Big Brother 18 Rumors: Returning Houseguests – Update: Alleged Coaches Deny

The Big Brother 18 cast will be revealed on Monday morning but there are new rumors flying that have narrowed down to exactly which former players may be back in the house. Possible spoilers ahead.

Big Brother 18's cast may have mystery HGs
Big Brother 18’s cast may have mystery HGs – Image Source: CBS

I had already fully expected returning players once we weren’t included in the cast interviews this season due to schedule limits, but I sure didn’t expect Big Brother to be recycling old twists. Of course that’s silly because that’s exactly what Big Brother does.

Reminder: These are rumors and speculation. Until we have the official list from CBS this discussion is more of “for entertainment purposes only” so don’t get too hung up on these names.

Reality Blurred is reporting that there will be at least four coaches like we saw in BB14 plus two additional “special” Houseguests with their own angle in the game.

First up the names reported by Reality Blurred to be returning for Big Brother 18:

  • Audrey Middleton – BB17
  • Derrick Levasseur – BB16
  • Vanessa Rousso – BB17
  • Ian Terry – BB14

When this first came out last night the jokes immediately started up on Twitter that no one in their right mind would want to be on Audrey’s team. Sure, she was incredible entertainment for Feedsters, but didn’t she basically quit the show and reject the rules while waiting out her eviction? And they cleared her as ready to go back in again? Really? Well, our team received additional info overnight that this one could be legit. Oh my.

Derrick. Hmm. Okay, so I had just emailed with Derrick five days ago about writing on the site again this season like he did weekly last year. Derrick told me he was going to be busy filming that new documentary series with Martin Sheen that we all know is a real thing with Derrick’s name officially attached. Though he did say he’d like to do a mid-season and finale review for the site. Hmm. So I emailed Derrick back last night to comment… no response, at least not yet. Hmm.

Update: Derrick has spoken! Count him out, he says. Posting on Twitter Saturday morning Derrick joked that CBS let him bring his kids and dog to sequester with him. Sounds like he’s off the list.

Vanessa drove me bonkers last season but hot damn she was gold on Feeds and gave us more to talk about than any other HGs, didn’t she? There was also talk that she had mentioned finishing up one more poker tournament before getting ready for Big Brother, a message she allegedly deleted later. I never saw that and can’t recall where I read that claim, my apologies to the source.

Ian was part of the original season with the Coaches twist and it worked out pretty well for him, didn’t it? Ian is also a school teacher which would be a pretty big schedule conflict come September. Sure, they could get a sub, but would the school do that and would Ian want to do that?

Update: Ian has now also confirmed he is not part of the BB18 cast.

So as for the other twist reported by Reality Blurred, there will be one more pair of HGs with a secret making them special and it won’t be twins again. Andy Dehnart wrote that he’s heard they’ll be siblings and possibly related to past HGs, maybe even related to the existing coaches.

How much do I believe all this? Sure, it’s possible. I could see Vanessa being back, but the conflicts/concerns on the other three make me wonder though none are insurmountable for them to still be part of the Big Brother 18 season. At least it wouldn’t be the worst roster of returnees.

I do believe that there will be fewer than 12 regular Houseguests since we got bumped from the preseason interview schedule this year. Four Coaches plus two special HGs that CBS wants to keep hidden would get us to that threshold. So yeah, it’s possible, but it’s still not what I’d like to see.

I would have preferred something fresh and new, but who am I kidding. We know they go for this sort of recycle, reuse, and rehash approach in the game. I’ll still hold out hope for my Versus season and see if there are more than just four Coaches.

What do you think of these details? Are they just Big Brother rumors or real deal spoilers? Dehnart is confident in the Coaches he has named and in a vacuum they all sound reasonable. If they do show up there and enter the house then we’ll have to expect them to be playing as full on HGs or again the schedule to get us to September 21st won’t work.

We’ll keep watching for more information and if I hear anything else I’ll be sure to update it here. Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Email Updates as we prepare for the cast reveal on Monday and season premiere on June 22nd!

