‘Big Brother 18’ Live Feeds: Nicole & Corey May Be Flipping On Victor & Paul

Are Nicole and Corey planning to flip on Victor and Paul after this week of Big Brother is over and they’re able to get their target, Natalie, out of the house and off to Jury? The pair may have just revealed their true plans in a late night strategy talk.

Nicole Franzel on Big Brother 18

Nicole and Corey were going through their expectations for the final few weeks of Big Brother 18 when Nicole notes her ideal Final 3. Guess what. It doesn’t involve the other half of her F4 alliance.

Flashback to 11:20 PM BBT 9/5 as Nicole and Corey sit in their usual, well worn corner bed. The couple has a pillow littered with candies they’re using to map out what’s coming up and when with their best guesses for the upcoming evictions and competitions.

When Nicole gets to the F3 point of the schedule she tells Corey that what she really wants is James there with them. She notes “I want this to be me, you, and James.” Corey has a big grin, agrees, and nods. Nicole worries “James would take you over me. That’s fine. You’re my two favorite boys anyways.” Corey counters, “you don’t know that” as he suggests maybe James would take her instead of him but Nicole isn’t buying it. Nicole suggests the Texas boys would stick together and dump her though Corey denies it.

Nicole tells him she would have a better chance going to F2 with James than she would against Corey and says that at least she’s honest with Corey. She then asks Corey if he’d be upset at her for evicting him at the end. Corey says he wouldn’t talk to her again if she did and it’s hard to tell if he’s joking or not though I imagine he’s trying to make sure she isn’t considering that plan.

Corey tells Nicole she’d win all the girls votes against him but Nicole says those are the votes she definitely wouldn’t have. As we looked at yesterday I don’t think Nicole could win and she’s right that she shouldn’t be expecting any votes from the women. I’m not sure a single one of them would vote for her. Even worse for Nicole’s chances is that she’s about to send the fifth woman to the Jury. A Jury with 9 people on it. 5 votes against her and she’s done. So, um, what’s her plan again?

Either way, since Nicole brought up the idea of cutting Corey and going to F2 with James she just might mean it. As we discussed earlier it is possible that James and Nicole had a preseason F2 deal between them as they’ve seemingly been together on back channels since the very start. Then when Natalie warned James not to work with Nicole or Corey after she was gone he was definitely worried.

Interesting stuff but going back to the main issue here, Nicole and Corey appear willing and interested in flipping on their F4 deal with Victor and Paul. If either of Nicorey win HoH this week then at least one of the Sitting Ducks would have to be nominated then they could make their move with the tiebreaker opportunity again. We could have an exciting and tense week ahead of us!

What do you think of Nicole and Corey’s consideration here to take James over either Paul or Victor on to the F3? Smart plan, bad move, or just playing dirty? Share your thoughts below.



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    • Dirty? It’s the game! This season’s been so lame ( for me personally) that I’m really enjoying hearing this news. Nicole has kind of slithered her way through this game but she seems to have (thus far) done it smartly. Trust me…it PAINS me to say that! (You have no idea how much!) But fair’s fair. It’s a smart move to make if it works. (I think. Just an opinion.)

      • Just because it’s the game doesn’t make it not dirty. Dirty games have won Big Brother consistently through the years. But wouldn’t it be a perfect way to cap off one of the worst seasons of all time by having ratcole, AFP chaser James, or Corey freakin Brooks winning? That’s what it’ll come down to, I can feel it.

      • Read the first two sentences. I said the game IS dirty. That’s what it takes to win. My personal choices are Victor or Paul to win. If something weird happens and Nicole makes/manipulates a big move to get those guys evicted and makes it to the Final 2, I could live with her winning. But if Corey or James wins I’m fairly confident that might mean the end of the world is coming and there’s no hope at all left for humanity. ;)

      • it is the game.. you’re right. but i still don’t like her. Paul and Victor are way more interesting. Even Natalie is more fun. No way Nicole wins the game.

      • I’m with you 100%. I don’t want her to win. I was just saying that I think it’s fun that she’s thinking about making a big move. Have to respect her for that.

    • Yes and it’s awesome. Nicole is the dark horse this season. I don’t believe for a second they are just now thinking it might be good to take a shot at P&V. This was their best possible outcome coming to fruition. Send Natalie packing and Victor can’t play in HOH. Watch out.

  1. This is Nicole’s best move for a F2, But I think Vic and Paul have already figured out that Nicole and Corey want to reel James in for that very reason. And if Nicole or Corey don’t win HOH, she can forget about this plan.

      • No, I don’t believe he would. I think he feels betrayed by Nicole at this point. Or at least he should.

      • Fair enough! I’ve been assuming he’d gravitate right back to Nicole. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next week.

      • If, by chance, James wins the next HOH, I think his best move would be to put one from each team OTB. And if one of those won POV, he can replace with the HG from the same team. Then he could sit back all week, let the information flow to him, and make a more informed decision on the tie breaker vote.

      • I must have been typing my similar comment when you posted this. If James won and would put one of each pair otb, I think that would be a very interesting scenario that could be very entertaining.

      • Hahaha! You and KSJB must have been riding the same mental plane… :) I happen to agree. This would be James’ best move of the season.

      • At this point, there are so few people left that there is very little choice about who to put up. Factor in the POV and there could actually be almost no choice at all. This is when the voters are just as important as who is on the block. It could potentially become a situation like when Dan conned Danielle into pulling him off the block. Shane was the only possible replacement. Dan wanted to be the sole vote to evict Shane, thus totally betraying Danielle.

      • You’re right RSA, he should. Furthermore…y’know, trying to pull James in and making a F3 with him could really backfire on Nicole. If James does still feel betrayed, he could go to Vic & Paul and tell them her plans and that would REALLY blow her game to hell and back!

      • I think Paul and Victor are out to woo James (just like Nicole and Corey are) for that very reason. For the time he’s there alone, he’ll be a very necessary and desirable commodity.

      • And if James stays, he will not show his hand until the winner of HOH is determined. If he wins, it will definitely be interesting to see what he does. He might stay in the middle and put one of each pair on the block and let the chips fall where they may. Truthfully, I think that would be his smartest move and might have the best potential for keeping the target off of him for FF.

      • That would be his best move…plus…for my fave player Vic, it would also have Paul fighting for him rather than AGAINST him. I like those odds better. :)

      • If James wants a shot at 500k he is better to take his chances with Nic/Corey in F2 if he/they can get that far. He might be able to beat them in the F2 vote… he won’t be Paul and likely won’t beat Vic either.

