Michelle finds herself in a bit of a pinch here this week as she’s faced with a decision between doing what the house wants and following her own personal reasons to go against the BB18 hive mind.
The house wants Frank out, but Michelle really, really wants Bridgette out and it runs deep in the season all the way back to the very first weekend of Feeds. Whatever she decides, she better do it fast.
It’s no mystery that the majority of the Big Brother 18 Houseguests want Frank gone. Da’Vonne has lead that rallying cry and James picked up the banner this week with his nominations of Frank and Bridgette. Now Michelle has control after she went and beat both Frank and Bridgette in the Veto comp after being the last three standing in the OTEV comp. So what’s she going to do?
Overnight Michelle told Frank that if it was up to her she’d have him stay. Flashback to 3:59 AM BBT 7/24. Michelle really wants Bridgette gone for personal reasons. Frank warns Michelle that playing personal is immature and dangerous to her long run chances to which Michelle agrees and understands, but she isn’t going to change that attitude now.
So what is this personal reason? A few minutes later she reminds Frank. (4:03 AM BBT 7/24) Michelle believes Bridgette commented at the start of the season that if Michelle passed out again (which apparently happened and we didn’t see) then Bridgette wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to shave off her eyebrows. Yikes. Michelle was actually on the receiving end of several rough comments including Bronte saying she wanted to punch out Michelle’s teeth when she smiled. Delightful.
If you jump back to 6/27 around 2:40 PM BBT Frank mentions to Nicole and Corey how Bridgette made that comment. At some point, might not have been from Frank repeating what was said, it did get back to Michelle. She was discussing it later that day. It even came up again while they were debating whether or not to keep Tiffany that week it flipped. “Never forget,” Michelle said. Apparently she meant it.
Note: Bridgette jokingly made the comment among the Revolution group and it did not appear malicious, just a joke. She possibly wasn’t even talking about Michelle. Paul said he wouldnt’ care “if she died right now” which made the rest of the group go “whoa whoa whoa” and Bridgette said she’d “resuscitate her” then joked “and then we’d shave her eyebrow… I’m just kidding.”
So here’s Michelle’s dilemma. She wants Bridgette out, but if Frank stays up on the Block then Frank will be voted out. It’ll happen. If Michelle truly wants to get Bridgette out then she’s going to need to go ahead and use that Veto on Frank and force James to name a renom. He’s made a few suggestions the other day before Veto was played, and that list included Michelle, but she’s obviously not at risk this week considering her Veto win.
On Monday the Veto Ceremony will be held and this will be Michelle’s chance to lockdown Bridgette’s eviction. If James is forced to name a renom then it’s going to be someone he doesn’t want to go and the house will shift to targeting Bridgette, though they’ll do some angrily.
That last point is why I don’t think she will. She even unconvincingly told Nicole when asked (5:47 PM BBT 7/24) so this wasn’t volunteered opinion, that she would not use the Veto. Maybe she’s not really planning to, but you can’t take a forced, on the spot inquisition like that to generate an honest opinion on a move that would be very unpopular if she was actually considering it.
We’ll see what she does and what else is discussed tonight on the Live Feeds as the Veto Ceremony closes in for its appearance midday Monday. We’ll keep you posted with overnight confirmations or plan changes, however it turns out. What do you think Michelle should do?
James is such a loser I don’t understand how I actually sympathized with him.
He’s not a loser; he’s just doing what the house wanted. The rest of the house owes him some safety for at least a week or so for what he did for them.
As if that means anything, if they want him out, he’ll be out and he should be smart enough to realize that.
Doesn’t mean they gonna keep thier promise for safety just like he promised safety for Bridgett n frank! Js
I love watching this show, i love reading the updates, i just dint understand how nobody on this thread gets that they see the whole game from am outside perspective. If i was James, I’d do the same thing. To those people in the house eliminating Frank could be the “big move” that wins the game.
Bingo. Sure seems that fans too often crave drama and back stabbing to the extent that consequences don’t matter. James certainly did what was best for his game at this point in the season. Don’t think you can fault him for that.
I find it incredibly ironic that I have watched several of the posters say that James was too scared to take out a big target and now he’s stupid for taking out a big target… I don’t think that he is playing the best game, but as I said above my perception is different from the houseguests. He can change his play before jury and still end up winning since it’s the jury that chooses.
Owing him something means nothing, even if they did promise him safety, which I don’t think they did.
He better hope their word is better than his own! lol
Ha! Very true
how is Jamesa loser? for putting up frank someone YOU want in the game? Frank is a loser, manipulator, boring old fart. James made a huge move for his game, not so you can stay entertained at home, which is beyond me if Frank or bridgette keeps you entertained, lol 。
Day noticed clue for secret room in HOH.
