Paulie Calafiore is back in the driver’s seat for Big Brother 18 this week as the new Head of Household and it didn’t take him long to make his target and nomination plans well known through the house. Thanks to the Live Feeds we’ve got your nom spoilers.
Last week when things flipped against Bronte it had been Paulie standing in the way for several days before relenting and joining the hive mind to keep Tiffany around and make Frank the target. Well when Paulie blew that by winning HoH and giving Frank blanket safety for the week it was time for a new plan.
Big Brother 18 Week 4 Nominations:
- Paulie nominated: Natalie and Tiffany
Sure, Frank was his top pick but that’s done and gone so Tiffany will make him just as happy. Nothing is simple or a sure thing for Big Brother though. With the Roadkill comp coming up there’s a chance someone is ready to go against the flow and send another target like Da’Vonne to the Block.
Paulie considered using Paul and Natalie as double pawns to BD Tiffany but that plan didn’t last long and he soon returned to the upfront approach. Natalie isn’t in any particular danger this round but you never know what could happen. As James’s last teammate I’d watch for him to be highly protective of her this week.
What do you think of Paulie’s noms? He’s made his target clear, but do you think he can finally pull off the Tiffany eviction or will she escape it again?
Good times ahead on the Feeds! Grab your Free Trial to watch the next week for free then keep it for $5.99/month. That’s 20 cents a day for 24/7 access to Feeds content. Silly cheap.
Not surprised, however, RK may be interesting this week. We shall see.
I think RK comp just got underway. Frank want Corey OTB if him or Bridgette win.
Frank is amazing – I don’t even see his lips move when Bridgette talks!
I do *not* want to know where his hands are.
Good one, really good one .. and neither do I.
They’re holding her swollen ankle as she purrs!
He has a degree in Puppeteering back in university. It’s basically a life-long procession mastered over the years.
Too funny…heheheheheee
Doing a high kick while squealing!
Apparently a high kick can get you on BB.
Those can get you booted from BB too, pun intended! hahaha
Careful with those high kicks LOL
Now do a pirouette to complete the dance!
I just spit coffee all over my keyboard!!
Hahahaha. Perfect!
Brilliant ;)
Did you see the one from the other day where Bridgette got a phone call? It was from the National Highway Traffic & Safety Administration — they wanted her back for another crash test!
Ahahahaha…OMG..too freakin funny! Guess they found a new model to replace her that could handle ram tough collisions!
Ahahaha…Where you been Linda? You’re on a roll today!
Drinking. JK ;)
That’s hilarious!
That’s because his head is to far up his own as to see them.
Those RK comps take so long, so I guess it will be quite a while before we know anything .. and even then only if it is made obvious by the winner?
But it’s so hard to contain the excitement of something that’s supposed to be kept secret…guess it’s not the best kept secret after all.
True, and it gets even easier for everyone to figure out who the winner is as the amount of people that are in that house dwindles. Everybody knows everybody else’s enemies.
BB Gods for the sake of the feeds please protect Tiffany for another week
Wow big move (NOT) if he dose’nt backdoor Davonne his HOH is a big waste!
Davonne isn’t a threat to Paulie. Targeting her would be a waste.
Da’Vonne is a threat. She is the leader of the girls outside of Natalie and Bridget. And Da’Vonne is irrational and flips on a whim.
If Paulie were to align with Corey, Frank and Paul to take out Da’Vonne, they could rule the house for weeks. The other girls would have no idea what to do.
How is she any different from Nicole who is actually in a showmance? She also flip flops on a whim and lies. Da isn’t a threat to Paulie right now because she wasn’t throwing around his name for eviction while Tiff is trying to blow up his game.
Who is Nicole in a showmance with?
Sorta, kinda Corey … she’s a tad infatuated, nothing serious and Corey apparently just needs a cuddlebug.
Corey. If hey aren’t in one they might as well be because they seem to be a package.
So you’re telling me Day is the only threat and irrational person in that house? Come On. Everyone is!!! Nicole is the biggest flip flopper.