    • HOH doesn’t neccessaraily have final say here. In fact, veto holder has a LOT of power. Even if Paul nominates Cory/Nic.. if James wins veto he can basically control who goes.If uses it they could get Vic out. Same the other way. Even Nic/Crey when HOH, the other one might still go home this week. Final 5 is a dangerous week.

    • Did they really change their minds though? The goal was to get out Meech and set the other alliances on themselves, which they have. They know they can’t trust Natalie but she’s gone now so it only makes sense to get out the bigger threats now. Its smart.

      • I love that they did the final 4 deal to keep themselves safe in a week they didn’t expect or even want to be in power. I just don’t see them as flip flopping on decisions as I believe the alliance was a very calculated move and they knew full well ahead of time that it was probably in their best interest to bounce that check if it benefits them later.

  2. I agree that Nicole wouldn’t win against either Paul or Victor but she could possibly beat James or Corey.
    For some reason the female jurors warned them to vote out James when they briefly returned to the house.
    Do they dislike James more than Nicole? I personally hope so.
    The only hope Nicole has in her favor is Dr. Will, moderating, advising or call it what you will, but if Dr. Will can sell to the females that Nicole played a better game than they did and deserves to win they might be swayed by his charm :D
    He will have his work cut out for him that’s for sure.

  3. They are playing smart. If it does not help your game don’t do it. I honestly think Nicole will get to final 3 unnominated.

  4. Nicole continues to make the correct decisions. We’ll see if things work out in the comps. I’m personally rooting for Paul to win it, but if he doesn’t Nicole certainly deserves to.

    • Yeah I want Paul and Nicole in final 2. They are the last “deserving” people in this house.

      • Difference in opinion. Nicole was evicted twice in her season. If that’s what BB is based on, then she should have never been allowed to play in this season to begin with.

      • Trust me I was not pleased when those 4 got back in. But I have to say she did much better this time around.

      • And I understand that. My point is she isn’t any more deserving than Vic in this scenario. He has also played a better game since he got back in. So if we take returning HG’s out of the equation, that leaves Paul as the only ‘true’ deserving person.

      • I can understand what you’re saying, but BB production put these twists in the game…he is simply utilizing them and making them work for him. IMO, it takes a strength of will to ride the rollercoaster ride he has this season and still have the heart to keep fighting.

      • Technically Paul and Corey are the only people in that house who have never been evicted. Also I disagree, Vic fought hard to get back in twice. I feel he deserves it just as much as if not more than the others.

      • I disagree. That is absolutely part of the game and he beasted his way back in…twice. He is the most deserving player there.

      • I agree. He is playing the hand dealt by BB production. Not his fault, but I can’t imagine anyone not admiring Vic’s tenacity and will to play this game.

      • Exactly. Her has shown more heart than most of the other players in the house… Plus, he has fought hard and played BB without sacrificing his dignity or integrity… Got to admire that.

    • It’s the correct move for her game, but I hope James is smart enough to realize not to go back to Nicole and Corey. ugggh.

      • Well, that does seem to be his agenda again this year. lol. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

      • If James survives this vote and with his penchant for laying low he could get a little bit further in the game.
        If James stops playing such an emotional game he might even be fun to watch.
        I still think he’ll go after victor – this is one stubborn guy as we all know by now.

      • Emotional or not, Vic would might be the smart move to make – IMO Vic is the only one who could win votes against James.

      • I hate to say it since there are so many Victor fans here but he’s the strongest guy there so the other guys know they have to take them out.
        Do you think the jury would give James the win over Victor? They seemed really unhappy with James when they returned from the jury for the buy back.

      • Yay BB18Fan1! I am totally team Victor. I hope he sees what is happening and realizes he being played before it is too late.

      • Me too! Both times Vic was evicted were because he was too trusting. I hope Paul pulls him aside and has another “we need to think about our game” chat

      • Hmm, what’s going on? At disqus it said your comment was from Mickey Mousearoni…is that you Mickey? Confusing!

      • ive report both there account to at leat if wanna rad my commnent there sll boove top half pageto watchout!

      • She’s doing this and she’s messing with us..She’s a pro.troll…with multiple accounts….typical

      • I just flagged the above “Cyril” account as inappropriate. I hope Matt sees this and realizes that your account has been hijacked! Man, that’s scary. Matthew Boyer, please remove the former user Mickey Mouseroni, who has hijacked Cyril Axil’s account!

      • India, I luv ya, but I’m going to have to hope you r wrong and James’ bad game play continues even after Gnat-Nat leaves coz I am so hoping for a Victor win. No hard feeling tho right?? ;)

      • Of course I have no hard feelings, you’ve always been kind and respectful to me when we talked so I have no reason to have hard feelings just because you like Victor more than Nicole :D
        Next week is going to be difficult for the fans I’m afraid as it will be so difficult to lose a favorite this far along in the game.
        To be honest, I think Victor is more in danger than paul than anyone else left.

      • Aww.. Good b/c I feel the same. We can still have “friendship” without having to agree all the time (unlike Paul) LOL!! :D
        About Vic… I know. I think he will be the target b/c he is such a good competitor. It makes me #SoSad. I can only hope if he is nominated he wins POV and saves himself. I would much rather see Paul go than Vic.

      • Oh yes, we still have friendship no matter what happens in the BB house. :D
        I would like to see a Nicole/Victor F2 but I don’t see it happening. If Victor somehow fights his way to the end he deserves to win.

      • it’s been sad for the fans of pablo this week…no more sadness bring us some happiness

      • Have you seen the picture of the milk carton with Pablo on it made up like the ones done for missing children?. Hilarious

      • He’s done literally nothing this season. I kept forgetting he was even in the house until the numbers started dwindling.

      • He would be the perfect person to take to the finale though as much as I would hate to see this happen.

      • I would still take Nicole over him just because she’s so disliked by most of the people in that house. Corey would at least have Paulie’s vote. Nicole, not so sure.

      • Oh yes, Nicole has made it well known that she can’t win because of the biased female jurors.
        I’m afraid BB would forever lose a lot of fans if Corey wins. That’ll be almost as bad as Andy winning.

      • I think James will be sort of stuck at this point though. He will likely have to side with Corey and Nicole because I think the only way he walks away with top prize is if he manages to beat them in final 3 and takes Corey. I don’t think he has a chance playing against Paul and Victor in final 3.

