After spending the past few days in the Big Brother 18 house demolishing both Frank’s game and her four-strong Vets alliance Da’Vonne Rogers is now discovering maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.
Things really picked up on Saturday after Da’Vonne felt slighted by Tiffany’s actions in the Veto competition where she attempted to beat out Day despite having promised to throw the competition. From there things snowballed to Da’Vonne setting Frank against Tiffany, then the house against Frank, and then reviving old alliances and setting up new ones. Now that the dust has settled Day is having some serious regrets.
After Day worked so hard to get everyone going after Frank a new alliance emerged involving her close ally Zakiyah. Zak proposed to Paulie that she and Day along with Corey and Nicole form a new 5-person alliance. See any problems there? Da’Vonne + (Nicole & Corey) + (Zakiyah & Paulie). That’s right. Day would be working with two showmances. Terrible, terrible position to put yourself in especially considering the strong position she just gave up for this.
Flashback to 2:48PM BBT 7/6 on your Live Feeds. Get the Free Trial now to watch.
Da’Vonne is with James in the Have-Not room. She’s telling him about Zakiyah wanting this five person alliance. Day is in tears as she continues to say “it’s not fair, it’s not fair.” She blames the whole situation on Tuesday’s events and Frank tearing apart their alliance of the four Vets. Actually it was Day who made this happen, and Frank thinks they’re all still good working together.
James is just confused why he keeps getting left out of things as he’s learning about everything second hand this season. Maybe he should stop chasing girls and play the game, huh?
Day explains to James how she knows Paulie & Zakiyah along with Corey & Nicole are all targeting Frank (which she made sure was happening). James, not knowing that Da’Vonne caused this, suggests maybe they could use that to their advantage and tell Frank so he would target that four and break them up. Day doesn’t want that (as she could be identified as the source).
Want to know how much Da’Vonne regrets her decision to have Frank targeted? Jump ahead to 8:21 PM BBT. Day is with James at the dining table when she whispers to him that maybe they need Frank after all. Oh good grief.
Move ahead to 9:11 PM BBT to find Da’Vonne and Tiffany. They’ve been in the Have-Not room for the past thirty minutes talking about what to do with Frank and this 5-person alliance that’s been proposed to Da’Vonne by the two showmances. Yep, she’s spreading that news quickly.
Tiffany has a plan for dealing with the couples. She proposes that if she wins HoH then she’d put up Zakiyah and Paulie, then if Da’Vonne wins she should put up Corey and Nicole. Day doesn’t exactly deny the idea, but says they should only put up one in the first set of noms then use the Roadkill to nom the second to hide their intentions.
Well my oh my what a few days it has been for Da’Vonne. She went from a strong Vets alliance, a mostly solid eight person alliance, and a Fatal Five alliance to this disaster. She broke up the Vets by casting out Frank. She intensified Tiffany’s danger by getting Frank to want her out immediately thereby breaking up the Eight Pack. Then she ejected Tiffany from FF only to then bring her back in a few days later before letting Tiffany know it’s over again. Then her close ally of Zakiyah? Yeah, she doesn’t trust her anymore over fears of a showmance with Paulie. Is your head spinning?
Now Da’Vonne is left with a proposed 5-person alliance with two showmances, an isolated partnership with James, and another pairing with Tiffany. Well that probably didn’t go to plan.
The funny thing is that none of this likely matters until they’ve got a new Head of Household. Those results will spawn new plans and define the week’s direction. On the plus side of that is no one wants to throw this week’s HoH comp anymore and we should have a good run tonight at the power.
I greatly enjoy Da’Vonne, but the woman is a mess at this point. She spent the past few days thrashing around after getting paranoid and managed to cut a hole in the bottom of her boat only to cry that it’s not fair that she’s got a hole in the bottom of her boat! Good times ahead. Can’t wait to see what she does next! What do you think of this mess?
I visualize Da in over her head, losing her cool, thrashing around while attracting the sharks. She is worried about her weave. Can’t say it hasn’t been entertaining. She’s bait.
Good I hope she’s out fast – I don’t even enjoy watching her
She’s almost annoying! Same thing being said with different words but same body language!
?? Boring….??. Say that in a musical voice!
