, trickery, deceit, excluding people from events, spreading rumors, stealing boyfriends,etc.) to manipulate other girls. They will use text messaging, AIM, email, three-way-calling, and any other weapon at their disposal to acheieve these goals.
(coined by Rosalind Wiseman in her book “Queen Bees and Wannabees”)
These girls are often popular because everyone is either afraid of them or wants to be like them. They tend to have armies of followers (“friends”/wannabees) comprising their clique. However, few people actually like them for who they are.
2) A movie based on Rosalind Wiseman’s book “Queen Bees and Wannabees” which takes an intimate look at the inner workings of a high school and the all-powerful girl clique who seem to run it. Starred Lindsey Lohan before she went blonde and possibly anorexic, and therefore was still “hot” (see some other definitions). Very highly watched among the high school population as many girls could actually relate to the story.
1) “Those popular girls are always fighting with each other and manipulating everyone else. They’re real Mean Girls.”
the package paint huge target doesnt it yes or no?
are you if you get the package doesnt paint huge target?
Don’t try to conversate with him hon- you’ll just end up confused and annoyed lol
This Mickey dude is out there! He’s basically ruining this site because he doesn’t stfu. He rambles on about the same stuff constantly on every post.
Omg! Yes! Driving me crazy.
Yes, thank you! It’s like…spam level.
Yes it is!
LOL! I had to laugh at this post! Hilarious
LOL I ended up blocking him, he was about to drive me crazy.
Victor is back and he says that he wants to take Natalie out himself. He says that in her goodbye message she really took him out. She was saying that he was disrespectful of women. His mom knew it was not true and was pi*. She slandered his name and there is no coming back from that. Paulie says that in the contract you sign that away. Victor says she slammed his name in the dirt and if you watch the show it can’t come up, never, because it doesn’t exist. Hopefully America knows that. Some people only hear it and just believe it. He says that he could not have handled this situation with her any better. He says that he just told her that they should not have taken that any farther. He says that she sh* on me, and he wants to call her out. He says that he has to get back to his normal not think about it self. Paulie says that he will walk around and let Victor vent. Vic says he is going to listen to music. He puts on the spy screen and the headphones.
Hi MIckey, I was wondering why you can write such excellent comments as this one and then about 5 minutes later you resort to pidgin English???
What’s going on? Is this a joke or something?
copy paste that all
Oh, ok then. So you copy/pasted the above comment from somewhere else?
So you didn’t write the comment yourself, someone else was the author of the comment?
i hate using grammer tools anyways so im fast typer anyways
no one get get meangirl ways to
Two different people?
I think Mickey was saying that he ‘borrows’ other people’s comments and uses the copy and paste method to print them here.
Correct me if I’m wrong Mickey.
copy and paste
Say what????
God yes. Thank you.
Yeah agree. But then if you go against the house, the following week after the HoH you will be in a vulnerable situation especially if you missed the target, like Frank and Bridge missing the target on Tiff.
Not every week needs a big move as long as a big target is evicted.
So far only Bronte was kinda a bust, but Jozea, Victor, Tiff and Frank those were big dangerous players, so effective evictions.
Jozea was right about Paulie. Wished they all would have listened earlier.
Paul can’t be backdoored this week because he is HOH.
this like BB 3 girls vs girls ways
Is it me or are there similarities to BB3 in this current season? Case in point, Season 3 it was Amy versus KiKi (aka Kira ?SP) for one of the guys. KiKi was around him alot and Amy would say how KiKi would sweep him a way to the hammock. This pinned the girls against each other. Now with the current season, we have Bridgette and Michelle in a similar situation with Frank. Just minus sweeping him away into the hammock. Hmmmmm, makes me wonder if Bridgette will pull a Lisa (also from season 3 who won in the end after riding Eric’s coat tailes). Something to ponder.
if you wanna get some1 out the house give the them care package
Good point Mickey! I think it does put a target on Nat’s back by making the others jealous and resentful that she got a care package and they didn’t.
yup but they break up james natalie somehow right?
There are still other care packages left. Nat just happened to get the first one.
I really wonder if Paulie pulled a Dustin/Lawon.
boys vs boys girls vs girls now
Wouldn’t that be great to see?
yathis lookn like season 3
I would love to see Day gone I’m so sick of her and her paranoid act, her black ass needs to go plus back stabber James can go, it really sucks Frank is gone, I hope James gets out of the house and dies in a horrible death, and for the rest oh wow how simple to go after Bridget bunch of cowardly jerks.
if you put up natalie james will be pissed off?