Please. Da’Vonne is not the “leader of the girls outside of Natalie and Bridget.” Add Nicole and Tiffany to that list. Also, they all flip flop at this point! Over and over again. I do not understand what Paulie did in the last eviction. He was one of 5 who coordinated to save Tiffany, but he actually voted to evict Tiffany. What happened??
They were splitting the votes so that Frank could not figure out who voted for who.
And that would be boooorrring lol
So, basically, they saved Tiffany for no reason… -_-
Well, at least this means the feeds will be good.
So it isn’t a complete waste. :)
Yea if Tiff ends up staying on the block and going home it would be like them voting to keep her was a waste
There is also the effect of an advantage or a disadvantage with regard to who she would compete against in the come back twist depending on which week evicted. Of course they don’t know about that now, so it doesn’t enter into their decision, but we might look back on it and say what if.
Of course we all know they aren’t taking the Battle Back twist into consideration! hahaha
Gah! What a horrible thought – Tiffany could be returning.
Please NO!
She’s not even gone yet!
Gone, no…a goner…lookin like it! :-)
Tiff’s ‘revenge shenanigans’ last night sealed her fate I think.
Pretty much…sad it had to come to that. If she’d just been a bit more patient a bit longer, it could have worked out better for her.
Just so bizarre. She’s such an intelligent person that’s obvious but WTH – she’s past redemption now.
We can officially say she just “snapped”…waiting for her episode to air on Oxygen now!
Bwahahaha! She definitely snapped and it was not a pretty sight.
Revenge shenanigans? What’d I miss?
Are you caught up yet? Tiffany decided to stab everyone that saved her in the back.
I did go over to Jokers briefly. Thanks love :)
Things are happening so fast and furious I had to read about 10 pages at Jokers to catch up.
Lol…true story! ?
She looked like a goner earlier this week too. Ya just never know.
You can stick a fork in Tiffany – she’s done.
At least this is my take after catching up over at Jokers. Tiff went bat$hit crazy last night.
She’s calling it “strategy” today.
I saw that and didn’t believe a word of it. Stabbing the people that saved her in the back is not strategy – it’s a hissy fit/tantrum. I can’t even begin to make sense of her behavior last night.
She literally had everyone of them who flipped and saved her regretting their decision last night! LoL
Not a shred of loyalty in that one so good riddance.
She’ll be stabbing Frank in the back next.
I seriously doubt she could pull off the win
I pray you’re correct Nicole :D
Pretty much!
HeY! It outed Day!
So many appear to have no concept of BB other than “I hate X and if Y doesn’t get X out then ‘the game is fixed’/’production got involved’/’Y is an idiot’ or some other nonsense”.
I knew I forgot something.
Quit assuming Tiff is Van Mark 2; it’s supremely unfair. Elissa was NOTHING like the Red Headed Terror.
Have you been watching the feeds? This morning she without a doubt proved to be “Van Mark 2”.
No. What did she do?
We learned from the other Rousso last year that just because you THINK she will be gone, doesn’t mean she will be.
From the feeds……the only way Day is going OTB is if Corey or Nicole wins roadkill, otherwise, Corey, Tiffany, Nicole or Nat will be in danger of going home. The Tiffany Frank alliance is hell bent on sending Corey or Nicole home. Day was able to take the target off her back by having a talk with Tiff. That’s what happening so far anyway….it could change again.
Then I hope Corey or Nicole wins RK if that means Da goes OTB. But we still have to worry about the veto.
If Tiffany doesn’t win veto she’s gone…FOSHO
Looks to be a good move to me, it is also the best way for him to get the least blood on his hands.
I’m not disagreeing with you, but I just wanted to mention how much I hate the remark “blood on his/her hands”, and we will be hearing/reading it all the time now ….
Second to being “thrown under the bus”.
I’m like, “what is this bus they seem to always talk about?”.
True That
I guess we can now say the “bus” is the RK coach.
Why can’t they say “throw them off the train” instead, like they did Mama! Not Mama Day either!
Should I say least crap on his shoes?
