With Corey now present Paulie repeats his plans that Michelle needs to go instead of Zakiyah to prevent Paul and Victor from doing whatever it is they may be trying to do. Paulie also tells the guys that Paul is trying to get him (Paulie) to sway the rest of the guys to target Zakiyah instead.
Of course after all this pushing to get Michelle out Paulie still keeps adding on that he doesn’t care which one goes… but here are a bunch of reasons why it needs to be Michelle.
Looking ahead in their plans Paulie tells James and Corey that the eviction order needs to be Bridgette, Victor, and then Natalie. Remember just a few mins ago with only James there the plan was for Victor then Bridgette. Not sure what to make of that swap.
James is also doing some planning ahead and wants to discuss Double Eviction plans in case that arrives this week. We know it will, but HGs won’t know until Thursday. Paulie doesn’t think Paul will try and win HoH during a DE but one of them three needs to so they can control the moves.
Paulie tells his minions they need to put up Bridgette and Victor with Bridgette as the plan but if she comes down off the Block then Victor needs to go up and out. Okay, that doesn’t make sense since he mentions Victor as an initial nom and as a renom. His stories aren’t aligning as Paulie says “I’ll mask Victor” perhaps suggesting he’ll try to surprise the eviction on Victor.
As for the rest of the team, Paulie says he has “trained” Zakiyah for this, possibly the DE plans or maybe just in general? I’m not sure, but Michelle is “not trained” so she needs to go this week. Paulie wants Corey to get on that training with Nicole to make sure she’s ready too.
So there we go. Paulie has the week planned out with noms staying the same, James using his Care Package votes on Paulie and Paul’s votes, and then Michelle going in possibly a 5-0 vote. Then when the DE arrives on Thursday, watch out Bridgette and Victor.
Looks like it’s Paulie’s house this summer, and the rest of these Big Brother HGs are just stopping by to say Hi and ask how they can help. What do you think of Paulie’s plans? Should the other HGs be following orders or starting to make plans of their own? Or is it too late for that now?
I thought the whole point of this game was to have house guests going at each other in a cut-throat manner, back stabbing each other on the way towards half a million dollars– with loads of drama and all kinds of fun while we watched.
I had no idea that this was supposed to be an unhidden camera summer camp.
Production should be ashamed of themselves. Casting, even more so.
I guess since James and Nicole got a very hefty sum of money to return..plus more money the longer they stay in the game…they really don’t care to win..because that is the way they both are playing. I heard vets got at least 50 grand to return plus their weekly stipends..and more if they make it to jury, which they both have. James needs to get a backbone and stop doing everysingle thing King Paulie tells him to do…Nicole whines, tells Paulie how much she loves playing the game with him…Horrible cast, horrible season..just give Paulie the check and let’s get on with season 19.
Wonder why they had to bribe vets to return instead of just casting suitable new people. I agree that the huge incentives paid to the vets appears to be distorting their game play. This season is turning out to be a real wash out. :(
Any idea who should get the next care package? I’m stumped. It needs to be a person who doesn’t bow down to Sir Paulie and I can’t think of anyone who is playing their own game. I can’t believe that James gave the “power” the voters gave him to Paulie.
At this point, I wouldn’t mind a production interference..at least they could put it in their heads to start playing the darn game and not hand it over to Paulie.
Deja vu! I remember about this time last season we were screaming the same thing to production about Vanessa.
I despised Vanessa but she WAS playing.. these people are like mannequins.
The person who got the power would probably just ask Paulie what they should do with it. I’m not joking, I honestly believe that’s what would happen.
Yes, James. Use the power to keep someone that isn’t necessary for your game. What a waste of a power.
And may I add? Waste of a returnee. We could have had several other HGs come back to play instead of James, Nicole, and Da’Vonne.
Agreed. As it turns out, Da’Vonne was the one I was rooting for. Nicole and James, completely useless. Wasn’t a fan of Frank but hell, at least he played the game and tried instead of sitting on his ass cooing.
At least Nicole is playing the game. She might of only been HOH once but she did what she wanted during her HOH. She didn’t let other people tell her what to do. She’s do to win a comp. She also is in a strong alliance and is helping getting people out that are after her. Like Frank and Day.
She may be playing her version of the game, but on her priority list winning BB is pretty far below catching Corey (who’s gone like a ’58 Chevy after the show is over).