Yup that would be good after what he did to frank
Yes, and he would just be pissed and not do anything about it. LOL! He’s keeping Natalie in the dark about alot of things going on. Once Natalie find out how he’s keeping her in the dark and not telling her the truth, she probably will be done. She already told him she hate a person that outright lies to her face.
That’s a little harsh isn’t it??
Yes I suppose but i can’t stand her n I’m upset frank is gone
They fall into this same trap every year. Now is the perfect time to get out Paulie, but they won’t. And he will end up winning it for his brother Cody. Then we will have more siblings.
Paulie can already taste the money and can’t wait to rub little bro Cody’s face in it.
BBcanada 4 sibling won now i bet pauile will win
paq bros!
Can’t stand this cast. Now I guess I want Victor to win it all. I would want Paulie, but I guess he is GOD’s gift for BB.
ya i think paulie win now to because what happen bb4 canada
Victors laugh kills me… And my ears lol
Da could be a target, but she’s a pot stirrer, and we’ve seen her game. Da would see this the most clearly. to take a shot at Paulie. She probably has the most courage to do something about it. Victor too, As I recall, his goal is to get Paulie out of the house….too bad he became Paul’s minion.
i still thinkmeangirl way bri win pov watchout
Hi Mickey – could you please re-word that – I honestly don’t know what you mean – thanks
look up what meangirl is
I know what ‘meangirl’ means thank you – it’s the rest of the sentence that is incomprehensible – no grammar or syntax – complete pidgin English.
look season 3 bb
Ok you got ‘mean girl’? look season 3 bb..then look ‘mean girl’ again lol
Is it me or are there similarities to BB3 in this current season? Case in point, Season 3 it was Amy versus KiKi (aka Kira ?SP) for one of the guys. KiKi was around him alot and Amy would say how KiKi would sweep him a way to the hammock. This pinned the girls against each other. Now with the current season, we have Bridgette and Michelle in a similar situation with Frank. Just minus sweeping him away into the hammock. Hmmmmm, makes me wonder if Bridgette will pull a Lisa (also from season 3 who won in the end after riding Eric’s coat tailes). Something to ponder.
now add in naalie and james to that mix!
HEY, wow, you can actually write in intelligible English!!! Now, why not do that on all of your many posts so we all can understand what you’re saying?
LOL Paul hit the nail on the head when he said what America would give him. He said America would give him a dildo and tell him to go f#?k himself.
America would give him a muzzle!
I swear, none of this cast can think for themselves. If any of them had a brain Paulie would be going home.
Paul’s voice grates on my last nerve. I am sick of listening to him , I could only imagine having to live with him.
And do they wait until BBAD to eat everyday? I get sick of them always smacking and chewing on food.
same for bb canada~
Eating and sleeping, and talking $#!^
eat sleep talk bb on here lol
I am not going to lose sleep listening to these foul mouthed sexually repressed idiots. Why do they think these are topics of discussion foe America to listen to???? These people have the characters of less than freaking ants!!!!!! So much for semi-edumakated, people.
earlier they were eating oranges
Moreover, their personal hygiene sucks.
People hated on Cody during his season for having a great social game but always being too scared to make big moves… Here his brother is with an even better social game AND willing to make big moves and the same people are STILL finding things to whine about.
You people will never be happy, will you?
this like mean way going now
I wouldn’t say he has a great social game. I would say he has Paul running around being a bully for him.
What? Paulie objectively has a great social game. Just because you may not care for him doesn’t change that.
He’s got Zakiyah choosing him over DaVonne, he’s got Paul in his pocket (and therefore Victor), he has Nicole and Corey keeping him safe, and he has James and Natalie keeping him safe, not to mention a great working relationship with Michelle.
Could the houseguests wise up? Sure. But they sure haven’t yet.
It’s fine to hate the guy. That’s your choice. But don’t stick your head in the sand to do so. The guy has a fantastic social game. I’m sure you can find plenty of other reasons to hate him.
Sorry, I do not call being arrogant and having housemates afraid to make a move a social game.
The ones with their heads in the sand are in the house with him.
Agreed, and that is why he will hopefully lose in 3rd place – less time on vacation in jury and no money. He behaves can like a spoiled little d-bag baby.
You are right, but he is a D-Bag
He’s playing a good game, but why do you think BB fans view him negatively? I’m not sure about TV viewers. BBN, his ranking is way at the bottom on Jokers, chat rooms don’t like him. I’ll be surprised if voters give him one of the ‘good packages’..Why do you think that is?
Maybe you didn’t hear him on the feeds telling Corey he basically was just using Z for the game, and saying that James needed to get Nat to humble herself.
I have feeds..I know how he is.
My opinions on his personality have nothing to do with the game he is playing. He’s playing a great game. I wish people were able to acknowledge that despite their feelings about his personality.