LOL! They could’ve at least given you new terms to use since yours didn’t fit the bill :D
How about …. He didn’t want to look like an asshole?
I don’t think that works, throwing someone under the bus is still the more accurate description but good try.
Especially for a clean freak like him! :-)
I wonder if Bridgette plays for veto and wins she would pull her friend off or continue being Frank’s puppet and saves Tiffy? I know Frank would definitely save Tiff.
Has Bitchette said anything about Frank being the person who put Bronte up making her eligible for eviction?
She didn’t do anything when he told her during cuddle time except appear to snuggle closer.
She just said, “Oh Frank, you’re such a beast!” hahaha
However, if my memory serves .. Gigglette did not know at that time that Bronte would actually be voted out .. she was convinced that Bronte was a pawn and safe (and so was Bronte and so was Natalie). Frank and Gigglette didn’t know until the actual live vote … but even then Gigglette looked shocked but she never acted like her HOH reign took out her best friend. hehehehehehehehehehe.
I’ll be damned if my friend goes home on my HoH! She said that too without knowing who won the RK and put her up! Once she learned who did it, she didn’t seem affected whatsoever. She just went on snuggling with him. All I saw was a smile on his face and I knew he just using her like a piece of toilet paper and she was gullible enough to wipe his butt with it. Not classy. She went on to tell him she didn’t like those girls anyway! Would love to be the fly on the wall when they watch the show…that is if they get the feeds too with it. Do they?
I don’t know if they get the feeds, but the show and BBAD is still enough to make them ill or at least cringe seeing their own behavior and what they and others said. However, I doubt anyone could keep themselves “in check” when it is an isolated 24/7 filming of possibly your every move. That’s pretty much the point of it.
True. Day said she never took the time to watch her season over because she said she lived enough of it to last a life time.
Probably why she’s making the same mistakes again! LOL
Over at the Jokers poll Nicole has dropped from 1st or 2nd place way on down. I must’ve missed something, what’s going on?
She caused a mess and had a difficulty cleaning it up even though it was her own mess. Still a bit confused on how it blew up into such a bigger mess than intended.
I thought Tiff caused the mess?
I don’t know where to go to find out what really happened in that Nicole/Tiff blow up.
I think it had more to do with the talk with Frank and then she walked out and left Corey there alone to deal with it.
Such a pathetic waste of HOH power
Well, it was a dud, after all. I would have prefered Frank winning the comp. Who doesn’t wanna see Franks back up against the wall with HoH trying to figure out who turned on’s gonna be like the “scarface” ending.
I wondered if Frank threw the comp to Paulie.
Bridgette was HOH but her “friend” Bronte got voted out. How ironic is that?
Would love to see Tiffany get voted out this Thursday then Tiffany wins the competition on Friday to come back into the house.
If you think about it The Epic Fail last night was a big reveal for Day and Frank. Because of Tiff, Frank now knows the whole house is against him and his new formed alliance with Nicole and Corey is a dud. Day is now aware that Nicole and Corey want her out!!. The winners in this fallout are Frank and Day. The losers are Corey and Nicole. They were sitting safe, now they are targets.
Any day Nicole is losing is a good day in my book. Also who’s this Corey you speak of?
I regret that I only have one recommend to give to this comment!
Nicole is the most overrated player in Big Brother history. A real fruit loop dingus.
YES! Im not the only one. She just keeps awkwardly stumbling into big brother history lol
No, you are not the only one, I feel the same about her.
Paulia you are a pussy picking on Tiff. Grow some balls you idiot Go after a man.
I agree with the first part, but Da should be the target!
Why did Paulie even risk winning this week? Put a target right on your back why don’t ya. Stupid.
He refused to drop out until Frank lost, had Nicole and Paulie both answered right he would have thrown it to her but he didn’t want to risk Frank being HOH
8-0 or 7-1 Natalie walks out the door. Then Frank, then Bridgette. Tiffany keeps manipulating her way into making other HGs it is best to keep her.