Not really. If you listen to her on the feeds she wants to win. She’s there to play the game. So what if she’s playing it with Corey. There’s been a lot of showmances over the seasons. And some have lasted and some don’t. When you’re with someone 24/7 if there is an attraction then at least they have someone to play the game with and work with.
I’ve been watching the feeds, and I couldn’t disagree with you more. Just because you ask people who they’re voting for a few times a week doesn’t mean you’re playing, it just means that you’re trying to figure out how to “go with the house”.
On multiple occasions when Corey is annoyed with her overly paranoid nonsense, she does nothing but cry and whine about how she hopes he doesn’t hate her anymore.
I’m sure she’d be happy to win, but she’s not nearly as concerned about that as she is with Corey. I even remember her talking about how she “just wants to go back to jury” after her return in BB16 because she wanted to see Hayden again. The game just isn’t paramount to her.
I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on this. That’s all a whole 5 minutes of conversation when she talks about her feelings. As far as her going to jury she said and I quote “I want to win this so bad. I want the title. But if I don’t win at least I made it to jury”.
“At least I made it to jury” should not even come up if you want to win the game. Jury should not be a goal whatsoever, that’s the equivalent to being happy that you won a participation trophy. You should only feel good about your game if you either won or came in 2nd, otherwise you failed and came away with nothing.
It’s a losers mentality and it’s why she’s bad at the game. She looks for positives in her failures and it’s why she got evicted twice in her season and why she will be evicted when Paulie decides he wants to separate her from Corey in the upcoming weeks.
If Nicole or anyone goes against Paulie’s wishes then I will believe they are playing their own game to win.
From what I’ve seen, she wants to win but only if it comes easy and/or falls into her lap so she doesn’t have to upset or confront anyone.
I just don’t see her as a real player. She’s lasted this long but other than that fact, what has she really done?
It’s been a while since week 1, she’s more concerned with her showmance than playing the game at this point.
And what have half of the houseguests won? She’s come in second a few times and lasted until 4 were left in the last endurance HOH. Some people just don’t win comps. Doesn’t mean they’re not playing.
“Getting close” to winning comps has nothing to do with playing the game. Tell me one actual thing Nicole has managed to do so far? Has she convinced anyone to go after another houseguest? Has she been the driving force in any evictions?
Or has she just been riding the line the whole game and hoping that no one goes after her? Because that’s not playing the game, it’s twiddling your thumbs.
Let’s see she got Jozea out who was coming after her. She was part of flipping the votes to get Bronte out. She was part of getting Frank out who was after her and she was also part of getting Day out who was after her. If you’re watching the feeds then you’d see she does plenty of game talk. She’s in a strong alliance and tell me one person that is working alone? You need a group/alliance to work together to get people out. She’s included in that alliance. And playing the game is not all about winning. JMO
Once again, she was a “part”, she didn’t lead the charge. She would have been just as happy to vote out Bridgette if that’s what the house wanted, just like she would have voted Tiffany out if that’s what the house wanted. She doesn’t DO anything other than what people tell her to.
I’m surprised at James, i must admit. However, he’s playing a total different games and is deciding to lay low. I don’t like it but if it gets him to F2 then it’s brilliant.Even better, if he ends up BDing Paulie he might become a BB legend!
If he doesn’t find a way to BD Paulie then he will never make it anywhere close to final 2. Overall, I’m very disappointed in James’ game play. Nicole has done nothing of consequence this season and has proven to be nothing more than an innocuous lump, for a returning player.
She is also laying low and collecting the money they are paying her
‘Innocuous lump’. Haha.
That’s what I think about him keeping his self & Nat off of anybodys radar by keeping them out of this vote since what would they help if he gave them away, this week that power was wasted by production not James
I would be very surprised if James makes any move without Paulie’s approval. The more likely scenario is James is backdoored and gets surprised that Paulie and Paul actually evicted him from the game! It is coming soon! Maybe, as soon as this coming week!
We shall see soon enough! James is just a huge waste of oxygen in the Big Brother House! Sorry, he is not playing his game but, playing to help Paulie win that $500,000!
I’m hopeful that Paulie’s arrogance gets the best of him and he takes out Natalie. I know everybody likes her for some reason, but it might cause James to actually wake up and do something.
Might be too late at that point though.
