It was Veto Day in the Big Brother 18 house and the weather may have kept the Houseguests waiting longer than expected for the return of OTEV. Yes, Frank had his chance at redemption after falling victim to OTEV last time around, but could he pull it off? (Note: Heath Luman says delay was for lighting.)
The competition was held late and night and it got the adrenaline pumping in the house because the whole place seemed wide awake and ready to boil over as I settled in to finish the report.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 18 Live Feed Highlights โ Saturday, July 23, 2016:
9:40 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.
9:50 AM BBT – Paulie reveals to Frank he’s in more trouble than he realizes and the house will vote him out if he’s still on the Block come Thursday night. This Veto will be critical for his BB18 survival.
10:06 AM BBT – Cameras zoom in on the Big Brother Airlines plane. If you look closely you’ll see “CALL” in small letters in the windows of one side and “PARIS” on the other. That’s the clue for HGs to dial #211 on the upstairs phone to gain access to the secret room and a special power.
11:00 AM BBT – Natalie says if she’s drawn to play and wins the Veto then she’ll use it on Bridgette.
11:10 AM BBT – Bridgette is feeling discouraged and suggests her game is over as she can’t win out at this point. Frank is adamant that she not throw the comp to him. He wants her to play hard and win for herself today.
11:15 AM BBT – Natalie suggests Big Brother is mostly luck. Frank tells her it isn’t. There’s skill involved.
11:25 AM BBT – Natalie continues to encourage Bridgette to fight this week and try to work things out with the other girls who have turned against her. Bridgette suggests it’s not likely to regain them.
11:35 AM BBT – James and Bridgette are talking. James feels bad about putting her up, but says there was a lot of pressure for him to do it. He says he’s open to a different target this week if things change today.
12:20 PM BBT – Bridgette says she couldn’t do Big Brother twice and is surprised Nicole left a good job to come do this.
12:35 PM BBT – Bridgette lets Natalie know about the Fatal Five alliance from what Tiffany told her. She also points out that it’s worrisome how James did what the house wanted this week with his noms instead of making his own choice.
2:20 PM BBT – Feeds are back from over an hour of Loops so the players could be drawn. Michelle, Da’Vonne, and Nicole were added to the players list today. None have won an individual competition this season and only Nicole has ever won a Big Brother comp between the three.
2:30 PM BBT – Michelle warns Da’Vonne that Victor was told by Tiffany to trust Frank and not Da’Vonne.
3:00 PM BBT – Frank and James are joking about potential punishments if it’s the prize-swap Veto comp today. There’s been guessing that it might be this style PoV.
3:20 PM BBT – James and Paulie reaffirming their want for Bridgette and Frank to be split up this week.
3:40 PM BBT – Frank tells Bridgette that whoever stays should go after James and Da’Vonne next week.
4:10 PM BBT – Frank reveals the Vets got a flat fee to return this season rather than a stipend like newbies receive. If they make it to Jury then they’ll receive more earnings.
4:15 PM BBT – Bridgette tells Frank she isn’t sure it’s worth her staying if they are both on the Block come Thursday. Frank jokes around that he needs a special power from the viewers this week.
4:15 PM BBT – James and Da’Vonne talk renom options. James wants to be careful that they don’t put up a more tempting option than one of the two current noms. He’s think Michelle might be the right pick from the renom if it’s needed.
4:25 PM BBT – Nicole and Frank meet up in Storage. Frank doesn’t think they can successfully take a shot at Da’Vonne this week. Frank swears he wasn’t coming after Nicole and he wants to work with her and Corey. He says she needs him like he needs her right now in the game. Frank shares what he discussed with Bridgette, that they’d nominate Da’Vonne and James next week.
4:35 PM BBT – Corey has joined. Frank again promises Nicole he would work with her if he stays this week. Frank asks Nicole not to try and beat him in the Veto so he can save himself.
4:45 PM BBT – Frank relays back to Bridgette that Nicole may help them this week. She reminds him that Nicole has not been helping their game for awhile now.
5:15 PM BBT – Frank jokes that if he gets voted out he’ll hug Bridgette and dodge the rest of the HGs just like he did on BB14.
6:00 PM BBT – James and Natalie hanging out and chatting. Not much going on.
7:20 PM BBT- James wonders if he should renom Nicole instead of Michelle and whether or not Nicole is secretly working with Bridgette.
8:20 PM BBT – Frank and Bridgette doing a pep rally. He says how great it’d be to win the Veto and disappoint everyone else in the house.