      • James has to side with Nicole and Corey this time around because Vic can’t play, and that leaves Paul pretty vulnerable. But it would sure help his game going forward if he could manage to win the next HOH.

      • Actually, if he is smart he’d side with Nic/Corey. Unless he wants 50k. He can win 500k vs Nic/Corey but NOT Paul/Vic.

    • NIcole doesn’t deserve it at all. She didn’t start playing until the season was two-thirds completed. She got carried most of the way by Paulie. Then she decided to ride James’ coattails for a week until she flipped to Paul and Victor’s side and they carried her for another week. She’s made the right moves lately but only because she’s had no other choice. Her and Corey would’ve been sitting ducks if anybody besides Michelle got evicted last week.

      • Neither of them deserves to win either. Corey’s won more comps than Nicole but other than evicting a wounded Bridgette, he has nothing to show for it. Natalie played a better game in one week than Nicorey have played all season. Unfortunately after she helped get Paulie out she allowed James to ruin her game.

      • So when Natalie makes a good decision she gets all the credit. When she makes a bad decision James is to blame?

      • Neither James or Nicole have any of the jury members votes. The two of them noticed that when the jury came back into for jury buy back. If Nicole wants jury votes she has to evict James. James can not do anything to get them to vote for him. All these jury members especially Da and Paulie saw the bad game James played.

      • Many BB winner purposely stay low profile until it matters. It’s a proven strategy that she has been playing to perfection. Despite being in a showmance and having been called out multiple times (By Frank &D, Paul, and Meech) she has somehow never even been on the block. Sorry but that’s not all luck.

      • No it’s not luck but it is having 10 much bigger targets still in the game. All she had to do was hide in a corner until Jozea, Tiffany, Da’vonne, Paulie, Frank, Victor, and Zakiyah got picked off. There’s nothing strategic about that. Her biggest game move was making a very weak effort to get Paul targeted by Natalie instead of herself or Corey and circumstantial evidence seems to suggest that production had a hand in making that happen. There’s also lots of speculation about having had a pre-season agreement with James and Paulie. She also had her first HOH gifted to her in the first week. With all those advantages, any weak player could have made it as far as she has.

      • In order to hide in your corner like that you have to keep out of the drama and have good control over the flow of information in the house. Aligning yourself with a lot of those threats helps a lot too.

        If taking advantage of other people’s blunders means you don’t deserve to win, I guess it sucks for Nicole that so many people around her played so poorly.

      • Yeah I guess I misspoke a little: Aligning yourself with the one threat who is running things (Paulie) was the smart choice. And I don’t think it was an accident; Nicole has showed repeatedly that she can tell when someone is running the game. Got her sent home when she told Derrick she thought he was running things, but it’s helping her this time.

      • Her first HOH she made it look like she didn’t want it when she really did. She’s played strategic from day one. She got Jozea out that was targeting her. She got Michelle out that was gunning for her. She’s been thrown UTB by everyone since day one and has never been nominated. She got Victor and Paul nominated instead of her then teamed up with them to get Natalie out. Victor wanted James gone but she was instrumental in flipping the target to Natalie. She’s talked game this entire season and is constantly planning ahead. She’s played one of the best games in the house.

      • It is not luck like you say. It is a pre game alliance with James. He has kept her from going on block by getting the houseguest that were after her targeted and evicted. She has done same thing for James.

      • Thank you I agree. If the haters would look at her game play they would see she’s played a great strategic game. All the way back to day one when she made it look like she didn’t want HOH but really did.

      • She did play the whole season. She just didn’t have to play ahrd just smart in the first half because she made smart chocies and smart alliances. And, she knew when to cut people loose and go byebye.

      • If you want proof of how much Nicole deserves it, compare her HoH reigns to anyone else currently in the game (with the exception of maybe Vic this week, but honestly Nicole is still in control because she controls the votes)

        Paul, Victor, and James all let Paulie control their HoH reigns, often to their own detriment. Natalie’s was controlled (or at least heavily influenced) by Nicole.

        Both times Nicole has won, she has controlled the outcome, gotten out someone who was targeting her, and put herself in a better position than when she started. The most recent one is a textbook example of how to play HoH perfectly. She had every angled covered and could do basically whatever she wanted.

        As for the rest of her game, sometimes (in fact, often) doing nothing is the correct game move. When you are in a good position, there is no reason to risk that position. Da’Vonne and Frank were both all about making moves and playing hard when they didn’t need to and it got them sent home.

        In fact, I’d argue Nicole’s approach is very similar to Derrick’s: lay low, stick to the strong players who are more of a threat than you, don’t win comps unless you have to, and use those opportunities to improve your position. She hasn’t played as beautifully as Derrick, but she has avoided the block and done pretty well for herself. She’s following the same basic gameplan that has led the last four Big Brother victors to the end, and doing it competently, and she’s likely to make it to final two.

      • I think they’d have to win out from this point, but that might not be too hard for them, so maybe you’re right.

      • I agree with every word you said. I just hope she makes it to F2 and the jury gets a wake up call from Will.

      • I don’t like Nicole but remember that Paul and Victor were playing really bad games early in the season too, so was Natalie. If we had to base it on who actually played a good game the whole way through we wouldn’t have anyone in contention for the win here. I dislike Nicole but she’s making the right moves so far

  5. Smart plan

    But it would also be a smart plan for Victor and Paul to flip on them next week. And Victor and Paul are more likely to win a comp.

    If Paul wins HoH and she actually convinces him to go after James, then I guess she gets some retroactive credit. But she is in major risk of overplaying her hand here.

    • It’s essential next week that Corey stops throwing comps as I can see him leaving next otherwise. Not that I care about him but this would hurt Nicole’s game to lose her partner, although Victor might be willing to take her to the end.

      • We will soon learn if Corey is any good at the comps because if he isn’t he’s a goner.
        I’m sure all 3 men left are afraid of his size and athleticism.

      • India, you DO know that you aren’t talking to our Cyril Axel, don’t you? It’s the troll, Mickey Mouseroni! He/she hijacked Cyril’s account.

      • I knew something weird was going on but wasn’t sure which Cyril was really Cyril or Mickey.
        I’ve never heard of someone’s account being hijacked before, are the rest of us safe from Mickey hijacking our accounts?
        Thanks for the warning :D

      • He’s won 5 comps I believe. And this last HOH comp was anyone’s game. In fact he used his first egg for have and still had the first two letters down before anyone else.