I thought I was the only one who didn’t care for Natalie. Good to hear someone else feels the same. I will say she has caught on as to what Paulie is doing, but so far James won’t tell her whether she is right or not. I wonder if she were to win a HOH if she would do anything with it or not or just do as everyone else has and let Paulie make all the decisions. I don’t understand why she is so well liked and on some sites is always rated as #1. Same goes for James he had been rated #1 for many weeks until she took over that spot for the last several weeks. I liked James his first season, but I guess I am tired of his constant pranks and so far he hasn’t done anything, but let Paulie do what he wants. I am so disappointed in this season and for the first time ever I have no favorite to win this game. It has turned into a very boring season imo.
Zach would have been a better player and I love his Fruit Loop Dingus remark at Nicole during his season1
That should have been a ! and not a 1.
Zach was a terrible player. Entertaining, sure, but absolutely no strategy to his game. It was the BB equivalent to throwing everything at the wall and seeing what stuck.
He was effectively the new Jedi Howie.
But he wants Michelle gone. He knows Michelle would put him up.
As well as she should.
I was laughing this afternoon when Paul asked Paulie who would Michelle put up if she won HoH. Paulie said, probably Nat and I don’t know who else.” I yelled out, “You and Z, that’s who!” Paul just kind of snickered. He asked what I would have asked him too! Paul has got Paulie’s number, no doubt. But how to get others to listen to him over Paulie is going to be the true test from here on out. I say, “good luck” with that Paul!
It’s got to the point where Paulie don’t even need to plan each of their eviction. He might as well tell each to go on the block and who walks out that door. Save all the hassle bcz they are not playing anyway.
Oh Matt..this is just horrible!
But at least David is safe. He needs to win HOH during DE.
yup..he’s the only hope.
We got another hit. Lol
I know..#3 ..it’s been slow, rating is down. Hopefully will hit our goal 5 this season. lol
Inside joke.
Did I miss something here? Who is David?
Inside joke among some of the posters here!
Poor Tink Tink Zakiy. Paulie tells her he is not using the veto by giving some lame excuse and later she is spooning in the bed w/him. She might as well pick up what she has left and just self-evict. Michelle said she is the target, so if that’s the case she keep saying she is going to tell everything, well I need her to get to blabbing ASAP!
I feel ashamed for her.:. She has openly and shamelessly tried so hard to get Paulie to let loose on her… It’s embrassing to watch her sit there and dry hump him, just trying whatever she can to get the man to give it to her. She is such a beautiful girl and I hope after this she talks to someone who makes her realize her worth… And that throwing herself at a man like that is never the right way. She needs to learn how to make HIM work for her affection and respect herself.
I agree and truthfully am surprised at both Z and Nicole this season. How they aren’t embarrassed knowing that their family are watching from home especially their moms who both are very close to just amazes me. Nicole even more so since this isn’t her first time and knows the cameras are going 24/7. Z is more open in what she does especially the dry humping you mentioned and I was shocked at what she did the evening after the half way party. With Nicole and Corey he tries to keep the sheet up, but they aren’t fooling anyone. I guess I am just surprised since all that stuff is shown not only on the feeds, but in videos all over the Internet.
When Michelle ends up going I hope Paul and Victor turn on Paulie. Someone has to go after him soon. And DE would be the perfect time.
It’s too bad Victor can’t compete for that DE HoH or he just might. It’ll all be on Paul to win and make that move this time at least.
I’m hoping for some action soon. Michelle said she’s blowing up everyone’s game if she goes. Well now I’m hoping she goes just to stir things up.
I hope she does too. Maybe if she tells everyone that they’re all Paulie’s cabbage patch kids they’ll finally get it! Hmm. Probably not with these mindless sheep.
Victor was a total idiot not to nominate Paulie this week, particularly after Da’Vonne warned him that those in power, (Paulie and Paul), were out to get him ! Apparently he, like a few others in this cast, are not the “brightest bulbs in the box”.
But then Paulie would have won the veto ane can play for HOH thenwhat do you think would be happening to Vic
This is true. Paulie might have still won the veto (provided that Paul or another HG didn’t). And, yes, he would have surely taken himself off the block (if he won).
However, at least then Vic might have stood a chance, since Paulie has made it clear to the other HGs that he’s out to get Victor in the very near future anyway.
Given Paulie’s ‘win’ record in the house I am shocked and surprised that none of these dimwitted players has made a move to BD him !
Guess we’re still having to “wait for it!” Paul is on to him..it’s just manipulating others to see what he’s seeing that’s becoming troublesome for him. In the meantime it’s just best to “go with the flow” until he has another chance to take his shot. He also regrets having renommed Day to take the place of Paulie…but he couldn’t renom Paulie..so there’s that. But he could have renommed Z and then what? We’ll never know.