Lololol I hummed along
You know, last year I thought she got a bum deal early on. This year, I now see why they did what they did a year ago. It is time for Day to go.
Why, because she is playing the game. I wonder what you would do if you were in her shoes. Its a game that makes people paranoid on a daily basis.
The way I see it, non one in the house is your friend. Everyone else in the house wants you out just as you want everyone else out. However, you can’t do it alone. You will need help, you will need people to fight it out and lay low but not so low or so battle tested that you are on their radar. Day is running around the house, running her mouth without even thinking of the outcome if these people every get smart enough (like they did last year) to compare notes. She has every reason to be paranoid, she created this mess for herself. Wouldn’t you agree to that at least.
I agree 100%! She runs around as you said, running her mouth, and then dissolves into a puddle of tears at the first perceived pushback
I’m sure they’re all paranoid! I get that’s part of the game but her crying…… Pleazzzzaaa! Then her running around telling everyone else others business & alliance plans??? that is not so cool!
She’s flipped her damn weave!!!!!!!
Literally & figuratively!! Stupid girl, Momma Day! Come’on!!
Well what do you expect? Frank is targeting her and Nicole probably is too. Of course Day is scared. It’s not smart to keep Paul rather than Tiffany.
No I don’t like her, or her game play
I would calm myself down, stop playing so hard and start watching. Her position in the house had her there til at least week 8. She had 8pac & fatal5 being coupled with the fact that nicole & frank are clearly bigger targets. At one point, i had her pegged to slide by both double evictions and sitting pretty in the final 5 to a possible eviction before jury. And that’s why @Wrongway Willie is right
I agree – I thought she got a bad deal last season, but now we know better
I wonder why?
Neither do I. Leave already.
Hope so!
She doesn’t even have a weave you ignorant piece of excrement.
Exactly lol
What are you talking about? Do not be rude and call people names
Why you gotta be like that!? Seriously?
You called Day stupid so yeah she can be like that. Day has more fans than haters.
How do you know she has more fans than ‘haters?’ Which is name calling as well…..
Sweetheart, Day most definitely wears weave. Its just done to the 9s. Her hair may be that long, but the weave makes it look more full. And she’s right, you shouldn’t call ppl negative names
I think I meant because it was in braids. I don’t refer to box braids as weave.
I knew this was going to happen. She doesn’t think things through and now she’s all over the place. She’s either going to be the first vet out or the Vanessa of this season.
I hope Day goes home next week
I hope not. I want to see her dig herself out of the hole she created.
Me too and she will.
Agreed. She definitely doesn’t think far enough ahead. She’s starting to crack, and I see her blowing up big time. When that happens, that’s it, out she goes.
First one out PLEAZZZZA!
That is what I said! She is all over the place! She is overplaying like Audrey and V last year! That blowup with V and her attitude got her evicted last year! She was playing much better game until the past few days or week as all these conversations and alliances keep changing day to day hour to hour! She is over playing like F and he needs to go now too! She was going to have 4 other people try and blindside tonight’s eviction by sending Tiff home. Then she decides she wants to keep F and Tiff for now and forms new alliance with 2 possible showmances Zaulie and Nicorey! She needs to chill and let things happen and get rid of remaining players from Josea’s team! Save the tough moves for later! I know Pre-jury she wants F and Tiff gone! She is upset she has new alliance but it actually will benefit her in the long term! She now has 3-4 alliances! 8pk a fake 5pk with Tiff the new 5 person alliance and her F2 with Zak! It was obvious to me last year she is just the type of player to over play and cannot chill! There needs to be a balance! There are so many side deals going on with most people in the house and it is not so clear what will happen especially when more drama comes! I would love to team up with Zaulie Nicorey James and Nat!
I cannot stand Da’Vonne. She is so paranoid and it’s of her own making. I don’t think she has a clue what she’s doing
Right? I wish CBS brought back someone that wouldn’t waste everyone’s time in the house, let alone our time watching her melt! Boo Hoo Miss Day, boo Hoo!