      • I do think Corey could be a factor in the upcoming comps and suspect he’s thrown a few of them along the way. He needs to win the next HOH.

    • Yeah, the door swings both ways and I could definitely see trouble for them if Paul wins HOH. Fortunately for Nicole and Corey though, the comp beast can’t play for HOH because if either pair wins they will have the power to breakup the other pair regardless of POV because they will have tiebreaker.

    • This plan has already been in effect all season. James covers for Nicole while Nicole covers for James. It has been obvious all season. They have avoided one another most of season so other houseguest do not catch on to them.

  6. Victor then went on to win his third Head of Household competition of the summer. Victor, Paul, Nicole, and Corey continued to work together and maintained their Final Four alliance when Victor decided to nominate James and Natalie for eviction. At the Veto competition, Corey won his third Power of Veto of the summer. Corey then chose to leave Victor’s nominations intact.

  7. Definitely smart play by Nicole/Corey. This is why it is a poor move for Paul to easily give in and agree to keep James over Natalie instead of supporting Victor’s original plan. Paul’s anger with Natalie for targeting him at F7 is bordering on obsession, and is blinding him to the correct strategy. There were 5 people in the house that wanted him gone that week, Nat just happened to be the one in power, get over it buddy!

  8. Smart plan AND playing dirty: the best of Big Brother. Good old Nicole; she knows her showmance is ended and James will remain her friend outside the house, so why not cut Corey at F3?! He’s not going to talk to her after BB anyway, so what’s the big loss?

      • I don’t comment a whole lot, but I love your sense of humor. I just couldn’t stand by and see that troll do such a horrible thing to you. You always make my day, along with ksjb! I can tell you two are great friends. I would love to join the club. Joni is another of my favorites. Have a great day!

  9. Nicorey is playing the what if game play now. If James stays and wins HOH..they will go with him or try to. Just as Paul and Vic will do the same thing. They are playing Big Brother with the goal of $500k. I do not blame them for thinking ahead at this point of the game. Give credit where credit is due!

  10. Once again, Nicole has everyone – viewers and HGs alike – convinced that she is nothing more than a ditzy blonde who tries to get brainwaves through that rats’ nest on top of her head. I don’t think so, people. Nicole is crazy like a fox. It’s obvious she wanted to compete against only men at the end – and that’s because the women HGs caught on to her game early on, so she had to get rid of them. Nicole is now at her best – like the literal queen bee. Watch as she devours the rest of the men.

    • if that’s true her flaw was to alienate the jury…does you no good to empty the house if you can’t get the votes…

      • I agree. That’s exactly her flaw. Most likely none of the women in the house will vote for her.

      • if she stayed down with the girl’s as she helped put them out 1 by 1 she might have won this thing..between meech davonne and soon natalie a snowball in hell has better odds i think

      • You kidding? Those girls would have voted Nic out if they had the power to. They have no reason to hate NBicole. Nicole has done nothing but play the game and make out with her boy. She surely hasn’t been as mean as most of the other HGs including the ladies.

      • none of that will matter in jury house with meech davonne and soon natalie, the females will turn on her no matter what the game play “is percieved” to be, let’s just say nicole isn’t the mean girl meech has proven she is and with all of them in there being catty i will still put my money on the snowball in hell

      • I think it depends who she is against. I can see them voting for her over Cory. Paul or Vic? Nah. James? Maybe. michelle doesn’t count as she is a jealous psycho. Just look at her interactions with Bridgette as proof.

      • well think about it davonne was the first one to call her out, then meech was the one to point it out the 2 of them are prob in the jury house saying see i told ya’ll she is a snake she wanted all you heffers out and with that votes shut down…its sad to say but women think with emotion…i would know :D

      • Yeah but they could easily choose to vote for her so a woman can win. I don’t think a woman has ever won sitting besdie a guy – with Nic sitting beside Corey she has a legit reasoning to I winning over him. I think Davonne is reasonable enough – most of the time – to look at the game logically and realize that being a ‘snake’ is part of BB. Heck, the two most popular winners were epic snakes.

      • i think her best shot at getting the other women to see that is natalie…if she can find some way to “manage” natalie before nat goes to jury…nic did zero jury management and that is the problem i won’t say it’s too late natalie is still in the house with them but if she doesn’t start thinking those guys are gonna vote she can’t win

      • But Day said in the jury house if Nicole makes it to the end I just might have to give her my vote. So guess we’ll have to wait and see.

      • That’s because they’re catty and play personal. Hopefully if she’s in F2 Dr. Will is there again and talks game to them instead of personal crap.

      • Yeah, that could very well be her problem. It happened to Danielle R in season 3. So many people disliked her, Lisa won instead of her, despite Danielle playing a much better game.

      • Depends who she’s next to if she’s in F2. If she’s against Victor I could see her losing. She would have Corey, Paulie, Z and James vote. But I don’t think she would have the others. Against Paul I think she’d have the same votes. Don’t know if Michelle and Nats hatred for Paul would swing them to vote for Nicole. They’re too catty. Against Corey I think she would lose Paulie’s vote. So don’t see her winning. Best case would be against James. She would have Corey, Paul, Victor, Paulie and Z’s votes. JMO

    • She’s a Queen WannaBee.. :o) I don’t think she’ll devour the rest of the men though.

    • A smart player can articulate their strategy in the DR.

      Buuuut Nicole just jumps at the threat of the moment. She wanted the girls out for the same reason every girl on this show wants the girls out, and historically the end result is the boys cut you.

      Nicole is going to lose the game, then find out Corey doesn’t want her, then start texting Hayden.

      • She already knows that Corey doesn’t want her – and that’s why she threatened to cut him – right to his face.

      • Actually she suggested she’d cut him to measure his reaction and whether she can keep her boy toy even if she evicts him.

        Which is pretty funny as she can’t keep him either way.

      • When Corey was telling Victor he isn’t ready for a relationship outside the house he said ” they both ” just got out of long term relationsips. I know they have talked about Hayden and why it didn’t work out. Corey told Nicole he doesn’t want to start a family until he is around 32. She broke off a long term relationship because the person she was with was not ready to take it to the next level. She was still able to remain friends with him. Why would she be devistated about the same thing happening with a summer fling?

      • I don’t know if she would be devistated or not, some people can convince themselves of anything. He hasn’t seemed interested in anything but a summer fling. In fact, I think he told Vic he wants to leave the house single, which would entail him cutting her loose very soon.