I hope that is the case. That means Victor may likely battle back and if he does, hoochie mama, they won’t unite to send him right back out. Nooo – especially if Paul Friendship is still around – They will all be in his ear. Good stuff!
Da goes up and out if either Natalie or Tiff come down. Or Frank puts her up as 3rd nominee if he wins RK again
Looking forward to the RK nomination. Seems like Nicole’s name was floating around earlier from Tiff to Frank, so would love to see her get nominated (because we’re assuming Frank the Tank will win again, right?!). Or Corey. Need to break up that showmance. At least Paulie is playing the game between him and Z. Not sure what the other two (N+C) are doing.
Good thing for Nicole that Paul is available if Corey does go lol.
Lol, what a pairing that would be!
All of the showmances are one sided – Corey dose not want anything long term with Nicole, and Paulie dose not want anything long term either, and Natalie does not want anything at all with James, except flirting in the house. Sorry James I hate to see you get played.
I hate to see James get played, too … he needs to high-kick her away.
do you think he’s being played? Natalie said in the diary room that she goes for guys like James and that she does really like him. I don’t think she’s playing him although I could be very wrong LOL
I can’t take another season of watching Vanessa’s game play, which is exactly what we’re getting with Tiffany in the house. I just can’t take it.
I hope beyond hope that Tiffany is evicted as fast as possible. She is clearly trying to play Vanessa’s game and she absolutely, 100%, sucks at doing so.
Here’s one of the main strategies of “Tge Vanessa and Tiffany Plan”, and here is how it works:
1) do something shady
2) hypocritically accuse everyone else in the house of doing exactly what you just did to cover your tracks
3) cover it up even further by blowing up the house by having a staged emotional breakdown. where everybody out until they completely forget about your original infraction or until you can just blame it on the emotional breakdown.
4) once you have them all worn down and weak and you win, immediately talk game with whoever’s left standing (because they are the most codependent if they are still hanging around you after hours of watching you freak out) and milk them for all of the information you can get
5) rinse and repeat
For example, last night she gave a speech that called Frank a dictator. She called him names and said some really mean things about other people (Bridgett). Whether it was deserved or not is irrelevant. It’s what she did right after that outs her.
After the HOH competition, when it was normal feed time, she then threw a fit, protesting about how people are talking and saying mean things about her and that she feels isolated because of it– what is exactly the same thing she just did to Frank and Bridget.
It’s a perfect example of Vanessa’s game and the whole thing was staged. It had to be because it perfectly matches what Vanessa would have done.
However, she failed because Polly among others saw right through it and said as much in the feeds multiple times last night that she was just playing Vanessa’s game and they could see it very clearly.
Tiffany, you’re going home this week. Welcome to the block. Nobody’s going to save you this time.
That being said, it should be a fun week watching her try to play Vanessa’s game awkwardly and extremely poorly. But after that, I will have had about all that I can stand of her and I will be glad that she’s going home.
Next time, don’t hold back. Go on a rant.
I will, I promise. ;)
I think they both use the “staged strategy” explanation to cover for their “stability challenges”.
Win Road Kill Frank, and make those spineless people pay!
Woot woot
Yawn !!
surprise surprise!
although there aren’t many options. They need to get rid of this group thing!
I agree wholeheartedly!
funny thing is though, Paulie voted to evict Tiffany ….. What’s up with that? I guess because he is HOH neither sides of the house is questioning why he did that?
They’re still recovering from the failed blindside and hopeful HoH that didn’t happen!
They planned for the vote to be split 5/4 so that Frank could not figure out who voted for who.
Whoopdie doo doo! So freakin predictable. Why not put up Corey and Z? Oh nm..he’s in a showmance with Z and Corey’s with Nic, people he’s alligned himself it’s easier to use the same ol others that have been there so long they’re leaving an imprint on the sofa cushions, except Nat who is new to the block. Day gonna be hard to BD this week…the numbers won’t permit her going home just yet unless he can get everyone to agree to send her over Tiffany.
Same ole HOH, same ole people on the block. He could of put up Nicole w/Nat!
