The Big Brother 18 cast reveal is coming up this Tuesday, June 14, 2016 with the return of CBS’s Live Feed streaming interviews with the Houseguests after a delay moved things back a day.

We’ve been anxiously awaiting this cast announcement after months of preseason speculation that has run the gamut of possibilities including All-Stars to the return of former HGs as Coaches, but all those rumors could be squashed when the roster is revealed. Are you ready?
Update: Originally the cast videos were going to be Monday, but CBS announced late Sunday there would be a delay until Tuesday. We will not have any details until their Tuesday event.
twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">#MeetTheHGsLive will not be streamed live tomorrow. Cast interviews will be available Tue 4pm ET/1pm PT to #CBSAllAccess subscribers.
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) June 13, 2016
Update 2: Monday morning CBS stated the delay was related to the Orlando shooting.
Starting Tuesday you’ll be able to see the cast details including bios, pics, and all the other critical information you need to immediately decide which of these BB18 Houseguests is going to excite you and which are going to drive you bonkers!
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On Tuesday at 4PM ET the Live Feeds will launch its stream of Jeff Schroeder’s sitdowns with each of the new Big Brother 18 cast members where we’ll get our first live action look at the personalities, attitudes, and hopefully a taste of the strategy they’ll be employing to reach the end.
To get in on the cast reveal streaming videos you’ll need to have your CBS All Access Live Feeds signed up and ready to go which you can do right now and even get the week long Free Trial to cover most of your preseason time before the official Feeds start on June 23rd following the second BB18 episode.
Try 1 Week Free! Only $5.99 per month thereafter. Sign-up now.
Later in the week I expect we’ll see the rest of the press event interviews which will also be held on Monday but restricted from release for another day or two. Unfortunately that won’t include our interviews for the first time in five years, but the restrictions this season that kept us out suggest to me that we prepare for anything but a regular cast announcement on Monday Tuesday.
My final official prediction is that there will be fewer than 12 new, regular HGs since we had that in BB14 and I made the cut for interviews, and according to the latest rumors that could line up with the casting rumors of Coaches. What are you expecting?
If you’ve enjoyed our coverage year after year then please consider using our links or banners when you go to sign up for your Feeds. Passing through our links and banners costs you nothing but the referral credit from CBS is what keeps us going each season. Thank you for your continued support!
I hope it’s not a coach season.
I guess worse things could happen, Capt., but I agree. If there are coaches, just please don’t let one of them be Frankie.
I never thought I’d be one of those people, but if he IS on, I won’t be able to watch until he’s gone. Seriously. I cannot stomach the guy. I love my show—look forward to it ALL year. But I can’t watch if he’s there. And that would ruin my summer. OMG. He simply can’t be there. I NEED this show!
If he is, we’ll just pretend that he is a figment of our imagination until he goes away. If I can do it, you can do it! We’ll see how long it takes for our imagination to get the best of us. I’m not concerned about it. He wouldn’t be around long enough to spoil the season…hope not, anyway.
Oh, OK. I’ll just pretend he’s not ejaculating glitter…that’ll be easy to do. ;)
If he IS on the show, you know I’ll still watch. But I must warn you–I’ll probably be making a LOT of long winded comments. I won’t be able to help myself—being the Drama Queen that I am. Frankie brings it out in me!
Really?!..Even if if he wears the little boy shorts?
Only if they are full of bed bugs when he puts them on.
You two are awful. ‘little boy shorts’ and ‘bed bugs.’
You forgot his ruby slippers.
I see lots of familiar names on here….ready to get this new season underway and start our weekly commentary!
Yes, ma’am, Miss Lynn, let’s get ready to rumble!
Dear Lord…please no Frankie! He is a repulsive least he was on the show.
That’s his nature. BB does seem to enjoy throwing some of the repulsive creepers back in the mix at times. Maybe they need a little bit of his flamboyance to spice things up. I don’t want nor do I need any SkankyFrankie spice to heat up my BB experience.
I hope so too. If we get up to 8 returnees then we could do a Versus season (and then maybe I’ll finally shut up about it). BB13 we got 6 and BB14 had 4. They could do lots of different things I guess, but it really does seem like we’re getting at least some familiar faces.
Is CBS also going to give you the twitter and instagram names of the contestants too?
Not sure if that info will be included with the bios, but it’d sure be nice if they did! Hard to tell which are the official ones on Twitter.
Its going to be coaches. CBS has already had the coaches for interviews from prior chosen seasons/characters. They recently had their trial run on “The Price Is Right” Prime Time Spectacular, where our friend and love Julie had announced the members.
Was that The Price is Right with cast members from Survivor, The Amazing Race and Big Brother? I saw all 3 of them (they were great) but I guess I missed Julie making that announcement.
