Big Brother 18: James & Nicole Finally Talk & Votes Are Decided

We waited all day on the Big Brother 18 Feeds for James and Nicole to have their talk and it finally happened shortly after midnight last night. They needed to make a decision whether to vote out Da’Vonne or Tiffany at the upcoming eviction.

Nicole Franzel plans eviction votes with James

As the talk started both agreed that they needed to have everyone on board so they aren’t caught in the middle. James soon admitted to Nicole that he was completely serious about being willing to vote either way. So how did the talk go?

Flashback to 12:11 AM BBT 7/21 Cams 3/4 to find James and Nicole sitting with Natalie. Natalie has “no idea what’s going on” so let’s just ignore her like the rest of the house does.

Nicole can’t tell if James is being serious when he says he would vote either way, but he promises her he is. James says what is best for our game is to figure out who each would team up with and target. They don’t particularly think Frank, Bridgette, and Tiffany are going to come after them as opposed to going after the others. Nicole points out that Day has specifically said she was targeting the couples, but James says, “that can be controlled because she’s not going to win [comps].”

Nicole worries that if Tiffany stays she could throw the HoH comp and make her vulnerable, but if they save Tiffany then she’d be indebted to them. James doesn’t think they could override Frank’s controls.

Here’s yet another bizarre concern. Nicole thinks if they keep Da’Vonne in the house then she’ll team up with Frank. That’s the second time we heard that with Paulie making the same suggestion earlier that evening. They are listening to Frank actively campaign to save Tiffany while desperately wanting Da’Vonne out, but some of them are worried that if they keep Da’Vonne she might work with Frank? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! Tiffany has one win. Da’Vonne has zero wins. Tiffany is working with Frank. Da’Vonne is targeting Frank. Tiffany has demonstrated the capacity to win and work with Frank. Hurts my brain.

James suggests “fool me once” and that’s all it takes. Nicole relents and says they should just vote Tiffany out and move on. She says this is Tiffany’s third time on the Block and third time is the charm so “lets get her out of here.” They talk about chances of winning comps and agree that Tiffany has more of a chance to win power than Day.

Here could be the clincher. James points out that sending out Tiffany will “cripple Frank” and forces him to do what the house wants with limited support otherwise. They’ll have an easier time working with and influencing Frank with fewer tight allies around him, James suggests.

And with that Nicole heads off to let Corey know the decision. He still doesn’t like it and meets back up as a group with Nicole, James, and Natalie. Flashback to 12:27 AM BBT as Corey continues to argue in favor evicting Da’Vonne.

Corey keeps telling James that Day has it out for the guys and while she might initially target Frank and Bridgette she’ll next turn to Corey or Paulie as a backup target. He’s also convinced that Da’Vonne would never vote for a guy at the end and suggests Day has it out for the guys.

James remains unswayed and begins to argue that if they keep passing up their chances with evicting Tiffany then it’s going to come back and bite them and they’ll have no one else to blame. Along the way in this talk Corey gives in and says fine, he’ll vote out Tiffany, but he’s clearly not happy about it and wants them to agree that they send Day out in the next 2-3 rounds.

So that’s all done and decided. Right? Oh, here’s James in the closing telling Corey to let him know if they change their mind. Oh good grief. Go to bed you knuckleheads.



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      • because Day is dangerous. Even though she most likely can’t win any comps, she talks too much. She tries to get ppl to go after each other instead of her and causes so much drama. She did this all to herself by opening her mouth. She can’t be trusted. and when you can’t trust someone they need to go in this game.

      • Hate to say it but Da is OTB by her own hand. She was sitting pretty and not at the top of anyone’s radar when she started that mess with Frank & Tiffany. Now her chickens are home to roost and there she is roosting on the block. SMH.

        If not for her meddling, it might have gone a lot differently.

      • exactly. so the cbs show made it look like Tiff had not thought of putting her up until she realized she was freaking out.. which meant she didnt trust Tiff or knew Tiff should put her up. Is that how it really went down or is that CBS’s edit?

      • Thanks. I don’t watch feeds but I try to be active here so that I’m getting the real story.

      • That’s exactly right so I can’t understand why Day blames Tiff for all her problems. Day isn’t the least bit sorry for the way she’s been tormenting Tiff.
        I really don’t understand Day’s attitude to put it mildly.

      • Drama is good on BB, I want it at all times! And not the drama tiff the miffed brings. No toddler drama for me, I want the grown-up kind that Da brings.

      • Da and “grown-up drama” don’t really go together. She stole Tiffs stuffed animal and hid it on her

      • Did she steal it or hide it? If she stole it, not it isn’t funny, if she hid it, yes it is funny. Have a wonderful day.

