We’ve got the return of our weekly Counting The Votes column with Big Brother 18’s first eviction vote coming up on Thursday night. There are three Houseguests on the Block and one HoH which leaves us with eleven votes up for grabs, but Jozea wants all twelve…
Only two days to go before the vote and the plan remains on to keep this week’s target shrouded in the darkness and so far it’s working. So which Houseguest is about to meet Julie Chen? Let’s count the votes.
To set the stage, Jozea, Paulie, and Bridgette are on the Block. Bridgette replaced Paul. One of them will be evicted Thursday night during the first live show of the BB18 season (9/8c).
The house currently stands well divided with the Eight Pack alliance plus Corey facing off against the newbies and their Revolution alliance. We can see these divisions, but as we heard again last night, Jozea and company have no idea at all just how bad things are for them.
Jozea has revealed his “Secure Seven,” a voting bloc he has completely confidence in and believes will save him. Flashback on your Live Feeds to 12:13AM BBT 6/28 to hear Jozea breakdown his anticipated supporting votes with Paul and Bridgette.
The “Seven” includes Paul, Victor, Bronte, Natalie, Zakiyah, Da’Vonne, Frank, and maybe, just maybe even James. Jozea believes these Houseguests will vote to keep him.
Bridgette countered Jozea saying she expects it to be a 6-5 vote in Jozea’s favor, but he disagrees. She expects Tiffany, Corey, Michelle, and maybe even James to go against Jozea. She’s right, but Jozea refuses to see that it could be even worse than that.
Paul suggests they only way Jozea will be in trouble is if Da’Vonne betrays him. She has and she will. Neither Zakiyah nor Frank or even James will be voting to keep Jozea.
Right now I’d put the vote at 7-4 against Jozea Flores and in favor of Paulie Calafiore.
twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">Oh, and here's a sneak peek at Thursday's vote reveal for #BB18: pic.twitter.com/2baOdSvpTb
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) June 27, 2016
Based on the Feeds we can expect to see the Houseguests going against Jozea to include James, Tiffany, Frank, Da’Vonne, Michelle, Zakiyah, and Corey. Voting to keep Jozea will be Bronte, Paul, Victor, and Natalie. Bridgette is unlikely to receive any votes against her.
There’s still time for big changes, but I really don’t see it happening. About the biggest change of plans for Thursday would be if Jozea discovers the plot against him before Julie Chen reveals the vote. Frank hopes to keep it a surprise for the Revolution alliance so their heads are spinning heading in to the next HoH comp. Good plan. Let’s see if they can pull it off.
What do you think will happen on Thursday night? Is Jozea heading out the door or will we get a surprise ourselves?
Now which one do we prefer? Jozea and crew completely in the dark until Thursday and then watching the speechless shock on live tv OR Jozea and crew discovering beforehand and going bananas on the feeds?
Winners either way but I will trust the vets know what they are doing by freaking out the disciples last minute so they’re shaken up at the HoH comp to follow. ;)
If that’s the plan in theory… the Spy/Powerpuff Girls are the other side’s only hope at winning HoH. They’re the only people who might be able to see the writing on the wall before live eviction.
P.S: Bridgette is totally Bubbles. Not sure about the other two…
“…which leaves us with eleven votes up for grabs, but Jozea wants all twelve…” – Matt, you are awesome!
There was a time Jozea was counting Bridgette’s (the re-nom) vote to keep him. How do you question the messiah?
She is on the block now. :)
Paul told him she can’t vote. lol
That must be the 12th vote? Ha ha ha ha
lol I am gonna enjoy this on Thursday night
man oh man.
If vote is 7-4, will not be hard for vets to know who the 4 are. Paul may give us hyper paranoia for the next week trying to figure it out though. But at least he’ll have another story to share after this is over. ha ha. Just please keep your pants on, Paul! #beoriginal
Bronte is very high on the target over Victor, particularly Nicole. Maybe they’ll keep Paul at the moment. It’s Bronte’s outspokenness of targeting the Vets, that gets back to them. They feel she’s the one girl that has real direction in the game.
it does seem like she has moments of clarity too, but falls back into stupidity. yikes. i say put bronte and vic up and paul as rk nom
I don’t disagree with them on that point. Take her out and Paul is left with no brain + the Spy Girls are -1 (Wifey SpIce).