Me too Mary ~~ I watched all 3 nites from beginning to end and didn’t hear nor see Julie making such an announcement. We’ll know for sure on Monday …. ohhh, the anticipation!
Me three. Watch all 3. Didn’t see that.
If that means Will and Janelle come back then I am ok with them including the others.
Julie didn’t make an announcement – quit trolling.
I really don’t think we’re going to have coaches this year…
A. Who can we bring back from recent seasons that can be deemed as “coaches” of this game? Derrick? Vanessa? I don’t think they’re in sequester.
B. I don’t think Grodner’s production team likes the coaches twist. Last time they did it, the twist was intentionally cut really early in the game
NO coaches…
NO returning houseguests…
NO couples/relatives/twins/people who’ve met before…
NOT the same old houseguest formula…
Shake it up this season. PLEASE.
I would rather have new housemates…I mean, house-guests…I’ve been watching a ton of Big Brother UK and now I’m so used to hearing “housemates.”
Maybe I’m becoming jaded, but dear God, please … No more former HGs; I just don’t want to see it. Ugh! Like Survivor – no more blood versus water, versus plattetes, whatever! I’m done! ? Give me a new cast!
I get what you’re saying Margaret ~ (((fingers, eyes, and toes crossed)))
Are they going to post the pics and bios Monday and just not have the interviews till Tuesday or is everything going to come out only on Tuesday? If so, this will drive me nuts because I am tired of waiting/ looking online everyday to know the cast. I don’t care if we have to wait a day to see the interviews I just want to know the cast. Obviously since it got pushed back, this must mean one of the returnees had a scheduling issue with getting there on time IMO. They wouldn’t push it back for a newbie.
They’re gonna hold everything off until Tuesday, I believe.
That sucks. I still thought up to today it was still gonna be all newbies but this makes me question it. Any opinions?
I’m a little open-minded about it. I guess I just have to see it for myself.
The fans are Twitter are overreacting. It’s only a day-long delay.
I am very much okay with this type of delay. Between the nightclub tragedy and alleged West Hollywood Pride (very close to BB lot) threat on CNN yesterday, a live event like today’s being targeted is an extremely frightening thought. If only the Twitter handlers could show remorse…
What an incredibly caring post, MichellaFavor. I, sadly, didn’t even take the tragic events into consideration. Thank you for reminding us what really matters.
I looked on Frankie’s web page and he is promoting a one man (HA HA) act that runs in several different cities over the course of the summer. I am thinking he is not a returning guest. I do not wan him back. There has been more trolling this year than in years past as to house guests. I want a fresh cast as well it makes for better TV (IMO). If I had to guess there was a houseguest chosen from the Orlando area that was affected by the shooting.
But, but…I thought…I was counting on…My life is now ruined…how can I wait one more…It’s rigged, I tells YA!!
Of course I’m kidding. What’s one more day?
Just please note Vanessa.
OMG: I just had a passing feeling of nausea! Another season of Vanessa and that rat hat she wore … UGH!
Hi Sharona! Happy to see ya here!? Can’t wait for our BB chats!
Hey, Margaret! Great to see you :-D Looking forward to our chats, too! Hope there are a lot of people we have in common that we don’t like. ;) I’m awful, aren’t I? See you soon!
Well, I guess that’s why I like you – you’re so awful (not)! ? But agree: it really is fun to love hating their antics and/or to just scratch our heads over their craziness!
LOL! I knew I could say that to you, because I knew you wouldn’t take me (too) seriously! :) But it IS fun, isn’t it?
I’m okay with this delay. The stuff that has been going on in Orlando with the massacre, and the killing of Christina Grimmie has actually gotten me extremely depressed. I need a day to decompress anyway.
Totally. And including the domestic target of the L.A. Pride festivities which is about a few miles away from CBS Studios. Attending public events yesterday was a bit alarming, and I am simply glad everyone else not caught up in the chaos are safe. It’s tragic and angering to hear this after grabbing a cup of morning jav and turning on the TV.
Not that it is a huge deal to wait another day, but what does the Orlando shooting have to do with Big Brother. I see no reason why that would postpone the cast release.
There was also an L.A. Pride threat yesterday around 10 AM announced on CNN. Fortunately, that plotter has been taken into custody. Plus, a lot of people were feeling in the dumps and ticked off so it gives time to decompress a little.
There could easily be somebody from Orlando or member of LGBT community who needed to be replaced due to wanting to mourn a victim or be with family.
I’d like to see Debbie Wanner from Survivor Koh Rong. I believe she could add much to the season with her many gifts. I think her humility would be an asset and something she could teach the younger house guests.