      • theft: the action or crime of stealing

        stealing: taking another person’s property without permission or legal right

        Explain how she hid it without theft.

      • It would have been funny if she was playfully doing it but she did it just to be an a**hole. Everyone else plays pranks on each other but don’t do it out of bitterness

      • Day continues to bully Tiff and hiding Tiff’s gorilla was just another example of this.

      • That is the one reason to get her out. She is a Russo, those girls have probs and I don’t want to see it on BB anymore.

      • Because Day deserves to go more than Tiffany. She is the queen Thug, a shit-stirrer supreme, not a person that deserves to win BB, or even to make it to jury where she can continue to shit-stir. Day going would limit the amount of bullying by the mean girls and maybe show future BB HGs that that kind of game play is unacceptable. I mean, the past bigotry/racism that was so ugly was no worse than this disgusting behavior. Even in a competition show like BB, no one deserves to be treated with such premeditated hatred, bullying and vitriol that comes from a deep seated evil heart. People with that mindset should not be rewarded.

      • You just had to throw “thug” in there huh? The things that day are doing are not on the same level as those season 15 b*tches. Those are thugs. Day doesn’t come close. You real stupid for saying thug

      • Da has showed her cards and she needs to go! Maya Angelou said, once a person show you who they are, believe them the first time.

    • For Tiffany to survive eviction, she needs to last second:

      All she needs is 1 vote against Natalie, so…. Get 4 solid votes from Frank/Bridge and Corey/Nicole. She could then mastermind a plan with her 4 by (Tiff) calling a truce with Day saying ‘we are both at the bottom of everyone’s totem pole’ and get Day to have Paul, Zakiyah or Michelle to vote out Natalie as a way of breaking up a showmance and leaving James in the weeds. Tiffany could also have her 4 votes keeping her to relay the same information of wanting to evict Natalie without anyone telling James.

      Day would be evicted with 4 votes against. I’m surprised Tiffany and Frank haven’t considered this option. Risky, but it could work last second.

  1. I don’t care if Tiff or Day leaves tonight as long as they don’t come back tomorrow. Whichever one doesn’t go can go after Frank or Paulie gets evicted next week.

    • See I’m the opposite. I want whoever is evicted to come back .
      Mainly bc i dislike all the ones that have been evicted or more that i dont think they’ll contribute anything to the game

      • Because I like him better than the rest, and he didn’t get a chance to actually play.

      • lol why because he’s older? Older people have fared well on BB before, and Glenn could’ve certainly done the same but he just didn’t perform well enough.

      • I think he’d roll with Paulie. When he left, he was anti-vets. Might be an NY-NJ thing – IDK.

      • We didn’t get a chance to see his gameplay. And all of these HG’s need a kick in the balls with someone new. I’m tired of the girls thinking they are on the Bachelor and the guys, ugh! So maybe Glenn will bring something new to the BB table.

      • I would just like to see their faces if Glenn came back and they have to realize that he won 4 comps to do it!

      • valid points. I’d be ok with Glenn coming back. Really as long as its not Josea i don’t care.

      • I hated the “Messiah”, but at this point I wouldn’t be too upset if he came back. At least he would bring some drama back to the house and the feeds. The feeds have been so boring with Nicole and Z on the dating show that BB has become.

      • Agree with most of you. Glenn got a raw deal and is a SUPERfan who may have some great insight and actually have a strategy. He may be super smart & the first team challenge really didn’t show his strengths. He has years of experience dealing with/leading others. His life/work/people-related experiences are far more valid than any of these younger people can bring to the table. The last team comp that he lost was a photo-finisher. I think he got robbed. He deserves a 2nd chance to show us what he’s got. I know he will be a target immediately but maybe his presence will be welcomed by some. There’s always that possibility. I want to see how it would shake out.

      • Me too because he’s older and I’d like to see him walk into this teeny bopper summer camp and tell them what to do. He’s had leadership jobs before and could change the entire dynamics of this season with some grown up influence.

  2. Tiffany (and probably the entire Rousso clan) should be in an insane asylum. Day just sucks at this game, but I can tolerate her for another week.

  3. Does the returning HG have a chance at winning HOH this week? If they have a live HOH does the returning HG get a shot at winning..if they are not coming back in until tomorrow night?

    • What’s the thought process that led you to think your second question is logically sound?

    • I’m hoping this is a shock to houseguests and that nothing is said to them tonight. BB can always make the returnee safe by having them now join the current HOH’s team or something.