8:40 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.
Updates continued for the second half of the night following the Veto results.
I’m not ready for Frank to leave yet. There are others I’d like to see leave first. I certainly don’t want Bridgette in jury but whatever.
Afraid after Frank leaves, it’ll be boring without a boogie man in the house. Paulie can pick off folks like gazelles. Someone will eventually take a shot at him. And even if they succeed in getting him out in a few weeks, it might get boring. Paul would be boorish again along with Victor.
If Nic learns that Corey is with the guys, she’ll get fired up but it’ll be too late by then cuz they’ll have picked off more girls by then. Rip Van Winkle will have awakened just in time to see her game slip away needlessly.
Yeah if Frank goes this season will be DONE for me.
What’s OTEV?!
It’s veto spelled backwards and the name of the talking character in the game where “Otev” is at the top of a slippery, slippery slope and a scum pool of some kind and “Otev” tells the competitors they have to find and bring him a certain thing from the pool. Otev sits behind a row of bases sort of and just like musical chairs, you are eliminated if you don’t get back in time with the right answer to get a “chair”. At least that is how I remember it.
Yes a popular Veto comp like Linda said. Has become a staple like Zingbot.
what are you talking about. FRANK IS whats making this season boring. hes got to.go.
The girls should’ve stuck together from the start. But women like Da’Vonne, Zak, and Nicole ruined it. Tiffany was loyal to the girls from the start and she was the first one the other girls turned on…. dumb
Pls what’s otev?
Thank you for asking – I have no clue what it is either.
Veto spelled backwards.. plus it’s a comp – usually the talking otev asked for something by rhyme and the player have to run and get the answer – last one back is out.
Veto spelled backwards. Where they have to run around and find people’s names for some sort of idol they call OTEV.
Veto spelled backwards.
Veto spelled backwards.
Veto spelled backwards
Hoping that Frank happens to “find” the hidden room and power. Production has to want to keep him around as well…same as they did in BB11 when Jeff ended up with the special power to overturn nominations.
I totally agree but it’s not fair if that happens. Let the remaining houseguest cut each other throat. Let the game play. Don’t alter it for ratings.
I agree with you but I would love to see Frank stay regardless of how it happens.
Agreed. I bet the edit will be over the top on it to make it look like he’s been searching for awhile. I love BB but it will never come close to Survivor bc production predetermines everything and does too much with the cast in the way of influence. The show used to be so much better (or less obvious the production was involved)
Michelle (fame-monger) seems more interested in making a big move and “going down in BB history” than in winning the game … sure could help Frank’s campaign to stay. I think there’s a chance, especially if Paul and Da get on a rant roll.
For those asking, otev is veto backwards, and Otev is an idol, the character in charge of the comp.
Otev gives a cryptic clue to a houseguest and they have to find an object with the name of the houseguest that correctly answers the clue.
All but the last person to find the object can offer it to Otev. If all have the correct name, the last person to find it is eliminated.
Six competitors, five rounds, one veto. Otev is one of the more popular veto comps.
I want Frank to stay and I don’t want him to stay. I do think the season will be more entertaining, strategic, fun, exasperating, stressful, and maddening with Frank around. So see, good and bad, but it’s all the things we love about BB and Gigglette doesn’t add any of that, imo.
I have learned that, for me, I have to have someone to root for and I was having a hard time even trying to decide who I disliked the least until lately … lately Frank just seems to come out as the only focused player and I like that above almost all else. I am hoping he finds the secret room and/or lines up the house to get Michelle to change their world and use the veto on Frank with James “going with the house” and putting up Da.
As much as I dislike Da’s game, just for the heck of it, and because it torments Frank, I don’t want to see Da evicted just yet. I’d like to see those two playing the love to hate game a little longer.
At least for another week or two.
Frank will find the secret room, and I heard Glenn is all cooped up in that room…this will be exciting.
You are so funny :)
I think Frank is going to find it also and stay in the game. He has been complaining in the DR (since he constantly talk about his sessions).
Be still my heart! I’m envisioning a beach themed room with Glenn, wearing a bright neon pink speedo, and fanning himself while lying on a chaise lounger. Very exciting!
Poor Glenn, he was locked up for a long time, He can go home now, and his summer is over. How many times he’s lost the comp photo finished? lol
You got problems LOL.
You just noticing? hehe
I guess.
Men! Pay attention, Paulie!
I believe Frank will find it too. The reason is, that production knows that if he stays more drama will ensue.
Let’s hope so. Make it happen AG please.