So guess Nat might be going home if Tiff ends up getting fewer votes in order to get James to join his side. I don’t think James will let that happen very easily. He’ll be extra protective of Nat this week than ever before!
I can’t remember who, but some clever person referred to her as Gnat … so funny.
That might have been KSJB…she just says what others are thinking! LOL
And she is clever!
I want Frank to win RK and nom Corey… And him leave Thursday
What did Corey do…besides that goat incident?
That is more than enough. But add in his tweets and you’ve got a big problem, imo.
What did Corey do in the BB house that everyone now wants him gone?
I just think It would really help Nicole’s game IF Corey were to leave
It would certainly take a big target off of her if she were alone. I’ll be surprised if they keep Tiff though – although not too much is making sense right now. I’ll have to watch BBAD tonight.
At this point, Frank REALLY wants to keep Tiffany in the house this week since he’s realized he doesn’t have the numbers in the house that he thought he did so after the veto comp results and ceremony, if she’s still on the block I’m expecting him to work hard to try and keep her in the house this week.
Tiff will probably blow up at Frank soon by the look of things. Although I do understand that Frank can’t be too particular with allies right now I don’t see Tiff lasting long in any alliance.
That’s a good point, she could fade into the background then and be safe for awhile.
That’s my thoughts too!
I don’t mind Corey in general, but the past few days he becomes so mean, probably because he sleeps on that bumper car and eats slop.
Anyway, if he’s gone, I would love to see the shock in both Paulie and Nicole’s faces hahaha.
Road Kill is happening right now. If Bridge, Frank or Tiff win it, Corey will be up on the block. If noms stay the same after PoV comp, Corey could be the one voted out 5-3 (Frank, Bridge, Day and possibly James & Mich).
Corey over Tiff? I doubt that seriously, especially after last night’s brewhah!
Day and James talked this morning about that actually. And you know Michelle.
Besides, never count Tiff out, like last week haha.
What time? After 3:00 a.m.?
Fri 9:43 AM BBT DaVonne saying Tiffany said Paulie/Corey/Zakiyah/Nicole are running the house. Saying to James we need to do something to break
that up. DaVonne really doesn’t trust Nicole with Corey. James says we could send Corey home, then says he wouldn’t be upset if Nicole goes home. They’re both very upset at Corey and Nicole, and James is upset the vets fell apart.
Well, as much as I like James, he sure did not do anything to keep them together.
He tries, but not his fault that Frank, Day and Nic tried to have a go at each other.
That’s true .. they were a hard group to snare.
Guess Day better win the RK then.
All I saw was Corey telling Paulie about how unappreciative Tiffany was for being saved and Michelle piping in with her two cents about how many lies Tiff’s told. Day and James talking about it even with Michelle won’t go anywhere unless they share it with Paulie.
You know that Corey has been so mean lately (probably because of the slop and sleeping on the small bumper car with that giant body).
And I think Frank mentioned to Tiff all the mean things Corey said about Tiff, that’s why Tiff was so pissed off with both Nicole and Corey.
(It wasn’t on jokers but I read it on twitter).
And of course Nicole made it all about herself, an innocent victim hahaha.
Good ol Frank! :-)
Yeah, I might be minority here but I like the way Tiff went DGAF with everyone. Coz the past two weeks she’s on the block, everyone didn’t really want to talk to her and some just left the room when she entered.
And they saved her not because they wanted to but it’s a big FU to Frank, and after the HoH they just ignored her.
I am curious, did Paulie invite her to go to his HoH room? Coz Paulie did mention he wanted to ban Tiff from entering the HoH room before he got the room.
Coz the blowup happened right after the HoH room revealed.
How cool will that be if Corey is put up as the RK nom, then Tiff wins the veto, so Paulie puts Nicole up a renom as a returned favor for putting him up before, hahaha.
Now I’d like that! :-)
who won rk?
Don’t know yet!
It wasn’t the possum.
Or ground hog either
I’ve had grandchildren for two days and I’m trying to catch up. I bet Matthew or Branden, whichever is waiting, wishes they would get this RK over with. Me too. It’s my bedtime.