Update: If you really want to pile up the rumors, there’s another list of four names going around. Now what if both lists are right and we’re getting the 8 returning vs 8 new like I speculated/hoped would happen? Lot of fun possibilities out there.



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  1. “two additional special houseguests with their own angle in the game”? Maybe Nikki Grahame and Tim Dormer? Oh joy oh bliss :(

      • Yea, I think I’m the only person on the planet that couldn’t stand either one of them lol

      • Sorry Mary, but I think you’re correct! A lot of people really really like Tim. & although Nikki was crazy, a lot of people do also like her.
        But hey, I know how you feel! I was the only one who liked to Vanessa last season. Although I wasn’t a big fan of her gameplay all the time, knowing her personally I did and do like her! And I say personally as in she is friends with some of my friends! We are not buddies LOL

      • I forgot that you know Vanessa personally. I think spending that amount of time in the BB house with a bunch of strangers could make anyone act a little differently than they normally would outside that crazy place.

      • Yes, I have seen her twice since her time in the BB house. Again though, I’m not friends friends with her. But I have some good friends that are good friends with her. We did briefly talked last year about BB, I didn’t want to look like some crazy BB/ Vanessa! And she was a little mortified at some of her Antics in the house last season LOL and she did say it’s like being locked up with so many different personalities is that it starts to mess with your head playing a game 24/7 for 3 months! And I can only assume this part but because she is a gamer by Nature it was difficult for her to turn off the game.
        But she did say it was fine and she would do it all over again so maybe she is going to come back this summer….. I did hear from one person that she is but of course no one knows for sure.
        Their contract is pretty crazy! Even after the fact Vanessa couldn’t say a lot of things! But another thing she did say was the editing and production, not to believe everything you see all the time which we all already know. It’s reality TV! And we know reality TV is not always reality, at least not anymore!

      • Are you a fan of TAR Canada tinalee? I just saw a commercial for it starting Tuesday June 28 at 8:99

      • TAR? Never heard of it. What starting June 28th? A new network called TAR? Or a TV show on TAR?

      • I’m sorry, it’s The Amazing Race Canada. I for some reason thought you were a fan of it.

      • Oh yes Amazing Race :-) my husband and I actually used to watch every season but for the past few years for some reason we just haven’t. No real reason just haven’t. And I did hear there was an Amazing Race Canada and meant to watch it but again didn’t. I think part of the problem is I record most of my shows so I’m rarely channel surfing so I always miss the beginning of shows. So unless I remember to go and record shows that are coming up that are new then I generally miss them.
        Shows like big brother and Survivor and Law and Order and Criminal Minds and some other reality TV shows and Chicago Fire Chicago PD Chicago Med automatically tape from season to season.
        I love TV :-) LOL I especially like reality TV shows although some of them are just so fake nowadays! But I also enjoy shows like I mentioned above :-) I’m not completely stuck on just reality TV shows LOL
        & up until a few years ago when I hurt my back I didn’t watch all that much TV. I mean I did but more so at night. Our 19 year old daughter doesn’t watch TV at all! She actually gave me her TV back LOL I was like who doesn’t watch TV?? LOL LOL but good for her! Anyway blah blah :-)

      • Appears we watch a lot of the same programs. Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders is good as well if you have’t watched it yet. Anyhoo TAR Canada will be season 4 and so far it’s been great.

      • Yes we love Beyond borders! And shows like to catch a murder. And sorry for the delay in response! I just got this now LOL

    • Who is Nikki Grahame and Tim Dormer? I don’t recall anyone with those names being past houseguests.

      • They were special international guest in BB Canada 4 this year. Nikki is British and Tim is Australian.

    • Canadian coaches would be interesting to see. Internationals too. ”Hi, I just lost BBCAn, let me teach you how to win BBUS, mate. But I did win in Australia.” hehehe

  2. Don’t believe not one rumor, & the reality blurred guy is just trolling fans. It’s unfortunate we don’t have a Redmond like survivor, BB based accounts like to troll fans. And sadly they argue & fall for it every year.

    • Andy Dehnart typically just reports reality-related news as he would on any show (although he heavily covers Survivor). He got the info from a fan account who got it from a source whose Twitter handle has since been deactivated since the story came out.