      • Actually they’ve both talked about it. She doesn’t want a relationship outside of the house either. She’s even said long distance doesn’t work. That maybe they can come visit each other. Sounds more to me like they want to keep in touch but not a relationship.

  11. Nicole and Cooooooorrrreeeeyy…could be 2 of the most annoying people in the world and of course nicole and james will be in the f3 because thats what productions been pushing for all season…giving Corey the last care package was definetly sabotage by production and it backfired on them because hes such a moron..he barely had any tv time for the first 2 months of the season all the sudden now hes americas favorite..gtfoh..if paul or vic get eliminated im canceling my live feeds subsctiption and ill never watch BB again!

    • I don’t see how that care package backfired. On the contrary, I think it effectively made Vic feel a loyalty to Dingdoo. As a result of what he perceived as them trusting him(which it was just the opposite), he didn’t even consider putting one of them otb, which was a dumb move on his part, imo. He should have used that CP as an example as to why he had to put one of Dingdoo otb. He didn’t have the luxury of giving $5k to insure his target went home like they did.

      • Agreed K. Vic saw that $5,000 as a gift…he should have seen it as the sign of distrust that it was. Personally, I think he is a bit too straight of a shooter for BB. He sees people as he is…basically honest and in the BB house, that is just not the case!

      • Very interesting way of looking at that CP, I hadn’t thought of it that way as a sign of distrust.

      • Yes b/c if they really trusted Vic…why the need for the bribe? He’s just a nice guy in RL so he saw it as a gift. Hopefully, that $5,000 doesn’t end up costing him $495,000!! YIKES!

      • I totally agree. He would like to think those he trusts are being as honest as he is. A little naivety in this game will backfire quickly.

      • Yep. As a matter of fact, in the LF the other night, Nicole and Paul said he has a bit of an innocence about him where people are concerned… I thought it was sweet at the time, but now I think it might be his downfall b/c he is a bit naïve in how he judges other HG.

      • Ok, showing my computer ignorance here, but how do you put double dots over the word naive? Or does your computer have special powers? hehe

      • Hahaha! I have no idea…it just did it for me. I am JUST as computer illiterate as you, K. :) I’ve seen from your posts your in the not a spring chicken category like I am… hehe. Do you think age has something to do with not being able to understand computers more than how to surf the Net?? ;)

      • Karen, go to Google, type in Windows alt key numeric codes. It gives all the accents, punctuations, characters, etc. This is a very useful tool, especially if working in law practice, funeral service (for obituaries), and other professions. I am a Funeral Director, but have also worked in law offices. Hope this helps. Btw, I always love your comments. They are very insightful! Let me know if you have trouble. I will try to find another source. Example on the double dots: say you want dots over an “o”. Press the o, the alt key, and type 0246, all at the same time. Wallah, it works! I can’t do it on my Tablet, no alt key, but if you are doing everything from your computer, no problem.

      • That was very, very kind of you to go to the trouble to explain that. When I get home this afternoon, I will definitely check that out. I might find a few interesting little tricks. I could possibly fool someone into thinking I know what I’m doing. And thank you, it truly makes me smile when someone says they enjoy my comments.
        I very much respect anyone who does your job. You must be a very compassionate person. :)

      • Thank YOU Karen. I sure hope this helps. Again, if you have trouble, let me know and I will find some other way to get info to you. I made a comment earlier to Sharona that this site is like family. The trouble Cryril was having made my blood boil! Talk to you later.

  12. I can see the BB strategy behind Nicole making this move b/c she could probably win against Corey or James, however, it still makes me sad for Vic b/c once again he’s going to get stabbed in the back. This time it’s going to hurt too, coz I think he really likes Nicole & Corey. I guess Vic should have watched a little more BB before becoming a HG, maybe he wouldn’t be so trusting. I wanted to believe in the F4 alliance between V/P & N/C too. Not sure what MY excuse is (LOL) I know better since I’ve been watching BB since season 7… ;) Someone said it perfectly earlier today. It IS a game of betrayal, but it’s going to be so sad to see Vic get blindsided again.
    Just call me #Bummed

    • Just like Steve with Vanessa last season – sad, but a large sigh of relief from the other half who hoped all season she’d get booted. That’s the group that will be happy to see Vic go, once and for all. Seems like Nicole has shifted her game play from wanting a man by her side to needing one. And the one she now “needs” will be the one she thinks will take her the farthest in the game – probably James.

    • I hear ya even tho I don’t want the comeback kid to win….. But I do think he’ll be fine. He’s not bad looking & can deliver lines. Nor camera shy after this show so maybe they’ll be some good offers. Being bilingual is a bonus as well!

  13. I agree with Matthew. Nicole is playing to get to the end but not the win. She is not giving thought to jury management. Now sending another to jury that does not like her.

    • Agreed. That is why I think she wants to get rid of Paul and Vic…and has even threatened to evict Corey as well in favor of keeping James. IMO, she can argue that while James may be popular, she can say she has done far more and made better moves strategically to win BB than he has. This could, even if the jurors dislike her, get her the votes…OR it could be another Dan G. (BB14) or Danielle R.(BB3) situation and there’s so much hate for her in the jury…anyone sitting next to her is going to win over her.

      • I must have missed that conversation on the LF… Is that something production offered them, and if so, for what exactly?

      • It was a deal Nicole and James offered each other. They said if they make it to the end, if one wins they will give the other 10 grand out of their 500G. They were called to the DR and told to knock it off and had to give a half-baked apology.

      • It’s an incentive. Gives you extra pushed to win the important Comps. I still think, it’s an even playing field..it’s anybody’s game really…and who knows which side will James pick.

      • IMO James would be in a pretty good position if he stays. He can sit back and see who wins HoH and help that side evict one from the other pairs and then switch sides the next round if that would be in his favor.

  14. Should James stay this week like we are being told, then if he can pull off the win, his bet option is to play both sides by saying to each pair that they are the pawns. Risky as hell move but if he can pull it off and then win the POV comp, it will come down to a tie. That would be the best and smartest move of the season but we all know that James isn’t that smart so we shall see. James at this point will have no one to work with unless he wins both HOH and the POv this week.

    • I still think it’s too early to count Natalie out. But, to your point, that’s a lot of ifs with James damn near having to play a flawless game and I’m just not sure how well his mental and emotional state will be if Natalie is in fact evicted this week.