After finding out Frank didn’t win POV, I kind of want him to go home. You know I love him—but it’s not worth it for him to be in that toxic environment if he’s not going to win. I want Victor to demolish “Paulie-the House,” and rebuild. I’m not a huge fan of Victor’s…but if he can knock down “The House,” I’m all for it!
I’m skeptical that Victor can do that. I haven’t seen any of the feeds since he’s returned, but he just didn’t seem to be a very astute player when he was there the first time around.
Yeah…he seems like a box of rocks to me; but I have to hope for SOMETHING to shake things up. Without Frank, there will be no one there playing the game. And I simply cannot get behind ANY of those people.
I’m with you on that one. I know people say it every season, but man, this group of house guests seem really …. docile. It seems that three people are playing the game … Frank, Paulie and Da. The rest are at camp.
Lol at that! Frank is a YUGE part and reason for that toxic environment. He has his own way of being a mean girl. :)
LOL…I concede, K! To a degree. You have to realize though, that I don’t see much of AD anymore or Joker’s…so all the info I get is from the T and V Box. Lol. I’m always going to be a yuge fan (always and forever) but…LOL! I forgot where I was even going with that! I’m tired! I still would like someone to demolish “Paulie The House.”
Christmas Corey can do it..just believe.
LOL, well the house is full of Christmas HO HO HO’s LOL
Especially Nicole, her mother can say they have raised a full fledge porn star, and the first showing was BB.
Here comes Santa Claus…I hope.
Nicoles porn name should be “Santa Clause Lane” then. ;)
Oh! You wicked, wicked girl :D
Ha! You noticed! :’D
Yes indeed and I was laughing away over here :D
I completely agree. Frank makes the game fun to watch. If he goes, where’s the drama? Where’s the strategy? Some might say that it will come from Da, but I don’t find her game interesting. Frank is like that constant thorn and love him or hate him, it is interesting and more entertaining to watch him work the game than most of the other players.
Frank can win comps.
So with 8 votes this week, it still could come down to a tie. Sadly James would break the tie and Frank will go over Bridgette. With that said, since Michelle (as she stated at the beginning) is a big Frank fan. She could use the veto on him (highly unlikely) and force James to do a renom. Who would he put up and who after being put could go home? For his game (Natalie) he wouldn’t want Bridgette to go so who would go.
James would force the “house” to make that decision, and if he is smart about it, he will make sure that everyone knows the house made the decision.
Even last year he couldn’t force the house and I doubt he is going to be smart about it because he thinks he is laying low. He doesn’t want a target on him out in the open if you can understand my rambling’s :)
Believe me, I thought twice about using the word “smart”, Although I still do like James as a person, his game play has been mainly defensive and not offensive.
Well if for some reason Frank stays the game the changed to defensive for James.
I agree.
Where is the bad in that lol
I cannot stand Paul!!!!! RAT!!
I don’t know know why they let veets come back into the house playing the same game. They play the exact same way that got them evicted the first time.
Frank is a competition threat who tried to manipulate people too soon.
Day spread lies that are beginning to come back to her.
James is letting other people play his game and has no real allies.
Nicole has her showmance again and once they are targeted she will be out right after Corey.
Michelle is the 11th person to win Otev.
We’ve all forgotten how totally obnoxious Frank is in person. He’s got terrible manners, isn’t a gentleman, picks on women in the worst way, bad hygiene, autocratic and bossy, and lies to everyone to advance himself. His ego was so huge he actually thought everyone was believing his lies and not talking to each other, he destroyed himself. Then he took over Gidgette’s HOH and made a mess out if it while being bossy and a dictator yet again. The guy never learns. All these commenters hated him a week ago and now want him to stay, wassup with that?
Paulie happened. I am still not a Frank fan at all. I don’t know if he has calmed the abrasiveness and arrogance because of him getting whooped or because of Production. Either way, he has, but I’m very skeptical of him. In the meantime, we’ve had the opportunity to see a side of Paulie that I find as unappealing as Frank, albeit a different type of unappealing.
I opened my eyes to Paulie early in the game! He has alot of people fooled and brainwashed.
EXCUSE me there Homey. I myself as several on here con confirm, have been a staunch supporter of Frank. So your theory in my opinion is out of line.
“homey” is racist.
Why is it racist?
In the context used, it is racist. He might as well have said “cracker”.
I live in BC Canada & have no idea what a “cracker” is??? For real.
Explain yourself pls
lol…Is “cracker” racist???