      Whether it is true or not would depend if there is some added weight.

      • According to Dehnart, he had multiple sources aside from the CO account. On Twitter he said CO provided details about the general twists rather than the names. If I recall correctly CO’s posted list of names were all different from Andy’s.

  3. The source of the rumor that Reality Blurred linked was taken down. Makes me question the legitimacy of it. Hopefully, it will be a lot clearer come next week.

    • Andy said the source taken down was for some of the other details in his report, but the names were from multiple/different sources. Doesn’t make it true, but at least those weren’t dependent on CO18.

      • But once one site reports it, all the other sites will post something similar to get people to go on their site. That seems to happen a lot.

      • I’m thinking, that if it’s on the Internet, it must be true. The most reliable source would be DT’s twitter acct…I’ll check that.
        I KID! I’m A KIDDER…I hope you realize that, Matt. I take this seriously! I wait for this all year. I come off as a smart *** (see avatar), but I’m serious about this game. Isn’t it way too soon to do the coach gig again? I guess that’s a rhetorical question. Well whatever, the show can’t come quickly enough for me…and I’m sure for the rest of the BB family!

  4. Four other possible coaches seem to be Frank Eudy, Nicole Franzel, James Huling, and Da’Vonne Rogers. So we shall see.

    • Their personalities are way better, but I do not know what qualifies them (or Audrey or Vanessa) to be coaches. If that is the case.

      • I would like to see them return, but agree they would not be coaches (I hope Da’Vonne returns, but being the second player out means you can’t be a coach). None of them can really be coaches. Dan won 10, Boogie won 7, Janelle 2 3rds, and Britany 4th those can be coaches these can’t.

      • Agreed. I didn’t really like or dislike Day that much the first time around, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her back.

    • I wouldn’t mind Frank Eudy AT ALL! He was amazing. He just kept winning POV over and over and over. Every time they threw him on the block, he just kept winning his way back. I had a broken collarbone and a torn rotator cuff that season, and I remember when he won his last POV, I jumped up off the couch and about killed myself—because I was so excited for him. IF there are coaches, I’d be cool with him.

  5. this just sucks! i hated the coaches the first time it was done. I wish they would play it more like bbuk, bbau and bbca and allow the audience to have a vote of some sort. I’d also like to see some sort of life saver veto that can be found similar to survivor and allow it to be used anytime after someone is put on the block up to and including eviction and also allow them to play it for someone else as well…. If they use it the eviction can default to the opponent in the chair, it they use it prior to eviction let THEM name the replacement nominee. I’d also like to see the damn RULES enforced a little better by CBS and penalize them severely for discussing or revealing who’s going up on the block and who’s being back doored. This game is getting stale with the same ole crap every season and thank goodness it’s the drama of the online feed houseguests who keep us interested. I’d really like to see this game twisted so that alliances are virtually impossible to pull off somehow.

  6. How can Audrey be a coach? This is why I do not believe it . She broke house rules and had the meltdown of all meltdowns. BB bringing him back goes against everything BB markets to the fans. Plus who would want to be on that team anyway. Him giving BB advise to other guest is a joke he had no game and was a non factor the entire time including when he locked himself in the back room and refused to participate. It has to be a troll (a good one as we are discussing it) but a troll attempt.

  7. Ugh. Not Vanessa or Audrey please!! Those two were the worst part of last year!

  8. Omg… If I knew this for sure, I probably would not have paid for the feeds. Not to offend anyone, but I do not care to watch any of the 4 mentioned. But I guess, I have the option to cancel. Couldn’t BB picked any better, so many to choose from? Maybe it will be one of the those years, just to watch the show and not the feeds and after dark……

    • We won’t know for sure if these are all true until CBS announces it itself. We have to wait and see if it is indeed true.

  9. Ian posted that he isn’t going to be on BB18, take it for what that is worth.

  10. I don’t believe this. Ian denied his involvement in BB18 and Derrick is busy with his show. I don’t think its going to be coaches again. The last time they did coaches they had to bring them into the game because 3 people were evicted/expelled within the 2nd week. Also since the season is going to end mid-september and they are allegedly going to cast 12 houseguests than the coaches HAVE to re-enter the game, making the coaches twist pointless once again.