Victor didn’t believe Da’Vonne. He’s with the guys.
Right and she wasn’t specific so he wasn’t sure who she was talking about especially since both Paulie and Paul had made a F3 deal with him.
True but Victor if he is still there this Thursday night can win the second HOH that night.
True, but Paulie is counting on winning that one after he throws the first HoH to someone else. He’s soooo confident he’ll win it too!
I would love to see him lose both rounds myself.
That would be quite exciting to say the least! :-)
Victor needs this next care package. Paulie likes to be in control and he knows that Paul & Victor are starting to stray. If he cuts Victor off, Paul will have no choice but to follow Paulie….Damn this guy might go down as a BB legend.
He might go down as a legend if the rest of the HGs were playing the game and Paulie was just out-playing them. But these HGs are in the BB house taking a summer vacation while Paulie does all the work. He’s not even being challenged, which is unfortunate for his legend-status. It’s easy to win a game when you’re the only one playing.
Sad but true
victor has my vote for the Safety..
Mine too!!!
I’m going to start watching replays of season 10 or 6, or even 14 just so I can remember the good old days.
Yes bb3 here
Marcellas not taking himself off of the block; sounds like something James would do. lol
Haha. Yes now THAT was bb worth watching!
OMG, That was classic BB, I still have nightmares about that bone headed move! He could’ve possibly won it!
Ever season since 15 I’ve gone back and watched All Stars in concurrence. It reminds me that you can dominate the house and still have it be fun.
Paulie is such a jerk. Weren’t the hg’s wondering a couple of weeks ago what it would take for someone to be booed when booted out? Paulie is Exhibit A. I hope that by some miracle he gets booted out, and then booed by all the self respecting women and good guys in the audience! And Z needs to get some self worth, poor thing! Sheesh! I really liked Cody – what the heck happened with his brother?! Horrible.
Believe me when I say that I am not complaining, but the past couple of days, Jokers has been almost completely void of the Z & P light porn show. There was one post a couple of hours ago, but before that the last thing I remember reading was when Z went out to the BY trying to seduce Paulie with her bikini, scarf and wonderful charm, but no talk of bedroom antics afterwards. Are they getting less camera time on feeds? I wonder what’s up with that. Like I said, no complaints, but it makes me wonder why the sudden change.
The producers are prolly taking pity on Z… They are prolly even at their wits end of watching Z literally do everything possible to get Paulie to seduce her. It’s odvious she has no idea her actual worth and it’s apparent no one has taught her. I actually feel really bad for her.
Just reading about the little seduction ploy she put on when he was playing pool in the BY made me involuntarily shudder. It’s shameless hussy behavior. If they were alone and there were no cameras, you go girl, but that is not the case. sad
But her Mama loves her so! :-)
It’s never too late for the HGs to start making plans of their own – as we saw with Steve and Vanessa last season – but these HGs seem dumber than Vanessa’s minions. James made a huge error by not rewatching his season and scrutinizing every move everyone made, because he’d recognize the similarities with what is happening now. It’s unfortunate, because used strategically these CPs could cause some havoc, but with Paulie pulling ALL the strings, they’re nothing more than a wasted meh-twist.
It appears the only we hope we have of any kind of a major upheaval would be if they can keep Paul and Victor alive, as the numbers dwindle this weekend, because eventually P and P will turn on each other.
Natalie has Paulie all figured out and she kept asking James if she was right and the most he said was she was close. He obviously knows what Paulie is doing, but Paulie made a F2 with Paul, Corey and James so he has all bases covered and none of these guys know that Paulie made a F2 with the other guys. I’m sure that is why none of these guys are going after him.
mmmm…I’m thinking Paulie is the ‘Planned’ winner by CBS to make up for Cory’s loss…this cast is so numb that’s what makes sense to me…only one that was at all viable to outlast Paulie was Frank. In which Paulie and Da’ did a great job at making him out to be a villian so the sheep would vote him out.
So is the “Super Safety” care package in play for the Double Eviction? As in, let’s say Nicole wins the “Super Safety” advantage, will she be safe from eviction during the Double Eviction? Or the week after the Double Eviction?
Also, Victor is in a heap of trouble come Thursday.
And it’s funny how this is all working out for Paulie’s game. He wants Michelle to go, but only because he can control Zak. Little does he know Michelle would target him (the only HG left who would), so he’s killing two birds with one stone with this next eviction.