What was the clue?
I meant the plane near HOH.
Of course she did. I think she gets inside help. She figured out the twins last season and also Tiff being Vanessa’s sister. I don’t think she is told right out,but she is probably given huge hints. They don’t want her gone, they want her to Vigo to jury. Ugh!
I don’t believe that for a second. Day has always been quicker than the rest of the house.
I don’t either..
she better keep it to herself
She may finally be getting it.
There weren’t any hints. She sat there to eat and noticed the plane.
Unfortunately we don’t know what goes on in DR. I feel, and it is just me, but I think the HG are influenced in DR Because they come up with stuff that make you go huh? When I said hints, I ment hints in the dr. Maybe have you noticed anything different on the walls? That would make someone study walls and really be attentive.
Because it was so difficult to figure out the twins and Tiffany? Please! If production liked her that much, she wouldn’t have gone home in week 2 last season.
No, she’s just very observant of things around her. She has to be if she’s a black jack dealer, right?
That’s what you would think. But there was comp she was in I thought she had it in the bag. But again she didn’t get it.
I think she would’ve gotten it. What does this have to do with her being observant?
I don’t remember what the comp was. But I told my husband because Day is a dealer, she was going to win it. It something to do with counting. But in the end she didn’t win it. But she may have thrown the comp.
Oh, OK I was talking about the recent one. yes, I remember that one. ?
?I almost want to say it was the one where they spelled a word and the letters equaled points. I thought she would be able to count fast and do good. Another note, what is this about Zak in the storage room. Been away for weekend so I need to catch up
You must read the comments my friend. She whipped her sanitary pad out in there and James walked in as she did it. Didn’t wash her hands and others witnessed it and she proceeds to put her nasty hands in a bag of chips everyone was eating. ??
Omg. Glad I already ate dinner. She is the last person I thought would do something like that. I wonder if she forgot there are cameras in there. I still can’t believe it.
Lol! I know, I wouldn’t have ever thought she would do something like that. Looks are deceiving aren’t they? ?No, I think they know they’re being watched everywhere. SMH
Doubtful that Michelle will go against the house. She is floating her way through and has to vote their way.
Michelle should just play her game. If she wants to get rid of Bridgette, then just take a shot. If James nominates Victor in Frank’s place, I think Bridgette will have a better than even chance of staying anyway (with Frank’s help), so it would probably doom Michelle. But at least it would be entertaining. Unlike the rest of this predictable season.
If she could talk this out with Day, she might do it. But I think Day has realized in recent days that she does have a staunch ally in the house in Michelle. If they could reason out that Frank would be obligated to the two of them, and that Nicole might be able to get called off from him since she respects Michelle.
Frank’s a goner
I hope Paulie is then nominated 2 weeks in a row for good sweats, then voted out unanimously.
Everyone is a floater anyway. Frank is the only one playing the game.
I really hate this cunt. She’s annoying and everytime she opens her mouth all I hear is that jackass Sarah Palin’s voice shredding my brain…
Meen Meech acts and talk a little off
It’s Nicole foe me.
Me too!
Ladies and gentlemen Christine 2.0
I don’t think Meech will use the veto but I would respect her more if she did decide to play her own game instead of going with the house. I’m still not a huge fan of her but it would definitely turn out to be a respectable move even if it ends up blowing up in her face later in the game
Watch the feeds. Half the lies going around the house are started by Michelle. She’s currently the leader of the mean girls followed by z and Nicole who is a follower and a floater. I haven’t seen such a nasty season since Evil Dick was on.
BB15 was pretty nasty too with all the racist stuff + Amanda
Well, James should have played his game and not Paulies. It would be a huge move for her but we will wait to see what she does.
I said the same about james. Ive lost
all respect for him now.
This is why I’m done with this season. “She said she would cut my eyebrows off so now it’s personal” Seriously???? I’m sure it was meant as a joke and they make Bridgette out to be like the all mighty devil. The amount of bullying for no reason among these houseguests is just despicable and it’s even worse to watch these people on Twitter support Da’Vonne, Michelle, and Zakiyah for their bullying ways because of the Frank incident from weeks ago that Da’Vonne played a part in causing. This is Big Brother, not Big Bully. You leave your personal feelings at the door. I’m actually hoping Production just tells Bridgette or Frank about the secret room so these bullies fall
So she caused Frank to slap her on her butt repeatedly and talk about her body? I have no problem when people call them mean girls but don’t downplay what 1 person did to make the other look worse.