I seriously question CBS’s strategy with casting this year. Paul knows nothing about BB, Day is a waste of space, Nicole is there for showmances (seriously girl you just started this summer and are already with someone, I feel so sorry for Hayden having to watch this), Paulie is entertaining to watch but I feel he is going to try toooooo hard to live up to his last name (which am I the only one that feels Cody really didn’t do much his season?, he got to the end thanks to Derrick) and that will be his downfall…. Some newbies have potential. I see it in Bronte who has the brains for the game and seems to be a good competitor, and even Victor although his ship is pretty much ready to sail. Please CBS if you choose to bring anyone back next season make sure its worth the trouble… Janelle would be my first pick followed by Dr. Will and Danielle (Reyes). Now that would be worth the watch.
I think Nicole is playing the best game in the house. And she already told Day she would get rid of Corey. They’re not in a showmance they are just friends. He stated he has a girlfriend. Bronte has done nothing except align with the biggest ass in BB history Josea. That’s why she’s going very soon.
True Josea has been one of the worst players in BB history & one of the biggest asses! Perhaps you’re right & he’s been the BIGGEST ass!
Evil Dick was too…. Trying to think of more asses….?? My head is too full & can’t get to that info…. I’d not be a good player cuz I’d forget what ppl had told me….. No memory here! Duh!? Lol
Hahahaha you are too funny.
I liked Evil Dick’s season – he was entertaining, even if it made you cringe
Cringe so true…… Lol
Having a girlfriend outside the house doesn’t always stop a showmance…. LIZTIN!!!
But Nicole doesn’t like him as a showmance. She has stated she only likes him as a friend. If you remember on her season even though she was with Hayden she and Cody were always flirting. It meant nothing.
Corey has GF back home? If Bronte had teamed up with other people she would be in better spot but she will be gone in the next few evictions with Tiff and F after Vic goes tonight! Lots of crazy side deals happening the past few days! The whole house is twisting with new small alliances! James is winning over Natalie! I am mixed about this as I want to be her BF after the show! Nicole seemed to really be into Corey!
Nobody’s who’s placed 1st or 2nd should be brought back to compete against newbies.
But they brought back Jordan Season 13, and Evil Dick
Doesn’t mean it should happen again.
Yes! Agreed!
Cody was a terrible player. I feel like they picked Paulie because he’s hot.
He’s growing on me. I think he’s a good player, with a lot more savvy that Cody had (obviously). Go Paulie!
I like Paulie too. I was never a big fan of Cody though.
I agree! He’s much better than Cody. I was shocked at sustainability word he pulled out of nowhere
Having a hot guy or 2 just makes the ladies watch…..?
& maybe a few guys too!
But seriously if the house guests were below average, not good looking or didn’t have some shtick would you watch it?
I’d probably try it but I think it might become boring like this years heading!
If they played well, sure I’d watch. You can see good looking 20-somethings any where, any time.
Exactly. If they know the game, cool. If they don’t know even the basics, it’s annoying.
Paulie IS playing well…..he’s been on the block, he’s not a target – for now, (they all will be eventually) & he’s playing smart.
I don’t mind Paulie because he’s not dumb and knows how to play. Same with Natalie, I think she’s pretty smart. But people like Victor/Paul/Bronte ?.
The one that bothers me the most is Tiffany but I’m supposing they are trying to recreate the Vanessa drama especially with Davonne.
I like Paulie – yes he’s easy on the eyes. No complaints from me
When they’re casting HG’s they’re just prioritizing if they fit into a certain type – such as the gay guy, the country boy, the ghetto black girl, etc. Being able to actually play the game is not a requirement.
Nicole is actually playing a good game in my opinion. Everybody likes her, and nobody is scared of her despite her big move she made in week one. I agree that Danielle Reyes/Janelle/Dr. Will should’ve returned though. Especially Danielle or Will since they’ve not played since season 7
If anyone should get the chance to come back, it’s Eric from season eight. The guy got ripped off by that America’s Player twist.
Wow, we see this show from polar ends of the spectrum. I think Nicole is playing smart, and I don’t feel one bit sorry for Hayden. He had his chance; she wants a family and he doesn’t. Move on (but not with Corey, who is a dolt). I never, not ever, need to see Dr Will or Janelle again. What do they have to prove? I’d rather see all newbies than any returning vets, unless, Like Da’Vonne, they got evicted fairly quickly.
Corey is blander than bland. If he wasn’t around Nicole all the time, I’d forget he was in the house.
Honestly can Nicole not play this game without a crush?
I think not, she seems more free this season too. I guess shes not so shy anymore about being such a sap this season.