Re: the Super Safety package, no it’s not in play for the DE. The DE will take place on Aug. 11, and you can vote on the SS package through the 12th. It will be the week after the DE.
She’ll be safe for the second part of the DE!
NM…Grace is right!
the pkg won’t arrive till after DE
That’s what I thought. None of these pkgs. are going to help the person you may want to help and will land in the hands of someone you may not want to help. I didn’t vote for James to get this one, but obviously even though James received it Paulie is the one who is using it for his own advantage. Paulie is really sneaky having James hide his vote along with Paul’s. Paulie is having his hidden so Meech won’t know how he voted. Trying to protect her jury vote. I can hear him now whispering to her that he voted for Z as Meech walks out the door. :)
If Paulie can get to the end and win, he’ll go down as a goat. He’s continuing to lay bricks everywhere. It’ll be interesting to see if a storm can knock them over.
I can’t stand these idiots, seriously what is casting doing? I’m especially disappointed in Nicole and James, these two are returners and are both more concerned with their summer long relationships that will fail as soon as they get out of the house than they are with winning the game.
Nicole I expect because she did the exact same nonsense in her season aside from her “Big Baby” speech. Which by the way, maybe look back at that? Might remind you why you’re there.
Did James forget why he got America’s Favorite? He’s always reminding everyone that he was, but seems to have forgotten the actual reason. Nobody cares about the pranks, they want to see somebody actually TRY to win the game for once, offer resistance to the side dominating the house. Now James is perfectly okay with watching every person that could help down the road get evicted. Yeah, congrats James, you’re not going to do what you did last season, instead you’re going to be Johnny Mac. GREAT.
I’m so salty haha.
Yes last time James was all about making big moves and bathing in blood. Him being a ice guy was the cherry on top – not the sundae, bloody sundae.
I’m disappointed in his and Nicole’s gameplay this time. Smh. Get paid and chase romance in September!
I have yet to hear James in DR telling us(viewers) what his strategy/scheme on how to win this game I heard the most frequent question in DR is “How is this move good for your game?” Most of his move are pretty f’d up. I would like to hear from Paul/Vic since they seemed to be the main player. I have a feeling Paulie will take a goat with him…per Derrick’s protocol.
This is Paulie’s season to lose at this point.
So true.. Yet so sad how 15 people can make one person with common sense look like a genius… Let alone the dumb jock?! The casting has sucked the past 3 years or seasons IMO
Most of this Cast has never watched BB, if they had they would know that Paulie is following Derrick’s Game Plan in order to win the Game! This is NOTHING but a replay of Season 16 of Big Brother!
But the person who should really know better is Nicole, and she is basically playing the same damn game she played during her Season 16?! Just a piss poor game by her, but worse this time…Nicole is a Dirty Player, a Rat, & played both sides of the house, with Frank this time…Smdh.
It’s not really a “replay” of BB16, as Derrick was a better player than Paulie.
True, not all 100%, but Nicole is playing her former role to a T. And Paulie is trying to play Derrick’s role, only difference Paulie is a dick, has been on the Block?! Whereas Derrick never sat once on the Block, until the Winner of the Game Phase.
Was only talking about Paulie, not Nic. Nicole actually played a better game in BB16 than here. She started BB18 strong, but once she hooked up with Corey, it was downhill from there.
I was talking about the whole season in a whole is mach like Season 16. Even Nat Nat said tonight to James that it is so unfair, because James, Paulie, and Nicole where trained by Derrick on how to Play & Win BB….But Agreed, Nicole did start off really good, then She got caught up in yet another showmance! :)
ITA about Nicole and also that it was unfair that they had the benefit of being trained by Derrick. I heard that conversation Nat had with James. Earlier in that same conversation she told James she thought she might have Paulie figured out and asked James if she was right or even close. She was right about everything. The most he would give her was that she was close. I think I figured out why none of these guys – James, Corey or even Paul have tried to stop Paulie. Paulie made sure to make a F2 deal with each of them that none of them know about. Since each of them think they have a F2 with Paulie they think they are all set and won’t cross him. Even now if Paul wanted to do something about Paulie he doesn’t have the numbers. It stinks. :(
Losers always lose in the long run.
ohhh Vic… Day warned you on her way out the door what your future holds for the DE yet you did NOTHING to try and change that up. You could have at least taken a shot at Paulie’s minions to weaken him somewhat but of course not. You’re all about guy power… Well, enjoy that guy power in the jury house buddy!