She was calling Frank equally as bad things, and multiple guys were slapping girls on the butt. It was meant to be taken as a joke. If you come into the Big Brother house and don’t expect things to get wild and out of hand idk what to tell you. It’s all about having fun, and people instead choose to take things way too seriously
Well…. I do agree with the fact that Frank isn’t the only one who’s not innocent in this game. Everybody has been a bully at some point (excluding Natalie, James and Tiffany…. i still dont like Natalie and James tho lol) however it doesn’t matter if it’s a joke or not. Frank should never smack a lady’s butt or call them sluts/hussies/fat, especially only girls you have known for a couple of weeks. I’m hoping Frank survives this week and he’s gotten better, but that behavior is not fun to be around! Lol
The bullied Tiffany really bad!
Don’t get it twisted, I’m not saying they don’t all do bad things. My problem is that everybody does something that can be considered bad but once Da or Z or Michelle does it they are horrible, disgusting people attacking innocent people.
How about the sexual harassment Z is putting on Paulie, that girl is on his jock like no other!! And when he doesn’t respond, she throws attitude it’s ok because she’s cute. Please, I guess she reads the bible too, so all’s good! Her & Day are full of themselves and double standards, period.
I wholeheartedly agree.
lol at paulie being sexually harassed. i don’t think so. a few days ago on the feeds he was talking to james, corey, & victor in the hoh room saying quite crude & filthy things about how he’s frustrated & how he has to work hard not to make out with Z “(to put things mildly).
Ya but he already told her he doesn’t want to do anything on camera and to wait till they get out of the house. Yet she moans and groans he don’t like me, he won’t kiss me, I put my face right in his face and he won’t take the hint!! If the dude tells you not on camera then that means NO. And NO means NO. I don’t care how he “talks to the boys” he said NO to Z!!
She’s in a showmance with him though. How can you compare the 2?
so because your favorite gets tossed out on their ass ,now you sound like a 5th grader that wants to take your ball and go home because you cant have your way
Clearly you don’t understand why I can’t deal with this anymore. Do I care that Frank is going? Not really. It doesn’t bother me one bit. My issue with this show is how these immature houseguests walk around and bully the people like Bridgette and Frank. It seriously is the most childish thing and the worst part is they act like they’re perfectly ok. Like Michelle was asking anybody if she was mean and she thinks she’s not mean, yet she is one of the biggest bullies of them all. There is no place for bullying in this world anywhere, especially when you are not only grown up, but you are playing A GAME! Ik what you’re thinking, “what? This is a game?” It’s always been a game, but these people are taking it too seriously and I’m not going to sit here and listen to their rude comments and watch them complain and bully other people like little kids when nothing in this game should be taken on a personal level
You just don’t get the point of this game. Last one standing wins. Deception, betrayal and bullying are required to win. Screw the others over before they screw you.
Since when has bullying ever been required to win? All it succeeds in is making someone else feel bad. Did Derrick bully to win? Did Dan bully to win? Did Steve bully to win? What “bullying” really shows in this game is the true side to some of these people, and it exposes who they truly are and what kind of person they are. Bullying is never required to win this game, but if you do it, you just end up looking pathetic and you end up looking like a total jerk in front of America
BB is a game OF bullying. Deal with it.
You know, political correctness really offends me. ;)
Yes it’s getting too far, but then again we’re dealing with a bunch of idiots in the house.
I am so sick of production dropping hints and manipulating comps to favor their chosen houseguests. BB is more scripted every year. Just let them play, and if their pet douchebag (Frank) happens to go home, so be it. If I wanted to see good scripts, I’d be watching HBO.
Wow! Michelle really does look like Buzzlightyear
As a super fan, Michelle should wake up and realize how she’s very low on everyone’s keep list…. You’ve got the showmances plus her, Day and Paul… She should realize where her game is going to be cut short very soon when she becomes expendable to Paulie and he puts her on the “cut” list. The only chance she has for going far in this game is using the veto to save Frank and working with him.
Their brain does not work like that, it’s a span of a 2 year old.
If you go back to the start of the season, Michelle did say she was a big fan of Franks. Maybe she has a rush on him but who knows.
If she was smart, she would go after Bridgette (don’t get why) when she herself is HOH
How’d that work for Tiffany last week?
Tiffany was already guaranteed to be the target anyway. Alligning with Frank was actually her best shot at staying.
Tiffany vastly overrated Frank’s influence over the rest of the houseguests. Didn’t she realize (as everyone else did) that Frank had the biggest target on his back and that the entire house, minus Bridgette, was lined up against him? Aligning with Frank was the stupidest thing she could possibly do.
