Big Brother 18: Live Feeds Details Released – Cast Reveal Date, BB Marathon, & More

CBS has released to us the first details on the summer’s Big Brother 18 Live Feeds coming up next month when the new season debuts on June 22nd including the Big Brother cast reveal date.

Big Brother Live Feeds & BB18 preseason marathon
Big Brother Live Feeds & BB18 preseason marathon – Source: CBS

We talked with CBS today and learned a lot of key dates and details about the Feeds including when we’ll meet the Big Brother 18 cast and the launch of a Big Brother marathon on All Access!

Once again this year CBS is offering up the Live Feeds as a way to watch Big Brother in real-time as it happens via dozens of cameras and microphones around the BB18 house. We’ll be able to watch the Houseguests plot and plan their next moves, developing showmances, and even big endurance competitions for Head of Household. Here’s what we know so far on what’s coming our way.

Big Brother 18 & Live Feeds Key Dates:

First up is the Big Brother Marathon that has taken over the usual BB Live Feeds in All Access. They’re playing every episode of every Big Brother season back to back starting this morning through June 9th. If you missed any of it you can jump back to specific seasons or episodes in the All Access archives.

Cast reveal is going to be awesome. We really liked how they rolled it out last year with the Feeds while our interviews were taking place so we could live Tweet the event and meet them together.

So yes, we’ll get the Feeds starting up after the second episode of the season like we’ve seen the past few years. Let’s hope that doesn’t mean any sort of “fan favorite” BotB, right?

More important details on this season’s Live Feeds on All Access:

  • Price will be $5.99/month after one-week Free Trial
  • Stream your Feeds on Apple TV, Roku Players, Chromecast, Android TV, Fire TV, and Xbox 360
  • Watch Big Brother episodes live stream in All Access (depending on market)
  • Unfortunately Canada is again not able to sign up directly since All Access is still US-only
  • Jeff Schroeder will be doing eviction interviews

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  1. Reminder, “fan favorite castaways from “Survivor” is on the Price is Right tonight.

  2. Matt, is the day you fly in for your interviews, been set already ? I guess it has to be close to the 13th. If it is like the other year, the HGs will go in the house on the 17th.

    • Still awaiting final details on the event, but if the Feeds live event is the 13th then I expect we’re doing things the same day.

      Entering the 17th sounds about right to me.

  3. Why is Clay in the front…… and JMac in the back… what kinda foolishness. Also I’m glad that CBS loves Da’Vonne as much as I do. I was sad that she left so early, she has a great personality and is very entertaining.

  4. Really enjoyed seeing the castaways on The Price is Right tonite especially Boston Rob, Kelley W and Joe Anglim ~~ what fun!

      • Looking forward to seeing which BB houseguests are on ~~ of course, would luv to see Caleb. Hoping Ginamarie, Dr. Will, and some of my other favs are on.

      • Not as exciting for me, Wed. is The Amazing Race fan favs but I’ll definitely watch it.

      • I enjoy The Amazing Race ~ they race so fast I have a hard time remembering their names ~~ LOL! This past season I was rooting for the mom/son, and the 2 gay guys. I too shall be watching TAR Weds. on the Price is Right.

      • I do enjoy it a lot. We were rooting for the same teams. The Amazing Race Canada starts soon, do you watch it?

      • No Mary, I haven’t watched TARC ~ my plate runneth over with so many other shows I’ve been enjoying for many years. Have fun with your TARC ~~

      • Hopefully no taxi stealers this seasons. Sad tha just about every winner TARCAN has except S2 are quite unpleasant, to me at least.

      • It drives me nuts that the teams don’t fully read the clues and have to do challenges all over again, happens every year Canada and U.S.

  5. For anyone that’s interested, tonight on the “Price is Right”: Popular “Big Brother” contestants Frankie Grande, Britney Godwin, James Huling, Will Kirby, Janelle Pierzina, Rachel Reilly, Da’Vonne Rogers, Jeff Schroeder and Ian Terry.

    • Mary, you are the Queen of updates now! You go girl! I for one am glad that you keep us posted because I have brain farts on a regular basis LOL

    • WOWSER Mary! Thanx so much for the ‘spoiler’ ~~ I was hoping Frankie would be there. Will, Janelle, Da’Vonne, and Ian are icing on the cake!

  6. Ugh. I hate that CBS starts BB so late into the summer. It should’ve started last week. And it’s going to be late September when BB is over, way after summer is [unofficially] over. Drives me crazy since this is a “summer show.” By the time Sepetember rolls around, I’m already over BB. It’s autumn as far I’m concerned.

    • It used to start after the July 4th holiday, so a mid/late June start is a pretty sweet deal. Then since fall season doesn’t really start until mid/late Sept they keep the BB season going until then.

      • They were doing 70 to 80 days back then. Now we get close to 100 days in the house.

  7. Price is Right tonite: I enjoyed seeing all the BB people (except Austin and the twins ~ notice how he was seated in the back row while the twins were a ‘safe’ distance away from him in the front with James?) Happy for Wil that he won for his charity.

  8. How come Canada gave us live feeds BUT USA won’t? That seems backwards to me. Or maybe it’s all about the mighty dollar? $$$$ so sick of it being that way!!

    • Tink, short for “Tinker Bell”? That’s always what comes to mind when I see your name. From one of my favorite childhood fairy-tails.

  9. Is the marathon commercial free? Watching episodes on CBS All Access is too frustrating with commercials every other minute.

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