In the non-food sense it’s used by some non-caucasians to denigrate caucasians, and if I understand correctly, it’s somewhat akin to calling an Inuit an “eskimo.”
Not really. The inuit/eskimo analogy doesn’t really work. Cracker is typically a term used by both white and non-white people alike to refer to someone who is white and racist. It is more commonly used in the American south.
I’ve lived in the American south for decades. I’ve never heard an adult white person call another white person “cracker”.
It’s used in rap and by BLM supporters. Nobody else uses it.
Hmmm. Funny. I hear adult non-racist white people use that term to call out racist white people all the time. Clearly we move in different circles …. or generations.
If they are using the word in that way then they are racist.
Not to turn this into a venue for a discussion on race, but if you google the pejorative use of the word, you will find this on Wikipedia: “Cracker, sometimes white cracker or cracka, is a usually derogatory and/or offensive term for white people,[1] especially poor rural whites in the Southern United States.
In reference to a native of Florida or Georgia, however, it is
sometimes used in a neutral or positive context or self-descriptively
with pride”
And with that, I will bow out of this discussion and return to BB talk, which frankly, is a refreshing distraction from all the bull crap that is going on in the world.
I agree…. BB
So who do you think Victor will try to align with?
I have no idea! I haven’t seen anything since he got back. Has he tried to realign with Paul? Was there something with him and Natalie before he got evicted? Can’t remember.
Honestly I think he should try to align with ‘Da….. She’ll take him further than he would on his own & she can use him as a BB human shield. Lol
That might be a good play on his part. But do you think he’s coming back into the game with a new, more clever approach? Will he be strategic enough to make that kind of alliance?
Nope! But he should get his head out of his ass & learn the game as quickly as he can & get into the game.
No…I think he’s in his own circle on this. This is absolutely absurd.
The first time I ever heard the word “cracker” used to describe people was when presidential candidate Ross Peroit used it ..the term was “Arkansas Crackers” …
I like crackers.
I heard “hip hip hooray’ is racist too. lol
I’m sending you an Eskimo kiss. :D
That’s nice…. See it’s not racist, at all, to say that. It’s cute. And I’ve never heard of anyone being offended by that.
…and some crackers..with cheese.
white crackers with some black pepper…love those
I’m serious lol look it up, on the origins. Anti semitic…ridiculous.!
I hadn’t heard that.
But i have heard that PB&J and anything that starts with “white” or “black” is.
Christmas crackers? Or graham wafer crackers? I like ritz myself….. Lol trying to lighten it up!
But I just don’t see how ‘homie’ is racist? We use it up here as a friendly gesture just joking around.
‘Hey homie, what’s going on? Wanna go to Starbucks & get a coffee?’
I’ve never heard of cracker….but apparently I am one ??
Where I’m from we don’t call Inuit’s Eskimos. We are all just Canadian. Nobody I know has called northern Canadians Eskimos since like the 60-70’s…. Or even before then. It was used to describe someone not degrade them.
Yes, there are visual differences & I may use Greek or Chinese when in a conversation or describing someone but, we are all equal in my world over here on the west coast of BC.
From the US news I see there is so much discrimination in the states & I don’t understand it. African Americans have lived in the US just as long as any European so what’s the deal? Why (in some news stories I see) is there so much fighting &/or hatred amongst yourselves. ?? (I don’t mean any one directly on this forum but in general)
I just don’t get it? But there are 2 sides to every news story so….??
It’s sad when lives are lost due to uneducated actions.
Imo as a Canadian.
We do have a long and sordid history of racism in Canada as well. Consider our relationship with native populations. But that aside, who does everyone thing will win Big Brother this year? :-)
We aren’t lolling ourselves over it tho! And you might be from the East coast, maybe?
Paulie, if he can zip it for a few weeks!
Both, actually. Have lived from one end of the country to the other.
I’ve lived in the Vancouver area all my life minus 8 months in Calgary. I’ve never seen racism like it is in the states. We have killings etc but never due to race. It’s about territory.
There are like ppl in gangs & against another gangs but it isn’t about race.
I’ve worked in inner city schools & I haven’t seen racism. There are ppl with language barriers that stick to others that speak their language but it’s not over racism. iMO.
Vancouver is probably one of the most multi-cultural cities in the works right up there with Melbourne Australia where my sister lives. She also has worked as a teacher there. She’s never seen the race thing either.
I think if we all look at each other equally that the world would be a better place. We all only have one life to live & I choose to live mine without race obstructing my view of who a person truly is.