      • especially since natalie got in his head and blamed him for the choices they made, if she goes then it was bad for nat’s game but it would be good for james’ game although i feel like that is just chips falling not actual planning lol

      • I just don’t think he can even this one. Unless he is playing them right now thinking he is down due to her being gone. I wouldn’t put it past these two making this plan up and executing it right under their noses………NAH it is James were talking about right LOL.

      • I really think they came into the game with this plan & I would suspect that they would split the cash-o-la!

  15. I mean I wouldn’t mind but it all depends on the next HOH. If James wins, Nicorey can vote out either Paul or Vic. But then if it was a tie it would be all on James thus Nicole is squeaky clean.

    Best case scenario in this hypothosis- Nicorey let’s James win HOH. James puts up the Sitting Ducks. Nicole wins POV, but fears that Corey will go up if she vetos either of them. So she doesn’t veto Paul or Vic and the Sitting Ducks will be Roasted Ducks.

    • I just re-read this plan & omg….I think it’s brilliant!!
      I just love it & can believe that those 2 worked this out before the game started.
      Hey….it’s plausible.
      I also suspect they’ll split the cash-o-la!!

      Ch$ Ch$ng!!

  16. The drama has been minimal, and the houseguests are pretty calm on the live feeds. A lot of sleeping happens, and that makes for a pretty boring ending to the season. There are three duos left in the BB house, and this week, one of them will be split up.
    James and Natalie will be sitting as the nominees for Thursday’s live eviction. It appears that Natalie will be voted out, but James still could be out the door if there is a last-minute change of heart. Nicole and Corey are going to be the deciding vote as they always vote together. In fact, NiCorey (Nicole and Corey) does everything together.Nicole has always been shy in the Big Brother house. When she was in her showmance with Hayden, there were boundaries. This time with Corey, she has none. The two were caught getting frisky under the covers more than once on the live feeds. Knowing that her mother is likely watching hasn’t stopped Nicole from eagerly pursuing Corey.The likelihood of Nicole being pregnant is slim. Big Brother would have her seeing a doctor and possibly have to pull her from the game due to increased risks to the pregnancy. When she talked with Corey about it, he seemed uninterested. He has already told Victor that outside of the house, he isn’t interested in anything with Nicole.
    Things in the house haven’t been the same, and they will continue to change from here. In roughly two weeks, the finale will air. The final two will have to face the jury members and plead their case about why they deserve to win. Nicole has a shot at getting to the final three, but the final two will prove to be more difficult. If “NiCorey” splits up and someone is sent to the jury house, her world would end. She is completely dependent on Corey for attention all the time. Nicole rarely has been seen without Corey expect in those special moments where they use the bathroom or do their diary room sessions.
    Rumors are going to swirl through the Big Brother house. It is a part of the game, and sometimes they are purposely leaked to the media to boost popularity. The ratings are good, and the show has been renewed for two more seasons. This season wasn’t perfect, but it was better than some of the earlier ones that were uneventful. There has been no update on the feeds about Nicole and her menstrual cycle, but if she is concerned, a doctor visit can easily be made by productio

  17. I think Snakole and Corey are putting the cart before the horse, so to speak. Paul has just as much chance of winning HOH as James or the two of them. Likewise, Victor has already proven his winning ability when his back is against the wall. So, Snakole and Corey lofty plans of F3 with James are about as realistic as Snakole getting any of the girls vote if she is indeed in F2. No matter who she sits next too. The girls will never vote Snakole to win the $500 Gs.

    • Sounds like Paul is going to grow it to Nicole though. Makes me nauseous. Fingers crossed it’s some comp that they drop from so he plays hard if she falls/loses before him.

      • Yeah, did you see the convo he had with Victor last night on LF about Nicole winning HOH as “best case scenario”? For all Paul’s conniving and strategic thinking, I cannot believe he is not thinking about Nicorey turning on him and Vic as a possible “scenario”!!

      • Agreed…If P&V don’t wake up and realize…yep, fools about to go to jury! ;) I just hate to see Vic betrayed AGAIN, but hopefully he can save himself if that happens.

      • The fact that Paul and Vic are giving in so easily on keeping James over Natalie and even considering throwing the HOH competition is absurd. Their obsession with Natalie going against them at F7 and their cattiness is beyond annoying. Although I can’t really stand the other 3, I would love to finally see the first true blindside of the season next week.

      • I know right?!?! I almost couldn’t believe he actually said and thinks that. He 100% has to win HOH or he or Vic is going home.

      • If anyone throws HOH at this point in the game, they deserve to be evicted. When did Paul say he would throw the comp to Snakole. Between him and Victor, Paul is the most distrustful of Snakole and Corey. Hope he listens to his gut and go for the HOH this week.

      • Throwing a comp at this point is bad gameplay. I think sometimes the HG look past current week to the NEXT week too much. The house changes week-to-week and that is how they should be playing their games. ~sigh~

      • Right, plan ahead, don’t get ahead of yourself and be prepared to adjust for whatever comes along.

      • Me too! Not sure if he actually said he was throwing it but he said that Nicole winning HOH Thursday is the best case scenario so it would be Vic, Paul, and Corey competing the following week. He for some crazy reason thinks James would actually go home next week.

  18. Biasedly, I don’t like it, because James is easily my most hated of a post-Natalie, final-five house. Strategically, it’s smarter to break up Victor and Paul before final four. Nicole is stupid though if she thinks she should take James to the end over Corey. Paulie is the only vote in jury who I think is guaranteed to go to Corey.

    • I can see your point, but she does have the argument that she has played a better BB game than James has. James has done NOTHING but follow Natalie all season like a lost puppy.
      Will it be enough to make the other jurors not hate her so much? IDK. But James is definitely her better option than Paul or Victor. Since I am a Vic fan…I can only hope this whole F3 deal blows up in all their faces. ;)

  19. Being vilified or being blamed for “leading James on”? I mean is there any actual, concrete proof besides “well Natalie just seems like the type of girl who would do that” or “she’s just been kinda distant, I have a ~ feeling ~”?

  20. I get that based on her body language Natalie could possibly be leading him on in terms of a relationship outside the house… but in terms of the game she’s been loyal to him throughout.Her recent moodiness, I directly attribute to their conversation about Corey, where James seemed to take a U-turn from actively campaigning for himself to go, to more of a neutral wait and see position. Natalie lashed out at him, saying she’d never speak to him if he worked with Nicorey, and James acted dumbfounded and hurt, but it was also completely insensitive on his part to not consider that maybe she might be offended if he began to rebuild his relationship with the very people that betrayed them and caused one of them to go home.