I’m loving that he didn’t believe her. I can’t wait to see the betrayal on his face. What a moron.
And dont forget tiffany also whispered to trust frank! He’s a bonified idiot! He deserves to go home. Blindsided twice? Wow!
If he has the round trip I’m going to die!! Lol
It’s funny because at the beginning of the season, nobody took Paulie seriously, and they thought Tiffany would be controlling this season.
Yep, funny how it all played out, huh?
Well I felt that Tiffany or Paulie weren’t going to be strong players at all. I am most shocked by Nicole, who is playing a near identical game.
Well one thing is for sure.. Zingbot, Kathy Griffin, or whoever will have a ton of material to work with this year..
Hell yes! And I cannot wait.
“Paulie is telling James he needs to nullify Paulie and Paul’s to help cut out Paul and Victor trying to work together to keep Michelle” – What? Am I the only one completely lost here?
Paulie sees what Paul and Vic want to happen and he ain’t having it. I’m like, “you’re not even HoH”. But James is only listening to Paulie and what Paulie says James will do! James considers Paulie as “the house” now.
Re-read the quote I asked about: “Paulie is telling James he needs to nullify Paulie & Paul’s”? That’s got to be a typo, right? Shouldn’t it read Victor & Paul’s? Why would Paulie ask James to nullify himself? Am I missing something?
Victor can’t vote since he is HOH, unless there is a tie.
I know he can’t vote but I assumed the Power might include Vic even if that happened so his vote might somehow be discounted. (Yes, I know. I’m waaaay over-thinking it there. Just can’t figure out why Paulie would want his own vote negated too. But someone else gave a theory I can live with about his not wanting blood on his hands.) Thanks for taking the time to answer!
It could be a mistake. But my thought was that since he knows everyone is doing what he wants, he could want his vote nullified so he doesn’t have any blame for whoever gets evicted because he technically never voted for either of them.
Okay…That makes sense, I guess. Thanks!
Paulie is telling James that James needs to nullify Paulie’s and Paul’s votes to evict with the ACP power he received this past Friday, which he can do since Vic is the HoH and neither of them are on the block. Now does that make more sense? Vic, Michelle and Z cannot vote, but the rest of the hgs can with the exception of the two elimination votes that James will apply since he cannot use it on himself.
Yes it does! Thanks for explaining! (Apologies for not understanding!)
Yes, James is so brainwashed! He already said he is going to go and tell Paulie the convo. He know wants to call a meeting about the vote. I can not stand spineless James and it can’t come soon enough when they put him on the block and I hope Paulie does it.
OK people, the show thread is the one that start with “Tonight on Big Brother… “
Victor not only you are mean but a douche as well Pee and Pee piss me off James has become another minion I really cant stand this season I really dislike this peole behaviours Rant over
James should have never come returned to BB and instead aimed for Surivior or Amazing Race where all of his actions wouldn’t be scrutinized 24/7. Now he’s ruined his AFP legacy. I don’t hate home I just don’t care for him anymore.
I would love to see a Big Brother season where there are also cameras on production so we could watch them squirm and freak out over how badly the show is evolving.
So who’s voting in these care packages?? And who are you voting for?? This next one is a doozy! Honestly, I’m voting for Bridgette. For the simple reason to remind these morons that we are watching them and throwing a wrench in king Paulie’s plans would be so fun to witness . Well, and I’ve also began to like her, can’t lie.
Paulie will take over her HOH like Frank did. Bridge is trying to stay in the game so she won’t go against the Paul’s
Paulie has already taken over the hoh in my opinion. Worse than frank, I think! Every one is doing what he says. It’s mind boggling.
Victor deserves what he gets, get a clue Victor it is Paulie that wanted you out, he is calling ALL the shots and you are all letting him get away with it. Yes keep laughing houseguests can’t wait to see you when it is your turn for eviction. Get a clue houseguests, get Paulie OUT!!!!!
Brrrring briiing!
Hello producers?
Can I vote Johnny Mac as MVP? Or Donny? Or Elissa?
Wait what? They’re not on this season? Hey atleast they’re entertaining.
I’ll root for the person who targets Paulie in this game. I can’t think of a single person in the house who has the stones to do it. Double Eviction is the perfect opportunity to get him out. The more time Paulie has time to think… the tougher it’ll be to get him out. Paulie is playing a fantastic game but I watch BB for the drama and the unknown. Shake up the house and make this season interesting. Victor had a chance for eye for an eye… what a complete waste and a wuss.