First her then Tiff!
It’s a repeat of last season. She tried to turn the house against one person and got everybody wanting her gone.
You’d think she would of learned something.
Some people *never* learn. Others think they don’t have to because they’re specially protected in some way which makes them immune from wrong. I’d better stop here.
Seems like we all want her gone too!! So long, farewell, advedazane goodbye!
I don’t know German so please don’t attack my spelling there……go ahead and correct me if you feel the need tho! Educate me please….
Not going to attack, but my sister speaks German pretty fluently….auf wiedersehen (literally, “until we meet again”). :o)
Thank you!
My grandparents came over from Germany & spoke mostly German in the house until one of the kids came home with a bad English mark. From then on she barely spoke German…. English to educate the kids.
My mom remembers very little German. I do wish that they spoke German & taught the kids so I could’ve had a second language & passed it onto my kids! Too bad…..
Da’Vonne thinks she’s smarter than she is. And that’s usually the first sign of eviction especially since she’s not capable of winning any comps to save herself. Oh well. Bye girl!
You’d think she would learn from her mistakes last year, but apparently not…geez! With this crap she’s been trying to pull she deserves to go home next week imo
and to turn on her girl Z like its nothing? she’s learned nothing about bb
Yeah right! I thought Day would at least give Z the benefit of the doubt before jumping to conclusions about telling Paulie that Frank want to evict Paulie and Corey when it was Ms. Nicole who told Corey.
I’m still hoping she will pull it together and stop letting her emotions get the best of her. But damn it’s hard to keep rooting for her when she keep running her mouth about stuff she shouldn’t.
Agree! I was actually rooting for her in the beginning, but she is not using her brain this time around either and it’s just frustrating. Oh well, bye Da!
She wanted to shuffle her own deck of cards so yeah she deserves everything that happens to her. Hopefully somehow she can shuffle her way out tho.
I liked Day from BB17, but here she’s a mess. She’s pretty much doing what Audrey and Vanessa did last year. Honestly, can you make up your mind? Do you want Frank out, or do you not? And stop running around in circles, it doesn’t help. Man she’s all over the place. And I don’t see much hope for her in this game if she doesn’t get her stuff together.
But Vanessa made it to the end. Obviously, that paranoia helped her. She almost won if it weren’t for that last HOH comp between her and Steve.
True…. but then again Vanessa did have more of an influence than Audrey or Day have ever done
This is the best synopsis I’ve seen….you nailed all of it. Day and Tiff are both completely undependable and paranoid except one cries a lot and the other talks a lot.
How did this moron get a second chance on this show?
Which moron?
There are plenty of them in the Big Brother house this year.
LOL! So true!
I liked Day in the beginning. I thought okay she’s nothing like she was last season but she sure did a 180. She talks about Tiffany being paranoid but she’s twice as bad. She needs to shut up if she wants to make it far in the game. As far as trying to get rid of Frank I agree. He needs to go. He wants to control everything his alliance does. Telling who to throw comps, who to win comps and who to take HOH I if they win and who to get rid of. Who the hell is he? Just like when he told Paulie about the 8 pack without talking to his alliance just to save his ass. Then his 20 different alliances. And when you don’t agree with him he yells and gets very aggressive. He doesn’t want any of his team to go before jury. Of course because they’re votes for him but he wants everyone else’s players gone. Don’t like his game play again this year.
I agree with this completely! Da’Vonne going after Frank isn’t a bad idea. It’s the fact she has completely done like a thousand switcharoos with different alliances and allies, her indecisiveness kills me. She’s a literal mess LOL
And he needs to keep his damn hands to himself.
I agree.
Well said!
I only want her to stay so she can start digging out of the hole she’s putting herself in ! Then she can sit back and watch the dirt she has spread start covering her up!! Tiffany don’t even come close to the paranoia she’s got going on!!
It’s gonna be a bit of a mess in the next week or so. A lot of different information going around in the house and taking someone else’s info and running around with it. A lot of mistrust across the board…We might see 8Pack explode inwardly with the next HoH…Fun!
Anyone heard from redroses this season?
Oh yeah..redroses.
You mess with a Russo you gasta go
It’s the Russo that needs to go & stay gone! Long gone shlong!