“With eleven votes u pfor grabs… but Jozea wants all twelve…” HAHAHAHAHA
I can’t wait for the thursday, will be one of the most epic evictions in the big brother history hahahaha.
I’m so happy they’re keeping it as a blindside. So many times last season they told the person they were the target out of respect so they wouldn’t be caught off guard. The person almost never reacted as dramatically as you expected them to. Then they were all like friendly to everyone leaving. I love when they’re blindsided and throw a bunch of shade on their way out, often revealing secrets/outing alliances. I’d sacrifice an hour of drama on the live feeds for an explosive eviction. Plus, if they know ahead of time, they’re more likely going to campaign harder and then there’s a chance they could end up staying. Let them feel confident and then show them the door.
I agree. It is more fun to watch when they don’t know what’s coming.
The only eviction I can think of from last season that was total blindside and HILARIOUSLY WONDERFUL was when Austin was evicted lol! He had no shoes on!! LOL!!!
Hope Jozea can´t find out about the blindsight. Even Natalie will be voting for him, since she got mad with him this morning about something.
Oh wow I’m recalling the glorious blindsides of David and Nick from S15. I cannot wait to see the looks on Jozea, Paul and Victor when the voting results are read. I think he’s insane enough to go off as he is leaving. But I’m sure Davonne will leave him a great message about him being the Messiah lol
aahhh, you know she will. forgot about that. that is gonna b a good one
I’m looking forward to that (DaVonne’s good-bye message).
I would, too. Hope she can – before Jury. I did see where James cautioned someone to “be nice” in the GB messages in case someone returns to the game. But Da’ – yes, please!
It’s kind of ironic that last year most people wanted Da to tone it down just a tad. Now we can’t wait to see her take it up a notch or two for her goodbye message. hope they show it if she does.
loved the clip, but im hoping for more than that little ole sigh. heeheehee. i so hope they stay delusional until the results are read
Thursday is Live so they can’t have a clip of that yet, but I see a bigger drama queen reaction from Jozea than what is in that clip.
I’m hoping nothing gets leaked about the vote. I want to see a memorable blindside. Hopefully after this eviction the feeds will get more exciting. They’ve been so boring.
Are you watching today? Haven’t opened my feeds.
No haven’t even watched today. I’ve been busy, now making dinner. I usually turn them on around 10/11 at night. That’s when usually things start to happen. But not so far this season. I’m hoping after the eviction drama starts. Lol. I’ll be turning my feeds on immediately after Thursday’s show.
When Jozea gets evicted, in his head it will be because he’s the greatest threat Big Brother has ever seen, not because everyone thinks he’s an a**hole.
Yep, that is probably what he will say.
I’ll be looking forward to the audience reaction, then, if he goes with that speech.
Moral: Don’t run your mouth in a competition. That will make people turn against you
Wouldn’t it be the Eight Pack alliance plus Paulie not Corey? Bc isn’t Corey already in it?
I think Jozea will be in such shock that he’ll meekly exit the house.
Remember last year Jase and the tall bearded dude were the target at first for simply being obnoxious, then after Jase was evicted, the focus shifted so the Bearded One was saved to wreck havoc and fish finger others.
It kinda happens again this year, the Messiah and the short bearded bloke are the target at first, but once the soon to be President of His Own State is evicted, the Bearded One will be safe since the focus has been shifted to Vic & Bront. Well … history keeps repeating itself.
Interesting point! We shall see what happens. Once Jozea is out I would go after Bronte or Victor. Bronte is the brains for their little group. Paul will have to go find others to join and he will be like lost puppy! Those should be the 1st 4-5 with Bridgette going also even though she reminds me of Meg as a pawn but way meaner!
Does anyone know how to watch the highlights from the live feeds on your phone? Every time I go to the non app version I can get the highlights to show up but when I click on them a box pops up for the video but it never plays. It’s just a black screen.