Is Paulie playing a good game or are the other houseguests just stupid? I am disappointed that Da, James and Nic aren’t playing a better game since they have been on the show before.
I’m never one of those people who complains for complaining’s sake, but NO ONE is playing a good game this season. It’s unreal.
He’s too arrogant. He’s already starting to make mistakes having trouble keeping all his lies going. He keeps slipping up.
this like BB canada paq bros they lied cheat and won it
He keeps slipping up? He seems to be in a great position. Care to explain?
He does have a great social game, can win comps and isn’t afraid to make big moves BUT I don’t like the size of his ego. He was my FAV houseguest until his prideful side took over.
That’s fine! People are perfectly okay to form their own opinions about his behavior, I was just talking about his position in the game and the fact that he’s playing well. Some people don’t seem to understand that you can dislike a player while admitting they are playing a good game.
what will victor do if he win and use it?
Nothing. Let Paulie make the decision.
I don’t remember Nicole being such a mean girl last season she was on??
Yeah but I remember her being nicer during bb16 — is it Michelle that brings out her inter mean girl?
michele hate natalie right now
Michelle always hates someone
yup when u get packahe watchout
I don’t know why Nicole forgot how they treated her on her season. She needs to remember real fast and at least be cordial to Bridge
I can’t believe they let Nicole whine her way out of it!
crying always wins!
only reason why nicole is pissed because natalie that fake cryn meangirl way now
Do you think Natalie is a mean girl?
yup i do think so this all what shesaid to victor in goodbye speec hto him now he back in told paul bout it to!~
What about all of the things Victor said to Nat that were rude?
yup they werre now he targetting her now
Victor was a wuss the first time he was in and a wuss this time. What happened to the Victor that was coming for Paulie and wanted revenge? Victor is Paulie’s lapdog and clueless. He talks about Natalie goodbye message but he forgot who evicted him out the house and that goodbye message.
cory and him were talkn!
I heard James say the other day that he was at the bottom of the pecking order.
I am hoping he will wise up and realize what is going on. Unless he thinks he is one of the guys.
i dont thihk he right in the middle laying low so far
True yet wait to long and the time will pass.
ya look at derek how he won it
I did not like Derrick yet he manipulated everyone. He was never on the block and was never a target. I can’t say the same for these people.
I also think it was unfair to have a trained undercover cop in the mix.
vanessa was poker player to?
Not the same. Derrick was trained in the manipulation of others.
Besides, Vanessa has a bad poker face.
watchout lawyer and doctors play out!
just watch tony g vs vanessa tell she aint great poker player lol
he going use natalie bait and dump her the frank tank -tiffany
That was a bit much. She was a Have Not and then to go back on the block. She has already been on the block before which can be stressful then add HN with it. I would have cried to. I agree when they were talking some have not even seen the block and why weren’t they put up?
Michelle Meyer
Michelle is a nutritionist from Michigan and she’s 23 years old. This girl may have some drama in the house because she tells CBS that talking about other people behind their backs in the past has gotten her into trouble. She’s hoping she doesn’t make the same mistakes on the show. She reveals her sneaky strategy as this: I plan on passively manipulating people and giving them reasons to follow my suggestions. I will also potentially be in a showmance, if I think it helps in the game. I want to take on all the punishments I can and appear weak while still winning competitions. I want a solid alliance to take to the end, but, secretly, have a better relationship with a few of the people.
Seems that she’s failing miserably with most of that plan.
She said she didn’t know what fat cells were. Nutritionist?
look at her profile!
What about it?
rweally really
;ppol what jason ray saifd bridgette to!
The fans voted Natalie the care package because she has been a have not so much and stuck in that bed, why did the house have to be so jealous and nasty about it. Most immature selfish cast ever on BB. I hope Paulie goes home.
I can’t wait to see how the other houseuests are treated after we vote for them to get their care packages.
So couple comments since I just binge watched the entire season. If 1 more person calls themselves “your boy” I will scream. Why are they saying that? And 2. I like Day a lot more than last year. I also love the harder comps and the extra challenges and new things.
Your boy here is PISSED that you don’t like it, it’s not FRIENDSHIP!!!
Guess you also like Shade 101 and the hair flipping, huh? Hehehe.
Big surprise there! Bridgette!!!! didn’t see that coming! Paul is weak! Although Bridget is good at comps but still, there are bigger threats and I don’t think Bridget would have went after Paul if she wins HOH next week!
Ugh he is so arrogant and fake! The drives me crazy listening to him!
when and why did he get so cocky! Just because he managed to stay off the block for an entire week?! Does he not realize or remember that all these people he’s listening to put him on the block! Every week! Does he not understand that he is low on the totem pole?! of course unless I’m wrong and he’s in a strong alliance now?