Why the Russo family could become the new Hantz family 5 appearances on CBS shows in 4 years
No thanks! Not interested in watching families with no boundaries, ethics or integrity!
“no boundaries, ethics or integrity”….? explain that please. Otherwise, your response is just crap.
If you need clarification on this comment you need to watch her game. i get that most of the houseguests lie in this game but imho there’s a difference in the game Russo’s playing.
She’s got no boundaries, ethics or integrity. Lam I not entitled to my opinion based on a game?
So none of the twins’ families either?
That’s right! Yuck!
There is no Russos playing this season. Gotta get the name right because that’s what that family banks on! LOL It’s Rousso! hahaha
I have to say, though, between Frank and Da, they’re definitely keeping things interesting—for us viewers that is. While I expected better game play from the vets since it’s their second time around (you know, because hopefully they learned something the first time and aren’t just playing for the experience), it’s only 2 weeks in and haven’t been bored reading about them on the feeds. But seeing Da unravel this early in the game is disappointing. She needs to get it together before the house starts turning on her too. In fact, all the vets need rally together…it’s not too late.
“That’s right. Day would be working with two showmances.” UMMMM… as far as I know, Nicole and Corey don’t have anything going on. I could see Paulie and Z, but Corey and Nicole?!
Why not Corey and Nicole? Oh that’s right, he’s a super straight guy with a girlfriend. I almost forgot.
He just seems so dumb.
The 8 pack alliance is in for a real surprise when they find out someone is coming back into the house. They are going after each other way too soon and will be weakened by the time a person comes back. By leaving the other side of the house in the house they will become the weaker side and will be picked off by people motivated by revenge.
I liked Day and thought she was one of the most intuitive people in the house. But she can;t control it so she is losing her stuff due to paranoia – unfounded paranoia.
Tiffany would never go against the alliance unless she felt the alliance was weakened – and now it is. I think Franks is getting carried away but I also think he would have been loyal to the vets to the end – until now.
Perhaps Day should get a meeting together with the vets and clear the air to get back on track.
Which is exactly why the constant suspicion over Tiffany is ridiculous at this point in time!
The girl trusts Da’Vonne more than Da’Vonne trusts her.
She trusts the person has been actively plotting against her for days.
That kind of trust is not the sign of a person who will go against an alliance.
I think Tiff’s all for the 8 pack alliance, and the smaller Fatal 5.
But it’s the people around her that are questioning her, which warrants her to be suspicious and paranoid.
But they are all paranoid! Why is Tiff getting the all the blame for being too paranoid?
I was sad when she got voted out early last time, but she obviously did not learn from the first experience. She played way too hard this week and this should have been a low key week with the evictee pretty much predetermined.
Pitting Tiffany and Frank against each other seemed like a good play, but she should stop there and quit stirring the pot so much. I have a feeling she goes crazy being bored in the house and unfortunately her solution is to come up with crazy plans. Chill!
And the alliances continue to crumble….
Only way to cure this is to win a HOH.
Day is a damn lunatic, for all the completely unneeded drama she’s started this week she deserves to go home next Thursday.
Gotta love how Da was concern about Tiffany paranoia costing her game when it was her paranoia and playing too hard that’s sinking her ship.
Time to put Day at the back of the bus and kick her out the emergency exit!!
I really hope you’re saying that without any intention of invoking the historical connotations of sitting at the back of the bus.
All she had to do was play it cool and quietly cooperate with the house plans to evict Victor this week. That’s. All.
What on Earth is she trying to accomplish by going at it so hard this early in the game?!
I like Day but she is clearly not bb game material. She might just get lucky and nit have all this drama come back on her with a brand new HoH and their new agenda for next week, but she’ll likely be back to her destructive ways quickly thereby putting a huge target on her back.
What a shame. I still like her but she’s going to be gone soon.
I like Day, but I think she needs to go at this point. Either that, or she needs to pull it together… She’s losing it! lol
I think that Day can take advantage of the 5 person alliance, stick with Paulie/Zakiyah or Nicole/Corey and make a F3 deal, but meh! tbh I hope they work with Michelle or James over Da’Vonne.