I think she did. I mean part of the reason they voted to keep her was to upset Frank. But what choice did she have? He was the only one willing to work with her.
frank & bridgette both voted Tiff out. twice!
Frank need to be somewhere looking for a clue, but the only clue I get is him leaving out that door.
He was busy an hour ago looking through everything in the Safari Room after Paul left him alone. Seem to me that he has some idea that there are clues within the house now.
It is in the case on the kitchen table, in the middle of it.
James: “your word is the only thing you’ve got in this game”.
Inexplicable. James is a L-O-S-E-R.
wow lol I guess it doesn’t matter James was over seas fighting in the military: James put up the big funky bully that is Frank on the all important game of Big Brother & now James is a Loser!
I wouldn’t call James a loser at all but I do fail to see how Frank Is the bully in the house compared to others.
Oh go f@ck yourself you toxic little bitch.
You add NOTHING of value here.
Peer pressure got the best of him
I think it’s more than that. Meech is jealous of Bridge because Frank, her idol chooses Bridge as his cabbage patch kid instead of her. Once Bridge is evicted, I think Meech will slither her way to Frank’s arm.
Wow its said when Frank of all people is telling Michelle playing personally is risky.
May I remind you of his outburst in the jury house
Frank was outed that season and is once again outed this season. Wouldn’t you feel bad if everyone was against you and wanted you out? Doesn’t help everyone is bullying Bridgette for no reason
Bcuz she hooked up with Frank. ?
So because she decides to allign with someone who she was put on to a team with and she has fun being with despite the wrong things he has done, she deserves to be bullied? That makes sense
Don’t put words in my mouth! I didn’t say she deserved to be bullied! You’re the one saying she’s being bullied.. I merely made my comment bcuz everyone wants Frank out and since she’s working with him they look at them as a strong team and want them out. That’s what I meant!!!
I’m not saying you said anything. I’m just exposing the flaws behind the thinking, because Ik it’s probably exactly what those houseguests are thinking to themselves
No flaws behind my thinking .. Everyone has their opinions of how they see a situation.
Then they should just want them out and talk about that. Not saying the things they say about Bridgette just because they want her out. It’s not the same thing. There’s making a game move and then there’s talking horribly about, bullying HG’s. I’m not saying you’re saying they deserve to be bullied but you have to see how your comment may have implied that. I think that’s what Kyle was trying to say.
I see what you’re saying but I wasn’t implying that at all. I never would go along with that behavior.
Understandable. I knew what you meant by your original comment but it just didn’t read right I guess when compared to the other persons comment.
In this GAME yes, it makes perfect sense. BB is a game of betrayal and bullying. If you don’t like it, don’t watch.
Bullying is never ok. Especially in a game.
But at the same time Frank made himself public enemy number 1 with his abrasiveness. And it doesn’t help that Bridgette is with him.
Thank you Dan! That’s what I was trying to explain to Kyle.. ?
frank needs to do some soul searching because in both seasons he’s been on the outskirts.
he really is not the nice guy i thought he was. & the whole bridgette is a victim thing is not only getting old but it’s too pc for my liking. she may act like a spoiled kid but she’s an adult & she needs to grow up: everyone talks about everyone. (she forgave tiff for calling her a cabbage patch kid so why can’t so forgive anyone else?)
& it’s not like anyone’s physically beaten her up or threatened to like bridgette has threatened to shave off michelle eyebrows & frank saying he was going pay someone in home town to punch Z in the face.
Z said she wants to fight Bridgette at the wrap party
Now that’s real mature.
yes it was immature of Z. & so is saying you’re going to pay someone to punch a woman in the face like frank did. and also for bridgette to say she wants to shave off michelle’s eyebrows.
i see a lot of weird excuses being made on here for bridgette and frank’s mean and crude behavior. ignoring facts doesn’t diminish their bad behavior.
Well said Ross! ?
Wow, just turned the tv on and who is in bed with James???? Where the hell is natalie? Has she turned her back on Jamesie?
No Nat’s been sleeping in a bumper car for the whole day, just got up. James was in the bed with Nicole.
Boring day of feeds
Wherever she is at I want her and him to keep hiding for the rest of the season, even when the season is over!
Nicole is so annoying.
And, what is Paul doing with this nose ring thingy?
She absolutely is. How many times can you tell Frank something in confidence, it gets out, and you say you will never trust him again. It’s pretty funny actually.
Come on Big Meech! Make the move. Don’t be such a sheep like the rest of the house and take a stand. Shakeup the house.
If Michelle uses veto on frank, does she risk going on the block?
Veto winners can’t be put OTB.