Paul went from the outcast to the middle and now on top being one of Paulie’s henchmen. He is shitzu crazy!
He came in cocky. He’s 23. Male. Nuff said.
can someone please help me? LOL in more ways than one ha ha Ha anyway, I’m just so out of touch with this season. I just haven’t found the time to keep up on all the gossip & and what not the season. I have no idea who’s with who and who wants who out and who is strongly aligned? And who is not?
but my question is, and we’re going back to the beginning here but most of these houseguests have never watched big brother? There’s only one or two super fans? And then the rest of them got to see one or two seasons while in sequester???
so who knows the game? Aside from obviously the vets and who doesn’t? At all? for some strange reason I missed that conversation at the very beginning of the game I guess? TIA
You’re right! Michelle knows the game…Super Fan. Obviously, Paulie knows the game (Cody’s brother). Unless I’m forgetting someone, no one else besides the returning vets know the game.
Aside from Michelle. So why Michelle? Why is she the only player aside from the vets Paulie that knows the game? I assume when casting they did this on purpose?
Oh how I hope Da has that golden ticket if she gets evicted!!!!! At least she doesn’t attack and isolate like the other girls! She saved tiff and it backfired that’s why the attitude with her but those other mean bitches omg I would be disqualified cause I don’t think I could deal with middle school again
I know Da’s personality and I do think that she wants to punch Nicole in her mouth, but has been a big girl controlling her temper.
You know what’s interesting? The whole time hgs have been in the house, Day has kept almost everyone informed as to what is or was happening in da hawse. If it were not for Day, half of these dim-witted folks would be out da door.
They smile in your face, all the time they want to take your place, BACKSTABBERS!
Anyone else recognize the lyrics from the old hit song “Backstabbers”? Couldn’t help myself here.
James is playing Da to the left! I can’t believe he is keeping info from her that they are about to backdoor him! Little do he know him and Natalie is next on that list. He even heard the convo of getting rid of them and he still play like an amateur and does nothing.
I honestly think that James is making the exact same mistake as last season. He went straight to Austin and told him everything, even though the twins wanted him out. He is a nice person, and fun to be around, but he is a horrible BB player. He got America’s best player because of his jokes in the house, nothing else. I still like him, but hope he makes the right move this week or he will be gone.
James is a nice guy but I don’t know why he was brought back. He only cares about AFP and jury. AFP should be someone who actually comes to play.
Not really. Paulie has definitely come to play but I don’t think there are many who would vote him for AFP.
So true!
Wiw! I’m sure he is stupified and cannot think. Because he cannot go to Day and risk her telling everyone what he’s thinking and blowing up his game.
I see, but I guess it doesn’t matter they already plotting on James and Gnat. I can’t believe how horrible he plays and he’s like oblivious to a lot of things going on
I don’t think that it’s because he’s oblivious, but more that he does not carry any real weight because he has not lobbied anyone but Natalie for the showmance, and not $500,000. She came first.
James sleeps all day and play w/Natalie. Natalie tried to tell James what’s going on many times but he just does not listen to her for ex: Don’t nom Bridgette, Paulie is running the show, who’s in an alliance… Now that he has heard talk about they are coming for Natalie and him it clicks that he is on the bottom of the totem pole and everything today is starting to click which Natalie been telling him all along. He ran back and told Paulie everything that Da told him. I think once he made that move on Frank everything is about to fall downhill for James.
He deserves to go home then!
LOL! I caught it right away! O’Jays! That was back in the (day)! ??
I couldn’t remember the group. That’s for the throwback memory
Go Bridgette! Win Veto and take yourself off the block.
Well, looks like Da’vone is going out the door! I can’t believe these players are just giving away 500k to Paulie! Possibly that crazy Paul. What a bunch of airheads. Ridiculous..
I’m vote this week care package (Eliminate Two Evictions) to Da. I hope she can use it before she get voted out.
Let’s hope it helps! This would be a good time for her to get it.
It won’t help this week because the voting doesn’t close until the Friday!
Yes, I just realized that today.
Damage Control: Bridgette has teamed up w/Paulie and Paul and getting the girls out for them, The are controlling all her moves, she is their puppet. I will NOT vote for Bridgett, I am now giving my votes to MICHELLE!!
I know! Why can’t these girls stay together? So frustrating!! ?she should be tired of being a puppet.
I know, she knows they will get rid of her soon as she is finished doing what they need. I would just make a big move and go to jury than to be their puppet. Does not matter bcz tthey are going to evict her anyway.
Yes I agree! All the girls will be leaving again.
What happened to Bridgette knee?