    • Had he said something like, “Look, Nat… I don’t like these people but I may have to work with them to win the game for my kid… she probably would have accepted it, but he was completely tone deaf to her feelings… and even though she seemed to eventually forgive him, it still bothers her that she thinks Nicole might still be his number one as far as game goes.
      If Natalie chooses to dump him, or not to be friends post game… it will be directly because of this betrayal, not because she’s using him. Maybe in his mind he somehow justifies all of this as winning for both of them… but his split loyalty is the main source of his problems with Nat.

  21. I’m not surprised. It’s the right choice for her game…and she knows it. Nic to Core..James will take Corey over her?..that’s a lie. James is playing for her mom, ok America. “Texas boy will stick together?’ ..Lie. Women/Jury against her?..could be true. Will she evict Christmas Core? It depends,..she shouldn’t look at his eyes….In the end..the dynamic Duo will crushed them.

  22. So james played natalie as much as she played him . Natalie manipulated James and play James to get further in the game we are James knew he had a final 2 with Nicole and never told Natalie or anybody.

  23. I think it would be great if, after this summer and everyone dumping on Nicole for her showmance with Corey, she turned around and evicted him at the F3 point. It has certainly appeared that Corey has not been as into the relationship as she has. So if in the end she shows that she can be ruthless and get rid of him, then I would applaud her game play.

  24. It seem to me that James and Nicole have been working together because the vets started out making a PAC and there the only two left. This was the very first day before she even considered Corey. So it would be good for her game but I believe Corey has a Pac with Victor and Paul ever since Paulie got out that didn’t include Nicole. All is fair in love and war!
    Gonna get exciting!!

      • You’re not only copying our avatar, even our name..tsk..tsk smh…Security !!..Code 16..we have a 311 here..lol

      • Posters may talk to her, thinking it’s me..she’s happy she’s not being ignored..crazy!

      • They are! I’ve seen it b/c when I kept seeing convos between Cyril Axel and other users, but they were blocked… That puzzled me, so I went to my blocked list and it said Cyril Axel as a blocked person, and I was like “what??! I never did that.” Well, I foolishly unblocked and was inundated with a bunch of nonsense. I quickly realized it was the Mickey person using your identity!! Crazy! I’m glad I did not block you when I re-blocked him/her! I like reading your posts. :)

      • lol wow..I was busy checking my settings, trying figure out if I could do something.. he/she is crazy

    • Yes, Nicole and James have a final 2 deal and it’s working very well so far, much to the agony of those who appreciate Victor’s game and how hard he’s played. If there’s any HG who truly proves their “love” for BB, it’s Victor, 100%.

  25. If the final 2 deal before the season started with Nicole and james is true then the other 14 houseguest were just pawns

      • Yes, but they were sleeping in while the other hgs acted like fools instead of being observant. No one noticed how much they were laying low

  26. Nicole is doing good. She has played a hand over the past 3 evictions (Victor),(Michelle), and Natalie (probably), and now wants to cut Victor and Paul (good move since victor can’t play in next hoh and she can’t beat them in jury while she might beat Corey or James).

  27. Here’s what I think transpires throughout the season.

    Production will playback key moves by hgs so that they see who is loyal and who is not. I’ve never I understood Nicole’s flip flopping, but just realized she has an in with production

    • Good for you Cyril! What’s the idiots other name? Why can’t Brendan just take her off the site completely? So many “this user is blocked” lines filling up our screens. Useless piece of….

      • Mickey, you better stop using Cyril’s NAME AND AVATAR, you little (p)rick…I defended you for a long time. You’ve gone waaaay too far. I’ve flagged your comment, and I’m going to let Matthew know what you’ve done.

    • Are you serious?? The Mickey Mousaroni person stole your user name and is using it here??!! I looked at my blocked people and it said Cyril Axel and I was like what?? I have never blocked you… and now that I have unblocked…I see it is actually the Mickey person. Wowww… isn’t that against the rules or something?

    • Cyril, I totally missed your comment because I was busy reaming out your impostor. I’m so pissed of at that MFing douche, I can’t see straight! Contact Matthew!!!

      • You like my new avatar? oops but she could copy it again. She has no originality.. We were actually helping her in the beginning. So people can understand her…well..we’re humoring him lol,, but there were some posters who weren’t too kind to her..you know. She doesn’t want to be corrected. She’ll blojck you.

        I’m working on changing my name to Mickey Macaroni. and see what happens .I’m also doing my avatar to “formerly known as Cyril” ha!..I’m also working getting her atm pin#..and maybe send her some virus.

      • Matthew just deleted of all of it’s comments!!!
        I yelled at it for tkaing K’s avatar and told it I’d block it if it didn’t give it back. It said , “Freddem of sppeech To.” So I said, “BLOCKED!”
        It called me a ‘btch.’

        I do like ‘formally known as Cyril’, but I just put in a yuge campaign to get your name and avatar back from that douche…but it’s up to you.

        Lol..do try to get the pin and definitely send virus. Bad mojo virus. Not good virus, lik you snd me.

      • Oh yeah!..They’re deleted..thanks to everyone! Now I can go back to my old avatar, coz I can’t find me. lol

      • LOL! ‘coz I can’t find me.’ Exactly! That’s why you have to reclaim your name and avatar! Go get it, Cyril!!

      • How did that idiot steal your name? I didn’t even know that was possible. I love “formerly known as …” though.

    • This is the real Cyril right? I just blocked the Mickey person again and I am relieved I can still see your post. I enjoy reading your comments and did not want to accidentally block you. :)

  28. I think Nicorey, to have any chance at winning, MUST break up Paul/Vic. Otherwise, they lose for sure to them in the finals.

    • Nicole subtly and systematically convinced Corey and Paul that Natalie is a bigger threat than James without anything remotely approximating substantive justification. Corey is dumber than a box of hair, so no surprise there, but Paul is just newbie blind to Nicole. Our only hope at this point is that Victor stands strong and somehow convinces Corey and Paul to vote out Victor. Chances of that happening are around 0.01337%, but one can dream.

  29. I can’t yell it enough times at the TV: VICTOR!! PAUL!! YOUR TARGET IS JAMES!! Nicole “and Corey” nothing – that is the sound of Nicole finally tipping her hand and roping in Corey to help her bring James to final 2. As everyone who’s been watching the show has seen from about day 2.