    • We don’t know exactly how the battle back competition is going to play out. According to Hamsterwatch, Julie didn’t say anything about the HOH comp being live like it normally is and like she always does. Maybe the final battle back will take place tonight (after the show), and the winner will get to compete in the HOH comp Friday. I’m sure we’ll find out tonight.

  4. I think that one of the problems they do not consider when saying “Day doesn’t win…”, is that there are still 2 other people on her team that MAY win HOH in which case Day is also safe. I think that they are only thinking short-term and that will bite them in the ass.

  5. If the local CBS station here in Rochester decides to cover the convention tonight instead of BB, I am going to scream. They covered it last night and I am guessing they will do the same tonight. Crap!

    • I hear you. It was on when I turned on the tv at 8. Thought I was in the twilight zone or something. But a crawl at the bottom read that BB would start after the convention ended. Luckily it was only about 15 minutes late but they did show the entire episode of BB.

      Hopefully tonight they stick to the schedule!

      • But the problem is that if you’re trying to DVR the episode it gets cut off and you don’t get to see the whole thing.

    • When I miss an episode I go to CBS . com / big brother and watch it there – it’s free. I believe it available after midnight.

    • Over here in Jersey CBS doesn’t cover the convention until 10:00 so I’m hoping Big Brother will be shown tonight.

  6. The guys need to wake up and get together. Frank, Paulie, Corey & Paul. Brigade 2.0. Frank and Paulie are both huge targets so they need to be protecting each other as you never want to be the lone big target in the house. That group would win most comps and when they don’t win they have solid side alliances with the girls (Bridgette, Z & Nicole) to keep each other safe. Do it. DO IT. I’d be so happy if Frank went to Paulie, hit him with some logic and agreed to vote out whomever he wanted this week.

    • Hahah – I said the same thing to someone yesterday. But they should call themselves the Duhgade!

    • Paulie has too big of an ego in the game at this point to work with frank, maybe later on when the numbers are down.

    • Paulie already had something like that in mind. He claims his F4 are James, Corey, and Paul, and they’ll only use the girls for as long as they need to. Problem is, I don’t see Corey having more allegiance to Paulie over Nicole as N/C have become intimate.

      Has anyone ever chosen the side of a friend over a serious romantic interest in BB history? Generally speaking, the girl usually wins over the friend ;) Paulie better watch out!

      • Ha! They were making out in bed a few nights ago, and making a lot of movement under the covers. The other day N/C were having a conversation, and Corey asked Nicole if she’d told anyone what they’d done so who knows what that means lol. Nicole is def his type as far as looks go (she looks like his ex), and we all know Nicole is obsessed with Corey so that’s why I think they’re getting serious about their relationship.

  7. Corey should use this week to throw in a hinky vote, making it 5-3…it’s gonna drive Day and Paulie NUTS and take attention off his showmance.

  8. If Paulie really wanted to get Frank out (which would have avoided this whole mess of a situation) he should have threw the HOH comp. By him winning, it ultimately kept Frank off the block. I hope this “team thing” ends soon. I think it is a horrible twist to a game that is socially and competition driven.

    • If Paulie had thrown the HOH then Frank would’ve won and since they’re on the same team they couldn’t put each other on the block.
      The team aspect has certainly helped the vets stay in the game longer.

  9. I see that tiff the miffed once again made a big deal out of nothing, braidgate. She thinks that was being hit, not even close girl. What a crybaby!

    • Crybaby seems to be the perfect term.
      Reminds me of her sister, exaggerating events and then crying for sympathy.

      • THANK YOU! She also said on the feeds that she is the only one playing correctly because she is playing with her emotions. Huh??? Dumbest game play imo. These people really need to realize emotions get in the way of good game play. Evidence, Nicole and Z with their moping, doping and mooning on Corey and Paulie. What a waste of time that is on BB. Save it for later girls, when the cameras won’t catch you looking so foolish chasing guys on a reality TV show that isn’t meant to be a dating show.

    • Totally agree, but my thoughts were also for Da to play more with her cards closer to her chest and not let her emotions get in her way. I wish she was playing right now with the confidence that she was staying – insecurity does a real number on her, whereas confidence brings out the smart and fun part of her.

      • Yes, Da needs to reign in those emotions, no doubt about it. And she shouldn’t have done it to begin with, made her look like a chump, hugging Nat and give the hairflip to tiff the miffed. Not a good look for her at all!

      • I just think if nic and z were not busy nurturing two dudes and instead nurturing a team who might really be interested in going to the end with them (instead of 3rd base), they could actually be in the game.