Well then why do they say that they will use it on themselves?
If a nominee wins the veto, they can use it on themselves to be taken off the block.
Winners who are not already OTB can’t be put OTB.
That’s when they are on the block and win veto and take themselves off.
Not until next week, but then? Absolutely. Frank will turn on her immediately.
Michelle lacks the skill and the finesse to successfully pull off a flip like that. Everyone would hate her and she would be the new Bridgette. If she actually won comps and had people in her pocket that’ll be fine, but she’s in Day’s pocket and a terrible strategist. The only good move she pulled was aligning with the Vets in the beginning of the season.
She orchestrated the vote flip on Bronte though IIRC, even though the show made it seem like it was Da’Vonne and James.
This is true. Michelle seems to be the only actual independent thinker in the house. I seriously don’t get why everyone seems to hate her so much. She’s not a floater and I like her game (so far).
james why?????
1. you put up 2 people who are not coming after you at all
2. you lied and now people might not trust your word anymore.
you should have lost and let day and bridgette battle it out for hoh. therefore, u get no blood and can continue playing under the radar.
Yes, he should have thrown it. It would have pulled Da into the game finally
Yeah I think he should’ve just thrown it. I guess his whole playing both sides tactic has gone down the toilet. Especially when he’s peer pressured. But then again he’d have only one or two people after him as opposed to everyone who isn’t Frank or Bridgette
Right now, I am in shock. After watching Brigette and Natalie talking in the HN room at 1st on cam 4, it absolutely frightens me just how completely clueless, oblivious and downright stupid Nathalie is. I mean, it is absolutely scary.
Do tell, we’re all waiting.
I knew something was off about her when she fell in love w/Victor just bcz he sat by her and everything came out her mouth was Victor or she was crying, ranting and raving about him! Then when she got w/the cat robber James, I knew she had lost it!!
Nat has shown a lot of insight lately: she’s been the only one to recognize so far that Paulie is playing both sides of the house & is a threat. plus if she’s just using the guys to get to the end then she’s not dumb. give her a chance & don’t jump to conclusions.
If she is playing dumb and it takes her far,I’ll sing her praises! ?
And a player Rachel Reily does not like j
There’s no way she would ever use it on Frank. This was such a pointless article update. We ALL know it’s what the HOUSE wants. And no one goes against the house amongst these awfuls players this year. I love BB but this season I dislike every person in the hous . With the exception of, and I never thought I’d say this a month ago but Vic. He really seems like a good guy. Everyone else are sheep following king Paulie.
im trying to figure out how if michelle uses the veto on frank -after being constantly stalked and pestered by frank to do so- that it would be her playing the game and thinking for herself as opposed to not using it. james already told her it’s her veto she can do what she wants. & she is. just because she might not save you all’s fav (frank) doesn’t mean she isn’t playing the game or thinking for herself regardless of whether people feel it’s a bad move or not: plus she can’t see or hear everything that goes in the house like we do so its not fair to say she would be dumb not to align with fridgette.
Dammit Frank! Why couldn’t you just float through the first half of the season?
I really would like to see a lot of the people in these comments play Big Brother. It’s so funny to me how do many of you think if you’re not making big moves, you’re not playing the game. Big moves create big targets. Don’t rock the boat until you have to.
First of all, what happened to James? Last year he was the guy running around saying how he’d “shake things up”. This year he is a total wimp. And again he makes a deal and breaks it. He is not my favorite this year by far.
Frank is a huge disappointment too. What a terrible game he is playing. He talks way too much and he just talks in front of everybody. I can see why they want him gone but at the same time he has made his target clear. The rest of the house is safe from him while Da’Vonne has said she wants to break up the showmances – meaning Corey and Paulie are targets – along with Nicole. Once Frank is gone, should Da win HoH, she is going to break up the power team.
Which brings me to a point. Once Frank and Bridget are gone, those girls celebrating in the storage room like little high school twits are next. Corey will protect Nicole. Paulie will try to protect Z so Michele and Da are the first two on the block. How can they not see that?
Good they should be. IMO they are mean and nasty.
She won’t use it, she’s too scared to make a big move. That’s the sad think about this show now, everyone just does “what the house wants.” She is last on the totem pole when you factor in all the “showmances.” Oh well, doesn’t matter b/c either way she’ll go soon and that’s all good with me :)
Still would not work. James would nenom Day or Victor, and that person would go. No one LIKES Bridgette, but she’s not a high priority except for Michelle, and if Michelle screws James by taking down his nominee, there goes teamwork.
Hate Michelle. She’s ugly and gross. I hope she gets booed as she leaves.