I’m sure…it’s been going on well over 2 hrs now.
The feeds have been Jeff highlights for close to 6 hours now.
It’s gotta be over soon.
I thought it was 5 hrs. At least that is how long Jokers says we’ve had fish.
I did say well over 2..LOLOL
OK, you got me; you sure nough did. hehe
K – you’ve got to read Linda’s responses here! You and her might be long lost sisters! :-)
I posted to her earlier today. She’s got a great wit so that would be a compliment. Thanks, Joni!
Mine too. In fact, I’m outta here. BTW, you killed me with the s. donor line. Oh, how I laughed. I mean, I LAUGHED!!! Thank you, my beautiful Scarecrow! GIT IN MAH BELLY! ‘Night oh lovely one!
Night Malady, I mean my lady! hehe
I bet they are just waiting for Da to be finished fixing her hair.
Hahahaha. Or waiting for Nicole to finish flip-flopping.
Or waiting for Paul to shave his beard!
Or waiting for Paulie to find a shirt to put on.
Pssst …. His shirts are probably in Z’s and Corey’s bags.
I think Jozea took them with him!
and he left his dirty underwears in return!
Now that’s even funnier. Didn’t even have time to wash them! :-)
Big Meech did! Accidentally! When she washed her clothes.
Forgot about that. Didn’t she ask if anyone else wanted them?
underwears—ha-ha-ha! I love it when people say ‘underwears.’
Guess unmentionables don’t apply to guys, huh?
Wonder if they had skid marks?
Wash your underwears out with soap!
I never understood that plural. :(
I know–that’s why it’s funny. Like Kieth from Survivor last Fall, who’d spit, he’d (I imagine) say underwears.
That plural or those plurals, now you get me flip-flopping like Nicole.
Do you like Glenn?
She gone.He’s not her type. He has balls.
Her type has no balls?
Austin?? HaHa
Take one for the gipper eh?
He has balls? Wow I thought he only had fishy fingers that smelled like garlic.
Well, I never saw ’em, thank goodness.
No balls or fishy fingers?
By the time those little fishes came up for air, they were slime.
Do fish vomit?
That’s a fishy question.
What’s fish got to do with it?
You brought it up. Short term memory??? ;)
Yeah fish have like 3 second memory or something.
You don’t want to know! Trust me!
haha..I have nothing to post. what the hell?
I’m laughing so hard I can hardly type. I don’t know why.
His underwears? I bet I would. I could probably use them as a comforter.
Good idea.
Or in Paul’s beard.
Does he have one?
Probably borrows one for eviction night!
Austin left his there…somewhere.
Photo booth now phone booth!
I remember when Austin made your toes curl.
That was you. I had the hots for JMac.
You fib….fibber…fib…ber!
He forgot to take off her pantyhose!
Women still wear those?
Only Sharona when Austin trying to get in her pants to make her toes curl.
Hopefully after Battle Back Comp there will be no more teams then the action really starts
If they don’t get rid of teams then I hope the person that wins back in becomes HOH and their team gets safety that way Frank and Brigette can be nominated.
No update in close to 7 hours – Roadkill comp must be taking FOREVER to get through this week…
Probably because the HGs were bickering haha.
Think they mixed it up with the veto comp by mistake?
Or they hit pandora’s box or something and now they are doing HoH comp all over again. And the new HoH is Tiff and both Corey and Nicole are on the block.
Sometimes I wonder what the game would be like if Frank and Da’Vonne got evicted. Would the game still be as entertaining? Also, if Da’Vonne does manage to be evicted, is Frank gonna take control of the game?
Frank can’t get control of the house as long as Paulie and to the lesser degree, James are still there.
Remember James went to ramboo mode last year when he and his queen were on the block together.
Feeds are back on and Day is not happy. She said, “Let me go brace myself!”
Thanks, Joni.
She wasnt happy coz she didnt win. She probably thought Frank had won it again … Yay Frank!
They think Frank got it..not sure…Jame’s told Michelle.
Yeh. I think Tiff got it and not giving any hints.