Rainbows & lollipops!
There are huge issues between police and people of colour in cities like Toronto and Montreal … and yes, the cops have shot black people (and other non-white people) in those cities. Things are not as overt at the moment as they are in the US right now, but racism is here. I’m really pleased to hear that you work in such a great environment, but not all environments are so safe for all people in this country. Your approach to life is great, and it would be great if everyone adopted that approach. Sadly, it is not all rainbows and lollipops for everyone.
And on another note: Is anyone watching Big Brother?
I honestly love living in BC becuz we are a newer province than Ontario & Quebec. We don’t have the same attitude toward racism maybe?
We really don’t have much racism here but I can tell you that the influx of immigrants has hurt our housing market. It’s great for homeowners cuz the value has sky rocketed. But for those young people trying to purchase a home in the area they grew up in are mostly SOL.
Our house has a value of almost 1.5 million. It’s absolutely nuts!! If we moved now we’d take the money & run to the Okanagan. Love it there. But hubby wants to stay here.
PC crowd’s agenda to divide is all it is. I don’t coddle them. I try to make light of it as often as possible.
You are wrong about
….what?! You can NOT be serious.
Take your bitchy little toxic PC marbles and GO AWAY
It’s amazing how little it takes for you to get upset and call people names. Go to your safe space and cry.
Hey look everyone it’s the Jozea of this Board!!!
Why don’t YOU take your toxic little bitch comments and GO AWAY. You add NOTHING of value to the discussion.
I’ve lived in the North and South of the US, and I can confidently say that “homie” is a slang word that means friends, and it’s used by members of all races.
LOL Only here.
No it’s not
Are…are you trolling? You have to be. Because that assertion is absolutely ridiculous. There is no way you can possibly think that using “homie” is even remotely racist- anymore than saying “dude” is.
I’ll be your homey, WW. :D
After James put up frank and bridgette natalie knows that paulie is playing both sides of the house
Exactly so maybe she can convince people to keep Frank so he can go after Paulie with the help of James, Victor and hopefully Paul but with Paul, that is a wild stretch.
I doubt anyone would believe natalie that paulie is playing both sides of the house. I know victor would go for it because of paulie backdooring him no one else would believe natalie who is the only one play honest and natalie is trying to show you can play big brother honestly
I don’t care how obnoxious Frank is in person. I care that he makes for a good game to watch. Also, fan allegiance with a player can sway as quickly as players’ can. Some days I love Frank, some days I hate Frank. For me, that makes for an interesting game to watch. I’m not hanging out with these people. I’m simply watching them play a game and who I root for shifts constantly. (Although admittedly, this season, I am not really rooting for anyone. Yet.)
I still support Frank, everyone in that house is a misfit and does and is still doing dirt. I’m support Frank until Julie shakes his hand good bye!
I am tired of the high school atmosphere and antics… I don’t care that they don’t kiss each other.. I don’t care that they dont make out or have sex while the cameras are watching ..I watch BB for the comps the arguments between HGs the lies and backstabbing.. The idiot females are in their 20s with established jobs and lives but they making it a “mans world” in the BB house….I believe that Corey & Nicole have established a “friendship” as Corey likes Nicole as a person but a true romantic scenario seems unlikely..(may be wrong as time will tell) Zak is being used by Paulie to keep Davonne off his back and shes a # when it comes to voting…Maybe James will “cheer” when he finds out that he might have blown his “favorite player” chance out of contention and Natalie can teach him a few moves/cheers when they get to the jury house.. The so called showmances are boring and stupid.. They don’t deserve the air time that CBS affords them…As of this posting I think Corey has the best grip on whats going on in the house as he does a lot more listening than talking.. He is clearly not trusting Paulie right now which is a very smart idea…CBS/ production is gonna have to go another route other than “fake mances” to keep viewers watching…
It’s interesting how little attention I’ve really payed to Corey. But you might be right. He listens and perhaps doesn’t talk so much (I don’t see the feeds, so could be wrong there). Corey might be holding a lot of knowledge and could emerge as a strong competitor. At least I hope so. I sort of feel like the edit he gets is as the pretty boy. I hope there is more going on there. Oh, and also, I couldn’t give a rat’s bottom about the showmances either, other than the problems the create for game play.
Corey does listen, and seems that he like Frank and wouldn’t mind joining w/him. Corey is spineless bcz if he try boss Paulie he is toast!
Right, if Frank leaves then I’m rooting for Corey at this point. So many people are being passive or straight up making stupid moves (I’m looking at you, James) so it’s definitely slim pickens.