  30. MATTHEW BOYER!!—I’m sorry I’m using this forum to make a complaint, but I HAVE to:
    I’ve defended Mickey Mousaroni for a long time saying he wasn’t a troll and people need to cut him some slack. Then he started using KSJB’s avatar. No big deal, right? Now he’s using Cyril Axel’s NAME AND AVATAR!!! can you do something?!
    This has gone too far.

    • I knew he was a troll. There was never a time that he tried to explain why we couldn’t understand most of his comments. I blocked him and I think everyone else should as well.

      • Things should be all cleaned up now. If it repeats please feel free to use the Contact page to reach me. With hundreds to thousands of comments a day I often don’t spot calls to attention.

      • Thanks Matthew! I wasn’t sure how to contact you…but I do now. I really, REALLY appreciate your help with this. It does sadden me that I was wrong about this guy, though. But taking my Cyril’s name—ANYONE’S–name is just WRONG. Thanks again!

      • Wow! I missed that entirely. I had blocked Mickey and had just assumed he was gone from my universe. Popping up under other people’s names? How can he even do that? Is he just making a slight tweak to the name to register it? OK, as soon as someone on here says something completely out of character, we gotta be suspicious.

      • Yep! Well, he’s gone for good now. I cannot believe someone would be able to take another person’s name and avatar. I mean, I can’t believe someone would stoop so low–but I didn’t realize you could actually DO it, either. I’m not computer savvy. Well, we don’t have to worry any longer because Matthew took care of the weasel…but I talked to Cyril last night, and he still wasn’t able to get his avatar back. That jerk really pulled a number on our guy.

      • And why Cyril? Wasn’t Cyril reasonable kind to that twerp? As opposed to say, me, who wasn’t exactly mean, but never defended him either. I just assumed that if a user name was taken, you couldn’t use it. I guess we have to watch out for this sort of thing.

        There should never be more drama in these discussions than there is on the show. :-)

      • OMG! I just had a brilliant idea. BB should cast the next season from the people in the BBN comments section. Except, I suspect the vast majority of us would never agree to do the show. :-)

      • Yes—Cyril was actually pretty nice to him…but Mickey kept telling him that he was blocked…I guess he never blocked him. Mickey took K’s (KSJB) avatar earlier that day (her mailbox) and I yelled at him. Then later, K emailed me and told me he’d taken Cyril’s name and avatar. What a trip.
        Dissing the HG’s is one thing, but screwing with the people here is an entirely different beast.

      • Nope, I stand corrected…they are now showing up as deleted!! Way to go, Sharona! Good looking out for Cyril’s name and identity. :)

  31. I hope Nicolel gets caught by snitch sneaky Paul and destroys her straight to the Jury house. She has been playing Derrick’s game better than Paulie.

    • Paul and Victor are both too comfortable in their present circumstance of safety. They’re newbs who aren’t playing the long game. Their only hope at this point is to convince dopey to vote out James. Otherwise Victor will have to win out to have any shot at F2.

  32. This shows that Nicole and James did have a pre game alliance. Production should be ashamed they are letting this happen. It is clearer and clearer the longer the two of them stay in this game. Not many like that Victor was given two chances to return to the game, but he did what any other competitor would have done. Production needs too stop this now. This is very unfair to the other houseguest that have been playing this game very hard to stay in the house each week. Get the two cheaters out now production.

      • Anytime Nicole was going to be targeted James got the nominations changed to the person that was targeting her. She has done the same thing for James. He was targeted this week to be evicted and she convinced Paul to target Natalie. Also Nicole went and told James and Natalie that James was to be targeted next after Paulie was evicted. Paulie is the one that said that James was to be targeted not Paul like Nicole told James and Natalie.

      • You’re right, it was Paulie who said that to Paul, Nicole and Corey when he told them they should all work together to get James out. Nicole went and gave Nat & James just a bit of the truth there, but Natalie made the mistake of acting on that, rather than calling Paul out on it. Nicole would have been exposed then and there if she (Natalie) had said something instead of talking Michelle into targeting Paul while Natalie went after Vic.

    • I don’t agree that there was a pre game alliance. Even if there was how does that change things? What would the difference be between that and making an F2 deal in Day 1? All the vets did say they were going to stick together. Frank and Da broke that deal early on. Apparently Nicole and James meant it. How would making a preseason deal with one other person determine what was going to happen with the 14 other people in the house?

      • Not only could there have been an alliance but perhaps they discussed game moves with other past players of someone who gave them pretty good details of what to do…… Guess what?
        It’s working.

    • No. It shows that Nicole is thinking strategically about who she has a fighting chance against in F2.

    • I wouldn’t call any of them cheaters. I’d say it was an advantage they took advantage of…. $500k is on the line. If production is stupid enuff to invite 4 returning houseguests then there should be boundaries & rules regarding these types of pre-moves!

  33. Smart game move on her part. Although I am not a fan of hers…Victor should have thought more strategically about his noms!

    • He has the trust tho! I think the move of giving him the $5k has still resonated in his head & his heart. He’s seems like such a nice, loyal guy. Too bad he’s about to be eaten by the snake.
      Although she is a snake I admire her game!

  34. Everyone keeps saying Nicole is coasting but I actually think Corey has been just flying below the radar coasting. I didn’t every know who he was for the first half of the game.

  35. I am fine with this move. It seems to be that kind of season and shes playing the game. Big Brother is not really abut loyalty. How many times have they said bouncing checks is fine? Don’t get comfortable i this game.

  36. It’s a smart move I’ll admit but I think Nicole and Corey both have a slim chance of winning. Not just that but it’ll be a matter of whether or not James actually WANTS to work with them. He’s already expressed regret over trusting them and flipping on Paul and Vic. He might just go back to working with the guys since trusting Nicole and Corey got his woman out. Not only that but Paul and Vic are both very good at comps. Paul has a shot at hoh and they’ll both have a shot at veto. Those boys won’t go without a fight.

    • Agreed. I wondered about this too. James might just decide Nicole tossed him and Nat UTB to save herself and might not trust her again. We will see how it works out, but I am still #Hopeful and #TeamVic :)

      • Im hopeful as well. I’ve been remaining optimistic and my boys are still in the the game. I think Paul is overdue for an hoh. Really hoping he pulls this one out and James blames Nicole and Corey for Natalie getting evicted.