  11. No Audrey, please! It would be interesting to see how Vanessa and Derrick do in a second season, but I do not want coaches. They should go in as regular houseguests. Last time, the coaches basically had weeks and weeks free. Wasn’t ideal.

    • Vanessa out early, but Derrick could do well even being such a threat because he is just such a good player.

  12. UHG why Audrey she was a horrible player and tied with Amanda for the most annoying house guest I have ever seen. Plus she almost self evicted so thats another reason she should not be back on. If she is then it will be purely as a tool for rating due to politics.

  13. First off, Audrey and Vanessa are terrible players who both lost. They’re losers, as Donald Trump would say.

    • “Quitter Audrey and Crazy Vanessa” – Donald Trump

      Both would be terrible choices, but I could sadly see them bringing Vanessa back.

  14. Can’t see that list being correct. After Audrey’s behavior last season I would find it very unlikely for her to return. I also can’t see it being coaches. They could have some new and some returning, which I would not like, but for them to do coaches again would be unlikely. Everyone knows that after a couple weeks coaches enter the game, so just start them from the beginning. The four additional names you provided I could see any or all of them returning, but Audrey can’t return and Derrick has said he does not want to play again and leave his daughter for that long again. However, things could have changed for him and he could see it as easy money as the houseguests these past few seasons have been so weak he has a good shot to do well even as a known returning beast of a player. I hope that what you have heard is not true and they are just rumors, but Big Brother has disapointed with their choices before.

  15. I find several of these names unlikely as James, Derrick, Vanessa, and Audrey are all billed as appearing at a premiere party in NYC on June 22nd. I could be wrong and it could be some odd cover but that would be false advertising and I have a feeling
    attendees of the party might be upset.

  16. As long as the pretty colored balls and rubber ducky are in the pool, I don’t care who is in the cast. I take that back. I never want to see Frankie-ejaculating-glitter-Grande in that house EVER again, as long as I live. I’d rather see that Yukon-Cornelius-lookin’-nose-pickin’-Spencer Clawson from Season 15…THAT’S how much I’d never want to see Jazz-Hands-Grande again. No, I’d rather watch a season of the fish tank than watch…I think I’ve made my point.
    Sand. Really? Huh.

    • But i keep on reading that Frankie is a fan favorite. Still trying to figure this one out.

      • I was happy to see Frankie ~ glad he hasn’t changed and is doing well ~ to each their own …

      • I know, right? I think his sister (who is truly and amazingly talented) must be paying someone to keep him in the public eye…lol! I know how you and I and Mary and a whole HOST of others feel about him—so, the only thing I can think of is Arianna must be paying someone or doing people favors. :)
        Because I do not and never will understand how he is a ‘fan favorite.’ Maybe in the U.K. ? Or, Mars?

      • I agree with what you say about his sister and he’s lucky to have her. It was actually funny on The Price is Right, he did get called to “come on down” but he never made it up on the stage, when he had to make a bid he said he couldn’t concentrate, there was a very good looking hot male model in bathing trunks lol.

      • I didn’t watch the show…did he really say he couldn’t concentrate? lol. Did he ever come up with a bid? That’s too funny. :)

      • Yes, he actually said that and I can understand his problem, the guy was very good looking with a very nice body :-) He finally got a bid in but not the right one, he never did make it up on stage.

      • Much as I can’t stand him, at least he got the “Come on down!” It’s awfully nice talking to you, Mary. Really looking forward to a great season! It can’t come soon enough, can it? Take care, dear.

      • Being at home so much (retired and not the best of health), I watch a lot of TV and there isn’t much on at all right now so I’ll be doing my happy dance once BB18 starts. It was nice talking to you too Sharona, take care as well.

      • Must be Mars. I was shocked to see him on Price Is Right. At least he didn’t participate in a showcase.

      • I felt a little bad for him. I know I’m alone with that but he was so excited to be there.