How long do you think it’s going to take for Frank to figure out he’s in trouble? There is an awful lot of chatter going around about him for it not to get back to him. If they really want him out they better do it quick. Don’t know why Day can’t just calm down. Part of her problem is she’s the type who has to show people how much she knows when she should keep things to herself. She’s really been all over the place. I think that Frank is going to catch on to what Day has been up to and start his damage control. Frank has the ability to stay calm and work the problem, while Day is very emotional so I think he might survive. Good chance Day is gone next week.
Da’vonne needs to be Da’gone.
I told ya so. Two days ago I saw this train wreck crashing before my eyes so NONE of this is a surprise. Up until the veto comp this week she was doing a pretty good job laying low. Once paranoia set in she became a basket case and her game went straight down the tube. She will blame everybody else but herself too. That’s how she always roles. smh
’tis the nature of the beast.
You betcha.
But she’s still not in Chima’s (lack of) class.
Ya reap what you sow!
LMAO SEE… I told ya! She is all paranoid about Tiffany being paranoid yet Day is the worst of them all! And I called it!
Now she’s super paranoid and boo-hooing!! love it :-)
I actually like Victor, he is so clueless it makes him lovable!
I kinda wish Vic stayed too. Get rid of Russo!
no get rid of Brontë. The only reason I would want Tiffany gone and obviously Victor went home so it’s too late anyway but the only reason I would want Tiffany gone is because I defended Vanessa all last season and I just don’t want to have to defend her again all season even though she’s not playing! LOL oh and by the way hello :-)
Da’vonne included too many people in her plans to evict Frank. Hopefully things will still work out if she wins HOH, but I’m sure she will back out at the last minute. Telling Paulie and James could be a mistake. Don’t know what happens after this.
I was disappointed to see Day back this season. She will be easy to vote out when the time is right. Tiffany really needs to quit being so openly paranoid. The whole crying thing gets really old and no-one including the other house guests want to see that. If wasn’t a smart game move for Tiffany to obviously “not throw” the veto competition. She knew that she absolutely could not win, or could not take herself off the block. Even Paul made a much smarter game move for himself by not picking Victor to play in the veto comp. Paulie did the right thing in taking Paul off the block, he deserved it.
Did you ever think that Tiffany might just be a sensitive person? I don’t think she’s using that as an excuse. You know there are genuinely emotional people in the world. Yes, the crying is hurting her, but I just think that’s who she is.
Yes, I agree that the emotion that Tiff shows is more genuine than the seemingly fake behavior of her sister Vanessa. I secretly kind of like Tiff but many of her annoying similarities to her sister won’t help her make it far this season.
I secretly kind of like Tiff but there are are too many annoying similarities between her and her sister Vanessa. I think Tiff is more genuine, alot of Vanessa’s emotional breakdowns were fake. For Tiff to go far, she is going to have to control her paranoia and not resort to vindictive scheming like Vanessa did. She needs to maintain her bond with some strong players and keep it light. Obviously it would help if she can win some comps.
HAHAHA Day! Talk about karma; Day richly deserves her present predicament.
And that’s the truth!
I love it Karen. Day was getting on my nerves so bad – guess that comes with turning 60 :D
I want all her nefarious plans brought to Frank’s attention with Day going up on the block this week.
It does make for a very exciting and expect the unexpected type of week. I have no clue what Bridgette will do, but I bet Frank will be on her like a gnat on a dog pecker. hehe
HAHAHA! You naughty girl :D
Bridgette is going to be a wildcard; I’ve seen and heard so little from her I don’t have a clue if she’s with the all girl group or not. Guess we’ll find out – BBAD should be good tonight.
It’s just you and me so I can be a little naughty, unless that offends you. If it does, you tell me, seriously. Sometimes my corny joking isn’t funny to others.
What is going on In Texas? God help America.
No you don’t offend me at all with your humor – I need every laugh I can get.
I’ve been gone all day so I’m behind on all the news. I’m glad I no longer live in a large city. So horrible what happened in Dallas isn’t it?
I wouldn’t intentionally offend anyone. If someone gets huffy with me, it’s according to what they say, but I might try to put them in their place. I’m here to have fun. Even when things don’t go my way, which is often, I might sound upset, but I would be using sarcasm. I LOVE to laugh and you are so much fun to post with, even if we disagree, I’m fairly certain that we could make it fun.:D
This Dallas stuff is horrible, just horrible.