I don’t have the feeds but after watching the last two episodes Paul is definitely getting on my nerves. He’s acted so cocky when he cast his vote and when Julie addressed the house. I hope him and his stupid beard are gone soon.
Agreed. And that beard looks like it’s full of filth and debris.
He acted cocky from day one, then became Paulie’s wussy and tried to always show off and please Paulie. He act like Frank suppose to not campaign. Paul makes me tick. Paul should try taking a bath and that will calm him down.
I hope something happens that makes James reveal to Frank that Paulie is the very person who wanted Frank and Gigglette OTB. I think it would rev Frank into another gear and it would also be the catalyst of much more revealing, house flipping info to come out.
great minds think alike lol.. see my post
Who’s Greta :-) …. just kidding. I agree with both of you. Also, I kind of wish I had a dog named Greta.
That would be a cute name for a dog. :)
I have two dogs. I could always change one’s name. The boy really looks like a Greta.
Before or after the plastic surgery?
He lost his boy bits a long time ago, so I think it could work. :-)
Lol, I was actually referencing Greta Van Susteren there, the only Greta alive that I know(I’m sure there are many more), but what you said works.
Ha! Totally missed that one.
James is not bright at all. The things they tell him in his face, seeing it everyday and he still can’t put 2 and 2 together.
I would like to hear James explain to Frank why he nominated him. reason #1 That conversation will happen if James “admits’ that he has been (he already knows he was Paulies pawn) used by Paulie & that it was Paulies suggestion to put Frank & Bridgett up…2nd reason Frank manages to stay and James knows his ass is grass and he tells Frank the truth….gonna be interesting to see how James covers himself …
James doesn’t need to “cover himself”. He’s the HoH and made his nominations. He doesn’t owe an explanation to anybody.
You Frank lovers sure think strangely.
If Frank stays James will need to cover his ass cause he is headed for OTB…Frank had no argument/ mistrust of James till he put him OTB.. and I am a lover of true BB game play not necessarily the player(s)
James is the type once he does something he sticks his chest out and say it is what it is, but really he was just used by Paulie. When someone comes after James he turns into a lil bih!
Not strangely perhaps as much as strategically. If Frank manages to stay, James needs to get onside with him so that he doesn’t become a target.
Why? Because Frank is bigger and stronger? Frank certainly isn’t better liked, smarter, or more hygienic.
Doesn’t matter. Frank is a stronger and I do believe, smarter, player. We’ve seen many players in the house who were not well liked succeed. Any one remember Evil Dick? Whether Frank is better liked or not is kind of irrelevant. At some point, players begin to think of the end of the game and who they want to be sitting next to. Frank can play the dislike card right to the end on the premise that the jury won’t vote for him. We’ve seen it happen time and time again. James needs to play smart here. Never burn a bridge you don’t have to burn.
good point….
My concern is that James will not play a smart game. James is well liked by players and fans, but even in his first season, he was not the most strategic player. Seems to me, he tends to stay on the strength of his social game, but I don’t think he has the chops to win. I seem to remember him making a really dumb move in his first season … during a double eviction maybe?
He put up shelli and clay another fake/farce of a romance …
He told Frank that same boring tale, that this is what the house wanted! I will be glad when this cat robber leave!
Is that Tiff’s hat that Victor is wearing?
News Flash:..Jessie Godderz is going to come out of the secret room wearing mankini.
Really happy to see Mean Meech starting to get into the game a little bit more. As much as I dislike how petty she can be sometimes (ok, all the time), I think her gameplay has a lot of potential so far. Decent under the radar early game, not really anyone’s target, has the potential to latch on to whoever comes out on top of the Frank/Paulie/Da’Vonne power struggle (almost definitely Paulie, but we’ll see), but also has a lot of potential to be the one to take a shot at Paulie later down the road…I’m pulling for Michelle at this point.
I really hate to see Frank leave as well. He’s a great game player and keeps everyone on their toes. I find the rest of the group very uninteresting and too obvious with their game play. One never really knows what Frank is thinking, he’s actually very smart.
Floaters annoy me and James is one of the worst. I know that’s his strategy, lay low, sneak around, and make everyone think he’s allied with them.
Paul or ‘your guy’ as he refers to himself is just annoying and now that Victor has his confidence back he’s probably going to be just as obnoxious as he was at the beginning of the show.
Unless there is a real twist to the game, Frank will probably go home on Sunday. Don’t know if I’ll continue to watch.