      • HA! I didn’t–WOULDN’T–watch. There’s something about him that really and truly gets on my nerves. I can’t bear to watch him. I was reading some comments about the possibility of him coming back as a ‘coach’ this season—and honest to God, if he does, I won’t be able to watch until he leaves. I wait ALL year for this show…I NEED this show! Lol. But, if he came back, I don’t know what I’d do. I wouldn’t want to spend the whole time complaining about him. I wouldn’t enjoy that AT ALL.

      • You didn’t see much of Frankie at all on The Price is Right but it was worth watching just to see Dr. Will. That man looks as good as ever…yum.

      • Dr. WILL WAS ON?! *sigh* Oh be still, my beating heart! He is so handsome. Excuse me while I faint. :)

      • I also read somewhere that Frankie may be coming back as a “coach”. When does his 15 minutes of fame end???

      • I don’t know Lisa, but it can’t come soon enough. I know I say I won’t watch if he comes back, but I can’t let HIM ruin my summer. Like I said, I wait for this all year! I’m so glad we’re finally chatting, Lisa! I hope we can keep this going… :-D

      • I enjoy chatting with you too. Read posts on this site all the time but don”t post much. The subject of Frankie just makes my blood boil. Bad enough having to get used to some of the new houseguests every year but it’s worse having to see him on my tv screen.

      • LOL! I know exactly what you mean. ;) I hope you do comment more. I watched and read for over a year before I finally got the courage to post anything—I was a scardy-cat…not saying YOU are; please don’t get me wrong! But I WAS! Lol.
        Frankie was an ego-maniacal, misogynistic, foul-mouthed liar. And he was mean. The way he spoke about Victoria and being raped in ‘all of her places (something like that),’ REALLY pissed me off. Add in the fact that he had no empathy whatsoever, and it adds up to a person I have zero respect for and never want to see again in my life.

      • You have just summarized why I dislike Frankie so much besides the fact that he speaks so highly of himself. I find it hard to believe that you needed any kind of courage to post anything. Your posts are so entertaining.

      • Thank you, Lisa! Not everyone feels the same. Lol. Seriously though, I appreciate that. I honestly am really shy and was so afraid of looking stupid. Now, I don’t really care…lol! I love our little family and most of them are used to me by now. :) Can’t wait until tomorrow to see if ‘Jazz Hands’ is going to be on the show..if so, I’ll have to buy several TVs, ’cause I’ll be throwing things at the them or the computer whenever he’s on. I’m going to go make a sacrifice to the TV gods right now before I go to bed! Talk to you soon! :-D

  17. Omg, people, instead of going crazy with speculation, just wait until June 22nd. All will be revealed soon.
    In the meantime, watch BBUK 2016.

  18. PLEASE NO Vanessa LOL
    I wanted to be on everyone’s side the season LOL LOL however my IF my ONE source is right, we might be seeing Vanessa again!
    I will try and Bug a few other people and get back to you!

  19. Ultimately like I’ve said before I would like to see a bunch of people from the first 2345 seasons of Big Brother come back and play it again. It will be a completely different experience! But I guess all those people would be “old” in some people’s eyes!? So, they would be boring!? Hey I’d be happy going into the house and I would be a lot of fun! I swear I never understand the late thirties early forties people that come into the house seem so old even to me LOL I am in that age category but I am completely different. I look a lot younger LOL thank God :-) and I have a different mindset for lack of better words then the “older” people that have been in the house in the past! :-) but I’m not one of those people that dresses and act like I’m 20 either! If that makes any sense at all LOL
    Oh wait there was that one older chick last year that dress and acted a lot younger than she was but, she also doesn’t represent my age category properly LOL I wouldn’t be walking around wearing half the clothes she wore LOL
    Okay I’m just going to stop here LOL I’m not making any sense!

  20. This makes zero sense and no way is going to happen. First off we had the coaches angle before. Not going to be repeated. But what makes the least amount of sense is for Audrey to be one of the coaches. We have two winners, one should be winner, and one of the worst players of all times. How does one of the worst players of all times be a coach?????

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