I was over at Jokers and it seems Tiffany is a goner this week. I’m hoping Tiffany blames everything on Day and that Day ends up on the block with Tiff. Good times! Right now Day has edged ahead of Tiff on being unlikable. Day is downright vicious.
I had a problem with someone yesterday who insists their opinion is the only right opinion and argues and argues and argues until I agree that my opinion is all wrong and there’s is right. It became unpleasant but I’m just going to ignore them and hope they leave me alone.
I don’t want any discord either here and just want to enjoy my BB addiction; especially with all the horrible stuff going on in the world. All this senseless killing going on is depressing.
I seems you’ve been busy lately and I’ve missed talking to you; I hope everything is ok :d
My granddaughter had all of her wisdom teeth extracted this AM so I am just getting home. I fell asleep last night before I could reply to your post.
Sounds good…Da and Tiffy OTB together. I’m going to try to catch up after I post this. No telling what has happened by now.
There are always those type of people you were talking about. I didn’t see that convo, but I’ve ran into a few of those on this site. Thank goodness they are few and far between. If it rains and I don’t have my grandchildren, I’ll be on more often. Otherwise, I am very, very busy. Been in green beans and corn. I’m sure you understand. Talk with you soon. :D
Hey K, I need to get busy too instead of feeding my BB addiction, so much to do here as well. Don’t get overheated in your garden, it’s hot as blazes here.
My wisdom teeth were impacted and I had to have them removed when I was 15. My jaws were so swollen I couldn’t eat, drank milkshakes instead. Being young I was soon up and at ’em after 3 days so I hope your granddaughter will soon be feeling better. I had to have oral surgery instead of having them pulled so the stitches were painful.
I feel so bad about Joni’s lost pet, I do hope she finds her. In this hot weather a deceased pet will almost disappear in one day as I experienced personally. Only fur and bones are left after one day. Sharona has started a prayer chain for Joni at her church.
I just assume everyone here at BBN are good people and I’m always surprised when someone behaves in such an ugly manner. I’m not going to fret about it though since we can now block the unpleasant folks. I do understand that emotions will run high when a fave is in danger.
I needs to go to Jokers and catch up too…I’m waiting for stuff to start happening concerning Day when Tiff has a Vanessa style meltdown.
I just read the last thread so I’m caught up on BBN, and I’m on my way to Jokers. Thanks for the sweet reply about my granddaughter. She has stitches for 2 of them. She dreaded the IV most, and of course, they had to stick her twice. I went and bought her a big container of her favorite yogurt, NY cheesecake, at di’lishi (the name of the store), some KFC mashed potatoes with gravy, and Karma green tea water. That’s what she wanted.
I hope Joni finds Maggie. That was so sweet of Sharona. We are a little community here, except for those few “bad apples” we talked about earlier.
I do NOT wish to see a Vanessa style meltdown. Once, and you are O U T, out!
Wow! That thread on Frank’s behavior last night was awful; hate to see him tanking his game so swiftly.
Yum, cheesecake! Green tea is supposed to be so healthy, I’m going to see if I can find it at Walmart. She might even gain weight from this experience :D
I was knocked out so my suffering was minimal; must’ve been torture for your gd if she wasn’t. Some chicken noodle soup and rest on the couch for a few days and she should regain her strength.
I’m off to Jokers when I get a few things done around the house. Can’t wait for the noms and meltdowns. Poor Paul! He might break Amy’s record at this rate.
How is Day ruining her alliance.from What I’ve been seeing she’s been observing how Frank is worrying about his own game making side alliances with everyone, getting people to do his work while he sits back and and lets things fall into place for himself.
I don’t think it’s entertaining, it’s just plain sad, the way she was playing last year cause me to stop watching due to her poor gameplay, looks like she didn’t learn anything. Why are ppl even calling her a vet? She has about as much experience as the original 12.
If Day goes this week, there will be numerous ppl who have more experience playing the game once versus her multiple run. She’s an utter crash dummy.
My ex accused me of being with every woman she seen me with. The jealousy was cute until she cussed my mama out. Being a little paranoid in the bb house is healthy, but Day has a real problem, and I’m afraid she’ll never even get to know what the jury house looks like. She’s shaping up to be one of big brother’s worst players in history