Tiff got it! You think she’ll put Frank up?
I don’t think she can – that team immunity thing again….
Yeh, nix that…she going to put up Day or Nic.
Isn’t she team up with Frank now? Nic/Corey is his target, so it could be Nic…I’ll watch feeds tonight.
I’m watching them now and Day said she thinks Tif is going to put her up.
Tiffy was just talking about how much she hates Paulie. Do you think she might put Z up just to spite Paulie?
She wants Corey out to split him up from Nic.
She’s listening to Frank. I don’t think he wants Da..
Sad that.
Night Joni.
Night..I’m right behind ya!
Sux that they cut the feeds when they did. Night, Cy.
Why they had to I have no clue.
I’m glad he put up Tiffany and hopefully she’ll finally leave and not come back. I hope Paulie doesn’t backdoor Da’Vonne, but this girl doesn’t win anything and she is at risk to leave soon.
According to the tweets, Tiff has won the RK
I heard her say it.
hooo GURRRLLL!!!! This is gonna be FUN!!!! :)
IIII Know…wwwweeeeee…lol
I was right then?
when does tiff need to pick the third person to go up?
If not tonight then tomorrow
good stuff…thx :) i hope she picks D….
Oh no, not mama D…lol
ya unfortunately…. i really want Nicole to win…i think shes a sweet heart :)
Yeah she is, but she’s been lying through her teeth along with a few other people since last nights eviction
oh really!!! she doesn’t usually do that….maybe its because she realises the only way to win is to lie lol….
yeah that’s part of the game. But I bet you if Paulie had not won hoh last night which keeps Frank safe, they would be gunning for Frank Big time, now they have to wait another week to go after Frank, and they need to leave mama Da alone because she is alone in this game, she’s playing it like everybody else is in that house and that is looking out for number one. Frank is the main one, he will use anybody to get to the final 2 and that includes Da,
ya but he aint to bright either, he should keep his mouth shut, he spills the beans about everything ….
I know, he’s like Duuuhhhh, sometimes when he’s trying to talk game to someone…lol
Does anyone else think it’s a GIVEN that DAY will be put up as Roadkill??!!!
I think Tiffany may put up Da’vonne since she was talking a lot about her last night, but Corey or Nicole will be best.
I think it’ll be Nic since Day comforted her last night and Nic just ran away.
Is Tiffany working with Frank now?
She will hate him again next week.
Sorta, kinda?
Heard Tif could be putting up Corey. She told Paulie that this morning because she’s got 4 votes to evict him.
Are you sh!!ting me, when did this happen? When did Tiff have Corey on her radar all of a sudden? What did I miss?
This morning some time and talked to James then Paulie about who she’d put up if she won RK.
Paulie’s talking to Nic now and isn’t saying one way or the other to Nic if it’s going to be Corey for sure.
Won’t it be funny if Frank wins Veto and takes Tiff down?
This could be the most entertaining week to date!!! I’m GLAD they did the vote flip last week – really got the game going!
Riiiight? Everyone is just speculating now about everyone! :-)
Tiffany won the Roadkill. Ouch.
corey has just been picked as the third nom for evic
Hey guys, Matthew has an update … come on over.
Here is my take on the nom’s. 1. Even though he voted to evict Tiffany and then put her back up on the block, I still think he should have kept her off the block for the time being. 2. DAY as we all know doesn’t like the two showmances in her five person alliance with him. She would be the biggest threat to his and Z’s game right now. 3. Natalie at this point would be a waste of an HOH to get her {if it comes to that). 4. I feel he should have put up Michelle (she is not in his five person alliance) and tell her she is the pawn. 5. He should of then put up James as a pawn. Both has enough people to keep them safe for the time being. I would have waited till after the RK to see who won (if they told him) and wait to see who they put up then go from there. If Tiffany or DAY goes up then make that person the target and if one person come down from his nom’s then put up the other one. Either way, one will go home via a somewhat BD.
Paulie can’t nominate Michelle. She’s on his team and therefore safe for the week.
My bad, that got by me. You are correct.