      • I agree. If Nicole & Z would have stuck to the plan of “using the guys” to stay close, Da, Nicole, Z and Meech (maybe Tiff) they could’ve been the 1st closely successful girl alliance.

      • I agree ! She started off well & I liked her but her complete 180 turn makes her a nasty wicked witch . All she does in the DR is talked about how much she hates Tiff & Frank, everyone already knows that Day !! Geez atleast Tiff’s DR sessions aren’t as harsh on ppl. The hair flip, hugging Nat, was totally uncalled for & for that alone I’d vote her out ! Grow up Day , it’s a game not a movie called Mean Girls

      • I still like Da, not a very popular opinion, but she was the one to give tiff the miffed a “little talking to” about how tiff needed to get it together. She now needs to take her own advice. Get it together Da!

      • All Da did was settle her down pain & simple, probably with an alterally motive. As Tiff was crying don’t u remember Da & Michelle laughing at her while she wasn’t looking. Da has lied to every single person in that house, caused all the drama, and blamed Tiff for all of it. Now she knows Frank & Tiff figured it out & her real character appeared.

    • I don’t mind Tiffany leaving, just so I don’t have to read “Tiff the Miffed” anymore.

  10. Welp, you can’t blame Frank for lack of trying. I’ve seen him have at least 5 talks this week in favor of keeping Tiffany over Day. It’s safe to say that Frank campaigned more than Tiffany for her to stay lol. I believe they still have one week to get Day out before Jury because the buyback happens this week. They’d better act soon as she lies unnecessarily and she doesn’t seem that fun to be around. If she makes Jury then they’d be stuck with that for the rest of the summer.

      • lol! True. But it seems to me like she’d be a bitter jury member. Look how she acted at the POV ceremony! She’s gotta go.

  11. What is so funny about this, and I don’t know if it will happen this week or later, there will be so much debate about two targets that Corey is totally confused and accidentally votes the wrong way.

  12. I really hope this sticks. I want Tiff out. I am worried about her winning her way back in though. I want Glenn or Bronte back in..
    I think James is right. If she just keeps slipping by then they could be putting themselves in a lot of trouble.

    • No doubt James remembers not voting Vanessa out of the game when he had the chance to do so.Tiff needs to go first and then Day.

      • I get that, but Tiff feels more dangerous to me. She has clawed her way back up and could continue to slide by, while Day has pretty much shot her game and burned a lot of bridges. I don’t see Day coming back from this.

      • Tiffany might be more likely to “come after them” if she wins HOH, but Day has a much better chance of destroying their games, like she did Tiffany’s. Which is more dangerous? I’d say the latter.

  13. I don’t know if I blame the houseguesta for being lazy and treating the whole thing like a summer vacation or if I blame production for not making the game more twisting and exciting, or if I blame casting for not finding better recruits for houseguests.

    What I do know is that after watching a conversation like that I really feel like I’m watching a fish tank In the movie Idiocracy.

    Where is the actual game playing? Where are the big moves?

    • They always promise this year twist and turns and it be no twists or turns anymore like it use to be. I had my share of BB, I’m about to do away w/it like before.

  14. Nic/Zak all they talk about are their showmance. Their heads are not in the game. Nicole constantly talking about Christmas Corey who’s not even in to her. It’s ridiculous for somebody to come back the 2nd time and be wrapped up with a crazy showmance….and Zak is another junk in the house. They need to get down to business They’re both ruining the BB game.

  15. I’m hoping Day stays in the house. She brings more to the game than Tiffany does.

  16. After watching last night’s BB episode I’m more than ready for Day to leave tonight. Especially after watching Day’s DR session where pure hatred was in her eyes as she talked about Tiff outsmarting her.
    Day should blame herself for her present predicament – not Tiff. Day began stabbing Tiff in the back while pretending to be her friend so how could she not realize Tiff would eventually find out what she’d done?
    Lies, lies and more lies, I’m done with Day.

  17. I don’t like Tiffany just like I didn’t like her sister. If a sibling is gonna come on the show they need to establish their own identity. This chick with the stupid hats (like her sister) and bandana wearing (like her sister) and emotional outbreaks (again like her sister) need to go ASAP.

    • I think that no matter how Tiff changed up her game she will always be compared to her sister. She is fighting an uphill battle.

  18. I assume Da may show out after the eviction by acting arrogance towards Frank and may act a little cocky. James is a sorry wuss!!

  19. These people are truly neurotic! I feel as if I’m on some merry go round. I’m dizzy, now nauseous listening to these people and their indecisiveness. Is this why they’re not working? ???

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